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Stream: lean4

Topic: don't know how to synthesize placeholder for argument

Marcus Rossel (Jun 02 2023 at 12:46):

I'm running into an error on le_total in the following, which I just don't understand:

import Mathlib.Init.Data.Nat.Lemmas
import Mathlib.Order.Basic

def Time := Nat
deriving LinearOrder

structure Time.Tag where
  time : Time
  microstep : Nat

namespace Time.Tag

instance : LinearOrder Time.Tag where
  le g₁ g₂ := (g₁.time < g₂.time)  (g₁.time = g₂.time  g₁.microstep  g₂.microstep)
  le_refl g := .inr rfl, le_refl _
  le_trans _ _ _
    | .inl h₁, .inl h₂ => .inl $ h₁.trans h₂
    | .inl h₁, .inr h₂, _ | .inr h₂, _⟩, .inl h₁ => .inl $ h₂  h₁
    | .inr h₁, h₁'⟩, .inr h₂, h₂' => .inr h₁.trans h₂, h₁'.trans h₂'
  le_antisymm _ _
    | .inl h₁, .inl h₂ => absurd h₁ h₂.asymm
    | .inl h₁, .inr h₂, _ | .inr h₂, _⟩, .inl h₁ => absurd (h₂  h₁) (lt_irrefl _)
    | .inr h₁, h₁'⟩, .inr h₂, h₂' => Time.Tag.ext _ _ (h₁  h₂) (h₁'.antisymm h₂')
  le_total := sorry -- don't know how to synthesize placeholder for argument 'α'
  decidableLE := sorry -- don't know how to synthesize placeholder for argument 'α'
  decidableEq := sorry

end Time.Tag

If I sorry le_antisymm the error goes away:

instance : LinearOrder Time.Tag where
  le g₁ g₂ := (g₁.time < g₂.time)  (g₁.time = g₂.time  g₁.microstep  g₂.microstep)
  le_refl g := .inr rfl, le_refl _
  le_trans _ _ _
    | .inl h₁, .inl h₂ => .inl $ h₁.trans h₂
    | .inl h₁, .inr h₂, _ | .inr h₂, _⟩, .inl h₁ => .inl $ h₂  h₁
    | .inr h₁, h₁'⟩, .inr h₂, h₂' => .inr h₁.trans h₂, h₁'.trans h₂'
  le_antisymm := sorry
  le_total := sorry
  decidableLE := sorry
  decidableEq := sorry

What is this error trying to convey?

Kevin Buzzard (Jun 02 2023 at 15:16):

I'm still getting the hang of Lean 4 structure constructors so I thought I'd wade in:

import Mathlib.Init.Data.Nat.Lemmas
import Mathlib.Order.Basic

def Time := Nat
deriving LinearOrder

structure Time.Tag where
  time : Time
  microstep : Nat

namespace Time.Tag

instance preorder : Preorder Time.Tag where
  le g₁ g₂ := (g₁.time < g₂.time)  (g₁.time = g₂.time  g₁.microstep  g₂.microstep)
  le_refl g := .inr rfl, le_refl _
  le_trans _ _ _
    | .inl h₁, .inl h₂ => .inl $ h₁.trans h₂
    | .inl h₁, .inr h₂, _ | .inr h₂, _⟩, .inl h₁ => .inl $ h₂  h₁
    | .inr h₁, h₁'⟩, .inr h₂, h₂' => .inr h₁.trans h₂, h₁'.trans h₂'

-- works
instance partialOrder : PartialOrder Time.Tag where
  toPreorder := preorder
  le_antisymm _ _
    | .inl h₁, .inl h₂ => absurd h₁ h₂.asymm
    | .inl h₁, .inr h₂, _ | .inr h₂, _⟩, .inl h₁ => absurd (h₂  h₁) (lt_irrefl _)
    | .inr h₁, h₁'⟩, .inr h₂, h₂' => Time.Tag.ext _ _ (h₁  h₂) (h₁'.antisymm h₂')

-- fails
instance partialOrder' : PartialOrder Time.Tag :=
  { preorder with
    le_antisymm _ _ -- error `expected '}'`
      | .inl h₁, .inl h₂ => absurd h₁ h₂.asymm
      | .inl h₁, .inr h₂, _ | .inr h₂, _⟩, .inl h₁ => absurd (h₂  h₁) (lt_irrefl _)
      | .inr h₁, h₁'⟩, .inr h₂, h₂' => Time.Tag.ext _ _ (h₁  h₂) (h₁'.antisymm h₂')

-- works
instance linearOrder : LinearOrder Time.Tag :=
  { partialOrder with
    le_total := sorry
    decidableLE := sorry
    decidableEq := sorry

Now I'm just confused. Is it something to do with definitions by pattern matching not being valid in some places?

Sebastian Ullrich (Jun 02 2023 at 15:27):

{ ... } structure instance notation simply does not accept parameters to the left of := at all. We mostly think of it generating data, while where is more used for generating code/functions, thus the slightly different syntactic options

Eric Wieser (Jun 02 2023 at 16:39):

Can the where syntax be used in an expression / a substructure?

Marcus Rossel (Jun 02 2023 at 16:55):

Regarding the initial question: Using a by block for le_antisymm fixes the problem for some reason ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ :

instance : LinearOrder Time.Tag where
  le_refl g := .inr rfl, le_refl _
  le_trans _ _ _
    | .inl h₁, .inl h₂ => .inl $ h₁.trans h₂
    | .inl h₁, .inr h₂, _ | .inr h₂, _⟩, .inl h₁ => .inl $ h₂  h₁
    | .inr h₁, h₁'⟩, .inr h₂, h₂' => .inr h₁.trans h₂, h₁'.trans h₂'
  le_antisymm := by
    intro _ _; intro
    | .inl h₁, .inl h₂ => exact absurd h₁ h₂.asymm
    | .inl h₁, .inr h₂, _ | .inr h₂, _⟩, .inl h₁ => exact absurd (h₂  h₁) (lt_irrefl _)
    | .inr h₁, h₁'⟩, .inr h₂, h₂' => exact Time.Tag.ext _ _ (h₁  h₂) (h₁'.antisymm h₂')
  le_total := by
    intro t₁, m₁ t₂, m₂
    by_cases ht : t₁ = t₂ <;> by_cases hm : m₁ = m₂ <;> simp_all
    · exact .inr rfl, le_rfl
    · cases Nat.le_total m₁ m₂
      · exact .inl $ .inr rfl, _›⟩
      · exact .inr $ .inr rfl, _›⟩
      cases Nat.le_total t₁ t₂
      · exact .inl $ .inl $ lt_of_le_of_ne _ ht
      · exact .inr $ .inl $ lt_of_le_of_ne _ (ht ·.symm)
  decidableLE := inferInstance
  decidableEq := inferInstance

Kevin Buzzard (Jun 02 2023 at 17:43):

You can pattern match on an intro in tactic mode?? Nice!

Marcus Rossel (Jun 02 2023 at 18:22):

Kevin Buzzard said:

You can pattern match on an intro in tactic mode?? Nice!

In Lean 4 it feels like you can pattern match all the things :D

Mario Carneiro (Jun 02 2023 at 20:16):

Sebastian Ullrich said:

{ ... } structure instance notation simply does not accept parameters to the left of := at all. We mostly think of it generating data, while where is more used for generating code/functions, thus the slightly different syntactic options

FYI this is on my list of "grammar inconsistencies to PR fix once I find the time and stomach for it"

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC