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Stream: metaprogramming / tactics
Topic: cases' confuses the equation compiler
Jannis Limperg (May 10 2021 at 23:19):
I'm trying to fix an unfortunate interaction between docs#tactic.interactive.cases' and the equation compiler. cases'
is a variant of the induction'
tactic which is supposed to be a drop-in replacement for cases
. However, using cases'
in a definition involving the equation compiler may fail where cases
would succeed. Afaict, the problem is that cases'
generates a different proof term than cases
and the termination checker can't process that term.
import tactic.induction
import tactic.simp_result
inductive btree (α : Type) : Type
| empty {} : btree
| node : α → btree → btree → btree
def mirror {α : Type} : btree α → btree α
| btree.empty := btree.empty
| (btree.node a l r) := btree.node a (mirror r) (mirror l)
inductive is_full {α : Type} : btree α → Prop
| empty : is_full btree.empty
| node (a : α) (l r : btree α)
(hl : is_full l) (hr : is_full r)
(hiff : l = btree.empty ↔ r = btree.empty) :
is_full (btree.node a l r)
lemma is_full_mirror {α : Type} :
∀t : btree α, is_full t → is_full (mirror t)
| btree.empty := id
| (btree.node a l r) :=
rw mirror,
intro ht,
dsimp_result { cases' ht with _ _ _ hl hr hiff },
apply is_full.node,
{ exact is_full_mirror _ hr },
{ apply is_full_mirror _ hl },
{ sorry }
The last lemma fails because the equation compiler doesn't realise that hr
and hl
are about trees that are structurally smaller than node a l r
. If you replace cases'
with cases
, the proof goes through. Any ideas how I could address this?
Jannis Limperg (May 11 2021 at 13:00):
(deleted) (Zulip strikes again)
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC