Zulip Chat Archive

Stream: Berkeley Lean Seminar

Topic: What's the formal type system of Lean?

Kentarô YAMAMOTO (Jun 04 2020 at 21:40):

What's a good reference about the formal type system of Lean in the form of "it is the usual inference rules of CIC plus such and such additional rules/axioms"? I would like to see all of the actual formal rules/axioms in one place instead of a textbook-like walkthough.

Kevin Buzzard (Jun 04 2020 at 21:42):

Mario Carneiro's MSc thesis

Patrick Lutz (Jun 04 2020 at 22:15):

Link: https://github.com/digama0/lean-type-theory/releases/tag/v1.0

Kentarô YAMAMOTO (Jun 04 2020 at 22:30):

Thank you, Patrick!

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC