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Topic: Trouble with `(eq.rec_on (eq.refl α) a : α) = a'`

garySebastian (Jul 08 2019 at 01:32):

I'd appreciate it if someone could break down this bit from eq_of_heq in core a little bit; in the context, (α : Sort u) (a : α). I understand the idea being conveyed, but I'm not sure how (eq.rec_on (eq.refl α) a : α) can be of type α. I think my main confusion is what constitutes the (C : α -> Sort l) part in this use eq.rec_on. The whole thing for context is :

lemma eq_of_heq {α : Sort u} {a a' : α} (h : a == a') : a = a' :=
have  (α' : Sort u) (a' : α') (h₁ : @heq α a α' a') (h₂ : α = α'), (eq.rec_on h₂ a : α') = a', from
  λ (α' : Sort u) (a' : α') (h₁ : @heq α a α' a'), heq.rec_on h₁ (λ h₂ : α = α, rfl),
show (eq.rec_on (eq.refl α) a : α) = a', from
this α a' h (eq.refl α)

Mario Carneiro (Jul 08 2019 at 02:20):

eq.rec_on (eq.refl α) a is defeq to a by the reduction rule for inductive types

Mario Carneiro (Jul 08 2019 at 02:24):

If you use

set_option pp.implicit true
#print eq_of_heq

to view the implicit stuff, you will see that the motive in this case is just (λ (_x : Sort u), _x)

Mario Carneiro (Jul 08 2019 at 02:26):

In other words, it is using the fact that α = α to transfer a : α to α. Because the proof is reflexivity (and it always is because of proof irrelevance), this is just an identity cast and the result is defeq to a.

garySebastian (Jul 08 2019 at 07:21):

it is using the fact that α = α to transfer a : α to α.

Sorry I'm really struggling with this one. Isn't a already of type α, or is the point that you can use that for (α = α') to transfer a : α to a : α'? This might be part of my problem, but the variable names are going over my head. If the signature of eq.rec_on is :

eq.rec_on : Π {β : Sort u} {b : β} {C : β → Sort l} {b_1 : β}, b = b_1 → C b → C b_1

then in line two, (eq.rec_on (h2 : α = α') a : α') = a', is b |-> α or b |-> a?

I think I understand the idea that the inferred family { C : α -> Sort l } is id in this case, since the type checker seems to be okay with show a = a' instead of show (eq.rec_on (eq.refl α) a : α) = a' in line 4.

Kevin Buzzard (Jul 08 2019 at 07:27):

(eq.rec_on (h2 : α = α') a : α') means "make the term eq.rec_on (h2 : α = α') a and make sure it has type α' while you're at it". This sort of information ("what type is this thing supposed to have?") is helpful for Lean's elaborator because eq.rec_on has got all these inputs in { } brackets, which Lean is supposed to guess.

Kevin Buzzard (Jul 08 2019 at 07:29):

So now Lean looks at eq.rec_on and says "OK, the { } stuff I'll have to deal with later, so I don't know beta or b or C or b_1, but I know that the next input is supposed to have type b = b_1 and it actually has type α = α' so I'd best set b = α and b_1 = α'"

Kevin Buzzard (Jul 08 2019 at 07:32):

Oh, perhaps this is the trick you're missing: if a has type alpha and then I explicitly refer to a whilst assuring Lean it has type beta by writing (a : beta) then Lean will accept this, as long as it can convince itself that alpha = beta by definition.

Kevin Buzzard (Jul 08 2019 at 07:35):

example (α β : Type) (h : α = β) (a : α) : β := (a : β) -- fails

def fakebool := bool -- true by definition

example (a : fakebool) : bool := (a : bool) -- works

Kevin Buzzard (Jul 08 2019 at 07:41):

Here's the same proof in tactic mode (which I find far easier to use)

universe u

lemma eq_of_heq' {α : Sort u} {a a' : α} (h : a == a') : a = a' :=
  -- intermediate lemma, called `this` in original.
  have H :  (α' : Sort u) (a' : α') (h₁ : @heq α a α' a') (h₂ : α = α'),
             (eq.rec_on h₂ a : α') = a',
    -- proof of intermediate lemma.
    exact λ (α' : Sort u) (a' : α') (h₁ : @heq α a α' a'),
          heq.rec_on h₁ (λ h₂ : α = α, rfl),
  -- back to one goal now.
  -- now change the goal to something definitionally equal
  show (eq.rec_on (eq.refl α) a : α) = a',
  -- now prove it using H
  exact H α a' h (eq.refl α)

garySebastian (Jul 10 2019 at 07:05):

I feel much more comfortable reading this after spending a few evenings with it. Thanks a lot for pointing me in the right direction @Kevin Buzzard and @Mario Carneiro.

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC