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Stream: lean4

Topic: builtin_initialize leads to "unknown declaration 'initFn...'

Jannis Limperg (Jun 26 2021 at 20:05):

I set up a fork of Lean 4 where I builtin_initialize an env extension and an attribute in a new file in the standard library. Lean then builds fine, but when I run the resulting lean binary, it reports

unknown declaration 'initFn._@.Init.Data.Random._hyg.631'

This happens with both the Nix build and the CMake build. I got this error a couple of times already and managed to 'solve' it by executing random commands until it went away, but I'd prefer to know what's actually going on.

Jannis Limperg (Jun 26 2021 at 20:08):

(If you need the code, I'll be happy to upload it of course, but I suspect this might be expected behaviour in some sense.)

Sebastian Ullrich (Jun 26 2021 at 20:26):

Did you update stage 0 (see Building Lean docs) after the change? Your binary with the attribute likely isn't compatible with the stdlib built without it, which might explain any weird behavior.

Jannis Limperg (Jun 26 2021 at 20:29):

Okay, that's probably the culprit then. Thanks! (Live support from the devs on a Saturday evening -- I am spoilt.)

Kevin Buzzard (Jun 26 2021 at 21:21):

When I'm advertising lean to mathematicians I tend to mention the "24/7 helpline" as I now call the Lean Zulip

Jannis Limperg (Jun 28 2021 at 10:34):

I'll need some more help from that helpline I'm afraid. After I update stage0 (make update-stage0 and commit), stage0 builds but stage1 does not. It fails to build Init/Data.lean with the same error:

Init/Data.lean:6:0: error: unknown declaration 'initFn._@.Init.Data.Random._hyg.631'

I also get the exact same error when I build stage2 without updating stage0 first. Same with the equivalent Nix commands as well.

Sebastian Ullrich (Jun 28 2021 at 10:37):

Ok, then it must be something specific to your code. I feel like I have seen that error once before when changing the stages, but not in a long while.

Jannis Limperg (Jun 28 2021 at 11:10):

Okay, let me minimise. So I should be able to build stage2 without updating stage0, right?

Sebastian Ullrich (Jun 28 2021 at 11:36):

Yes. Building stage2 or update-stage0+stage1 should be equivalent

Jannis Limperg (Jun 28 2021 at 17:56):


The issue is somehow sensitive to imports. Building this tree with nix build .#stage2 fails, but after removing the import Lean.Meta line, the same command succeeds.

Jannis Limperg (Jun 28 2021 at 18:16):

Minimised some more. Seems like it doesn't actually matter what I builtin_initialize.

Jannis Limperg (Jun 29 2021 at 11:12):

Turns out the error has nothing to do with builtin_initialize after all. It appears to be triggered by importing Lean.Meta.CollectFVars, a completely innocuous 30-line module. Importing it transitively also triggers the error; importing every other module doesn't. Should I open an issue at this point?

Sebastian Ullrich (Jun 29 2021 at 11:29):

It seems to work if you move your import to the end (presumably after the original imports). I'm not yet sure why.

Sebastian Ullrich (Jun 29 2021 at 11:29):

The import of Lean.Bug, that is

Jannis Limperg (Jun 29 2021 at 11:47):

Yes, that works, also for my non-minimised code.

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC