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Stream: lean4

Topic: 'unreachable' code was reached by termination check

Alex Keizer (May 04 2022 at 14:04):

The following MWE triggers unreachable code in the latest nightly (nightly-2022-05-04):

universe u

/-- A curried function of exactly `n` arguments; `α → ... → α → β` -/
abbrev CurriedFun (α β : Type u) : Nat  Type u
  | 0   => β
  | n+1 => α  CurriedFun α β n

/-- A curried type function of `n` arguments, i.e., `Type u → Type u → ... → Type u` -/
abbrev CurriedTypeFun : Nat  Type (u+1)
  := CurriedFun (Type u) (Type u)

/-- In my actual code, `GenTypeFun` is distinct from `CurriedTypeFun`, and `m` is used -/
abbrev GenTypeFun (n m : Nat) : Type _
  := CurriedFun (Type u) (Type u) n

def asCurried {n m : Nat} (F : GenTypeFun n m) : CurriedTypeFun (m + n)
  := match n, m with
      | 0,   _    => by sorry
      | _,   0    => by sorry
      | n+1, _    => fun τ => asCurried (F τ)

The error is

fail to show termination for
with errors
'unreachable' code was reached

'unreachable' code was reached

Note that my code triggers the same error without sorry's, those are not the issue.

Termination should be easy to prove, it just recurses on n, but adding the termination hint does not fix the issue.

Alex Keizer (May 04 2022 at 14:39):

The issue seems to be with the simultaneous match on n and m, the following code works as expected:

def asCurried {n m : Nat} (F : GenTypeFun n m) : CurriedTypeFun (m + n)
  := match n with
      | 0     => by sorry
      | n+1   => match m with
                | 0 => by sorry
                | _ => fun τ => asCurried (F τ)

Leonardo de Moura (May 04 2022 at 15:11):

Pushed a fix for this https://github.com/leanprover/lean4/commit/16ed5a321366b08b9dadcc59d6f35da281c8b8cb

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC