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Stream: lean4

Topic: rfl won't work with indexed inductive types

Jad Ghalayini (Dec 01 2021 at 20:36):

Anyone know what I'm doing wrong here: https://github.com/leanprover/lean4/issues/837?

I ended up working around this by replacing Wk with a struct containing a RawWk and a Prop, but I still wonder what's wrong.

Arthur Paulino (Dec 01 2021 at 21:18):

Some more digging:

inductive Wk: Nat -> Nat -> Type 0 where
  | id: Wk n n
  | step: Wk m n -> Wk (Nat.succ m) n
  | lift: Wk m n -> Wk (Nat.succ m) (Nat.succ n)

def wk_comp {n m l: Nat} (ρ: Wk n m) (σ: Wk m l): Wk n l :=
  match ρ, σ with
    | Wk.id, σ => σ
    | Wk.step ρ, σ => Wk.step (wk_comp ρ σ)
    | Wk.lift ρ, Wk.id => Wk.lift ρ
    | Wk.lift ρ, Wk.step σ => Wk.step (wk_comp ρ σ)
    | Wk.lift ρ, Wk.lift σ => Wk.lift (wk_comp ρ σ)

variable {ρ: Wk m n}
-- they indeed match:
#check ρ                             -- ρ : Wk m n
#check wk_comp Wk.id ρ -- wk_comp Wk.id ρ : Wk m n

theorem wk_comp_id_id' {ρ: Wk m n}: wk_comp Wk.id ρ = ρ := by
-- (kernel) declaration type mismatch, 'wk_comp_id_id'' has type
--  ∀ {m n : Nat} {ρ : Wk m n}, ρ = ρ but it is expected to have type
--  ∀ {m n : Nat} {ρ : Wk m n}, wk_comp Wk.id ρ = ρ
  simp only [wk_comp]; -- goals accomplished

theorem wk_comp_id_id {ρ: Wk m n}: wk_comp Wk.id ρ = ρ := by
  simp only [wk_comp]; -- error: no goals to be solved

Arthur Paulino (Dec 01 2021 at 21:34):

@Jad Ghalayini This works:

inductive Wk: Nat -> Nat -> Type 0 where
  | id: Wk n n
  | step: Wk m n -> Wk (Nat.succ m) n
  | lift: Wk m n -> Wk (Nat.succ m) (Nat.succ n)

variable {n m l: Nat}

def wk_comp (ρ: Wk n m) (σ: Wk m l): Wk n l :=
  match ρ, σ with
    | Wk.id, σ => σ
    | Wk.step ρ, σ => sorry -- Wk.step (wk_comp ρ σ)
    | Wk.lift ρ, Wk.id => sorry -- Wk.lift ρ
    | Wk.lift ρ, Wk.step σ => sorry -- Wk.step (wk_comp ρ σ)
    | Wk.lift ρ, Wk.lift σ => sorry -- Wk.lift (wk_comp ρ σ)

theorem wk_comp_id_id' {ρ: Wk m n}: wk_comp Wk.id ρ = ρ := rfl

I just used sorry on the match possibilities that weren't being used. The trick was fixing variable {n m l: Nat} instead of having those as implicit arguments of the function

Kyle Miller (Dec 01 2021 at 21:42):

@Jad Ghalayini This has exactly the same problem, but I wanted to mention that you can use this syntax (implicit implicit arguments and folding in the match notation):

def wk_comp : Wk n m  Wk m l  Wk n l
  | Wk.id, σ => σ
  | Wk.step ρ, σ => Wk.step (wk_comp ρ σ)
  | Wk.lift ρ, Wk.id => Wk.lift ρ
  | Wk.lift ρ, Wk.step σ => Wk.step (wk_comp ρ σ)
  | Wk.lift ρ, Wk.lift σ => Wk.lift (wk_comp ρ σ)

Kyle Miller (Dec 01 2021 at 21:45):

@Arthur Paulino If you sorry-out the cases in the original version the declaration type mismatch goes away, too, so variable is probably not what's seeming to fix it.

Arthur Paulino (Dec 01 2021 at 21:47):


Arthur Paulino (Dec 01 2021 at 21:51):

It's not just any sorry pattern either. It works as long as you sorry-out these three:

def wk_comp : Wk n m  Wk m l  Wk n l
  | Wk.id, σ => σ
  | Wk.step ρ, σ => sorry -- Wk.step (wk_comp ρ σ)
  | Wk.lift ρ, Wk.id => Wk.lift ρ
  | Wk.lift ρ, Wk.step σ => sorry -- Wk.step (wk_comp ρ σ)
  | Wk.lift ρ, Wk.lift σ => sorry -- Wk.lift (wk_comp ρ σ)

Arthur Paulino (Dec 01 2021 at 21:52):


Arthur Paulino (Dec 01 2021 at 21:53):

(the recursive calls)

Jad Ghalayini (Dec 01 2021 at 22:33):

I can post how I fixed it tomorrow if you guys want, but I do think something is quite broken here

Leonardo de Moura (Dec 02 2021 at 00:49):

Pushed a fix for this: https://github.com/leanprover/lean4/commit/c42196440f6346298b85891a35053dd94ca95a02

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC