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Stream: lean4

Topic: 'Who Killed Aunt Agatha' puzzle

Alexandre Rademaker (Oct 30 2023 at 21:46):


Geoff Sutcliffe post stimulated my curiosity. Besides his claims, I am also interested on the discusion about the explanability of the refutation-based proofs. Because of that, I am trying to construct a proof in Lean. But I can't close one branch... something trivial I may be missing...

The TPTP formalization is here
My code is here


Ruben Van de Velde (Oct 30 2023 at 21:47):

The goal appears to be false

Ruben Van de Velde (Oct 30 2023 at 21:48):

Unless multiple people can have killed her

Alexandre Rademaker (Oct 30 2023 at 21:48):

I guess in this open branch I will need (at some point) the False.elim too, as I did for the last branch on n = charles

Alexandre Rademaker (Oct 30 2023 at 21:51):

I didn't find any natural deduction proof for this problem. But many different refutation-based solutions. In one text, the authors suggest that "In other words, the [butler cannot have killed Agatha] because this would contradict the fact that [noone hates everyone]." But I could not see how to produce this contradiction from the hypothesis yet.

Jeremy Avigad (Oct 31 2023 at 00:50):

I think the fourth clue is supposed to include the fact that Agatha doesn't hate the butler.

Utensil Song (Oct 31 2023 at 05:32):

I think you need:

variable (pel55_10 :  x,  y, lives y  ¬ hates x y)

variable (pel55_13 : charles  butler)

My verbose refutation-style code here.

Utensil Song (Oct 31 2023 at 07:50):

Minimized to (be like your style):

import Std.Logic
import Std.Tactic.RCases
-- import Mathlib.Tactic

variable (u : Type)
variable (lives : u  Prop)
variable (killed hates richer : u  u  Prop)
variable (agatha butler charles : u)

variable (pel55_1 :  x : u, lives x  killed x agatha)
variable (pel55_2_1 : lives agatha)
variable (pel55_2_2 : lives butler)
variable (pel55_2_3 : lives charles)
variable (pel55_3 :  x, lives x  x = agatha  x = butler  x = charles)
variable (pel55_4 :  x y, killed x y  hates x y)
variable (pel55_5 :  x y, killed x y  ¬ richer x y)
variable (pel55_6 :  x, hates agatha x  ¬ hates charles x)

variable (pel55_7 :  x, x  butler  hates agatha x)
variable (pel55_8 :  x, ¬ richer x agatha  hates butler x)
variable (pel55_9 :  x, hates agatha x  hates butler x)

variable (pel55_10 :  x,  y, lives y  ¬ hates x y)
variable (pel55_11 : agatha  butler)
-- variable (pel55_12 : agatha ≠ charles)
variable (pel55_13 : charles  butler)

theorem result : killed agatha agatha := by
  have n, ln, kna := pel55_1
  clear pel55_2_1 pel55_2_2 pel55_2_3
  have labc := pel55_3 n ln
  rcases labc with la | lb | lc
  . rw [la] at kna
    exact kna
  . rw [lb] at kna
    have nrba : ¬richer butler agatha := pel55_5 butler agatha kna
    have hbb : hates butler butler := pel55_8 butler nrba
    have haa : hates agatha agatha := pel55_7 agatha pel55_11
    have hba : hates butler agatha := pel55_9 agatha haa
    have hac : hates agatha charles := pel55_7 charles pel55_13
    have hbc : hates butler charles := pel55_9 charles hac
    have hbe : ¬∃ y, lives y  ¬hates butler y := by
      apply imp_false.mp
      intro he
      rcases he with e, lnhbe
      have labc := pel55_3 e
      have le, nhbe := lnhbe
      have hl := labc le
      rcases hl with ha | hb | hc
      . rw [ha] at nhbe
      . rw [hb] at nhbe
      . rw [hc] at nhbe
    have nhbe :  y, lives y  ¬hates butler y := pel55_10 butler
  . have hca := pel55_4 n agatha kna
    rw [lc] at hca
    have haa := pel55_7 agatha pel55_11
    have nhca := pel55_6 agatha haa

Stuart Presnell (Oct 31 2023 at 10:56):

Here's an annotated proof. We don't need to add a clue saying that Agatha doesn't hate the Butler, or any further clues distinguishing the people. But as @Utensil Song notes we do need to modify clue 10 to say that the person not hated lives at Dreadbury Mansion.

import Mathlib.Tactic

variable (u : Type)
variable (lives : u  Prop)
variable (killed hates richer : u  u  Prop)
variable (agatha butler charles : u)

variable (premise1 :  x : u, lives x  killed x agatha)
-- variable (premise2_1 : lives agatha)
-- variable (premise2_2 : lives butler)
-- variable (premise2_3 : lives charles)
variable (premise3 :  x, lives x  x = agatha  x = butler  x = charles)
variable (premise4 :  x y, killed x y  hates x y)
variable (premise5 :  x y, killed x y  ¬ richer x y)
variable (premise6 :  x, hates agatha x  ¬ hates charles x)

variable (premise7 :  x, x  butler  hates agatha x)
-- variable (premise7a : ¬ hates agatha butler)

variable (premise8 :  x, ¬ richer x agatha  hates butler x)
variable (premise9 :  x, hates agatha x  hates butler x)

variable (premise10' :  x,  y, lives y  ¬ hates x y)
variable (premise11 : agatha  butler)

theorem result : killed agatha agatha := by
  have n,h1,h2 := premise1

  -- First, we can elminate Charles as the killer
  have hC_innocent : ¬killed charles agatha := by
    -- Agatha hates everyone except the butler, so she hates herself
    have h_AA : hates agatha agatha := premise7 agatha premise11
    -- Charles doesn't hate anyone Agatha hates, so Charles doesn't hate Agatha
    have h_CA : ¬hates charles agatha := premise6 agatha h_AA
    -- The killer hates their victim, so Charles didn't kill Agatha
    exact (premise4 charles agatha).mt h_CA

  -- The killer was one of Agatha, the Butler, or Charles
  obtain hk | hk | hk := premise3 n h1
  · rw [hk] at h2; exact h2 -- If the killer was Agatha then we're finished
  · rw [hk] at h2; exact False.elim (hC_innocent h2)  -- We already eliminated Charles

  -- Now we just have to eliminate the Butler
  -- So let's assume for contradiction that the Butler killed Agatha
  rw [hk] at h2; apply False.elim

  -- If the Butler is Charles then we have already eliminated him
  by_cases (charles = butler)
  · rw [h] at h2; exact hC_innocent h2
  -- So the Butler is not Charles

  -- We will prove that the Butler hates everyone (who lives at Dreadbury Mansion),
  -- thus giving a contradiction
  suffices  x, lives x  hates butler x by
    let y,hyl,hyb := premise10' butler
    exact hyb (this y hyl)

  intro x hx
  obtain hbx | hbx | hbx := premise3 x hx
  · rw [hbx]
    -- The Butler hates Agatha, because he killed her
    exact premise4 butler agatha h2
  · rw [hbx]
    -- The Butler is not richer than Agatha, because he killed her
    have h_BA : ¬richer butler agatha := premise5 butler agatha h2
    -- The Butler hates himself, because he is not richer than Agatha
    exact premise8 butler h_BA
  · rw [hbx]
    -- Agatha hates Charles, because she hates everyone except the Butler
    have h_AC : hates agatha charles := premise7 charles h
    -- The Butler hates Charles, because he hates everyone that Agatha hates
    exact premise9 charles h_AC

Utensil Song (Oct 31 2023 at 11:06):

Yes, local tweaking also shows pel55_13 is not necessary. But lives y is what I failed to remove from hypotheses, and is missing in both the TPTP formalization and the example in LAMR (sent to Vampire), I'm curious how ATPs have successfully drawn the conclusion.

Eric Rodriguez (Oct 31 2023 at 11:39):

Would it not be better to have u be an enum?

Utensil Song (Oct 31 2023 at 13:29):

OK, I got it. lives y is also unnecessary, we just need skolemization.

import Std.Logic
import Std.Tactic.RCases
-- import Mathlib.Tactic

variable (u : Type)
variable (lives : u  Prop)
variable (killed hates richer : u  u  Prop)
variable (agatha butler charles : u)

variable (pel55_1 :  x : u, lives x  killed x agatha)
-- variable (pel55_2_1 : lives agatha)
-- variable (pel55_2_2 : lives butler)
-- variable (pel55_2_3 : lives charles)
variable (pel55_3 :  x, lives x  x = agatha  x = butler  x = charles)
variable (pel55_4 :  x y, killed x y  hates x y)
variable (pel55_5 :  x y, killed x y  ¬ richer x y)
variable (pel55_6 :  x, hates agatha x  ¬ hates charles x)

variable (pel55_7 :  x, x  butler  hates agatha x)
variable (pel55_8 :  x, ¬ richer x agatha  hates butler x)
variable (pel55_9 :  x, hates agatha x  hates butler x)

variable (pel55_10 :  x,  y, ¬ hates x y)
-- variable (pel55_10a : ∀ x, ∃ y, lives y ∧ ¬ hates x y)
variable (pel55_11 : agatha  butler)
-- variable (pel55_12 : agatha ≠ charles)
-- variable (pel55_13 : charles ≠ butler)

theorem result : killed agatha agatha := by
  have haa : hates agatha agatha := pel55_7 agatha pel55_11
  have nkca : ¬killed charles agatha := by
    by_contra kca
    have hca := pel55_4 charles agatha kca
    have nhca := pel55_6 agatha haa
  have n, ln, kna := pel55_1
  obtain la | lb | lc := pel55_3 n ln
  . rw [la] at kna
    exact kna
  . rw [lb] at kna
    have nrba : ¬richer butler agatha := pel55_5 butler agatha kna
    have hbb : hates butler butler := pel55_8 butler nrba
    simp [Classical.skolem] at pel55_10
    have sk, nhsk := pel55_10
    have nhbsk : ¬hates butler (sk butler) := nhsk butler
    have nhask : ¬hates agatha (sk butler) := by
      by_contra hask
      have hbsk := pel55_9 (sk butler) hask
    have eqsk : sk butler = butler := by
      by_contra nesk
      have hbsk := pel55_7 (sk butler) nesk
    have nhbb := eqsk  nhbsk
  . rw [lc] at kna

Alexandre Rademaker (Oct 31 2023 at 19:43):

Jeremy Avigad said:

I think the fourth clue is supposed to include the fact that Agatha doesn't hate the butler.

Hi @Jeremy Avigad , I found your formalization in a previous version of your Logic and Mechanized Reasoning. I didn't pay atttention to the differences in the axioms mainly because you called Vampire and I am trying to really construct a proof in Lean, preferable a constructive proof.

But my implementation is based on the formalization in TPTP. I double-checked and Vampire was able to find a proof for the problem using the TPTP formalization. So maybe the classical reasoning will be needed, I am still trying to construct an natural deduction proof from the insights I can get from the proof produced to Vampire.

93. $false [avatar sat refutation 66,71,81,92]
% SZS output end Proof for puz001+1
% ------------------------------
% Version: Vampire 4.4.0 (commit 3dd0ed0c on 2020-02-04 14:57:07 +0100)
% Termination reason: Refutation

% Memory used [KB]: 4861
% Time elapsed: 0.002 s
% ------------------------------

Alexandre Rademaker (Oct 31 2023 at 19:46):


Alexandre Rademaker (Oct 31 2023 at 19:49):

Utensil Song said:

OK, I got it. lives y is also unnecessary, we just need skolemization.

Wow! I need to check Classical.skolem, but I thought skolemization was need by resolution only to remove the existentials. Why do we need it in Lean?

Alexandre Rademaker (Oct 31 2023 at 20:07):

OK, the Classical.skolem evoke the axiomOfChoice and 'The fact that the Axiom of Choice implies Excluded Middle' (from here) this means that @Utensil Song proof is classical.

Now I need to understand @Utensil Song proof. Can I finish my proof using byContradiction only? Restricting its use in the one open branch I have?

Stuart Presnell (Oct 31 2023 at 21:51):

Here's a constructive proof that formalises the clue "No one hates everyone" as pel55_10' : ¬ ∃ x, ∀ y, lives y → hates x y

variable (u : Type)
variable (lives : u  Prop)
variable (killed hates richer : u  u  Prop)
variable (agatha butler charles : u)

variable (pel55_1 :  x : u, lives x  killed x agatha)
-- variable (pel55_2_1 : lives agatha)
-- variable (pel55_2_2 : lives butler)
-- variable (pel55_2_3 : lives charles)
variable (pel55_3 :  x, lives x  x = agatha  x = butler  x = charles)
variable (pel55_4 :  x y, killed x y  hates x y)
variable (pel55_5 :  x y, killed x y  ¬ richer x y)
variable (pel55_6 :  x, hates agatha x  ¬ hates charles x)

variable (pel55_7 :  x, x  butler  hates agatha x)
variable (pel55_8 :  x, ¬ richer x agatha  hates butler x)
variable (pel55_9 :  x, hates agatha x  hates butler x)

-- variable (pel55_10 : ∀ x, ∃ y, ¬ hates x y)
variable (pel55_10' : ¬  x,  y, lives y  hates x y)
variable (pel55_11 : agatha  butler)

theorem result : killed agatha agatha := by
  have n,h1,h2 := pel55_1
--  clear pel55_2_1 pel55_2_2 pel55_2_3
  have h3 := pel55_3 n h1
  have hC_innocent : ¬killed charles agatha := by
    have h_AA : hates agatha agatha := pel55_7 agatha pel55_11
    have h_CA : ¬hates charles agatha := pel55_6 agatha h_AA
    intro H
    exact h_CA (pel55_4 charles agatha H)

  cases h3 with
  | inl h => rw [h] at h2; exact h2
  | inr h => cases h with
    | inl h =>
        rw [h] at h1 h2; clear h
        apply False.elim
        apply pel55_10'; exists butler
        intro y hy
        cases pel55_3 y hy with
        | inl h => rw [h] at *; exact pel55_4 butler agatha h2
        | inr h => cases h with
          | inl h => rw [h]; exact pel55_8 butler (pel55_5 butler agatha h2)
          | inr h => rw [h]
                     apply pel55_9 charles
                     apply pel55_7 charles
                     intro H
                     rw [H] at h2
                     exact hC_innocent h2
    | inr h =>
       rw [h] at h2
       apply False.elim
       exact hC_innocent h2

#print axioms result  -- 'result' does not depend on any axioms

Utensil Song (Nov 01 2023 at 00:07):

Yes, in order to have a constructive proof, you'll need lives y to express no one hates everyone. If you look the vampire proof close enough, you'll find that it only uses skolemization if lives y is absent.

Utensil Song (Nov 01 2023 at 00:13):

TPTP formalization didn't reproduce all the clues needed for a natural language reasoning, namely 10 and 13 that I pointed out initially. Missing 10 forces one to reason charles isn't butler based on he is innocent. Missing lives y in 13 forces one to invoke skolemization which turns the proof classical. Both are unnatural consequences.

Alexandre Rademaker (Nov 24 2023 at 20:48):

Hi @Stuart Presnell , I didn't know about the #print axioms, where can I find the documentation about the #print command that says that it can get the axioms parameter?

Oh... I found the definition the the Lean builtin commands. But no clear documentation yet.

Alexandre Rademaker (Nov 24 2023 at 21:07):

@Utensil Song I believe we can reduce the proof to just one application of the exclude middle principle.

Utensil Song (Nov 25 2023 at 08:19):

Alexandre Rademaker said:

Utensil Song I believe we can reduce the proof to just one application of the exclude middle principle.

I wonder how exactly.

Alexandre Rademaker (Nov 27 2023 at 20:56):

@Utensil Song it is possible, see https://www.jstor.org/stable/45096843, as far as I understand. I will try more from the proofs above.

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC