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Stream: mathlib4
Topic: syntax matches when literal doesn't
Floris van Doorn (Jan 23 2023 at 12:50):
I'm trying to refactor the way the to_additive
syntax is parsed, but while doing that I stumbled upon interesting weird behavior, potentially a bug. I minimized it in the following code. It seems that the pattern (attr| to_additive (attrs := $[$stxs],*)
seems to match the syntax to_additive (reorder := 1 2 3)
. Is this expected behavior?
import Mathlib.Tactic.RunCmd
open Lean Elab Command
syntax toAdditiveOption :=
"(" (&"attrs" ":=" Parser.Term.attrInstance,*) <|> (&"reorder" ":=" num+ ) ")"
syntax (name := to_additive) "to_additive" toAdditiveOption : attr
def elabToAdditive : Syntax → CoreM Unit
-- this pattern seems to match both cases
| `(attr| to_additive (attrs := $[$stxs],*)) =>
logInfo m!"attrs {stxs}"
| `(attr| to_additive (reorder := $[$reorders:num]*)) =>
logInfo m!"reorder {reorders.map (·.raw.isNatLit?.get!)}"
| _ => throwUnsupportedSyntax
-- the same function, but with the patterns in different order. This works as expected (probably because `simp` is not a list of numerals)
def elabToAdditive2 : Syntax → CoreM Unit
| `(attr| to_additive (reorder := $[$reorders:num]*)) =>
logInfo m!"reorder {reorders.map (·.raw.isNatLit?.get!)}"
| `(attr| to_additive (attrs := $[$stxs],*)) =>
logInfo m!"attrs {stxs}"
| _ => throwUnsupportedSyntax
run_cmd liftCoreM <| do
elabToAdditive (← `(attr| to_additive (reorder := 1 2 3))) -- attrs [1, 3] (expected: reorder [1, 2, 3])
elabToAdditive2 (← `(attr| to_additive (reorder := 1 2 3))) -- reorder [1, 2, 3] (as expected)
elabToAdditive (← `(attr| to_additive (attrs := simp))) -- attrs [simp] (as expected)
elabToAdditive2 (← `(attr| to_additive (attrs := simp))) -- attrs [simp] (as expected)
Floris van Doorn (Jan 23 2023 at 13:02):
The PR where I use this is mathlib4#1780
Sebastian Ullrich (Jan 24 2023 at 17:21):
is not well-behaved with <|>
. You should move the two sides to separate syntax :=
Floris van Doorn (Jan 24 2023 at 17:30):
Ah, good to know. I can confirm that replacing the syntax with
syntax toAdditiveAttrsOption := &"attrs" ":=" Parser.Term.attrInstance,*
syntax toAdditiveReorderOption := &"reorder" ":=" num+
syntax toAdditiveOption := "(" toAdditiveAttrsOption <|> toAdditiveReorderOption ")"
gives the expected behavior.
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC