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Topic: oh noes i don't know how to manipulate the arrows

Huỳnh Trần Khanh (Jun 28 2021 at 03:29):

this problem looks somewhat tractable... until i read the formalized statement :cry: https://do.proof.in.tum.de/competitions/contest/13/tasks/2/

oh noes i can see some weird symbols and when i ctrl click on them i see weird definitions and i have absolutely no idea how to manipulate them

Huỳnh Trần Khanh (Jun 28 2021 at 07:47):

it seems that the proof is already in mathlib (extend_function_of_lt) but i have no idea what the theorem states

Johan Commelin (Jun 28 2021 at 07:48):

Do you mean the \hookrightarrow arrows?

Johan Commelin (Jun 28 2021 at 07:48):

Those are embeddings: a function, together with a proof that it is injective.

Huỳnh Trần Khanh (Jun 28 2021 at 07:53):

, and . So... is a structure that bundles a function with a proof, coerces a predicate to a type and coerces a finset to a set, and a set is a predicate. That's all I know.

Johan Commelin (Jun 28 2021 at 07:54):

Looks good to me

Kevin Buzzard (Jun 28 2021 at 07:54):

If you have a question then perhaps you should ask it explicitly rather than just throwing around a link and complaining about stuff which you don't understand but which others probably do.

Kevin Buzzard (Jun 28 2021 at 07:56):

I do agree that it's interesting that the second Lean version in the resources has a lot more funky arrows than the first one :-)

Huỳnh Trần Khanh (Jun 28 2021 at 08:07):

not a lot lol, like there are only 2 more arrows :joy:

hmm so to deal with the arrows i should just like... try to unfold them? i mean the and the
this is what i got

lemma goal_injective :  {S : finset } (f : (S : set )  ),  (h :   ), set.restrict h S = f := begin
  intros a b,
  rw coe_sort at b,
  rw coe at b,
  rw lift_t at b,

Huỳnh Trần Khanh (Jun 28 2021 at 08:08):

like i'm really confused i don't know where to start :cry:

Kevin Buzzard (Jun 28 2021 at 08:11):

Yeah, unfolding is never the right thing to do basically. However it is a very good way of learning about definitional equality, I used to do it a lot. Nowadays I look at problems like this from the top down -- instead of trying to manipulate the things I'm given, I ask myself what the actual proof is that I want to formalise first.

Rather than unfolding, you might want to instead ask yourself what you want from an injective map, e.g. you might want to get the underlying map, and the proof that it's injective. Similarly you might ask what you want from a coercion from finsets to sets to types, probably you just want some dictionary which can take you from an element of one to an element of the other, for example. Unfolding won't give this (at least not easily). Here you should be using the API.

Huỳnh Trần Khanh (Jun 28 2021 at 08:31):


Huỳnh Trần Khanh (Jun 28 2021 at 08:31):


Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC