What's the goal of this book?
This book aims to build up enough knowledge about metaprogramming in Lean 4 so you can be comfortable enough to:
- Start building your own meta helpers (defining new Lean notation such as
, building new Lean commands such as#check
, writing tactics such asuse
, etc.) - Read and discuss metaprogramming APIs like the ones in Lean 4 core and Mathlib4
We by no means intend to provide an exhaustive exploration/explanation of the entire Lean 4 metaprogramming API. We also don't cover the topic of monadic programming in Lean 4. However, we hope that the examples provided will be simple enough for the reader to follow and comprehend without a super deep understanding of monadic programming. The book Functional Programming in Lean is a highly recommended source on that subject.
Book structure
The book is organized in a way to build up enough context for the chapters that cover DSLs and tactics. Backtracking the pre-requisites for each chapter, the dependency structure is as follows:
- "Tactics" builds on top of "Macros" and "Elaboration"
- "DSLs" builds on top of "Elaboration"
- "Macros" builds on top of "
" - "Elaboration" builds on top of "
" and "MetaM
" - "
" builds on top of "Expressions"
After the chapter on tactics, you find a cheat sheet containing a wrap-up of key concepts and functions. And after that, there are some chapters with extra content, showing other applications of metaprogramming in Lean 4. Most chapters contain exercises at the end of the chapter - and at the end of the book you will have full solutions to those exercises.
The rest of this chapter is a gentle introduction to what metaprogramming is, offering some small examples to serve as appetizers for what the book shall cover.
Note: the code snippets aren't self-contained. They are supposed to be run/read incrementally, starting from the beginning of each chapter.
What does it mean to be in meta?
When we write code in most programming languages such as Python, C, Java or Scala, we usually have to stick to a pre-defined syntax otherwise the compiler or the interpreter won't be able to figure out what we're trying to say. In Lean, that would be defining an inductive type, implementing a function, proving a theorem, etc. The compiler, then, has to parse the code, build an AST (abstract syntax tree) and elaborate its syntax nodes into terms that can be processed by the language kernel. We say that such activities performed by the compiler are done in the meta-level, which will be studied throughout the book. And we also say that the common usage of the language syntax is done in the object-level.
In most systems, the meta-level activities are done in a different language to the one that we use to write code. In Isabelle, the meta-level language is ML and Scala. In Coq, it's OCaml. In Agda, it's Haskell. In Lean 4, the meta code is mostly written in Lean itself, with a few components written in C++.
One cool thing about Lean, though, is that it allows us to define custom syntax nodes and implement meta-level routines to elaborate them in the very same development environment that we use to perform object-level activities. So for example, one can write notation to instantiate a term of a certain type and use it right away, in the same file! This concept is generally called reflection. We can say that, in Lean, the meta-level is reflected to the object-level.
If you have done some metaprogramming in languages such as Ruby, Python or Javascript,
it probably took the form of making use of predefined metaprogramming methods to define
something on the fly. For example, in Ruby you can use
and define_method
to define a new class and its new method (with new code inside!) on the fly, as your program is executing.
We don't usually need to define new commands or tactics "on the fly" in Lean, but spiritually
similar feats are possible with Lean metaprogramming and are equally straightforward, e.g. you can define
a new Lean command using a simple one-liner elab "#help" : command => do ...normal Lean code...
In Lean, however, we will frequently want to directly manipulate
Lean's CST (Concrete Syntax Tree, Lean's Syntax
type) and
Lean's AST (Abstract Syntax Tree, Lean's Expr
type) instead of using "normal Lean code",
especially when we're writing tactics. So Lean metaprogramming is more challenging to master -
a large chunk of this book is contributed to studying these types and how we can manipulate them.
Metaprogramming examples
Next, we introduce several examples of Lean metaprogramming, so that you start getting a taste for what metaprogramming in Lean is, and what it will enable you to achieve. These examples are meant as mere illustrations - do not worry if you don't understand the details for now.
Introducing notation (defining new syntax)
Often one wants to introduce new notation, for example one more suitable for (a branch of) mathematics. For instance, in mathematics one would write the function adding 2
to a natural number as x : Nat ↦ x + 2
or simply x ↦ x + 2
if the domain can be inferred to be the natural numbers. The corresponding lean definitions fun x : Nat => x + 2
and fun x => x + 2
use =>
which in mathematics means implication, so may be confusing to some.
We can introduce notation using a macro
which transforms our syntax to Lean's syntax (or syntax we previously defined). Here we introduce the ↦
notation for functions.
import Lean
macro x:ident ":" t:term " ↦ " y:term : term => do
`(fun $x : $t => $y)
#eval (x : Nat ↦ x + 2) 2 -- 4
macro x:ident " ↦ " y:term : term => do
`(fun $x => $y)
#eval (x ↦ x + 2) 2 -- 4
Building a command
Suppose we want to build a helper command #assertType
which tells whether a
given term is of a certain type. The usage will be:
#assertType <term> : <type>
Let's see the code:
elab "#assertType " termStx:term " : " typeStx:term : command =>
open Lean Lean.Elab Command Term in
let tp ← elabType typeStx
discard $ elabTermEnsuringType termStx tp
logInfo "success"
catch | _ => throwError "failure"
/-- info: success -/
#assertType 5 : Nat
-- don't display names of metavariables
set_option pp.mvars false in
error: type mismatch
has type
List ?_ : Type _
but is expected to have type
Nat : Type
#assertType [] : Nat
We started by using elab
to define a command
syntax. When parsed
by the compiler, it will trigger the incoming computation.
At this point, the code should be running in the CommandElabM
monad. We then
use liftTermElabM
to access the TermElabM
monad, which allows us to use
and elabTermEnsuringType
to build expressions out of the
syntax nodes typeStx
and termStx
First, we elaborate the expected type tp : Expr
, then we use it to elaborate
the term expression. The term should have the type tp
otherwise an error will be
thrown. We then discard the resulting term expression, since it doesn't matter to us here - we're calling
as a sanity check.
We also add synthesizeSyntheticMVarsNoPostponing
, which forces Lean to
elaborate metavariables right away. Without that line, #assertType [] : ?_
would result in success
If no error is thrown until now then the elaboration succeeded and we can use
to output "success". If, instead, some error is caught, then we use
with the appropriate message.
Building a DSL and a syntax for it
Let's parse a classic grammar, the grammar of arithmetic expressions with
addition, multiplication, naturals, and variables. We'll define an AST
(Abstract Syntax Tree) to encode the data of our expressions, and use operators
and *
to denote building an arithmetic AST. Here's the AST that we will be
inductive Arith : Type where
| add : Arith → Arith → Arith -- e + f
| mul : Arith → Arith → Arith -- e * f
| nat : Nat → Arith -- constant
| var : String → Arith -- variable
Now we declare a syntax category to describe the grammar that we will be
parsing. Notice that we control the precedence of +
and *
by giving a lower
precedence weight to the +
syntax than to the *
syntax indicating that
multiplication binds tighter than addition (the higher the number, the tighter
the binding). This allows us to declare precedence when defining new syntax.
declare_syntax_cat arith
syntax num : arith -- nat for Arith.nat
syntax str : arith -- strings for Arith.var
syntax:50 arith:50 " + " arith:51 : arith -- Arith.add
syntax:60 arith:60 " * " arith:61 : arith -- Arith.mul
syntax " ( " arith " ) " : arith -- bracketed expressions
-- Auxiliary notation for translating `arith` into `term`
syntax " ⟪ " arith " ⟫ " : term
-- Our macro rules perform the "obvious" translation:
| `(⟪ $s:str ⟫) => `(Arith.var $s)
| `(⟪ $num:num ⟫) => `(Arith.nat $num)
| `(⟪ $x:arith + $y:arith ⟫) => `(Arith.add ⟪ $x ⟫ ⟪ $y ⟫)
| `(⟪ $x:arith * $y:arith ⟫) => `(Arith.mul ⟪ $x ⟫ ⟪ $y ⟫)
| `(⟪ ( $x ) ⟫) => `( ⟪ $x ⟫ )
#check ⟪ "x" * "y" ⟫
-- Arith.mul (Arith.var "x") (Arith.var "y") : Arith
#check ⟪ "x" + "y" ⟫
-- Arith.add (Arith.var "x") (Arith.var "y") : Arith
#check ⟪ "x" + 20 ⟫
-- Arith.add (Arith.var "x") (Arith.nat 20) : Arith
#check ⟪ "x" + "y" * "z" ⟫ -- precedence
-- Arith.add (Arith.var "x") (Arith.mul (Arith.var "y") (Arith.var "z")) : Arith
#check ⟪ "x" * "y" + "z" ⟫ -- precedence
-- Arith.add (Arith.mul (Arith.var "x") (Arith.var "y")) (Arith.var "z") : Arith
#check ⟪ ("x" + "y") * "z" ⟫ -- brackets
-- Arith.mul (Arith.add (Arith.var "x") (Arith.var "y")) (Arith.var "z")
Writing our own tactic
Let's create a tactic that adds a new hypothesis to the context with a given
name and postpones the need for its proof to the very end. It's similar to
the suffices
tactic from Lean 3, except that we want to make sure that the new
goal goes to the bottom of the goal list.
It's going to be called suppose
and is used like this:
suppose <name> : <type>
So let's see the code:
open Lean Meta Elab Tactic Term in
elab "suppose " n:ident " : " t:term : tactic => do
let n : Name := n.getId
let mvarId ← getMainGoal
mvarId.withContext do
let t ← elabType t
let p ← mkFreshExprMVar t MetavarKind.syntheticOpaque n
let (_, mvarIdNew) ← MVarId.intro1P $ ← mvarId.assert n t p
replaceMainGoal [p.mvarId!, mvarIdNew]
evalTactic $ ← `(tactic|rotate_left)
example : 0 + a = a := by
suppose add_comm : 0 + a = a + 0
rw [add_comm]; rfl -- closes the initial main goal
rw [Nat.zero_add]; rfl -- proves `add_comm`
We start by storing the main goal in mvarId
and using it as a parameter of
to make sure that our elaborations will work with types that
depend on other variables in the context.
This time we're using mkFreshExprMVar
to create a metavariable expression for
the proof of t
, which we can introduce to the context using intro1P
To require the proof of the new hypothesis as a goal, we call replaceMainGoal
passing a list with p.mvarId!
in the head. And then we can use the
tactic to move the recently added top goal to the bottom.