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Topic: Beklemishev's worms

Kenny Lau (Dec 31 2018 at 12:44):

def next_aux (N : nat) : list nat -> nat
| [] := 0
| (hd :: tl) := if hd < N then 0 else next_aux tl + 1

def next (m : nat) : list nat -> list nat
| [] := []
| (0 :: tl) := tl
| ((n+1) :: tl) := let index := next_aux (n+1) tl,
    B := n :: list.take index tl,
    G := list.drop index tl in
    ((++ B)^[m+1] B) ++ G

-- Beklemishev's worms
def worm_step (initial : nat) : Π step : nat, list nat
| 0 := [initial]
| (m+1) := next m (worm_step m)

#eval (list.range 52).map (worm_step 2)

-- It will terminate
theorem worm_principle :  n,  s, worm_step n s = [] := sorry

Kenny Lau (Dec 31 2018 at 12:44):

Try to fill the sorry :P

Kevin Buzzard (Dec 31 2018 at 14:09):

It's like Goodstein's theorem. I'd never seen it before. Nice! Is there some proof using ordinals like Goodstein?

Kevin Buzzard (Dec 31 2018 at 14:10):

Could you make it so that the proof is dec_trivial?

Kevin Buzzard (Dec 31 2018 at 14:11):

add some clever decidability instance

Mario Carneiro (Dec 31 2018 at 19:40):

Not really. (See https://www.researchgate.net/publication/27709556_The_Worm_principle for the original proof that this function terminates.) You can make any theorem provable by dec_trivial because if it's provable then it's decidable, but the really important part of this argument is the well-foundedness of a particular order. I would suggest mapping to onote

Mario Carneiro (Dec 31 2018 at 23:33):

Here's the ordinal function:

def build_aux : list nat  list nat × list (list nat)
| ((n+1) :: l) := let (l', L) := build_aux l in (n::l', L)
| (0 :: l) := let (l', L) := build_aux l in ([], l' :: L)
| [] := ([], [])

def build (l : list nat) : list (list nat) :=
let (l', L) := build_aux l in l' :: L

theorem build_lt (l : list nat) :  x  build l, sizeof x < sizeof l :=

local notation `ω` := ordinal.omega
noncomputable def map : list nat  ordinal | l :=
if  x  l, x = 0 then l.length else
list.sum (list.pmap (λ a h, ω ^ map a) (build l) (build_lt l))

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC