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Topic: missing 'noncomputable' modifier
Michael Wahlberg (Mar 20 2023 at 17:56):
What does this error mean? I was trying to define a special type of additive character :
def add_char'(x : F) (ζ_p : ℂˣ) ( hζ_p : is_primitive_root ζ_p p ) : ℂˣ :=
ζ_p^( zmod.val (algebra.trace (zmod (ring_char F)) F x)
And the error I got was:-
def add_char'(x : F) (ζ_p : ℂˣ) ( hζ_p : is_primitive_root ζ_p p ) : ℂˣ :=
Alex J. Best (Mar 20 2023 at 18:01):
Can you post a full #mwe with imports? That doesn't look like you've pasted the error there either
Michael Wahlberg (Mar 20 2023 at 18:05):
My bad. Here is the stuff I used :-
import number_theory.legendre_symbol.add_character
import number_theory.legendre_symbol.zmod_char
import algebra.char_p.char_and_card
import field_theory.finite.trace
import number_theory.cyclotomic.basic
import data.zmod.basic
universes u v w
variables {f : ℕ}
variables {F : Type u} [field F] [fintype F]
variables {p : ℕ} [fact p.prime] [char_p F p]
def add_char'(x : F) (ζ_p : ℂˣ) ( hζ_p : is_primitive_root ζ_p p ) : ℂˣ :=
ζ_p^( zmod.val (algebra.trace (zmod (ring_char F)) F x))
and the error was :-
missing 'noncomputable' modifier, definition 'add_char'' depends on 'ring_char'
Eric Wieser (Mar 20 2023 at 18:09):
Looks like your clipboard is betraying you
Eric Wieser (Mar 20 2023 at 18:10):
Because the error message looks missing still
Michael Wahlberg (Mar 20 2023 at 18:11):
Oh, I got it now, probably need the noncomputable modifier.
Michael Stoll (Mar 20 2023 at 18:14):
I think everything involving real or complex numbers is noncomputable
(and Lean insists it be marked as such).
Kyle Miller (Mar 20 2023 at 18:15):
You can put noncomputable theory
at the top of your module to automatically mark anything that Lean detects is noncomputable with noncomputable
Kyle Miller (Mar 20 2023 at 18:16):
(Lean always knows the answer; needing to write noncomputable
is a formality.)
Eric Wieser (Mar 20 2023 at 18:16):
Michael Stoll said:
I think everything involving real or complex numbers is
(and Lean insists it be marked as such).
That's not the case, it's just that docs#ring_char is noncomputable
Kevin Buzzard (Mar 20 2023 at 18:22):
It's just most things involving real or complex numbers which are noncomputable (e.g. sqrt, sin, exp, ...)
Eric Wieser (Mar 20 2023 at 18:23):
And you could argue that even the cases that are computable aren't meaningfully computable
Michael Wahlberg (Mar 20 2023 at 18:23):
But I think it's straightforward to calculate the character of any finite field. For that what function should I use?
Eric Wieser (Mar 20 2023 at 18:23):
I think using ring_char
is fine
Eric Wieser (Mar 20 2023 at 18:24):
If you wanted it to be computable, you could use nat.find
with an appropriate predicate
Eric Wieser (Mar 20 2023 at 18:24):
Or perhaps the algorithm you have in mind is to look at the factors of fintype.card F
Michael Wahlberg (Mar 20 2023 at 18:25):
Eric Wieser said:
Or perhaps the algorithm you have in mind is to look at the factors of
fintype.card F
Kevin Buzzard (Mar 20 2023 at 18:26):
I think that you might be using a different concept of "calculate" than this computable
stuff. I think that polynomial addition might not be computable, but you can still calculate additions easily using the ring
Eric Wieser (Mar 20 2023 at 18:27):
Proving nat.min_fac (fintype.card F) = ring_char F
would be a reasonable thing to do
Eric Wieser (Mar 20 2023 at 18:29):
Oh, here's a better spelling of ring_char F
; just use p
Eric Wieser (Mar 20 2023 at 18:29):
You already wrote [char_p F p]
which says "p is the characteristic of F"
Eric Wieser (Mar 20 2023 at 18:29):
There is no need to then re-compute p
Eric Wieser (Mar 20 2023 at 18:30):
(docs#ring_char.eq is a proof that they coincide)
Michael Wahlberg (Mar 21 2023 at 10:29):
Is there a way to simplify match tactics in our tactic state?
Eric Wieser (Mar 21 2023 at 10:37):
Can you give an example of the tactic state?
Michael Wahlberg (Mar 21 2023 at 10:40):
here: -
α: Type u
n: ℕ
v: Vec α n
n✝: ℕ
x: α
xs: Vec α n✝
⊢ ofVector (n✝ + 1)
(match Vec.toVector n✝ xs with
| { val := l, property := h } => { val := x :: l, property := (_ : List.length (x :: l) = n✝ + 1) }) =
cons x xs
Michael Wahlberg (Mar 21 2023 at 10:41):
And here is my function :-
def Vec.toVector {α : Type u}: (n : ℕ) → Vec α n → Vector α n
| _, v =>
match v with
| Vec.nil =>
⟨[], rfl⟩
| Vec.cons x xs =>
match Vec.toVector _ xs with
| ⟨l, h⟩ =>
⟨x :: l, by
Eric Wieser (Mar 21 2023 at 11:04):
Oh, so this is now Lean4 rather than your previous question which was Lean 3?
Michael Wahlberg (Mar 21 2023 at 11:07):
Notification Bot (Mar 22 2023 at 12:12):
Michael Wahlberg has marked this topic as resolved.
Notification Bot (Mar 22 2023 at 12:12):
Michael Wahlberg has marked this topic as unresolved.
Michael Wahlberg (Mar 22 2023 at 13:32):
Okay, I am trying to define a particular type of additive character that inherits all the properties of a general additive character. How do we implement it?
Michael Wahlberg (Mar 22 2023 at 13:35):
If I want this function to inherit all the properties of an additive character, how should I go on about it?
def add_char'(x : F) : ℂˣ :=
ζ_p^( zmod.val (algebra.trace (zmod (ring_char F)) F x)
Michael Wahlberg (Mar 22 2023 at 13:38):
Because it's giving me type errors when I try to define my new gauss_sum using it:-
def gauss_sum' (χ : mul_char F ℂ ) : ℂ := ∑ x : F, -(add_char' x)* (χ x)
Eric Wieser (Mar 22 2023 at 13:43):
What's the error you get?
Michael Wahlberg (Mar 22 2023 at 13:52):
Okay my whole code is this :-
import number_theory.legendre_symbol.add_character
import number_theory.legendre_symbol.zmod_char
import algebra.char_p.char_and_card
import field_theory.finite.trace
import number_theory.cyclotomic.basic
import data.zmod.basic
noncomputable theory
open add_char
open_locale big_operators
universes u v w
variables {f : ℕ}
variables {F : Type u} [field F] [fintype F]
variables {p : ℕ} [fact p.prime] [char_p F p]
variables {ζ_p : ℂˣ} [ is_primitive_root ζ_p p ]
def add_char'(x : F) : ℂˣ :=
ζ_p^( zmod.val (algebra.trace (zmod (ring_char F)) F x)
def gauss_sum' (χ : mul_char F ℂ ) : ℂ := ∑ x : F, (add_char' x)* (χ x)
Michael Wahlberg (Mar 22 2023 at 13:53):
and the error I got was :-
don't know how to synthesize placeholder
F : Type u,
_inst_1 : field F,
_inst_2 : fintype F,
χ : mul_char F ℂ,
x : F
⊢ ℂˣ
Kevin Buzzard (Mar 22 2023 at 14:39):
Lean wants to know what complex number ζ_p
is. It can't be inferred from what you've given it.
Kevin Buzzard (Mar 22 2023 at 14:40):
You need to either fix one or pass in a value to the def.
Kevin Buzzard (Mar 22 2023 at 14:42):
Right now the type of add_char'
add_char' : Π {F : Type u} [_inst_1 : field F] [_inst_2 : fintype F] {ζ_p : ℂˣ}, F → ℂˣ
which means "the unifier will figure out zeta_p despite being given no information about it", and the unifier is indeed getting stuck.
Contrast this with the fact that the unifier has to figure out F
too (becuase it's also in {}
brackets) but in the use case you give x
to the function so it looks at the type of x
and figures out that this should be what F
Michael Wahlberg (Mar 22 2023 at 16:06):
But now it's giving me this error :-
failed to synthesize type class instance for
F : Type u,
_inst_1 : field F,
_inst_2 : fintype F,
χ : mul_char F ℂ,
x : F
⊢ ℂˣ
Kevin Buzzard (Mar 22 2023 at 16:09):
That error means that the type class inference system (the square bracket system) can't find the complex number you have asked it to find, which is not surprising because the units of the complex numbers are not a typeclass so the typeclass inference system doesn't know anything about them.
Kevin Buzzard (Mar 22 2023 at 16:10):
How about we answer the mathematical question first. Do you want the user to be inputting a primitive p'th root of unity, or do you want to be using a fixed one such as ? That is the design decision which was not made in your initial code.
Kevin Buzzard (Mar 22 2023 at 16:13):
In your initial code you ask the unification system to find one for you, and this is not its job, and in the new variant which you didn't post, I'm guessing from the error message that you instead asked the typeclass system to find one for you, and it's not the typeclass system's job either. Your options are either to specify one yourself in code (if you want to use a fixed one) or get the user to specify one as an input (if you want it to vary).
Michael Wahlberg (Mar 24 2023 at 18:02):
So, right now, I am trying to prove the properties of my add_char',
But I am stuck here because I cannot rewrite this particular equality in my lemma:-
lemma add_char'_mul_property (a : F) (x : F )(p : ℕ )[fact p.prime] [char_p F p] [ fact (is_primitive_root ζ_p p) ]: add_char' ζ_p (a + x) = add_char' ζ_p a * add_char' ζ_p x := by
unfold add_char',
have h1 : ring_char F = p := by apply ring_char.eq,
rw [zmod.val_add ],
rw [h1],
and the tactic state is :-
F : Type u,
_inst_1 : field F,
_inst_2 : fintype F,
ζ_p : ℂˣ,
a x : F,
p : ℕ,
_inst_6 : fact (nat.prime p),
_inst_7 : char_p F p,
_inst_8 : fact (is_primitive_root ζ_p p),
h1 : ring_char F = p
⊢ ζ_p ^
(((⇑(algebra.trace (zmod (ring_char F)) F) a).val + (⇑(algebra.trace (zmod (ring_char F)) F) x).val) %
ring_char F) =
ζ_p ^ (⇑(algebra.trace (zmod (ring_char F)) F) a).val * ζ_p ^ (⇑(algebra.trace (zmod (ring_char F)) F) x).val
and my error is :-
rewrite tactic failed, motive is not type correct
λ (_a : ℕ),
ζ_p ^
(((⇑(algebra.trace (zmod (ring_char F)) F) a).val + (⇑(algebra.trace (zmod (ring_char F)) F) x).val) %
ring_char F) =
ζ_p ^ (⇑(algebra.trace (zmod (ring_char F)) F) a).val *
ζ_p ^ (⇑(algebra.trace (zmod (ring_char F)) F) x).val =
(ζ_p ^ (((⇑(algebra.trace (zmod _a) F) a).val + (⇑(algebra.trace (zmod _a) F) x).val) % _a) =
ζ_p ^ (⇑(algebra.trace (zmod _a) F) a).val * ζ_p ^ (⇑(algebra.trace (zmod _a) F) x).val)
Eric Wieser (Mar 24 2023 at 18:03):
What's the reason for using ring_char F
at all here instead of p
Michael Wahlberg (Mar 24 2023 at 18:06):
Eric Wieser said:
What's the reason for using
ring_char F
at all here instead ofp
It's inherently used in the lemma used for breaking up addition inside the trace function
Eric Wieser (Mar 24 2023 at 18:07):
I don't understand what you mean. Let me make my question more clear; why did you write
def add_char'(x : F) : ℂˣ :=
ζ_p^( zmod.val (algebra.trace (zmod (ring_char F)) F x)
instead of the simpler
def add_char'(x : F) : ℂˣ :=
ζ_p^( zmod.val (algebra.trace (zmod p) F x)
Michael Wahlberg (Mar 24 2023 at 18:15):
Eric Wieser said:
I don't understand what you mean. Let me make my question more clear; why did you write
def add_char'(x : F) : ℂˣ := ζ_p^( zmod.val (algebra.trace (zmod (ring_char F)) F x)
Then it asks me to input the value of p again in the function along with all of its instance assumptions.
It complicates my gauss sum summation and what not,
instead of the simplerdef add_char'(x : F) : ℂˣ := ζ_p^( zmod.val (algebra.trace (zmod p) F x)
Michael Wahlberg (Mar 24 2023 at 18:17):
Also, another problem that I am facing is that despite introducing p as a global variable with all of its instance assumptions, why do I still need to use it every time. For more information, let me show you my whole code:-
import number_theory.legendre_symbol.add_character
import number_theory.legendre_symbol.zmod_char
import algebra.char_p.char_and_card
import field_theory.finite.trace
import number_theory.cyclotomic.basic
import data.zmod.basic
import data.complex.basic
import ring_theory.roots_of_unity
noncomputable theory
open add_char
open_locale big_operators
universes u v w
-- variables (f : ℕ)
variables {F : Type u} [field F] [fintype F] (p : ℕ) [fact p.prime] [char_p F p](ζ_p : ℂˣ) [ fact (is_primitive_root ζ_p p) ]
def add_char'(x : F) : ℂˣ :=
ζ_p^( zmod.val (algebra.trace (zmod (ring_char F)) F x))
def gauss_sum' (χ : mul_char F ℂ ) : ℂ := ∑ x : F, (add_char' ζ_p x)* (χ x)
instance char_p_non_zero(p : ℕ )[fact p.prime][char_p F p] : ne_zero (ring_char F) :=
{out := begin
intro h,
have h1 : ring_char F = p :=
apply ring_char.eq ,
rw h1 at h,
exact nat.prime.ne_zero (fact.out p.prime) h,
lemma ζ_p_pow_eq_one (n : ℤ ) : ζ_p^(n % p) = ζ_p^n := by
rw ← mul_inv_eq_one,
rw ← zpow_neg ζ_p n,
rw ← zpow_add ζ_p,
rw is_primitive_root.zpow_eq_one_iff_dvd (fact.out (is_primitive_root ζ_p p)) ,
rw ← int.modeq_zero_iff_dvd,
have h1 : 0 = n + -n := by ring,
rw h1,
apply int.modeq.add_right,
apply int.mod_modeq,
lemma add_char'_mul_property (a : F) (x : F )(p : ℕ )[fact p.prime] [char_p F p] [ fact (is_primitive_root ζ_p p) ]: add_char' ζ_p (a + x) = add_char' ζ_p a * add_char' ζ_p x := by
unfold add_char',
have h1 : ring_char F = p := by apply ring_char.eq,
rw [zmod.val_add ],
Michael Stoll (Mar 24 2023 at 18:17):
Did you look at docs#add_char.primitive_char_finite_field ?
Michael Wahlberg (Mar 24 2023 at 18:24):
Michael Stoll said:
Did you look at docs#add_char.primitive_char_finite_field ?
Okay this looks promising
Eric Wieser (Mar 24 2023 at 19:10):
Can you edit your above message with #backticks?
Notification Bot (Mar 24 2023 at 23:16):
This topic was moved here from #new members > Common Error Thread by Heather Macbeth.
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC