Attempts to generate a Nontrivial α
The tactic first checks to see that there is not already a Nontrivial α
before trying to synthesize one using other techniques.
If the goal is an (in)equality, the type α
is inferred from the goal.
Otherwise, the type needs to be specified in the tactic invocation, as nontriviality α
The nontriviality
tactic will first look for strict inequalities amongst the hypotheses,
and use these to derive the Nontrivial
instance directly.
Otherwise, it will perform a case split on Subsingleton α ∨ Nontrivial α
, and attempt to discharge
the Subsingleton
goal using simp [h₁, h₂, ..., hₙ, nontriviality]
, where [h₁, h₂, ..., hₙ]
a list of additional simp
lemmas that can be passed to nontriviality
using the syntax
nontriviality α using h₁, h₂, ..., hₙ
example {R : Type} [OrderedRing R] {a : R} (h : 0 < a) : 0 < a := R:Typeinst✝:OrderedRing Ra:Rh:0 < a⊢ 0 < a
R:Typeinst✝¹:OrderedRing Ra:Rh:0 < ainst✝:Nontrivial R⊢ 0 < a -- There is now a `Nontrivial R` hypothesis available.
All goals completed! 🐙
example {R : Type} [CommRing R] {r s : R} : r * s = s * r := R:Typeinst✝:CommRing Rr:Rs:R⊢ r * s = s * r
R:Typeinst✝:CommRing Rr:Rs:Ra✝:Nontrivial R⊢ r * s = s * r -- There is now a `Nontrivial R` hypothesis available.
All goals completed! 🐙
example {R : Type} [OrderedRing R] {a : R} (h : 0 < a) : (2 : ℕ) ∣ 4 := by nontriviality R -- there is now a `Nontrivial R` hypothesis available. dec_trivial
def myeq {α : Type} (a b : α) : Prop := a = b example {α : Type} (a b : α) (h : a = b) : myeq a b := by success_if_fail nontriviality α -- Fails nontriviality α using myeq -- There is now a `Nontrivial α` hypothesis available assumption