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Stream: lean4

Topic: Newbie question: error: unknown package 'data'

Kai Middleton (Nov 26 2023 at 08:23):

I have infinitude_of_primes.lean which I got from https://gist.github.com/ujjwal-9/36967b848bd1fa8c21b6e20b35a680b9

Is my setup wrong? Is the code wrong?

When I try to run it I get errors:

$ lean infinititude_of_primes.lean
infinititude_of_primes.lean:4:0: error: unknown package 'data'
infinititude_of_primes.lean:10:5: error: unknown namespace 'nat'
infinititude_of_primes.lean:14:35: error: expected token
infinititude_of_primes.lean:38:2: error: invalid 'end', insufficient scopes
infinititude_of_primes.lean:38:5: error: unexpected token ','; expected command
infinititude_of_primes.lean:60:3: error: invalid 'end', insufficient scopes
infinititude_of_primes.lean:60:6: error: unexpected token ','; expected command
infinititude_of_primes.lean:69:0: error: invalid 'end', insufficient scopes

Here's how I installed lean:

brew install elan mathlibtools
elan toolchain install stable
elan default stable

the version:

lean --version
Lean (version 4.2.0, commit 0d7051497ea0, Release)

Here is the source code:

-- https://mathcs.clarku.edu/~djoyce/java/elements/bookIX/propIX20.html

-- Definitions about natural numbers and primes
import data.nat.prime

-- Library on linear arithmatic
import tactic.linarith

-- Define namespace, which is natural numbers in this case
open nat

-- Define theorem or goal to prove
theorem infinitude_of_primes:  N,  p >= N, prime p :=
-- between begin-end block we write tactics
  -- define N to be a natural number as a part of our local hypothesis
  intro N,

  -- Continue with proof as mentioned in link provided in header
  -- let M to be N! + 1
  let M := factorial N + 1,

  -- let p be smallest prime factor of M which is not 1
  let p := min_fac M,

  -- define supporting hypothesis pp, p is prime
  have pp : prime p :=
  -- begin proof for supporting p being prime
    -- minimum factor of a number is prime, but what about if M = 1
    refine min_fac_prime _,
    -- so here we prove M != 1 or M > 1
    have : factorial N > 0 := factorial_pos N,
    -- this just automatically takes care of linear arithmatic required for proof

  -- before this we had existenial statement but now we have condition in p
  use p,

  -- split our goal in  2 subgoals

  -- proof by contradiction so it should output False

   /- hypothesis h1, p divides N! + 1 proved by
   min_fac_dvd : ∀ (n : ℕ), n.min_fac ∣ n
   have h₁ : p  factorial N + 1 := min_fac_dvd M,

   -- hypothesis h2, p divides N!
   have h₂ : p   factorial N :=
     refine pp.dvd_factorial.mpr _,
     -- proved p <= N, using hypothsis h
     exact le_of_not_ge h,
   proved using dvd_add_right with support from local hypothesis h₂ and h₁
   have h : p  1 := (nat.dvd_add_right h₂).mp h₁,
   -- prime not dividing one using local hypothesis pp and h
   exact prime.not_dvd_one pp h, },
   -- second part of proof is just our hypothesis pp that we already proved
  {exact pp, },

Mauricio Collares (Nov 26 2023 at 08:42):

The example you found is Lean 3, which is incompatible with Lean 4. This proof of the infinitude of primes in Lean 4 is not as readable but it might help you adapt the above proof to the current version of Lean: https://github.com/leanprover-community/mathlib4/blob/632ea7781942607e95dabee9f4d1335392d0f01a/Mathlib/Data/Nat/Prime.lean#L472-L481

Mauricio Collares (Nov 26 2023 at 08:43):

Other people probably have readable Lean 4 versions of this proof, let's wait a bit to see if someone has a useful link

Julian Berman (Nov 26 2023 at 15:10):

Someone indeed may come along with such a link, but just in case, @Kai Middleton here's a completely mechanical "port" of that proof to lean 4:

-- https://mathcs.clarku.edu/~djoyce/java/elements/bookIX/propIX20.html

-- Definitions about natural numbers and primes
import Mathlib.Data.Nat.Prime

-- Mathlib's tactics library
import Mathlib.Tactic

-- We want to refer to some theorems about Natural numbers
open Nat

-- Define theorem or goal to prove
theorem infinitude_of_primes:  N : ,  p  N, Nat.Prime p := by
  -- After `by` we write our "tactics" to prove the theorem...

  -- let N be a natural number
  intro N

  -- Continue with proof as mentioned in link provided in header
  -- let M be N! + 1
  let M := factorial N + 1

  -- let p be smallest prime factor of M which is not 1
  let p := M.minFac

  -- define supporting hypothesis pp, p is prime
  have pp : Nat.Prime p := by
  -- begin proof for supporting p being prime
    -- minimum factor of a number is prime, but what about if M = 1
    apply minFac_prime
    -- so here we prove M != 1 or M > 1
    have : factorial N > 0 := factorial_pos N
    -- this just automatically takes care of linear arithmatic required for proof

  -- before this we had existenial statement but now we have condition in p
  use p

  -- split our goal in  2 subgoals

  -- proof by contradiction so it should output False
  · by_contra h
    /- hypothesis h1, p divides N! + 1 proved by
    min_fac_dvd : ∀ (n : ℕ), n.min_fac ∣ n
    have h₁ : p  factorial N + 1 := minFac_dvd M

    -- hypothesis h2, p divides N!
    have h₂ : p   factorial N := by
      apply pp.dvd_factorial.mpr _
      -- proved p <= N, using hypothsis h
      exact le_of_not_ge h
    proved using dvd_add_right with support from local hypothesis h₂ and h₁
    have h : p  1 := (Nat.dvd_add_right h₂).mp h₁
   -- prime not dividing one using local hypothesis pp and h
    exact Nat.Prime.not_dvd_one pp h
   -- second part of proof is just our hypothesis pp that we already proved
  · exact pp

Julian Berman (Nov 26 2023 at 15:12):

(Minor mostly irrelevant note: There's some minor annoyance in that even though one has open Nat you still get Lean complaining that Nat.Prime conflicts with _root_.Prime I think there's some plan to unify those eventually? Maybe someone will teach both of us if there's some other way to not have to write Nat.Prime)

Julian Berman (Nov 26 2023 at 15:12):

I guess I could have put that in namespace Nat and probably that would work.

Scott Morrison (Nov 27 2023 at 00:43):

I think we should namespace _root_.Prime. That's pretty bold to assume that no one will ever want to have a declaration called Prime in any other package...

Kai Middleton (Nov 27 2023 at 02:33):

Julian Berman said:

Someone indeed may come along with such a link, but just in case, Kai Middleton here's a completely mechanical "port" of that proof to lean 4:

-- https://mathcs.clarku.edu/~djoyce/java/elements/bookIX/propIX20.html

-- Definitions about natural numbers and primes
import Mathlib.Data.Nat.Prime

-- Mathlib's tactics library
import Mathlib.Tactic

-- We want to refer to some theorems about Natural numbers
open Nat

-- Define theorem or goal to prove
theorem infinitude_of_primes:  N : ,  p  N, Nat.Prime p := by
  -- After `by` we write our "tactics" to prove the theorem...

  -- let N be a natural number
  intro N

  -- Continue with proof as mentioned in link provided in header
  -- let M be N! + 1
  let M := factorial N + 1

  -- let p be smallest prime factor of M which is not 1
  let p := M.minFac

  -- define supporting hypothesis pp, p is prime
  have pp : Nat.Prime p := by
  -- begin proof for supporting p being prime
    -- minimum factor of a number is prime, but what about if M = 1
    apply minFac_prime
    -- so here we prove M != 1 or M > 1
    have : factorial N > 0 := factorial_pos N
    -- this just automatically takes care of linear arithmatic required for proof

  -- before this we had existenial statement but now we have condition in p
  use p

  -- split our goal in  2 subgoals

  -- proof by contradiction so it should output False
  · by_contra h
    /- hypothesis h1, p divides N! + 1 proved by
    min_fac_dvd : ∀ (n : ℕ), n.min_fac ∣ n
    have h₁ : p  factorial N + 1 := minFac_dvd M

    -- hypothesis h2, p divides N!
    have h₂ : p   factorial N := by
      apply pp.dvd_factorial.mpr _
      -- proved p <= N, using hypothsis h
      exact le_of_not_ge h
    proved using dvd_add_right with support from local hypothesis h₂ and h₁
    have h : p  1 := (Nat.dvd_add_right h₂).mp h₁
   -- prime not dividing one using local hypothesis pp and h
    exact Nat.Prime.not_dvd_one pp h
   -- second part of proof is just our hypothesis pp that we already proved
  · exact pp

Thanks! I tried this mechanical port but am getting some different errors:

$ lean infinititude_of_primes.lean
infinititude_of_primes.lean:4:0: error: unknown package 'Mathlib'
infinititude_of_primes.lean:10:5: error: unknown namespace 'Nat'
infinititude_of_primes.lean:14:39: error: expected token

I did some googling; one hint was to set up LEAN_PATH? But I'm not finding any real documentation to discuss that in greater depth.

I like this idea of a standalone proof of the infinitude of primes as it should be a nice self contained demo of Lean capabilities on an easy but not completely trivial proof.

Mario Carneiro (Nov 27 2023 at 02:43):

the normal way to invoke lean is via lake, in the context of a project

Mario Carneiro (Nov 27 2023 at 02:47):

See https://lean-lang.org/lean4/doc/setup.html#lake or https://leanprover-community.github.io/install/project.html#creating-a-lean-project

Kai Middleton (Nov 27 2023 at 05:37):

Mario Carneiro said:

See https://lean-lang.org/lean4/doc/setup.html#lake or https://leanprover-community.github.io/install/project.html#creating-a-lean-project

Ok thanks, I didn't know I couldn't just do a one-off, will give that a try.

Mario Carneiro (Nov 27 2023 at 05:55):

you can, but only for files that don't import anything

Mario Carneiro (Nov 27 2023 at 05:56):

if you want to import Mathlib you need to make a project depending on mathlib via lake new myproj math

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC