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Stream: maths

Topic: project doesn't accept mathlib oleans

Jakob von Raumer (Oct 24 2022 at 08:39):

Does any know any troubleshooting suggestions for the case that the downloaded mathlib .oleans are just ignored and everytime leanpkg starts to rebuild mathlib instead?

Patrick Massot (Oct 24 2022 at 08:40):

Is that in mathlib itself or a project depending on mathlib?

Jakob von Raumer (Oct 24 2022 at 08:41):

A project depending on it. Freshly cloned and equipped with oleans by leanproject get-mathlib-cache

Patrick Massot (Oct 24 2022 at 08:45):

Then the simplest thing is probably to get rid of _target and start over without investigating

Jakob von Raumer (Oct 24 2022 at 08:47):

Did that already :confused:

Jakob von Raumer (Oct 24 2022 at 08:49):

I'll try changing the mathlib rev

Jakob von Raumer (Oct 24 2022 at 08:52):

That doesn't help either. It seems to believe that the current mathlib is older, for some reason:

mathlib: trying to update _target/deps/mathlib to revision a923261c6eb9e0b179ccaff22effe33e491a7cbc
> git checkout --detach a923261c6eb9e0b179ccaff22effe33e491a7cbc    # in directory _target/deps/mathlib
Previous HEAD position was 3c0061266f feat(data/{seq,stream}): cons_injective2 (#15832)
HEAD is now at a923261c6e feat(data/complex/module): add instance `complex.distrib_smul` (#17115)
> lean --make src

Eric Wieser (Oct 24 2022 at 08:53):

What do you mean by current?

Eric Wieser (Oct 24 2022 at 08:54):

That looks like the update was successful to me

Jakob von Raumer (Oct 24 2022 at 09:01):

After those lines it proceeds to build mathlib from scratch instead of using the oleans

Eric Wieser (Oct 24 2022 at 09:02):

If you run lean from the command line, which file does it build first?

Jakob von Raumer (Oct 24 2022 at 09:03):

You mean leanpkg build?

Eric Wieser (Oct 24 2022 at 09:04):

Or lean --make one_of_your_files

Jakob von Raumer (Oct 24 2022 at 09:04):

mathlib/src/tactic/core.lean is the first that gets built

Floris van Doorn (Oct 24 2022 at 09:05):

For some reason it look like it's skipping the "get mathlib olean cache" step. You should get some output

Looking for mathlib oleans for a923261c6e
  Found remote mathlib oleans

Try running pip install -U mathlibtools?

Floris van Doorn (Oct 24 2022 at 09:06):

In the worst case, you can do cd _target/deps/mathlib/, make sure you're on the correct commit, leanproject get-cache and cd ../../... I've done that on old versions of leanproject to work around an issue it had.

Eric Wieser (Oct 24 2022 at 09:12):

What command is the output above from?

Floris van Doorn (Oct 24 2022 at 09:14):

In my case it was

vandoorn@pc93-178:~/projects/sphere-eversion(manifold_proper)$ leanproject up
mathlib: trying to update _target/deps/mathlib to revision 3b6552e051629f68c08f02b32339a8f53076a016
> git checkout --detach 3b6552e051629f68c08f02b32339a8f53076a016    # in directory _target/deps/mathlib
Previous HEAD position was 34c70db665 feat(geometry/euclidean/oriented_angle): oriented angles and betweenness (#16824)
HEAD is now at 3b6552e051 chore(linear_algebra/alternating): more lemmas about `curry_left` (#14844)
remote: Enumerating objects: 9954, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (7075/7075), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (709/709), done.
remote: Total 9954 (delta 6591), reused 6701 (delta 6363), pack-reused 2879
Receiving objects: 100% (9954/9954), 6.02 MiB | 11.90 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (7861/7861), completed with 1754 local objects.
From github.com:leanprover-community/mathlib
   40730f6ba8..97568f98eb  AD_barrels              -> origin/AD_barrels
[many lines of output omitted]
 * [new branch]            zorn_Ici                -> origin/zorn_Ici
configuring sphere_eversion 0.1
mathlib: trying to update _target/deps/mathlib to revision a923261c6eb9e0b179ccaff22effe33e491a7cbc
> git checkout --detach a923261c6eb9e0b179ccaff22effe33e491a7cbc    # in directory _target/deps/mathlib
Previous HEAD position was 3b6552e051 chore(linear_algebra/alternating): more lemmas about `curry_left` (#14844)
HEAD is now at a923261c6e feat(data/complex/module): add instance `complex.distrib_smul` (#17115)
Looking for mathlib oleans for a923261c6e
  Found remote mathlib oleans
Located matching cache
  a923261c6e: 100%|███████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 80.6M/80.6M [00:18<00:00, 4.67MB/s]
Applying cache
  files extracted: 2783 [00:05, 519.62/s]

Jakob von Raumer (Oct 24 2022 at 09:43):

Thanks for the help, I'll try that after lunch :food:

Jakob von Raumer (Oct 24 2022 at 09:46):

Floris van Doorn said:

In the worst case, you can do cd _target/deps/mathlib/, make sure you're on the correct commit, leanproject get-cache and cd ../../... I've done that on old versions of leanproject to work around an issue it had.

That doesn't help either, it does the get-cache without issues and then in the base directory still wants to build mathlib whenever I open a file or do leanproject build

Kevin Buzzard (Oct 24 2022 at 10:26):

Are you on the most recent elan and leanproject? Do you see the "looking for mathlib oleans locally...remotely..." message? If they're being fetched locally then there's a chance they're corrupted; you can just remove the tar.xz file in ~/.mathlib and try again to get them remotely. If this still doesn't solve the problem there's a chance you accidentally edited core Lean; you can delete the version of Lean you're using in ~/.elan (this involves deleting two things) and then use elan to redownload lean and then leanproject to get mathlib ones.

Jakob von Raumer (Oct 24 2022 at 10:40):

I see the "looking for ..." when doing leanproject get-mathlib-cache or leanproject get-cache but not on leanproject build

Jakob von Raumer (Oct 24 2022 at 10:42):

elan update doesn't help either

Kevin Buzzard (Oct 24 2022 at 10:46):

You wouldn't expect it on leanproject build, that's just doing lean --make src.

Kevin Buzzard (Oct 24 2022 at 10:47):

elan self update updates elan, and some python command which I never remember updates leanproject.

Kevin Buzzard (Oct 24 2022 at 10:49):

If you think the problem is with your Lean version then you have to nuke things both in ~/.elan/toolchains and ~/.elan/update-hashes

Kevin Buzzard (Oct 24 2022 at 10:50):

If you accidentally add a space into a core Lean file then the main symptoms are what you are seeing by the way, and the fix is to delete the relevant files in those elan directories and then just open a file in VS Code in the project and it will redownload an uncorrupted Lean.

Jakob von Raumer (Oct 24 2022 at 11:01):

lean --make src doesn't show the "looking for..." either :thinking: I already tried deleting _target entirely, so it's not changed core files.

Kevin Buzzard (Oct 24 2022 at 11:16):

I don't understand why you would expect lean --make src, a command which builds lean files directly and has nothing to do with python, to print out a message which a python program prints out when attempting to access the internet to find olean files.

Kevin Buzzard (Oct 24 2022 at 11:17):

I am conjecturing that you have borked your lean installation

Kevin Buzzard (Oct 24 2022 at 11:18):

The "looking for" stuff is what the python front end is doing

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC