I'm looking for some tips on figuring out what an identifier actually refers to - or help troubleshooting what I'm perceiving as shadowing, I guess. On line 216 of the attached file, I'm getting the following error:
tactic ' apply' failed , failed to unify
List.elem x disj = true
List.elem x disj = true
It looks like it should work... My goal state is the following:
disj : List AllOf
context : Request
h_no_match : ∀ ( conj : AllOf ), conj ∈ disj → AllOf.eval conj context ≠ MatchResult.is_match
h_indet : ∃ conj , conj ∈ disj ∧ AllOf.eval conj context = MatchResult.indeterminate
x : AllOf
hx : x ∈ disj ∧ AllOf.eval x context = MatchResult.indeterminate
a : List.isEmpty disj = false
h : ∀ ( x : AllOf ), x ∈ disj → ¬ AllOf.eval x context = MatchResult.is_match
hx' : AllOf.eval x context = MatchResult.indeterminate
⊢ List.elem x disj = true
It seems like everything should be referring to the same x
and the same disj
, so I'm not sure what's going on. How would I figure out which x
the goal is referring to? And how would I see if that x
is the same as the x
in hx
If this looks like a bug, I can try a newer version of Lean and report back. I'm doing this in v4.2.0
right now.
To save people a download:
import Mathlib.Data.Prod.Basic
inductive MatchResult where
| is_match : MatchResult
| no_match : MatchResult
| indeterminate : MatchResult
deriving DecidableEq , BEq , Repr
instance : LawfulBEq MatchResult where
eq_of_beq := by sorry
rfl := by sorry
inductive XmlType
| string : XmlType
| boolean : XmlType
| integer : XmlType
| double : XmlType
| time : XmlType
| date : XmlType
| dateTime : XmlType
| anyURI : XmlType
| hexBinary : XmlType
| base64Binary : XmlType
| dayTimeDuration : XmlType
| yearMonthDuration : XmlType
| x500Name : XmlType
| rfc822Name : XmlType
| ipAddress : XmlType
| dnsName : XmlType
deriving DecidableEq , BEq , Repr
instance : LawfulBEq XmlType where
eq_of_beq := by
intros a b h
induction a
all_goals induction b
| rfl
| contradiction
rfl := by
intro a
induction a
all_goals rfl
def Primitive : Type := XmlType × String
deriving DecidableEq , BEq , Repr
theorem Prod.beq_iff_fst_eq_snd_eq
{ α β : Type } [ BEq α ] [ BEq β ] [ LawfulBEq α ] [ LawfulBEq β ]
( a b : α × β ) :
a == b ↔ a.fst == b.fst ∧ a.snd == b.snd := by
apply Iff.intro
{ simp_all only [ beq_iff_eq ]
intro _
trivial }
{ intro h
simp_all only [ beq_iff_eq , Prod.eq_iff_fst_eq_snd_eq ] }
instance : LawfulBEq Primitive where
eq_of_beq := by
intros a b h
rw [ Prod.eq_iff_fst_eq_snd_eq ]
rw [ Prod.beq_iff_fst_eq_snd_eq ] at h
simp [ beq_iff_eq ] at h
rfl := by
intro a
rw [ Prod.beq_iff_fst_eq_snd_eq ]
apply And.intro
all_goals simp
structure Bag where
contents : List Primitive
deriving DecidableEq , Repr
def Bag.beq ( b₁ b₂ : Bag ) : Bool :=
b₁.contents.all ( fun x => b₂.contents.count x == b₁.contents.count x )
instance : BEq Bag where
beq := Bag.beq
inductive Value where
| primitive ( p : Primitive ) : Value
| bag ( b : Bag ) : Value
deriving DecidableEq , BEq , Repr
instance : Inhabited Value where
default := Value.primitive ( XmlType.boolean , "Indeterminate" )
structure Attribute where
category : String
identifier : String
issuer : Option String
value : Primitive
deriving DecidableEq , BEq , Repr
instance : LawfulBEq Attribute where
eq_of_beq := by sorry
rfl := by sorry
def Request : Type := List Attribute
deriving Repr
def Identifier : Type := String
deriving DecidableEq , BEq , Repr
structure AttributeDesignator where
category : String
identifier : String
type : XmlType
issuer : Option String
must_be_present : Bool
deriving DecidableEq , BEq , Repr
structure Match where
function : Identifier
designator : AttributeDesignator
value : Value
deriving DecidableEq , BEq , Repr
namespace Match
def eval ( m : Match ) ( context : Request ) : Option Value :=
match m with
| Match.mk fn designator value =>
match designator.eval context with
| Sum.inl result =>
let results := match result with
| ( Value.bag ( Bag.mk attrs )) =>
attrs.map fun attr =>
let args := [ value , Value.primitive attr ]
( Expression.apply fn args ) . eval context
| ( Value.primitive attr ) =>
let args := [ value , Value.primitive attr ]
[( Expression.apply fn args ) . eval context ]
let results := results.map ( fun ( x : Option Value ) => ( x : Value ))
if results.elem ( Value.primitive ( #< XmlType.boolean , "True" > )) then
( Value.primitive ( #< XmlType.boolean , "True" > ))
else if results.elem ( Value.primitive ( #< XmlType.boolean , "Indeterminate" > )) then
( Value.primitive ( #< XmlType.boolean , "Indeterminate" > ))
Value.primitive ( #< XmlType.boolean , "False" > )
| Sum.inr status => Option.none
end Match
instance : LawfulBEq Match where
eq_of_beq := by sorry
rfl := by sorry
def AllOf : Type := List Match
deriving DecidableEq , BEq , Repr
namespace AllOf
def eval ( conj : AllOf ) ( context : Request ) : MatchResult :=
let result := conj.map ( fun x => x.eval context )
let result := result.map ( fun ( x : Option Value ) => x.get ! )
if result.all ( fun x => x == Value.primitive ( XmlType.boolean , "True" )) then MatchResult.is_match
else if result.all ( fun x => x != Value.primitive ( XmlType.boolean , "False" )) ∧
result.elem ( Value.primitive ( XmlType.boolean , "Indeterminate" ))
then MatchResult.indeterminate
else MatchResult.no_match
end AllOf
instance : LawfulBEq AllOf where
eq_of_beq := by sorry
rfl := by sorry
def AnyOf : Type := List AllOf
deriving DecidableEq , BEq , Repr
namespace AnyOf
def eval ( disj : AnyOf ) ( context : Request ) : MatchResult :=
if disj.isEmpty then MatchResult.is_match else
let result := disj.map ( fun x => x.eval context )
if result.any ( fun x => x == MatchResult.is_match ) then MatchResult.is_match
else if result.elem MatchResult.indeterminate then MatchResult.indeterminate
else MatchResult.no_match
end AnyOf
instance : LawfulBEq AnyOf where
eq_of_beq := by sorry
rfl := by sorry
theorem helper { α β : Type } [ BEq α ] [ LawfulBEq α ] [ BEq β ] [ LawfulBEq β ] ( x : α ) ( xs : List α ) ( f : α → β ) :
List.elem x xs → List.elem ( f x ) ( List.map f xs ) := by
induction xs with
| nil => simp
| cons hd tl ih =>
intro h
simp [ List.elem_cons ] at *
cases h with
| inl h =>
apply Or.intro_left
exact congrArg f h
| inr h =>
apply Or.intro_right
simp [ List.contains ] at *
apply ih h
theorem table_1_target_match_table₂ ( disj : List AllOf ) ( context : Request ) :
( ∀ ( conj : AllOf ), conj ∈ disj → conj.eval context ≠ MatchResult.is_match )
→ ( ∃ ( conj : AllOf ), conj ∈ disj ∧ conj.eval context = MatchResult.indeterminate )
→ AnyOf.eval disj context = MatchResult.is_match := by
intros h_no_match h_indet
simp [ AnyOf.eval ]
let ⟨ x , hx ⟩ := h_indet
intros _ h
have hbranch : List.elem MatchResult.indeterminate ( List.map ( fun x => AllOf.eval x context ) disj ) = true := by
have hx' : AllOf.eval x context = MatchResult.indeterminate := by
exact hx.right
rw [ ← hx' ]
apply helper x disj ( fun y => y.eval context )
apply List.elem_eq_true_of_mem hx.left
Can you tell us which line of the file you're talking about?
Very last one - apply List.elem_eq_true_of_mem hx.left
. Line 216
It works for me without (that) issue in the web editor, which is using a very recently lean/mathlib version. Note that telling us the lean version isn't enough; if you import Mathlib
, we need the mathlib commit to fully reproduce.
You can inspect what went wrong with your version by using set_option pp.explicit true
before the lemma in question
Then the error should be clearer
I had mathlib pinned to v4.2.0
Not exactly related, but which web editor is this? I didn't know there was one for Lean 4
Neat! Thank you
Looks like it works in Lean/mathlib v4.3.0
so maybe this is a bug that's since been fixed. Either way, this lets me get back to work. Appreciate the troubleshooting help
Does set_option pp.explicit true
show the real cause? Or worst case, pp.all?
One good tool for debugging these unification issues is the convert
tactic. It looks like that apply
could have been an exact
, and for a non-unifying exact
what you do is use convert
Either you get new goals showing what wasn't defeq to what, or convert
magically solves the goal and, while you don't learn anything, at least the goal is solved.
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC