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Topic: Euclid's proof from LftCM 2023 tutorial

Moti Ben-Ari (Nov 30 2023 at 12:20):

In the first tutorial the following proof of Euclid's theorem that there is an infinite number of primes is given:

theorem Euclid_Thm (n : ) :  p, n  p  Nat.Prime p := by
  let p := minFac (Nat.factorial n + 1)
  have f1 : factorial n + 1  1 := Nat.ne_of_gt <| Nat.succ_lt_succ <| factorial_pos _
  have pp : Nat.Prime p := minFac_prime f1
  have np : n  p :=
    le_of_not_ge fun h =>
      have h₁ : p  factorial n := dvd_factorial (minFac_pos _) h
      have h₂ : p  1 := (Nat.dvd_add_iff_right h₁).2 (minFac_dvd _)
      pp.not_dvd_one h₂
  exact p, np, pp

I don't understand the line le_of_not_ge fun h =>. It seems to be decomposing ¬ n≥p into n≥p → False. How does fun h => do that? I don't think I've seen this syntax in MiL.

Eric Wieser (Nov 30 2023 at 12:28):

Moti Ben-Ari said:

It seems to be decomposing ¬ n≥p into n≥p → False.

That's because this is the definition of ¬ (docs#Not)!

Moti Ben-Ari (Nov 30 2023 at 13:18):

Sorry for not being clear. I know the definition of negation, but the previous occurrences of n≥p → False that I have seen have used intro to make n≥p into a hypothesis and False into a goal. How does fun h => do work in this situation? Would it be possible to use intro instead?

Eric Wieser (Nov 30 2023 at 13:24):

A rough analogy is that in term-mode, fun x => by foo is the same as by intro x; foo

Eric Wieser (Nov 30 2023 at 13:25):

Or alternatively, in tactic-mode exact fun x => y is the same as intro x; exact y

Damiano Testa (Nov 30 2023 at 13:25):

In this case, this is essentially equivalent to what you see:

theorem Euclid_Thm (n : ) :  p, n  p  Nat.Prime p := by
  let p := minFac (Nat.factorial n + 1)
  have f1 : factorial n + 1  1 := Nat.ne_of_gt <| Nat.succ_lt_succ <| factorial_pos _
  have pp : Nat.Prime p := minFac_prime f1
  have np : n  p := by
    apply le_of_not_ge
    intro h
    have h₁ : p  factorial n := dvd_factorial (minFac_pos _) h
    have h₂ : p  1 := (Nat.dvd_add_iff_right h₁).2 (minFac_dvd _)
    exact pp.not_dvd_one h₂
  exact p, np, pp

Eric Wieser (Nov 30 2023 at 13:26):

What's relevant here is that everything after the have np : n ≤ p := is in term-mode not tactic mode, but I think MiL tries very hard to pretend that term-mode proofs don't exist (as they're harder to learn to write, and often less readable)

Moti Ben-Ari (Nov 30 2023 at 13:50):

Thanks! I am looking into Lean for teaching math and tactics really are easier than terms.

Damiano Testa (Nov 30 2023 at 13:56):

All the have ... := ...s in the proof above can be converted to have ... := by exact ... (I think, I did not test it).

Moti Ben-Ari (Dec 05 2023 at 14:59):

For the benefit of other newbees, I am trying to modify this program to use a minimal number of Lean constructs: tactics only, no anonymous, explicit applications of tactics and rewrites. This is as far as I can get:

import Mathlib.Data.Nat.Prime
open Nat

theorem Euclid_Thm (n : ) :  p, n  p  Nat.Prime p := by
  let p := minFac (factorial n + 1)
  have f1 : factorial n + 1  1 := by
    apply Nat.ne_of_gt <| succ_lt_succ <| factorial_pos _
  have pp : Nat.Prime p := by
    apply minFac_prime f1
  have np : n  p := by
    apply le_of_not_ge
    intro h
    have h₁ : p  factorial n := by
      apply dvd_factorial (minFac_pos _) h
    have h₂ : p  1 := by
      apply (Nat.dvd_add_iff_right h₁).mpr (minFac_dvd _)
    apply pp.not_dvd_one
    exact h₂
  exact p, np, pp
  1. Is pp.not_dvd_one an anonymous projection? If so I should be able to do something like apply not_dvd_one pp but I get unknown identifier. How can I get rid of the projection or whatever it is?
  2. I also want to get rid of the anonymous constructor in the last line. use p works, but I want to do this step-by-step. I tried constructor to prove the two subformulas of the conjunction in the main goal separately using np,pp but couldn't get it to work. Help would be appreciated.

Kevin Buzzard (Dec 05 2023 at 16:07):

  1. pp has type Nat.Prime p so pp.not_dvd_one means Nat.Prime.not_dvd_one pp.
  2. Replace exact ⟨p, np, pp⟩ with show_term exact ⟨p, np, pp⟩ to see what the actual constructor used was. It's Exists.intro.

Moti Ben-Ari (Dec 05 2023 at 17:42):

Thanks, Kevin. I searched the entire collection of Lean documentation and couldn't find any mention of the syntax{ left = ... , right = ... }. But I found another way of doing it that should be easier to understand for newbees:

apply Exists.intro p
    · exact np
    · exact pp

Kevin Buzzard (Dec 05 2023 at 18:09):

{ left = ... , right = ... } is just the default constructor for And(it's a structure and those are the names of the fields). You could use And.intro.

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC