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Stream: mathlib4

Topic: Tutte's theorem statement

Pim Otte (Sep 21 2023 at 13:03):

I wanna try and prove Tutte's theorem. I've come to the following statement. Before I move in and try to prove it, does anyone see anything that's problematic or unidiomatic? The eventual goal is a PR to mathlib, so anything with that in mind is welcome specifically:)

import Mathlib.Combinatorics.SimpleGraph.Basic
import Mathlib.Combinatorics.SimpleGraph.Matching
import Mathlib.Combinatorics.SimpleGraph.Connectivity
import Mathlib.Combinatorics.SimpleGraph.Subgraph
import Mathlib.Data.Fintype.Powerset
import Mathlib.Data.Set.Card

namespace SimpleGraph

variable {V : Type u} [Fintype V] {G : SimpleGraph V} [DecidableRel G.Adj]

instance (u : ConnectedComponent G) : Fintype (u.supp) := sorry

def ConnectedComponent.card (u : ConnectedComponent G) : Nat := Fintype.card u.supp

def OddConnectedComponents (U : SimpleGraph.Subgraph G) : Type _
   := {component : SimpleGraph.ConnectedComponent U.coe // Odd (component.card)}

instance (U : Subgraph G) [DecidableEq V] : Fintype (OddConnectedComponents U) := sorry

def numOddComponents [DecidableEq V] (U : Subgraph G) : Nat := Fintype.card (OddConnectedComponents U)

def tutte [DecidableEq V] : ( (M : Subgraph G) , M.IsPerfectMatching)  ( (u : Set V),
      numOddComponents (Subgraph.induce (G.toSubgraph G (le_rfl)) u)  u.ncard) :=

Martin Dvořák (Sep 21 2023 at 13:19):

Very cool you work on Tutte's theorem!

Alex J. Best (Sep 21 2023 at 13:37):

Can you use SimpleGraph.induce in place of Subgraph.induce (G.toSubgraph G (le_rfl)) ?

Alex J. Best (Sep 21 2023 at 13:38):

Maybe its more work in the long run, but just checking you also considered that option

Pim Otte (Sep 21 2023 at 13:47):

I hadn't, I can't really oversee the consequences, but it does look more clean:

import Mathlib.Combinatorics.SimpleGraph.Basic
import Mathlib.Combinatorics.SimpleGraph.Matching
import Mathlib.Combinatorics.SimpleGraph.Connectivity
import Mathlib.Combinatorics.SimpleGraph.Subgraph
import Mathlib.Data.Fintype.Powerset
import Mathlib.Data.Set.Card

namespace SimpleGraph

variable {V : Type u} [Fintype V] {u : Set V}

instance (cc : ConnectedComponent G) : Fintype (cc.supp) := sorry

def ConnectedComponent.card (cc : ConnectedComponent G) : Nat := Fintype.card cc.supp

def OddConnectedComponents (G : SimpleGraph u) : Type _
   := {component : ConnectedComponent G // Odd (component.card)}

instance (G : SimpleGraph u) [DecidableEq V] : Fintype (OddConnectedComponents G) := sorry

def numOddComponents [DecidableEq V] {u : Set V} (G : SimpleGraph u) : Nat := Fintype.card (OddConnectedComponents G)

def tutte [DecidableEq V] : ( (M : Subgraph G) , M.IsPerfectMatching)  ( (u : Set V),
      numOddComponents (SimpleGraph.induce u G)  u.ncard) :=

Kyle Miller (Sep 21 2023 at 14:22):

@Pim Otte I think this might be how I'd set things up:

import Mathlib.Combinatorics.SimpleGraph.Matching
import Mathlib.Combinatorics.SimpleGraph.Connectivity
import Mathlib.Data.Set.Card

namespace SimpleGraph

variable {V : Type*} {G : SimpleGraph V}

/-- A connected component is *odd* if it has an add number of vertices
in its support. -/
-- Note: only connected components with finitely many vertices can be odd.
def ConnectedComponent.isOdd (c : G.ConnectedComponent) : Prop :=
  Odd (Nat.card c.supp)

noncomputable def cardOddComponents (G : SimpleGraph V) : Nat :=
  Set.ncard {c : G.ConnectedComponent | c.isOdd}

def tutte [Finite V] :
    ( (M : Subgraph G) , M.IsPerfectMatching) 
      ( (u : Set V),
        cardOddComponents (( : G.Subgraph).deleteVerts u).coe  u.ncard) :=

Kyle Miller (Sep 21 2023 at 14:23):

(I changed this to deleting vertices rather than inducing a subgraph, which is what I think is the statement of Tutte's theorem.)

Kyle Miller (Sep 21 2023 at 14:24):

Here are some extra things that might be useful at some point.

lemma ConnectedComponent.isOdd_iff (c : G.ConnectedComponent) [Fintype c.supp] :
    c.isOdd  Odd (Fintype.card c.supp) := by
  rw [isOdd, Nat.card_eq_fintype_card]

-- Follows from other instances:
--instance (u : ConnectedComponent G) : Fintype u.supp := inferInstance

/-- This is `Quot.recOn` specialized to connected components.
For convenience, it strengthens the assumptions in the hypothesis
to provide a path between the vertices. -/
def ConnectedComponent.recOn
    {motive : G.ConnectedComponent  Sort*}
    (c : G.ConnectedComponent)
    (f : (v : V)  motive (G.connectedComponentMk v))
    (h :  (u v : V) (p : G.Walk u v) (_ : p.IsPath),
      ConnectedComponent.sound p.reachable  f u = f v) :
    motive c :=
  Quot.recOn c f (fun u v r => r.elim_path fun p => h u v p p.2)

instance [Fintype V] [DecidableEq V] [DecidableRel G.Adj]
    (c : G.ConnectedComponent) (v : V) : Decidable (v  c.supp) :=
    (fun w => by simp only [ConnectedComponent.mem_supp_iff, ConnectedComponent.eq]; infer_instance)
    (fun _ _ _ _ => Subsingleton.elim _ _)

Pim Otte (Sep 21 2023 at 16:36):

Awesome, thanks, I'll see if I can build on this:) (oops@the deleting instead of subgraph, that's kind of critical)

Pim Otte (Oct 20 2023 at 08:57):

@Kyle Miller I'm making some small steps, but I can't get the instance you mention should follow from others. Any pointers?

import Mathlib.Combinatorics.SimpleGraph.Matching
import Mathlib.Combinatorics.SimpleGraph.Connectivity
import Mathlib.Data.Set.Card
import Mathlib.Data.Set.Finite

namespace SimpleGraph

variable {V : Type*} {G : SimpleGraph V}

-- Follows from other instances?
instance [Finite V] [Fintype V] (u : ConnectedComponent G) : Fintype u.supp := inferInstance

Kyle Miller (Oct 20 2023 at 15:43):

@Pim Otte Oops, I must have copy-pasted some things out of order. Here:

import Mathlib.Combinatorics.SimpleGraph.Matching
import Mathlib.Combinatorics.SimpleGraph.Connectivity
import Mathlib.Data.Set.Card
import Mathlib.Data.Set.Finite

namespace SimpleGraph

variable {V : Type*} {G : SimpleGraph V}

/-- This is `Quot.recOn` specialized to connected components.
For convenience, it strengthens the assumptions in the hypothesis
to provide a path between the vertices. -/
def ConnectedComponent.recOn
    {motive : G.ConnectedComponent  Sort*}
    (c : G.ConnectedComponent)
    (f : (v : V)  motive (G.connectedComponentMk v))
    (h :  (u v : V) (p : G.Walk u v) (_ : p.IsPath),
      ConnectedComponent.sound p.reachable  f u = f v) :
    motive c :=
  Quot.recOn c f (fun u v r => r.elim_path fun p => h u v p p.2)

instance [Fintype V] [DecidableEq V] [DecidableRel G.Adj]
    (c : G.ConnectedComponent) (v : V) : Decidable (v  c.supp) :=
    (fun w => by simp only [ConnectedComponent.mem_supp_iff, ConnectedComponent.eq]; infer_instance)
    (fun _ _ _ _ => Subsingleton.elim _ _)

instance [Fintype V] [DecidableEq V] [DecidableRel G.Adj] (u : ConnectedComponent G) :
    Fintype u.supp := inferInstance

Kyle Miller (Oct 20 2023 at 15:47):

There's probably a better instance, but this one is fine if you're working with finite graphs mathematically and you're not actually interested #evaling things like the cardinality of the support. It takes a bit of untangling to see what's going on, but the way that u.supp is a fintype here is that (1) it's a subset of the fintype V and (2) there's an algorithm for telling whether or not a given v is an element of u.supp, so one can enumerate the support by filtering V according to this algorithm. This algorithm isn't very efficient: it chooses a basepoint for u and enumerates all walks starting from u up to length card V - 1 and sees if v is ever one of the endpoints.

Pim Otte (Nov 25 2023 at 17:51):

I've been working on this every once in a while, and it seems like a good time to ask for a little feedback and help.

The current concrete problem I'm running into is that I don't know how to really connect (Subgraph.coe (⊤ : Subgraph G)) with G to prove the have heven : .... Rewriting the statements of the lemma's somehow got some Lean.Internal stuff to enter the context, which kind of made me think I might be barking up the wrong tree. I'm very open to pointers specifically about this or my general approach/structure/cleaner proofs etc.

import Mathlib.Combinatorics.SimpleGraph.Matching
import Mathlib.Combinatorics.SimpleGraph.Connectivity
import Mathlib.Data.Set.Card
import Mathlib.Data.Set.Finite

namespace SimpleGraph

variable {V : Type*} {G : SimpleGraph V}

/-- A connected component is *odd* if it has an add number of vertices
in its support. -/
-- Note: only connected components with finitely many vertices can be odd.
def ConnectedComponent.isOdd (c : G.ConnectedComponent) : Prop :=
  Odd (Nat.card c.supp)

noncomputable def cardOddComponents (G : SimpleGraph V) : Nat :=
  Set.ncard {c : G.ConnectedComponent | c.isOdd}

lemma ConnectedComponent.isOdd_iff (c : G.ConnectedComponent) [Fintype c.supp] :
    c.isOdd  Odd (Fintype.card c.supp) := by
  rw [isOdd, Nat.card_eq_fintype_card]

/-- This is `Quot.recOn` specialized to connected components.
For convenience, it strengthens the assumptions in the hypothesis
to provide a path between the vertices. -/
def ConnectedComponent.recOn
    {motive : G.ConnectedComponent  Sort*}
    (c : G.ConnectedComponent)
    (f : (v : V)  motive (G.connectedComponentMk v))
    (h :  (u v : V) (p : G.Walk u v) (_ : p.IsPath),
      ConnectedComponent.sound p.reachable  f u = f v) :
    motive c :=
  Quot.recOn c f (fun u v r => r.elim_path fun p => h u v p p.2)

instance [Fintype V] [DecidableEq V] [DecidableRel G.Adj]
    (c : G.ConnectedComponent) (v : V) : Decidable (v  c.supp) :=
    (fun w => by simp only [ConnectedComponent.mem_supp_iff, ConnectedComponent.eq]; infer_instance)
    (fun _ _ _ _ => Subsingleton.elim _ _)

instance myInst2 [r : DecidableRel G.Adj] : DecidableRel (Subgraph.coe ( : Subgraph G)).Adj := by
  intro x y
  cases (r x y) with
  | isFalse nh => {
    exact .isFalse (by
      intro w
      exact nh (Subgraph.coe_adj_sub _ _ _ w)
  | isTrue h => {
    exact .isTrue (by
      apply (Subgraph.coe_adj_sub _ _ _ _)
      exact h

instance myInst [Fintype V] [DecidableEq V] [DecidableRel G.Adj] (u : ConnectedComponent G) :
    Fintype u.supp := inferInstance

lemma SimpleGraph.PerfectMatchingInducesMatchingOnComponent [Fintype V] [DecidableEq V] [DecidableRel G.Adj]
  (M : Subgraph G) (hM : Subgraph.IsPerfectMatching M) (c : ConnectedComponent G) : (Subgraph.IsMatching (M.induce c.supp)) := by
    intro v hv
    have vM : v  M.verts := by
      apply hM.2
    have h := hM.1 vM
    obtain  w, hw  := h
    use w
    dsimp at *
    · constructor
      · assumption
      · constructor
        · rw [ConnectedComponent.mem_supp_iff]
          rw [ConnectedComponent.mem_supp_iff] at hv
          rw [ hv]
          apply ConnectedComponent.connectedComponentMk_eq_of_adj
          apply M.adj_sub
          rw [Subgraph.adj_comm]
          exact hw.1
        · exact hw.1
    · intro y hy
      apply hw.2
      exact hy.2.2

lemma SimpleGraph.PerfectMatchingConnectedComponentEven [Fintype V] [DecidableEq V] [DecidableRel G.Adj]
  (M : Subgraph G) (hM : Subgraph.IsPerfectMatching M) (c : ConnectedComponent G) : Even (Fintype.card (ConnectedComponent.supp c)) := by
    have h : Even (M.induce c.supp).verts.toFinset.card := by exact Subgraph.IsMatching.even_card (SimpleGraph.PerfectMatchingInducesMatchingOnComponent M hM c)
    obtain  k , hk  := h
    use k
    rw [ hk, Subgraph.induce_verts, @Fintype.card_ofFinset]
    simp only [ConnectedComponent.mem_supp_iff, Finset.mem_univ, forall_true_left]
    exact Set.filter_mem_univ_eq_toFinset fun x => connectedComponentMk G x = c

def tutte [Fintype V] [DecidableEq V] [DecidableRel G.Adj] :
    ( (M : Subgraph G) , M.IsPerfectMatching) 
      ( (u : Set V),
        cardOddComponents (( : G.Subgraph).deleteVerts u).coe  u.ncard) := by
    rintro M, hM u
    exact Set.Finite.induction_on u.toFinite
        have h : ( : G.Subgraph).deleteVerts  =  := by simp
        rw [h]
        have h2 : @Set.ncard V  = 0 := by simp
        rw [h2, cardOddComponents]
        simp only [Subgraph.verts_top, nonpos_iff_eq_zero]
        rw [ h2]
        have h3 :  {c | @ConnectedComponent.isOdd _ (Subgraph.coe ) c} =  := by
          simp [Set.ext_iff]
          intro c
          rw [@ConnectedComponent.isOdd_iff _ _ _ (@myInst _ _ _ _ (myInst2 : DecidableRel (Subgraph.coe ( : Subgraph G)).Adj) c)]
          intro hodd
          have heven : Even (Fintype.card (ConnectedComponent.supp c)) := by
            apply SimpleGraph.PerfectMatchingConnectedComponentEven M hM c
          exact Nat.odd_iff_not_even.mp hodd heven

        simp [h3]
    cases nonempty_fintype V
    intro h

Kyle Miller (Nov 25 2023 at 18:31):

@Pim Otte There's one tricky dependent type obstacle along the way, but you can get around it with generalize (to be able to simplify deleteVerts on the empty set) and subst (to apply the simplification. The rest is using some library lemmas for connected components over equivalences, as well as being comfortable with moving between different notions of cardinality (and using classical).

Here's the first by:

        suffices : {c : (( : G.Subgraph).deleteVerts ).coe.ConnectedComponent | c.isOdd} = 
        · rw [cardOddComponents, this]
        generalize hH : (( : G.Subgraph).deleteVerts ) = H
        simp only [Subgraph.deleteVerts_empty] at hH
        subst hH
        ext c
        simp only [Subgraph.induce_verts, Subgraph.verts_top, Set.mem_setOf_eq,
          Set.mem_empty_iff_false, iff_false]
        rw [ConnectedComponent.isOdd, Nat.odd_iff_not_even, not_not]
        rw [Nat.card_eq_fintype_card]
        have := SimpleGraph.PerfectMatchingConnectedComponentEven M hM
                  (Iso.connectedComponentEquiv Subgraph.topEquiv c)
        convert this using 1
        apply Fintype.card_congr
        exact ConnectedComponent.isoEquivSupp Subgraph.topEquiv c

Kyle Miller (Nov 25 2023 at 18:32):

Subgraph.topEquiv is the isomorphism between a graph as a subgraph of itself and the graph

Pim Otte (Nov 28 2023 at 20:52):

I'm now running into a curious problem, which I have isolated. The #check below outputs Subgraph.induce M (Lean.Internal.coeM (ConnectedComponent.supp c)) : Subgraph G. The Lean.Internal.coeM seems weird, the docs seem to say that it's only for internal use, but I don't think I'm doing anything out there. Any pointers?

import Mathlib.Combinatorics.SimpleGraph.Matching
import Mathlib.Combinatorics.SimpleGraph.Connectivity

namespace SimpleGraph

variable [Fintype V] [DecidableEq V] [DecidableRel G.Adj]
  (M : Subgraph G) (hM : Subgraph.IsPerfectMatching M) (u : Set V)(c : ConnectedComponent (( : G.Subgraph).deleteVerts u).coe)

#check (M.induce c.supp)

Floris van Doorn (Nov 28 2023 at 20:55):

This usually occurs when you have a coercion coe : A -> B, and you treat an element of Set A as an element of Set B.

Floris van Doorn (Nov 28 2023 at 20:58):

Although I think this was fixed recently. I get Subgraph.induce M (Subtype.val '' ConnectedComponent.supp c) : Subgraph G.

Floris van Doorn (Nov 28 2023 at 20:59):


Pim Otte (Nov 28 2023 at 21:02):

Ah, yes, a mathlib update solved it, thanks!

Pim Otte (Dec 03 2023 at 20:29):

A lot of ungolfed code, but, the first direction is done:) (I ended up dropping the induction on u)

import Mathlib.Combinatorics.SimpleGraph.Matching
import Mathlib.Combinatorics.SimpleGraph.Connectivity
import Mathlib.Data.Set.Card
import Mathlib.Data.Set.Finite

import LeanInfer

namespace SimpleGraph

variable {V : Type*} {G : SimpleGraph V}

/-- A connected component is *odd* if it has an add number of vertices
in its support. -/
-- Note: only connected components with finitely many vertices can be odd.
def ConnectedComponent.isOdd (c : G.ConnectedComponent) : Prop :=
  Odd (Nat.card c.supp)

noncomputable def cardOddComponents (G : SimpleGraph V) : Nat :=
  Set.ncard {c : G.ConnectedComponent | c.isOdd}

lemma ConnectedComponent.isOdd_iff (c : G.ConnectedComponent) [Fintype c.supp] :
    c.isOdd  Odd (Fintype.card c.supp) := by
  rw [isOdd, Nat.card_eq_fintype_card]

/-- This is `Quot.recOn` specialized to connected components.
For convenience, it strengthens the assumptions in the hypothesis
to provide a path between the vertices. -/
def ConnectedComponent.recOn
    {motive : G.ConnectedComponent  Sort*}
    (c : G.ConnectedComponent)
    (f : (v : V)  motive (G.connectedComponentMk v))
    (h :  (u v : V) (p : G.Walk u v) (_ : p.IsPath),
      ConnectedComponent.sound p.reachable  f u = f v) :
    motive c :=
  Quot.recOn c f (fun u v r => r.elim_path fun p => h u v p p.2)

instance [Fintype V] [DecidableEq V] [DecidableRel G.Adj]
    (c : G.ConnectedComponent) (v : V) : Decidable (v  c.supp) :=
    (fun w => by simp only [ConnectedComponent.mem_supp_iff, ConnectedComponent.eq]; infer_instance)
    (fun _ _ _ _ => Subsingleton.elim _ _)

lemma deleteVerts_verts_notmem_deleted [r : DecidableRel G.Adj] (a : (( : G.Subgraph).deleteVerts u).verts) : a.val  u := a.prop.2

instance myInst3 [r : DecidableRel G.Adj] : DecidableRel ((( : G.Subgraph).deleteVerts u).coe).Adj := by
  intro x y
  cases (r x y) with
  | isFalse nh => {
    exact .isFalse (by
      intro w
      exact nh (Subgraph.coe_adj_sub _ _ _ w)
  | isTrue h => {
    exact .isTrue (by
      apply (SimpleGraph.Subgraph.Adj.coe)
      apply Subgraph.deleteVerts_adj.mpr
      · trivial
      · exact deleteVerts_verts_notmem_deleted x
      · trivial
      · exact deleteVerts_verts_notmem_deleted y
      exact h


instance myInst2 [r : DecidableRel G.Adj] : DecidableRel (Subgraph.coe ( : Subgraph G)).Adj := by
  intro x y
  cases (r x y) with
  | isFalse nh => {
    exact .isFalse (by
      intro w
      exact nh (Subgraph.coe_adj_sub _ _ _ w)
  | isTrue h => {
    exact .isTrue (by
      apply (Subgraph.coe_adj_sub _ _ _ _)
      exact h

instance myInst [Fintype V] [DecidableEq V] [DecidableRel G.Adj] (u : ConnectedComponent G) :
    Fintype u.supp := inferInstance

lemma SimpleGraph.PerfectMatchingInducesMatchingOnComponent [Fintype V] [DecidableEq V] [DecidableRel G.Adj]
  (M : Subgraph G) (hM : Subgraph.IsPerfectMatching M) (c : ConnectedComponent G) : (Subgraph.IsMatching (M.induce c.supp)) := by
    intro v hv
    have vM : v  M.verts := by
      apply hM.2
    have h := hM.1 vM
    obtain  w, hw  := h
    use w
    dsimp at *
    · constructor
      · assumption
      · constructor
        · rw [ConnectedComponent.mem_supp_iff]
          rw [ConnectedComponent.mem_supp_iff] at hv
          rw [ hv]
          apply ConnectedComponent.connectedComponentMk_eq_of_adj
          apply M.adj_sub
          rw [Subgraph.adj_comm]
          exact hw.1
        · exact hw.1
    · intro y hy
      apply hw.2
      exact hy.2.2

lemma SimpleGraph.PerfectMatchingConnectedComponentEven [Fintype V] [DecidableEq V] [DecidableRel G.Adj]
  (M : Subgraph G) (hM : Subgraph.IsPerfectMatching M) (c : ConnectedComponent G) : Even (Fintype.card (ConnectedComponent.supp c)) := by
    have h : Even (M.induce c.supp).verts.toFinset.card := by exact Subgraph.IsMatching.even_card (SimpleGraph.PerfectMatchingInducesMatchingOnComponent M hM c)
    obtain  k , hk  := h
    use k
    rw [ hk, Subgraph.induce_verts, @Fintype.card_ofFinset]
    simp only [ConnectedComponent.mem_supp_iff, Finset.mem_univ, forall_true_left]
    exact Set.filter_mem_univ_eq_toFinset fun x => connectedComponentMk G x = c


noncomputable instance myInst5 [Fintype V] [DecidableEq V] (u : Set V) : Fintype u := by
  exact Fintype.ofFinite u

noncomputable instance myInst4 [Fintype V] [DecidableEq V] [DecidableRel G.Adj]
    (u : Set V) [Fintype u]:
    Fintype (( : G.Subgraph).deleteVerts u).verts := by
      simp only [Subgraph.induce_verts, Subgraph.verts_top]

theorem mem_supp_of_adj (C : G.ConnectedComponent) (v w : V) (hv : v  C.supp) (hadj : G.Adj v w) :
       w  C.supp := by

      rw [ConnectedComponent.mem_supp_iff]
      rw [ (ConnectedComponent.mem_supp_iff _ _).mp hv]
      exact ConnectedComponent.connectedComponentMk_eq_of_adj (adj_symm G hadj)

theorem mem_supp_of_adj' [Fintype V] [DecidableEq V] [DecidableRel G.Adj]  (c : ConnectedComponent (( : Subgraph G).deleteVerts u).coe)
      (v w : V) (hv : v  Subtype.val '' c.supp) (hw : w  (( : Subgraph G).deleteVerts  u).verts)
      (hadj : G.Adj v w) :
       w  Subtype.val '' c.supp := by
      rw [Set.mem_image]
      obtain  v' , hv'  := hv
      use  w ,  by trivial , by refine Set.not_mem_of_mem_diff hw  
      rw [ConnectedComponent.mem_supp_iff]
      · rw [ (ConnectedComponent.mem_supp_iff _ _).mp hv'.1]
        apply ConnectedComponent.connectedComponentMk_eq_of_adj
        apply SimpleGraph.Subgraph.Adj.coe
        rw [Subgraph.deleteVerts_adj]
        · exact trivial
        · constructor
          · exact Set.not_mem_of_mem_diff hw
          · constructor
            · exact trivial
            · constructor
              · exact deleteVerts_verts_notmem_deleted v'
              · rw [Subgraph.top_adj]
                rw [hv'.2]
                exact adj_symm G hadj

      · dsimp

lemma OddComponentHasNodeMatchedOutside [Fintype V] [DecidableEq V] [DecidableRel G.Adj]
  (M : Subgraph G) (hM : Subgraph.IsPerfectMatching M) (u : Set V) (c : ConnectedComponent (( : Subgraph G).deleteVerts u).coe)
  (codd : c.isOdd) :  (w : Set.Elem u) (v : Set.Elem (( : G.Subgraph).deleteVerts u).verts) ,  M.Adj v w  v  c.supp := by
      rw [ConnectedComponent.isOdd_iff] at codd

      by_contra' h

      have h' : (Subgraph.IsMatching (M.induce c.supp)) := by
        intro v hv
        obtain  w , hw  := hM.1 (hM.2 v)
        obtain  v' , hv'  := hv
        use w
        dsimp at *
        · constructor
          · exact  v' , hv' 
          · constructor
            · have h'' : w  u := by
                intro hw'
                apply h  w , hw'  v' _
                · exact hv'.1
                rw [hv'.2]
                exact hw.1

              apply mem_supp_of_adj' c v' w  v' ,  hv'.1 , rfl    by trivial , h'' 
              rw [hv'.2]
              exact Subgraph.adj_sub _ hw.1
            · exact hw.1
        · intro y hy
          apply hw.2
          exact hy.2.2

      apply Nat.odd_iff_not_even.mp codd
      have h'' := Subgraph.IsMatching.even_card h'
      simp only [Subgraph.induce_verts, Subgraph.verts_top] at h''
      unfold Fintype.card
      rw [Nat.even_iff] at h'' 
      rw [ h'']
      rw [ Set.toFinset_image ]
      rw [Finset.card_image_of_injective _ (Subtype.val_injective)]
      simp only [Subgraph.induce_verts, Subgraph.verts_top, Set.toFinset_card]

def tutte [Fintype V] [Inhabited V] [DecidableEq V] [DecidableRel G.Adj] :
    ( (M : Subgraph G) , M.IsPerfectMatching) 
      ( (u : Set V),
        cardOddComponents (( : G.Subgraph).deleteVerts u).coe  u.ncard) := by
    rintro M, hM u
    unfold cardOddComponents
    let f : {c : ConnectedComponent (( : Subgraph G).deleteVerts u).coe | ConnectedComponent.isOdd c}  u :=
      fun c => Exists.choose (OddComponentHasNodeMatchedOutside M hM u c c.2)

    let g : ConnectedComponent (( : Subgraph G).deleteVerts u).coe  V := fun c =>
      if h : Odd (Fintype.card c.supp) then f  c , (by
            rw [ ConnectedComponent.isOdd_iff] at h
            exact h
      )  else default

    exact Set.ncard_le_ncard_of_injOn g (by
      intro a ha
      dsimp at ha
      have h : g a = f  a , ha  := by
        rw [dite_eq_iff]
        use (ConnectedComponent.isOdd_iff _).mp ha
      rw [h]
      rw [Set.mem_def]
      simp only [ConnectedComponent.mem_supp_iff, Subtype.exists, Set.mem_diff, Set.mem_univ,
        true_and, exists_and_left]
      apply Subtype.prop
      ) (by
        intro x hx y hy hxy
        have h : g x = f  x , hx  := by
          rw [dite_eq_iff]
          use (ConnectedComponent.isOdd_iff _).mp hx
        have h' : g y = f  y , hy  := by
          rw [dite_eq_iff]
          use (ConnectedComponent.isOdd_iff _).mp hy
        rw [h, h'] at hxy

        dsimp at hxy
        obtain  v , hv  := (OddComponentHasNodeMatchedOutside M hM u x hx).choose_spec
        obtain  v' , hv'  := (OddComponentHasNodeMatchedOutside M hM u y hy).choose_spec

        have  w , hw  := (Subgraph.isPerfectMatching_iff M).mp hM (f  x , hx ⟩)
        have h'' := hw.2 _ hv.1.symm
        rw [hxy] at hw
        have h''' := hw.2 _ hv'.1.symm
        rw [ h'''] at h''
        rw [ ((ConnectedComponent.mem_supp_iff x v).mp hv.2)]
        rw [ ((ConnectedComponent.mem_supp_iff y v').mp hv'.2)]
        rw [Subtype.val_injective h'']
      ) (Set.toFinite u)

Pim Otte (Dec 05 2023 at 20:45):

I've been mapping out the other direction The proof on wikipedia seems fairly direct and suitable. Every proof does start with some reasoning why it's okay to take G as edge-maximal, and I was wondering how to approach that. I came up with the statement below:

    have hEdgeMaximal :  (v w : V), ¬ G.Adj v w   (M : Subgraph (( : Subgraph G).deleteVerts {v , w}).coe), M.IsPerfectMatching
      := sorry

This still needs a little shaving because I can't really assume G itself is edge maximal, but in any case I can think of two other approaches: 1. Adding the edge instead of removing the nodes. (This is what the paper proofs do, but I think this is equivalent and better supported. 2. Somehow using the lattice structure. This seems really elegant, but I have no idea if it's possible to set something up along the lines of "an edge-maximal G that has no perfect matching".

@Kyle Miller Do you have some intuition on which of these approaches is most suitable/idiomatic?

Kyle Miller (Dec 05 2023 at 21:33):

Deleting vertices sets you up for dependent type problems, so if you can formulate the argument in terms of edges easily enough, I think you'll run into fewer type theory issues. For adding an edge to a graph, you can take the sup with docs#SimpleGraph.subgraphOfAdj, though you could also define the positive version of docs#SimpleGraph.deleteEdges that uses Sym2.ToRel s for the Adj relation. (Note that you might not want to talk about edges themselves at all if you can help it, since their undirected nature can make things combinatorially complicated.)

I'm not sure it's correct, but a lattice version of edge maximality of G might be "for all graphs G' : SimpleGraph V such that G < G' then there exists M : Subgraph G' such that M.IsPerfectMatching"

Pim Otte (Dec 19 2023 at 18:15):

@Kyle Miller I've made some progress, do you have any thoughts or pointers on the sorry's or the structure I've built?:)

import Mathlib.Combinatorics.SimpleGraph.Matching
import Mathlib.Combinatorics.SimpleGraph.Connectivity
import Mathlib.Data.Set.Card
import Mathlib.Data.Set.Finite

namespace SimpleGraph

variable {V : Type*} {G : SimpleGraph V}

/-- A connected component is *odd* if it has an add number of vertices
in its support. -/
-- Note: only connected components with finitely many vertices can be odd.
def ConnectedComponent.isOdd (c : G.ConnectedComponent) : Prop :=
  Odd (Nat.card c.supp)

noncomputable def cardOddComponents (G : SimpleGraph V) : Nat :=
  Set.ncard {c : G.ConnectedComponent | c.isOdd}

lemma ConnectedComponent.isOdd_iff (c : G.ConnectedComponent) [Fintype c.supp] :
    c.isOdd  Odd (Fintype.card c.supp) := by
  rw [isOdd, Nat.card_eq_fintype_card]

/-- This is `Quot.recOn` specialized to connected components.
For convenience, it strengthens the assumptions in the hypothesis
to provide a path between the vertices. -/
def ConnectedComponent.recOn
    {motive : G.ConnectedComponent  Sort*}
    (c : G.ConnectedComponent)
    (f : (v : V)  motive (G.connectedComponentMk v))
    (h :  (u v : V) (p : G.Walk u v) (_ : p.IsPath),
      ConnectedComponent.sound p.reachable  f u = f v) :
    motive c :=
  Quot.recOn c f (fun u v r => r.elim_path fun p => h u v p p.2)

instance [Fintype V] [DecidableEq V] [DecidableRel G.Adj]
    (c : G.ConnectedComponent) (v : V) : Decidable (v  c.supp) :=
    (fun w => by simp only [ConnectedComponent.mem_supp_iff, ConnectedComponent.eq]; infer_instance)
    (fun _ _ _ _ => Subsingleton.elim _ _)

instance myInst [Fintype V] [DecidableEq V] [DecidableRel G.Adj] (u : ConnectedComponent G) :
    Fintype u.supp := inferInstance

lemma oddComponentsIncrease [Fintype V] [Inhabited V] [DecidableEq V]  (G G' : SimpleGraph V)
    (h : G   G') (u : Set V) [Finite u]:
    cardOddComponents (( : Subgraph G').deleteVerts u).coe  cardOddComponents (( : Subgraph G).deleteVerts u).coe := by
      -- I left out [DecideableRel G.Adj] [Decidable G'.Adj] because it would be nice if this can be done without it
      -- it would need to proved for Gmax

      -- Seems doable but involved
      let g : ConnectedComponent (( : Subgraph G').deleteVerts u).coe  ConnectedComponent (( : Subgraph G).deleteVerts u).coe := sorry

      haveI : Finite (ConnectedComponent (( : Subgraph G).deleteVerts u).coe) := sorry

      exact Set.ncard_le_ncard_of_injOn g (by sorry) (by sorry)

def tutte [Fintype V] [Inhabited V] [DecidableEq V] [DecidableRel G.Adj] :
    ( (M : Subgraph G) , M.IsPerfectMatching) 
      ( (u : Set V),
        cardOddComponents (( : G.Subgraph).deleteVerts u).coe  u.ncard) := by
    -- actually solved, omitted for brevity
    intro h

    have  Gmax , hGmax  :  (G' : SimpleGraph V),
      G  G' 
      ( (M : Subgraph G'), ¬ M.IsPerfectMatching)  
       (G'' : SimpleGraph V), G' < G''   (M : Subgraph G''), M.IsPerfectMatching := by
        by_contra' hc
        have  H , hH  := hc G (Eq.ge rfl) h
        have  H' , hH'  := hc H (le_of_lt hH.1) hH.2
        -- This sorry is kind of stumping me. I kind of want to make the argument
        -- that we can't have an infinite chain of strictly larger graphs.

    suffices :  u, Set.ncard u < cardOddComponents (( : Subgraph Gmax).deleteVerts u).coe
    · obtain u, hu  := this
      use u
      exact lt_of_lt_of_le hu (by
        exact oddComponentsIncrease G Gmax hGmax.1 u

    let S : Set V := {v | G.degree v = Fintype.card V - 1}

    let Gsplit := (( : Subgraph Gmax).deleteVerts S)
    have K, v, w, hKvw  :  (K : ConnectedComponent Gsplit.coe) (v w :  Set.Elem Gsplit.verts),
      v  K.supp  w  K.supp  v  w  ¬ Gmax.Adj v w := sorry


Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC