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Topic: Why doesn't exists.intro give err for witness of wrong type

Kevin Sullivan (Oct 19 2018 at 14:31):

Here's a proof that 7 is even. Why does exists.intro accept 3.5 as an argument, given that m is declared to be of type nat?

def isEven (n: ) : Prop :=
   m : , n / m = 2

theorem sevenIsEven : (isEven 7) :=
unfold isEven,
apply exists.intro 3.5,
apply rfl,

Johan Commelin (Oct 19 2018 at 14:33):

Try it with 3 instead. Should work.

Johan Commelin (Oct 19 2018 at 14:33):

Probably 3.5 is coerced into 3 : nat or something like that.

Johan Commelin (Oct 19 2018 at 14:34):

Note that your definition of isEven is not what we usually mean with being even, because n / m is not what we usually mean with n / m.

Simon Hudon (Oct 19 2018 at 14:36):

If you use set_option pp.numerals false you see that 3.5 gets encoded as bit1 (bit1 (has_one.one ℕ)) / bit0 (has_one.one ℕ), which, as Johan points out, is a natural number because of rounded division.

Simon Hudon (Oct 19 2018 at 14:37):

((bit1 (bit1 (has_one.one ℕ)) / bit0 (has_one.one ℕ)) is 7 / 2)

Johan Commelin (Oct 19 2018 at 14:42):

I must say that I would rather get a syntax error at this point.

Simon Hudon (Oct 19 2018 at 14:46):

One way to make this happen is to look at one of @Kevin Buzzard suggestions and distinguish between proper division (/) and integer division (÷) (and the same can be said for subtraction vs pointed subtraction) and make sure that integers and natural numbers are only equipped with integer division. This way, expressing fractional numbers as division wouldn't work when fractional numbers aren't available.

Kevin Buzzard (Oct 19 2018 at 15:16):

Here's a proof that 7 is even.

Just to be clear, what's happening here is that division is maybe not what you think it is. 7 / 3 = 2, because 7 / 3 is declared to be of type nat.

Simon Hudon (Oct 19 2018 at 15:19):

Right. And somehow, integer division doesn't seem to mesh with fractional numbers. If we were to express integer division as ÷ and a separate type class, 3.5 would not be a valid natural number

Kevin Sullivan (Oct 19 2018 at 15:58):

Right. And somehow, integer division doesn't seem to mesh with fractional numbers. If we were to express integer division as ÷ and a separate type class, 3.5 would not be a valid natural number

Ok. Yes. This is slightly disturbing, but I understand.

def x : nat := 3.5

x is now 3.

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC