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Topic: quotient mk vs mk' lemmas
Yakov Pechersky (Feb 22 2022 at 05:42):
Is there a reason we don't have these?
import data.quot
variables {α β : Sort*} [setoid α]
lemma quotient.mk_eq_mk' (x : α) : ⟦x⟧ = quotient.mk' x := rfl
@[simp] lemma quotient.lift_on_mk' (x : α) (f : α → β) (h) : ⟦x⟧.lift_on' f h = f x := rfl
Yakov Pechersky (Feb 22 2022 at 05:44):
I have a case where I use \[[]]
mk notation in a local instance section, and build API around equality of mk
, to make the relation more explicit. But that means elsewhere, outside of the section, I have to use mk'
to construct terms in the quotient. Which doesn't use the API I've built. Should I just make a simp tagged API lemma simplifying goals about setoid.r
? I've been trying to convert all of my quotient.mk'
to \[[]]
so that my API simp lemmas can fire.
Johan Commelin (Feb 22 2022 at 06:20):
I don't think there's any reason we don't have these.
Yakov Pechersky (Feb 22 2022 at 07:33):
Eric Wieser (Feb 22 2022 at 09:44):
Is the first one an equation lemma for docs#quotient.mk'?
Eric Wieser (Feb 22 2022 at 09:44):
Ah no, it unfolds to quot.mk
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC