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Topic: Zeckendorf's theorem

Jakub Kądziołka (Mar 02 2022 at 10:08):

Hi, I'm new to mathlib and I'm somewhat unclear on its scope. Would a proof of Zeckendorf's theorem be a welcome addition?

Patrick Massot (Mar 02 2022 at 10:09):

Do you have any hint for us about what this theorem is about?

Yaël Dillies (Mar 02 2022 at 10:11):

It's about writing natural numbers in Fibonacci numbers base.

Yaël Dillies (Mar 02 2022 at 10:12):

It would definitely be in scope.

Mario Carneiro (Mar 02 2022 at 10:14):

yeah, let's get phinary numbers

Yaël Dillies (Mar 02 2022 at 10:15):

Some people were working on it like three months ago. Don't know where they're at.

Jakub Kądziołka (Mar 02 2022 at 11:15):

Found a proof of the existence part pasted in a previous thread. I'm surprised how long-winded it is, I think I'll try to write a simpler proof myself.

Adam Topaz (Mar 02 2022 at 15:18):

Let me just casually drop in the following link
in case folks want some more ideas for fun formalization projects around Fibonacci numbers.

Jakub Kądziołka (Mar 02 2022 at 18:56):

So, at what point do I ask for side-branch GitHub access?

Mario Carneiro (Mar 02 2022 at 19:15):

@Jakub Kądziołka what's your github ID?

Jakub Kądziołka (Mar 02 2022 at 19:18):


Johan Commelin (Mar 02 2022 at 19:25):

@Jakub Kądziołka https://github.com/leanprover-community/mathlib/invitations

Jakub Kądziołka (Mar 02 2022 at 19:34):


Jakub Kądziołka (Mar 02 2022 at 19:51):

BTW, is this something that should go in data/nat/fib.lean, or a separate file?

Johan Commelin (Mar 02 2022 at 19:56):

if you are adding > 200 lines, I would start a new file. If you need heavy imports, also start a new file please. Otherwise, appending it to the existing file is fine.

Mario Carneiro (Mar 02 2022 at 20:08):

also if the new material is costly in compile time start a new file

Yaël Dillies (Mar 02 2022 at 21:52):

I would rename data.nat.fib to data.nat.fib.basic and add your stuff to data.nat.fib.zeckendorf

Jakub Kądziołka (Mar 02 2022 at 22:28):

What would be the best way of defining something like this?

def fib_floor (n : ):  := {k :  | fib k  n}.max

Yaël Dillies (Mar 02 2022 at 22:30):

Induction probably!

Jakub Kądziołka (Mar 02 2022 at 22:41):

What would you induct on here? O_o

Jakub Kądziołka (Mar 02 2022 at 22:42):

I was thinking I could maybe make use of fib_add_two_strict_mono

Jakub Kądziołka (Mar 02 2022 at 22:51):

oh, perhaps induct on n, case splitting on whether n is in the image

Jakub Kądziołka (Mar 02 2022 at 22:52):

is there no lemma about a strictly monotone function splitting its codomain into intervals?

Yaël Dillies (Mar 02 2022 at 22:53):

Maybe you can use docs#nat.find?

Jakub Kądziołka (Mar 04 2022 at 00:53):

and I'm done. Interestingly I managed to replace a lot of the hairy details of the proof on Wikipedia with a straightforward induction. PR: https://github.com/leanprover-community/mathlib/pull/12443

Yaël Dillies (Mar 04 2022 at 01:14):

You can type #12443 rather than copying the link :wink:

Kyle Miller (Mar 04 2022 at 08:46):

Is there a lemma somewhere that a strict monotone function f : ℕ -> ℕ has the property that for all n greater than or equal to f 0 that n lies in a closed-open interval between consecutive images? That could be used to prove this lemma:

lemma fib_between (n : ):  k : , fib k  n  n < fib k.succ

Yaël Dillies (Mar 04 2022 at 09:02):

I'm pretty sure we don't have such a lemma, but I agree we should.

David Wärn (Mar 04 2022 at 09:24):

This is sort of a variant of the adjoint functor theorem. If f : nat -> nat is monotone, unbounded, andf 0 = 0, then f should be the lower adjoint in a Galois connection. I think this fib_between follows from this (use the upper adjoint to find k)

Jakub Kądziołka (Mar 04 2022 at 09:34):

sounds interesting, do you have any suggestions for a short-ish description of how this works, compatible with a first-year undergrad?

Patrick Massot (Mar 04 2022 at 09:37):

Jakub, David is using a fancy language but his claim is completely elementary. Do you know about Galois connections?

Patrick Massot (Mar 04 2022 at 09:37):


Jakub Kądziołka (Mar 04 2022 at 09:42):

oh, so where's the theorem he's referencing?

Patrick Massot (Mar 04 2022 at 09:48):

I don't think this is in mathlib yet

Jakub Kądziołka (Mar 04 2022 at 10:42):

I think I'll prove it just about monotone functions, then. Where would I put it? data.nat.lattice?

Patrick Massot (Mar 04 2022 at 13:14):

Modulo easy stuff that may be already here, David means:

import data.nat.basic
import data.finset.lattice
import data.set.finite
import order.galois_connection
import order.monotone
import order.filter.at_top_bot
open set
variables {f :   } (fmono : strict_mono f) (f0 : f 0 = 0)

lemma nat.finite_of_bdd_above {s : set } (h : bdd_above s) : finite s :=


lemma yo (fmono : strict_mono f) (k : ): finite {n | f n  k} :=
  apply nat.finite_of_bdd_above,

def foo (fmono : strict_mono f)  (k : ): finset  := (yo fmono k).to_finset

lemma mem_foo (fmono : strict_mono f)  (k : ) {n : } : n  foo fmono k  f n  k :=
by simp [foo]

lemma strict_mono.bar (fmono : strict_mono f) (f0 : f 0 = 0) (k : ) : (foo fmono k).nonempty :=
  use 0,
  rw [mem_foo, f0],
  exact zero_le _

/-- Given a strict mono `f : ℕ → ℕ` with `f 0 = 0`, `g k = max {n | f n ≤ k}`.
This is the upper adjoint of a Galois connection having `f` as a lower adjoint, see
`gc` below. -/
noncomputable def g :    := λ k, finset.max' _ (fmono.bar f0 k)

lemma g_mem (k) : g fmono f0 k  (foo fmono k) :=
finset.max'_mem (foo fmono k) (fmono.bar f0 k)

lemma gc : galois_connection f (g fmono f0)  :=
λ n k, λ h, finset.le_max' _ _ ((mem_foo fmono k).mpr h),
        λ h, (fmono.monotone h).trans $ (mem_foo fmono k).mp $ g_mem fmono f0 k

Patrick Massot (Mar 04 2022 at 13:17):

Of course you would also need proper names. @Jakub Kądziołka

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC