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Stream: lean4
Topic: Why isn't Thunk a Monad?
François G. Dorais (Jan 16 2023 at 15:38):
It probably doesn't need to be a monad since it works pretty well as-is. However, I wonder if there is a reason why it shouldn't be a monad.
I noticed when I tried to write def foo : Thunk α := do ...
but I realized that I needed to write def foo : Thunk α := Id.run do ...
and rely on the coercion from α
to Thunk α
Kyle Miller (Jan 16 2023 at 15:45):
Of course it "is" a monad since there are docs4#Thunk.pure docs4#Thunk.bind (to be pedantic/annoying), but I'm also wondering if there's any reason there shouldn't be a Monad
Relying on the coercion feels weird since it obscures when computations are happening.
François G. Dorais (Jan 16 2023 at 16:28):
I just checked that this works:
instance : Monad Thunk where
pure := Thunk.pure
bind := Thunk.bind
map := Thunk.map
instance : LawfulMonad Thunk where
map_const := by intros; rfl
id_map := by intros; rfl
bind_assoc := by intros; rfl
bind_pure_comp := by intros; rfl
bind_map := by intros; rfl
pure_bind := by intros; rfl
pure_seq := by intros; rfl
seqLeft_eq := by intros; rfl
seqRight_eq := by intros; rfl
So it really is a monad. There could still be issues related to the special support for Thunk
in runtime which would make it ill-behaved.
Sebastian Ullrich (Jan 16 2023 at 16:33):
The compiler does not currently know anything about eliminating Thunk.pure _ >>= _
. Which to be fair is mostly an issue if you then go on to define ThunkT
and get implicit Thunk.pure
s from monad lifting everywhere.
Henrik Böving (Jan 16 2023 at 17:53):
We could easily add that as a rewrite rule for the new compiler :eyes:
François G. Dorais (Jan 16 2023 at 18:32):
So it would be mostly harmless and potentially useful to add. I made a quick PR to add it in Std.
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC