
This file has been ported!

Changes since the initial port

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Changes in mathlib3

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refactor: redefine bundle.total_space (#19221)
  • Use a custom structure for bundle.total_space.
    • Use instead of bundle.total_space_mk.
    • Use bundle.total_space.to_prod instead of equiv.sigma_equiv_prod.
    • Use' (scoped notation) to specify F.
    • Rename bundle.trivial.proj_snd to bundle.total_space.trivial_snd to allow dot notation. Should we just use bundle.total_space.snd since bundle.trivial is now reducible?
  • Add an unused argument to bundle.total_space.
  • Make bundle.trivial and bundle.continuous_linear_map reducible.
  • Drop instances that are no longer needed.
@@ -15,15 +15,26 @@ should contain all possible results that do not involve any topology.
 We represent a bundle `E` over a base space `B` as a dependent type `E : B → Type*`.
-We provide a type synonym of `Σ x, E x` as `bundle.total_space E`, to be able to endow it with
-a topology which is not the disjoint union topology `sigma.topological_space`. In general, the
-constructions of fiber bundles we will make will be of this form.
+We define `bundle.total_space F E` to be the type of pairs `⟨b, x⟩`, where `b : B` and `x : E x`.
+This type is isomorphic to `Σ x, E x` and uses an extra argument `F` for reasons explained below. In
+general, the constructions of fiber bundles we will make will be of this form.
 ## Main Definitions
 * `bundle.total_space` the total space of a bundle.
 * `bundle.total_space.proj` the projection from the total space to the base space.
-* `bundle.total_space_mk` the constructor for the total space.
+* `` the constructor for the total space.
+## Implementation Notes
+- We use a custom structure for the total space of a bundle instead of using a type synonym for the
+  canonical disjoint union `Σ x, E x` because the total space usually has a different topology and
+  Lean 4 `simp` fails to apply lemmas about `Σ x, E x` to elements of the total space.
+- The definition of `bundle.total_space` has an unused argument `F`. The reason is that in some
+  constructions (e.g., `bundle.continuous_linear_map.vector_bundle`) we need access to the atlas of
+  trivializations of original fiber bundles to construct the topology on the total space of the new
+  fiber bundle.
 ## References
@@ -31,61 +42,65 @@ constructions of fiber bundles we will make will be of this form.
 namespace bundle
-variables {B : Type*} (E : B → Type*)
+variables {B F : Type*} (E : B → Type*)
-`bundle.total_space E` is the total space of the bundle `Σ x, E x`.
-This type synonym is used to avoid conflicts with general sigma types.
+`bundle.total_space E` is the total space of the bundle. It consists of pairs
+`(proj : B, snd : E proj)`.
-def total_space := Σ x, E x
+structure total_space (F : Type*) (E : B → Type*) :=
+(proj : B)
+(snd : E proj)
 instance [inhabited B] [inhabited (E default)] :
-  inhabited (total_space E) := ⟨⟨default, default⟩⟩
+  inhabited (total_space F E) := ⟨⟨default, default⟩⟩
 variables {E}
 /-- `bundle.total_space.proj` is the canonical projection `bundle.total_space E → B` from the
 total space to the base space. -/
-@[simp, reducible] def total_space.proj : total_space E → B := sigma.fst
+add_decl_doc total_space.proj
 -- this notation won't be used in the pretty-printer
 localized "notation `π` := @bundle.total_space.proj _" in bundle
-/-- Constructor for the total space of a bundle. -/
-@[simp, reducible] def total_space_mk (b : B) (a : E b) :
-  bundle.total_space E := ⟨b, a⟩
-lemma total_space.proj_mk {x : B} {y : E x} : (total_space_mk x y).proj = x :=
-lemma sigma_mk_eq_total_space_mk {x : B} {y : E x} : x y = total_space_mk x y :=
+-- TODO: try `abbrev` in Lean 4
+localized "notation `'` F:max := _ F _" in bundle
 lemma total_space.mk_cast {x x' : B} (h : x = x') (b : E x) :
-  total_space_mk x' (cast (congr_arg E h) b) = total_space_mk x b :=
+' F x' (cast (congr_arg E h) b) = x b :=
 by { subst h, refl }
-lemma total_space.eta (z : total_space E) :
-  total_space_mk z.proj z.2 = z :=
-sigma.eta z
+instance {x : B} : has_coe_t (E x) (total_space F E) := ⟨ x⟩
-instance {x : B} : has_coe_t (E x) (total_space E) := ⟨total_space_mk x⟩
+@[simp] lemma total_space.coe_proj (x : B) (v : E x) : (v : total_space F E).proj = x := rfl
+@[simp] lemma total_space.coe_snd {x : B} {y : E x} : (y : total_space F E).snd = y := rfl
-@[simp] lemma coe_fst (x : B) (v : E x) : (v : total_space E).fst = x := rfl
-@[simp] lemma coe_snd {x : B} {y : E x} : (y : total_space E).snd = y := rfl
+lemma total_space.coe_eq_mk {x : B} (v : E x) : (v : total_space F E) = x v := rfl
-lemma to_total_space_coe {x : B} (v : E x) : (v : total_space E) = total_space_mk x v := rfl
+lemma total_space.eta (z : total_space F E) :
+ z.proj z.2 = z :=
+by cases z; refl
 -- notation for the direct sum of two bundles over the same base
 notation E₁ ` ×ᵇ `:100 E₂ := λ x, E₁ x × E₂ x
 /-- `bundle.trivial B F` is the trivial bundle over `B` of fiber `F`. -/
-def trivial (B : Type*) (F : Type*) : B → Type* := function.const B F
-instance {F : Type*} [inhabited F] {b : B} : inhabited (bundle.trivial B F b) := ⟨(default : F)⟩
+@[reducible, nolint unused_arguments]
+def trivial (B : Type*) (F : Type*) : B → Type* := λ _, F
 /-- The trivial bundle, unlike other bundles, has a canonical projection on the fiber. -/
-def trivial.proj_snd (B : Type*) (F : Type*) : total_space (bundle.trivial B F) → F := sigma.snd
+def total_space.trivial_snd (B : Type*) (F : Type*) : total_space F (bundle.trivial B F) → F :=
+/-- A trivial bundle is equivalent to the product `B × F`. -/
+@[simps { attrs := [`simp, `mfld_simps] }]
+def total_space.to_prod (B F : Type*) : total_space F (λ _ : B, F) ≃ B × F :=
+{ to_fun := λ x, (x.1, x.2),
+  inv_fun := λ x, ⟨x.1, x.2⟩,
+  left_inv := λ ⟨_, _⟩, rfl,
+  right_inv := λ ⟨_, _⟩, rfl }
 section pullback
@@ -93,55 +108,36 @@ variable {B' : Type*}
 /-- The pullback of a bundle `E` over a base `B` under a map `f : B' → B`, denoted by `pullback f E`
 or `f *ᵖ E`,  is the bundle over `B'` whose fiber over `b'` is `E (f b')`. -/
-@[nolint has_nonempty_instance] def pullback (f : B' → B) (E : B → Type*) := λ x, E (f x)
+def pullback (f : B' → B) (E : B → Type*) : B' → Type* := λ x, E (f x)
+notation f ` *ᵖ ` E:max := pullback f E
-notation f ` *ᵖ ` E := pullback f E
+instance {f : B' → B} {x : B'} [nonempty (E (f x))] : nonempty (f *ᵖ E x) := ‹nonempty (E (f x))›
 /-- Natural embedding of the total space of `f *ᵖ E` into `B' × total_space E`. -/
 @[simp] def pullback_total_space_embedding (f : B' → B) :
-  total_space (f *ᵖ E) → B' × total_space E :=
-λ z, (z.proj, total_space_mk (f z.proj) z.2)
+  total_space F (f *ᵖ E) → B' × total_space F E :=
+λ z, (z.proj, (f z.proj) z.2)
 /-- The base map `f : B' → B` lifts to a canonical map on the total spaces. -/
-def pullback.lift (f : B' → B) : total_space (f *ᵖ E) → total_space E :=
-λ z, total_space_mk (f z.proj) z.2
+@[simps { attrs := [`simp, `mfld_simps] }]
+def pullback.lift (f : B' → B) : total_space F (f *ᵖ E) → total_space F E :=
+λ z, ⟨f z.proj, z.2⟩
-@[simp] lemma pullback.proj_lift (f : B' → B) (x : total_space (f *ᵖ E)) :
-  (pullback.lift f x).proj = f x.1 :=
-@[simp] lemma pullback.lift_mk (f : B' → B) (x : B') (y : E (f x)) :
-  pullback.lift f (total_space_mk x y) = total_space_mk (f x) y :=
-lemma pullback_total_space_embedding_snd (f : B' → B) (x : total_space (f *ᵖ E)) :
-  (pullback_total_space_embedding f x).2 = pullback.lift f x :=
+@[simp, mfld_simps] lemma pullback.lift_mk (f : B' → B) (x : B') (y : E (f x)) :
+  pullback.lift f (' F x y) = ⟨f x, y⟩ :=
 end pullback
 section fiber_structures
-variable [∀ x, add_comm_monoid (E x)]
-@[simp] lemma coe_snd_map_apply (x : B) (v w : E x) :
-  (↑(v + w) : total_space E).snd = (v : total_space E).snd + (w : total_space E).snd := rfl
+@[simp] lemma coe_snd_map_apply [∀ x, has_add (E x)] (x : B) (v w : E x) :
+  (↑(v + w) : total_space F E).snd = (v : total_space F E).snd + (w : total_space F E).snd := rfl
-variables (R : Type*) [semiring R] [∀ x, module R (E x)]
-@[simp] lemma coe_snd_map_smul (x : B) (r : R) (v : E x) :
-  (↑(r • v) : total_space E).snd = r • (v : total_space E).snd := rfl
+@[simp] lemma coe_snd_map_smul {R} [∀ x, has_smul R (E x)] (x : B) (r : R) (v : E x) :
+  (↑(r • v) : total_space F E).snd = r • (v : total_space F E).snd := rfl
 end fiber_structures
-section trivial_instances
-variables {F : Type*} {R : Type*} [semiring R] (b : B)
-instance [add_comm_monoid F] : add_comm_monoid (bundle.trivial B F b) := ‹add_comm_monoid F›
-instance [add_comm_group F] : add_comm_group (bundle.trivial B F b) := ‹add_comm_group F›
-instance [add_comm_monoid F] [module R F] : module R (bundle.trivial B F b) := ‹module R F›
-end trivial_instances
 end bundle

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(first ported)

Changes in mathlib3port

@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ Copyright © 2021 Nicolò Cavalleri. All rights reserved.
 Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
 Authors: Nicolò Cavalleri
-import Mathbin.Algebra.Module.Basic
+import Algebra.Module.Basic
 #align_import data.bundle from "leanprover-community/mathlib"@"e473c3198bb41f68560cab68a0529c854b618833"
@@ -2,14 +2,11 @@
 Copyright © 2021 Nicolò Cavalleri. All rights reserved.
 Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
 Authors: Nicolò Cavalleri
-! This file was ported from Lean 3 source module data.bundle
-! leanprover-community/mathlib commit e473c3198bb41f68560cab68a0529c854b618833
-! Please do not edit these lines, except to modify the commit id
-! if you have ported upstream changes.
 import Mathbin.Algebra.Module.Basic
+#align_import data.bundle from "leanprover-community/mathlib"@"e473c3198bb41f68560cab68a0529c854b618833"
 # Bundle
@@ -50,6 +50,7 @@ namespace Bundle
 variable {B F : Type _} (E : B → Type _)
+#print Bundle.TotalSpace /-
 /-- `bundle.total_space E` is the total space of the bundle. It consists of pairs
 `(proj : B, snd : E proj)`.
@@ -57,7 +58,8 @@ variable {B F : Type _} (E : B → Type _)
 structure TotalSpace (F : Type _) (E : B → Type _) where
   proj : B
   snd : E proj
-#align bundle.total_space Bundle.TotalSpaceₓ
+#align bundle.total_space Bundle.TotalSpace
 instance [Inhabited B] [Inhabited (E default)] : Inhabited (TotalSpace F E) :=
   ⟨⟨default, default⟩⟩
@@ -86,16 +88,16 @@ instance {x : B} : CoeTC (E x) (TotalSpace F E) :=
 theorem TotalSpace.coe_proj (x : B) (v : E x) : (v : TotalSpace F E).proj = x :=
-#align bundle.total_space.coe_proj Bundle.TotalSpaceₓ.coe_proj
+#align bundle.total_space.coe_proj Bundle.TotalSpace.coe_proj
 theorem TotalSpace.coe_snd {x : B} {y : E x} : (y : TotalSpace F E).snd = y :=
-#align bundle.total_space.coe_snd Bundle.TotalSpaceₓ.coe_snd
+#align bundle.total_space.coe_snd Bundle.TotalSpace.coe_snd
 theorem TotalSpace.coe_eq_mk {x : B} (v : E x) : (v : TotalSpace F E) = x v :=
-#align bundle.total_space.coe_eq_mk Bundle.TotalSpaceₓ.coe_eq_mk
+#align bundle.total_space.coe_eq_mk Bundle.TotalSpace.coe_eq_mk
 #print Bundle.TotalSpace.eta /-
 theorem TotalSpace.eta (z : TotalSpace F E) : z.proj z.2 = z := by cases z <;> rfl
@@ -112,11 +114,14 @@ def Trivial (B : Type _) (F : Type _) : B → Type _ := fun _ => F
 #align bundle.trivial Bundle.Trivial
+#print Bundle.TotalSpace.trivialSnd /-
 /-- The trivial bundle, unlike other bundles, has a canonical projection on the fiber. -/
 def TotalSpace.trivialSnd (B : Type _) (F : Type _) : TotalSpace F (Bundle.Trivial B F) → F :=
-#align bundle.total_space.trivial_snd Bundle.TotalSpaceₓ.trivialSnd
+#align bundle.total_space.trivial_snd Bundle.TotalSpace.trivialSnd
+#print Bundle.TotalSpace.toProd /-
 /-- A trivial bundle is equivalent to the product `B × F`. -/
 @[simps (config := { attrs := [`simp, `mfld_simps] })]
 def TotalSpace.toProd (B F : Type _) : (TotalSpace F fun _ : B => F) ≃ B × F
@@ -125,7 +130,8 @@ def TotalSpace.toProd (B F : Type _) : (TotalSpace F fun _ : B => F) ≃ B × F
   invFun x := ⟨x.1, x.2⟩
   left_inv := fun ⟨_, _⟩ => rfl
   right_inv := fun ⟨_, _⟩ => rfl
-#align bundle.total_space.to_prod Bundle.TotalSpaceₓ.toProd
+#align bundle.total_space.to_prod Bundle.TotalSpace.toProd
 section Pullback
@@ -170,21 +176,17 @@ end Pullback
 section FiberStructures
-#print Bundle.coe_snd_map_apply /-
 theorem coe_snd_map_apply [∀ x, Add (E x)] (x : B) (v w : E x) :
     (↑(v + w) : TotalSpace F E).snd = (v : TotalSpace F E).snd + (w : TotalSpace F E).snd :=
 #align bundle.coe_snd_map_apply Bundle.coe_snd_map_apply
-#print Bundle.coe_snd_map_smul /-
 theorem coe_snd_map_smul {R} [∀ x, SMul R (E x)] (x : B) (r : R) (v : E x) :
     (↑(r • v) : TotalSpace F E).snd = r • (v : TotalSpace F E).snd :=
 #align bundle.coe_snd_map_smul Bundle.coe_snd_map_smul
 end FiberStructures
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
 Authors: Nicolò Cavalleri
 ! This file was ported from Lean 3 source module data.bundle
-! leanprover-community/mathlib commit baba818b9acea366489e8ba32d2cc0fcaf50a1f7
+! leanprover-community/mathlib commit e473c3198bb41f68560cab68a0529c854b618833
 ! Please do not edit these lines, except to modify the commit id
 ! if you have ported upstream changes.
@@ -20,15 +20,26 @@ should contain all possible results that do not involve any topology.
 We represent a bundle `E` over a base space `B` as a dependent type `E : B → Type*`.
-We provide a type synonym of `Σ x, E x` as `bundle.total_space E`, to be able to endow it with
-a topology which is not the disjoint union topology `sigma.topological_space`. In general, the
-constructions of fiber bundles we will make will be of this form.
+We define `bundle.total_space F E` to be the type of pairs `⟨b, x⟩`, where `b : B` and `x : E x`.
+This type is isomorphic to `Σ x, E x` and uses an extra argument `F` for reasons explained below. In
+general, the constructions of fiber bundles we will make will be of this form.
 ## Main Definitions
 * `bundle.total_space` the total space of a bundle.
 * `bundle.total_space.proj` the projection from the total space to the base space.
-* `bundle.total_space_mk` the constructor for the total space.
+* `` the constructor for the total space.
+## Implementation Notes
+- We use a custom structure for the total space of a bundle instead of using a type synonym for the
+  canonical disjoint union `Σ x, E x` because the total space usually has a different topology and
+  Lean 4 `simp` fails to apply lemmas about `Σ x, E x` to elements of the total space.
+- The definition of `bundle.total_space` has an unused argument `F`. The reason is that in some
+  constructions (e.g., `bundle.continuous_linear_map.vector_bundle`) we need access to the atlas of
+  trivializations of original fiber bundles to construct the topology on the total space of the new
+  fiber bundle.
 ## References
@@ -37,106 +48,84 @@ constructions of fiber bundles we will make will be of this form.
 namespace Bundle
-variable {B : Type _} (E : B → Type _)
+variable {B F : Type _} (E : B → Type _)
-#print Bundle.TotalSpace /-
-/-- `bundle.total_space E` is the total space of the bundle `Σ x, E x`.
-This type synonym is used to avoid conflicts with general sigma types.
-def TotalSpace :=
-  Σ x, E x
-#align bundle.total_space Bundle.TotalSpace
+/-- `bundle.total_space E` is the total space of the bundle. It consists of pairs
+`(proj : B, snd : E proj)`.
+structure TotalSpace (F : Type _) (E : B → Type _) where
+  proj : B
+  snd : E proj
+#align bundle.total_space Bundle.TotalSpaceₓ
-instance [Inhabited B] [Inhabited (E default)] : Inhabited (TotalSpace E) :=
+instance [Inhabited B] [Inhabited (E default)] : Inhabited (TotalSpace F E) :=
   ⟨⟨default, default⟩⟩
 variable {E}
-#print Bundle.TotalSpace.proj /-
 /-- `bundle.total_space.proj` is the canonical projection `bundle.total_space E → B` from the
 total space to the base space. -/
-@[simp, reducible]
-def TotalSpace.proj : TotalSpace E → B :=
-  Sigma.fst
-#align bundle.total_space.proj Bundle.TotalSpace.proj
+add_decl_doc total_space.proj
 -- this notation won't be used in the pretty-printer
 scoped notation "π" => @Bundle.TotalSpace.proj _
-#print Bundle.totalSpaceMk /-
-/-- Constructor for the total space of a bundle. -/
-@[simp, reducible]
-def totalSpaceMk (b : B) (a : E b) : Bundle.TotalSpace E :=
-  ⟨b, a⟩
-#align bundle.total_space_mk Bundle.totalSpaceMk
-#print Bundle.TotalSpace.proj_mk /-
-theorem TotalSpace.proj_mk {x : B} {y : E x} : (totalSpaceMk x y).proj = x :=
-  rfl
-#align bundle.total_space.proj_mk Bundle.TotalSpace.proj_mk
-#print Bundle.sigma_mk_eq_totalSpaceMk /-
-theorem sigma_mk_eq_totalSpaceMk {x : B} {y : E x} : x y = totalSpaceMk x y :=
-  rfl
-#align bundle.sigma_mk_eq_total_space_mk Bundle.sigma_mk_eq_totalSpaceMk
+-- TODO: try `abbrev` in Lean 4
+scoped notation "'" F:arg => _ F _
 #print Bundle.TotalSpace.mk_cast /-
 theorem TotalSpace.mk_cast {x x' : B} (h : x = x') (b : E x) :
-    totalSpaceMk x' (cast (congr_arg E h) b) = totalSpaceMk x b := by subst h; rfl
+    (' F) x' (cast (congr_arg E h) b) = x b := by subst h; rfl
 #align bundle.total_space.mk_cast Bundle.TotalSpace.mk_cast
-#print Bundle.TotalSpace.eta /-
-theorem TotalSpace.eta (z : TotalSpace E) : totalSpaceMk z.proj z.2 = z :=
-  Sigma.eta z
-#align bundle.total_space.eta Bundle.TotalSpace.eta
-instance {x : B} : CoeTC (E x) (TotalSpace E) :=
-  ⟨totalSpaceMk x⟩
+instance {x : B} : CoeTC (E x) (TotalSpace F E) :=
+  ⟨ x⟩
-#print Bundle.coe_fst /-
-theorem coe_fst (x : B) (v : E x) : (v : TotalSpace E).fst = x :=
+theorem TotalSpace.coe_proj (x : B) (v : E x) : (v : TotalSpace F E).proj = x :=
-#align bundle.coe_fst Bundle.coe_fst
+#align bundle.total_space.coe_proj Bundle.TotalSpaceₓ.coe_proj
-#print Bundle.coe_snd /-
-theorem coe_snd {x : B} {y : E x} : (y : TotalSpace E).snd = y :=
+theorem TotalSpace.coe_snd {x : B} {y : E x} : (y : TotalSpace F E).snd = y :=
-#align bundle.coe_snd Bundle.coe_snd
+#align bundle.total_space.coe_snd Bundle.TotalSpaceₓ.coe_snd
-theorem to_totalSpace_coe {x : B} (v : E x) : (v : TotalSpace E) = totalSpaceMk x v :=
+theorem TotalSpace.coe_eq_mk {x : B} (v : E x) : (v : TotalSpace F E) = x v :=
-#align bundle.to_total_space_coe Bundle.to_totalSpace_coe
+#align bundle.total_space.coe_eq_mk Bundle.TotalSpaceₓ.coe_eq_mk
+#print Bundle.TotalSpace.eta /-
+theorem TotalSpace.eta (z : TotalSpace F E) : z.proj z.2 = z := by cases z <;> rfl
+#align bundle.total_space.eta Bundle.TotalSpace.eta
 notation:100 -- notation for the direct sum of two bundles over the same base
 E₁ " ×ᵇ " E₂ => fun x => E₁ x × E₂ x
 #print Bundle.Trivial /-
 /-- `bundle.trivial B F` is the trivial bundle over `B` of fiber `F`. -/
-def Trivial (B : Type _) (F : Type _) : B → Type _ :=
-  Function.const B F
+@[reducible, nolint unused_arguments]
+def Trivial (B : Type _) (F : Type _) : B → Type _ := fun _ => F
 #align bundle.trivial Bundle.Trivial
-instance {F : Type _} [Inhabited F] {b : B} : Inhabited (Bundle.Trivial B F b) :=
-  ⟨(default : F)⟩
-#print Bundle.Trivial.projSnd /-
 /-- The trivial bundle, unlike other bundles, has a canonical projection on the fiber. -/
-def Trivial.projSnd (B : Type _) (F : Type _) : TotalSpace (Bundle.Trivial B F) → F :=
-  Sigma.snd
-#align bundle.trivial.proj_snd Bundle.Trivial.projSnd
+def TotalSpace.trivialSnd (B : Type _) (F : Type _) : TotalSpace F (Bundle.Trivial B F) → F :=
+  TotalSpace.snd
+#align bundle.total_space.trivial_snd Bundle.TotalSpaceₓ.trivialSnd
+/-- A trivial bundle is equivalent to the product `B × F`. -/
+@[simps (config := { attrs := [`simp, `mfld_simps] })]
+def TotalSpace.toProd (B F : Type _) : (TotalSpace F fun _ : B => F) ≃ B × F
+    where
+  toFun x := (x.1, x.2)
+  invFun x := ⟨x.1, x.2⟩
+  left_inv := fun ⟨_, _⟩ => rfl
+  right_inv := fun ⟨_, _⟩ => rfl
+#align bundle.total_space.to_prod Bundle.TotalSpaceₓ.toProd
 section Pullback
@@ -145,91 +134,59 @@ variable {B' : Type _}
 #print Bundle.Pullback /-
 /-- The pullback of a bundle `E` over a base `B` under a map `f : B' → B`, denoted by `pullback f E`
 or `f *ᵖ E`,  is the bundle over `B'` whose fiber over `b'` is `E (f b')`. -/
-@[nolint has_nonempty_instance]
-def Pullback (f : B' → B) (E : B → Type _) := fun x => E (f x)
+def Pullback (f : B' → B) (E : B → Type _) : B' → Type _ := fun x => E (f x)
 #align bundle.pullback Bundle.Pullback
-notation f " *ᵖ " E => Pullback f E
+notation f " *ᵖ " E:arg => Pullback f E
+instance {f : B' → B} {x : B'} [Nonempty (E (f x))] : Nonempty ((f *ᵖ E) x) :=
+  ‹Nonempty (E (f x))›
 #print Bundle.pullbackTotalSpaceEmbedding /-
 /-- Natural embedding of the total space of `f *ᵖ E` into `B' × total_space E`. -/
-def pullbackTotalSpaceEmbedding (f : B' → B) : TotalSpace (f *ᵖ E) → B' × TotalSpace E := fun z =>
-  (z.proj, totalSpaceMk (f z.proj) z.2)
+def pullbackTotalSpaceEmbedding (f : B' → B) : TotalSpace F (f *ᵖ E) → B' × TotalSpace F E :=
+  fun z => (z.proj, (f z.proj) z.2)
 #align bundle.pullback_total_space_embedding Bundle.pullbackTotalSpaceEmbedding
 #print Bundle.Pullback.lift /-
 /-- The base map `f : B' → B` lifts to a canonical map on the total spaces. -/
-def Pullback.lift (f : B' → B) : TotalSpace (f *ᵖ E) → TotalSpace E := fun z =>
-  totalSpaceMk (f z.proj) z.2
+@[simps (config := { attrs := [`simp, `mfld_simps] })]
+def Pullback.lift (f : B' → B) : TotalSpace F (f *ᵖ E) → TotalSpace F E := fun z => ⟨f z.proj, z.2⟩
 #align bundle.pullback.lift Bundle.Pullback.lift
-#print Bundle.Pullback.proj_lift /-
-theorem Pullback.proj_lift (f : B' → B) (x : TotalSpace (f *ᵖ E)) :
-    (Pullback.lift f x).proj = f x.1 :=
-  rfl
-#align bundle.pullback.proj_lift Bundle.Pullback.proj_lift
 #print Bundle.Pullback.lift_mk /-
+@[simp, mfld_simps]
 theorem Pullback.lift_mk (f : B' → B) (x : B') (y : E (f x)) :
-    Pullback.lift f (totalSpaceMk x y) = totalSpaceMk (f x) y :=
+    Pullback.lift f ((' F) x y) = ⟨f x, y⟩ :=
 #align bundle.pullback.lift_mk Bundle.Pullback.lift_mk
-#print Bundle.pullbackTotalSpaceEmbedding_snd /-
-theorem pullbackTotalSpaceEmbedding_snd (f : B' → B) (x : TotalSpace (f *ᵖ E)) :
-    (pullbackTotalSpaceEmbedding f x).2 = Pullback.lift f x :=
-  rfl
-#align bundle.pullback_total_space_embedding_snd Bundle.pullbackTotalSpaceEmbedding_snd
 end Pullback
 section FiberStructures
-variable [∀ x, AddCommMonoid (E x)]
 #print Bundle.coe_snd_map_apply /-
-theorem coe_snd_map_apply (x : B) (v w : E x) :
-    (↑(v + w) : TotalSpace E).snd = (v : TotalSpace E).snd + (w : TotalSpace E).snd :=
+theorem coe_snd_map_apply [∀ x, Add (E x)] (x : B) (v w : E x) :
+    (↑(v + w) : TotalSpace F E).snd = (v : TotalSpace F E).snd + (w : TotalSpace F E).snd :=
 #align bundle.coe_snd_map_apply Bundle.coe_snd_map_apply
-variable (R : Type _) [Semiring R] [∀ x, Module R (E x)]
 #print Bundle.coe_snd_map_smul /-
-theorem coe_snd_map_smul (x : B) (r : R) (v : E x) :
-    (↑(r • v) : TotalSpace E).snd = r • (v : TotalSpace E).snd :=
+theorem coe_snd_map_smul {R} [∀ x, SMul R (E x)] (x : B) (r : R) (v : E x) :
+    (↑(r • v) : TotalSpace F E).snd = r • (v : TotalSpace F E).snd :=
 #align bundle.coe_snd_map_smul Bundle.coe_snd_map_smul
 end FiberStructures
-section TrivialInstances
-variable {F : Type _} {R : Type _} [Semiring R] (b : B)
-instance [AddCommMonoid F] : AddCommMonoid (Bundle.Trivial B F b) :=
-  ‹AddCommMonoid F›
-instance [AddCommGroup F] : AddCommGroup (Bundle.Trivial B F b) :=
-  ‹AddCommGroup F›
-instance [AddCommMonoid F] [Module R F] : Module R (Bundle.Trivial B F b) :=
-  ‹Module R F›
-end TrivialInstances
 end Bundle
@@ -62,7 +62,6 @@ def TotalSpace.proj : TotalSpace E → B :=
 #align bundle.total_space.proj Bundle.TotalSpace.proj
--- mathport name: exprπ
 -- this notation won't be used in the pretty-printer
 scoped notation "π" => @Bundle.TotalSpace.proj _
@@ -74,29 +73,39 @@ def totalSpaceMk (b : B) (a : E b) : Bundle.TotalSpace E :=
 #align bundle.total_space_mk Bundle.totalSpaceMk
+#print Bundle.TotalSpace.proj_mk /-
 theorem TotalSpace.proj_mk {x : B} {y : E x} : (totalSpaceMk x y).proj = x :=
 #align bundle.total_space.proj_mk Bundle.TotalSpace.proj_mk
+#print Bundle.sigma_mk_eq_totalSpaceMk /-
 theorem sigma_mk_eq_totalSpaceMk {x : B} {y : E x} : x y = totalSpaceMk x y :=
 #align bundle.sigma_mk_eq_total_space_mk Bundle.sigma_mk_eq_totalSpaceMk
+#print Bundle.TotalSpace.mk_cast /-
 theorem TotalSpace.mk_cast {x x' : B} (h : x = x') (b : E x) :
     totalSpaceMk x' (cast (congr_arg E h) b) = totalSpaceMk x b := by subst h; rfl
 #align bundle.total_space.mk_cast Bundle.TotalSpace.mk_cast
+#print Bundle.TotalSpace.eta /-
 theorem TotalSpace.eta (z : TotalSpace E) : totalSpaceMk z.proj z.2 = z :=
   Sigma.eta z
 #align bundle.total_space.eta Bundle.TotalSpace.eta
 instance {x : B} : CoeTC (E x) (TotalSpace E) :=
   ⟨totalSpaceMk x⟩
+#print Bundle.coe_fst /-
 theorem coe_fst (x : B) (v : E x) : (v : TotalSpace E).fst = x :=
 #align bundle.coe_fst Bundle.coe_fst
 #print Bundle.coe_snd /-
@@ -109,7 +118,6 @@ theorem to_totalSpace_coe {x : B} (v : E x) : (v : TotalSpace E) = totalSpaceMk
 #align bundle.to_total_space_coe Bundle.to_totalSpace_coe
--- mathport name: «expr ×ᵇ »
 notation:100 -- notation for the direct sum of two bundles over the same base
 E₁ " ×ᵇ " E₂ => fun x => E₁ x × E₂ x
@@ -142,7 +150,6 @@ def Pullback (f : B' → B) (E : B → Type _) := fun x => E (f x)
 #align bundle.pullback Bundle.Pullback
--- mathport name: «expr *ᵖ »
 notation f " *ᵖ " E => Pullback f E
 #print Bundle.pullbackTotalSpaceEmbedding /-
@@ -168,11 +175,13 @@ theorem Pullback.proj_lift (f : B' → B) (x : TotalSpace (f *ᵖ E)) :
 #align bundle.pullback.proj_lift Bundle.Pullback.proj_lift
+#print Bundle.Pullback.lift_mk /-
 theorem Pullback.lift_mk (f : B' → B) (x : B') (y : E (f x)) :
     Pullback.lift f (totalSpaceMk x y) = totalSpaceMk (f x) y :=
 #align bundle.pullback.lift_mk Bundle.Pullback.lift_mk
 #print Bundle.pullbackTotalSpaceEmbedding_snd /-
 theorem pullbackTotalSpaceEmbedding_snd (f : B' → B) (x : TotalSpace (f *ᵖ E)) :
@@ -187,19 +196,23 @@ section FiberStructures
 variable [∀ x, AddCommMonoid (E x)]
+#print Bundle.coe_snd_map_apply /-
 theorem coe_snd_map_apply (x : B) (v w : E x) :
     (↑(v + w) : TotalSpace E).snd = (v : TotalSpace E).snd + (w : TotalSpace E).snd :=
 #align bundle.coe_snd_map_apply Bundle.coe_snd_map_apply
 variable (R : Type _) [Semiring R] [∀ x, Module R (E x)]
+#print Bundle.coe_snd_map_smul /-
 theorem coe_snd_map_smul (x : B) (r : R) (v : E x) :
     (↑(r • v) : TotalSpace E).snd = r • (v : TotalSpace E).snd :=
 #align bundle.coe_snd_map_smul Bundle.coe_snd_map_smul
 end FiberStructures
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ variable {B : Type _} (E : B → Type _)
 This type synonym is used to avoid conflicts with general sigma types.
 def TotalSpace :=
-  Σx, E x
+  Σ x, E x
 #align bundle.total_space Bundle.TotalSpace
@@ -105,11 +105,9 @@ theorem coe_snd {x : B} {y : E x} : (y : TotalSpace E).snd = y :=
 #align bundle.coe_snd Bundle.coe_snd
-/- warning: bundle.to_total_space_coe clashes with [anonymous] -> [anonymous]
-Case conversion may be inaccurate. Consider using '#align bundle.to_total_space_coe [anonymous]ₓ'. -/
-theorem [anonymous] {x : B} (v : E x) : (v : TotalSpace E) = totalSpaceMk x v :=
+theorem to_totalSpace_coe {x : B} (v : E x) : (v : TotalSpace E) = totalSpaceMk x v :=
-#align bundle.to_total_space_coe [anonymous]
+#align bundle.to_total_space_coe Bundle.to_totalSpace_coe
 -- mathport name: «expr ×ᵇ »
 notation:100 -- notation for the direct sum of two bundles over the same base
@@ -74,42 +74,18 @@ def totalSpaceMk (b : B) (a : E b) : Bundle.TotalSpace E :=
 #align bundle.total_space_mk Bundle.totalSpaceMk
-/- warning: bundle.total_space.proj_mk -> Bundle.TotalSpace.proj_mk is a dubious translation:
-lean 3 declaration is
-  forall {B : Type.{u1}} {E : B -> Type.{u2}} {x : B} {y : E x}, Eq.{succ u1} B (Bundle.TotalSpace.proj.{u1, u2} B (fun {x : B} => E x) (Bundle.totalSpaceMk.{u1, u2} B (fun {x : B} => E x) x y)) x
-but is expected to have type
-  forall {B : Type.{u2}} {E : B -> Type.{u1}} {x : B} {y : E x}, Eq.{succ u2} B (Bundle.TotalSpace.proj.{u2, u1} B E (Bundle.totalSpaceMk.{u2, u1} B E x y)) x
-Case conversion may be inaccurate. Consider using '#align bundle.total_space.proj_mk Bundle.TotalSpace.proj_mkₓ'. -/
 theorem TotalSpace.proj_mk {x : B} {y : E x} : (totalSpaceMk x y).proj = x :=
 #align bundle.total_space.proj_mk Bundle.TotalSpace.proj_mk
-/- warning: bundle.sigma_mk_eq_total_space_mk -> Bundle.sigma_mk_eq_totalSpaceMk is a dubious translation:
-lean 3 declaration is
-  forall {B : Type.{u1}} {E : B -> Type.{u2}} {x : B} {y : E x}, Eq.{max (succ u1) (succ u2)} (Sigma.{u1, u2} B (fun {x : B} => E x)) ({u1, u2} B (fun {x : B} => E x) x y) (Bundle.totalSpaceMk.{u1, u2} B (fun (x : B) => E x) x y)
-but is expected to have type
-  forall {B : Type.{u2}} {E : B -> Type.{u1}} {x : B} {y : E x}, Eq.{max (succ u2) (succ u1)} (Sigma.{u2, u1} B E) ({u2, u1} B E x y) (Bundle.totalSpaceMk.{u2, u1} B E x y)
-Case conversion may be inaccurate. Consider using '#align bundle.sigma_mk_eq_total_space_mk Bundle.sigma_mk_eq_totalSpaceMkₓ'. -/
 theorem sigma_mk_eq_totalSpaceMk {x : B} {y : E x} : x y = totalSpaceMk x y :=
 #align bundle.sigma_mk_eq_total_space_mk Bundle.sigma_mk_eq_totalSpaceMk
-/- warning: bundle.total_space.mk_cast -> Bundle.TotalSpace.mk_cast is a dubious translation:
-lean 3 declaration is
-  forall {B : Type.{u1}} {E : B -> Type.{u2}} {x : B} {x' : B} (h : Eq.{succ u1} B x x') (b : E x), Eq.{max (succ u1) (succ u2)} (Bundle.TotalSpace.{u1, u2} B E) (Bundle.totalSpaceMk.{u1, u2} B E x' (cast.{succ u2} (E x) (E x') (congr_arg.{succ u1, succ (succ u2)} B Type.{u2} x x' E h) b)) (Bundle.totalSpaceMk.{u1, u2} B E x b)
-but is expected to have type
-  forall {B : Type.{u2}} {E : B -> Type.{u1}} {x : B} {x' : B} (h : Eq.{succ u2} B x x') (b : E x), Eq.{max (succ u2) (succ u1)} (Bundle.TotalSpace.{u2, u1} B E) (Bundle.totalSpaceMk.{u2, u1} B E x' (cast.{succ u1} (E x) (E x') (congr_arg.{succ u2, succ (succ u1)} B Type.{u1} x x' E h) b)) (Bundle.totalSpaceMk.{u2, u1} B E x b)
-Case conversion may be inaccurate. Consider using '#align bundle.total_space.mk_cast Bundle.TotalSpace.mk_castₓ'. -/
 theorem TotalSpace.mk_cast {x x' : B} (h : x = x') (b : E x) :
     totalSpaceMk x' (cast (congr_arg E h) b) = totalSpaceMk x b := by subst h; rfl
 #align bundle.total_space.mk_cast Bundle.TotalSpace.mk_cast
-/- warning: bundle.total_space.eta -> Bundle.TotalSpace.eta is a dubious translation:
-lean 3 declaration is
-  forall {B : Type.{u1}} {E : B -> Type.{u2}} (z : Bundle.TotalSpace.{u1, u2} B E), Eq.{max (succ u1) (succ u2)} (Bundle.TotalSpace.{u1, u2} B E) (Bundle.totalSpaceMk.{u1, u2} B E (Bundle.TotalSpace.proj.{u1, u2} B E z) (Sigma.snd.{u1, u2} B (fun (x : B) => E x) z)) z
-but is expected to have type
-  forall {B : Type.{u2}} {E : B -> Type.{u1}} (z : Bundle.TotalSpace.{u2, u1} B E), Eq.{max (succ u2) (succ u1)} (Bundle.TotalSpace.{u2, u1} B E) (Bundle.totalSpaceMk.{u2, u1} B E (Bundle.TotalSpace.proj.{u2, u1} B E z) (Sigma.snd.{u2, u1} B (fun (x : B) => E x) z)) z
-Case conversion may be inaccurate. Consider using '#align bundle.total_space.eta Bundle.TotalSpace.etaₓ'. -/
 theorem TotalSpace.eta (z : TotalSpace E) : totalSpaceMk z.proj z.2 = z :=
   Sigma.eta z
 #align bundle.total_space.eta Bundle.TotalSpace.eta
@@ -117,12 +93,6 @@ theorem TotalSpace.eta (z : TotalSpace E) : totalSpaceMk z.proj z.2 = z :=
 instance {x : B} : CoeTC (E x) (TotalSpace E) :=
   ⟨totalSpaceMk x⟩
-/- warning: bundle.coe_fst -> Bundle.coe_fst is a dubious translation:
-lean 3 declaration is
-  forall {B : Type.{u1}} {E : B -> Type.{u2}} (x : B) (v : E x), Eq.{succ u1} B (Sigma.fst.{u1, u2} B (fun (x : B) => E x) ((fun (a : Type.{u2}) (b : Sort.{max (succ u1) (succ u2)}) [self : HasLiftT.{succ u2, max (succ u1) (succ u2)} a b] => self.0) (E x) (Bundle.TotalSpace.{u1, u2} B E) ({succ u2, max (succ u1) (succ u2)} (E x) (Bundle.TotalSpace.{u1, u2} B E) (CoeTCₓ.coe.{succ u2, max (succ u1) (succ u2)} (E x) (Bundle.TotalSpace.{u1, u2} B E) (Bundle.TotalSpace.hasCoeT.{u1, u2} B E x))) v)) x
-but is expected to have type
-  forall {B : Type.{u2}} {E : B -> Type.{u1}} (x : B) (v : E x), Eq.{succ u2} B (Sigma.fst.{u2, u1} B (fun (x : B) => E x) (Bundle.totalSpaceMk.{u2, u1} B E x v)) x
-Case conversion may be inaccurate. Consider using '#align bundle.coe_fst Bundle.coe_fstₓ'. -/
 theorem coe_fst (x : B) (v : E x) : (v : TotalSpace E).fst = x :=
@@ -136,11 +106,6 @@ theorem coe_snd {x : B} {y : E x} : (y : TotalSpace E).snd = y :=
 /- warning: bundle.to_total_space_coe clashes with [anonymous] -> [anonymous]
-warning: bundle.to_total_space_coe -> [anonymous] is a dubious translation:
-lean 3 declaration is
-  forall {B : Type.{u1}} {E : B -> Type.{u2}} {x : B} (v : E x), Eq.{max (succ u1) (succ u2)} (Bundle.TotalSpace.{u1, u2} B E) ((fun (a : Type.{u2}) (b : Sort.{max (succ u1) (succ u2)}) [self : HasLiftT.{succ u2, max (succ u1) (succ u2)} a b] => self.0) (E x) (Bundle.TotalSpace.{u1, u2} B E) ({succ u2, max (succ u1) (succ u2)} (E x) (Bundle.TotalSpace.{u1, u2} B E) (CoeTCₓ.coe.{succ u2, max (succ u1) (succ u2)} (E x) (Bundle.TotalSpace.{u1, u2} B E) (Bundle.TotalSpace.hasCoeT.{u1, u2} B E x))) v) (Bundle.totalSpaceMk.{u1, u2} B E x v)
-but is expected to have type
-  forall {B : Type.{u1}} {E : Type.{u2}}, (Nat -> B -> E) -> Nat -> (List.{u1} B) -> (List.{u2} E)
 Case conversion may be inaccurate. Consider using '#align bundle.to_total_space_coe [anonymous]ₓ'. -/
 theorem [anonymous] {x : B} (v : E x) : (v : TotalSpace E) = totalSpaceMk x v :=
@@ -205,12 +170,6 @@ theorem Pullback.proj_lift (f : B' → B) (x : TotalSpace (f *ᵖ E)) :
 #align bundle.pullback.proj_lift Bundle.Pullback.proj_lift
-/- warning: bundle.pullback.lift_mk -> Bundle.Pullback.lift_mk is a dubious translation:
-lean 3 declaration is
-  forall {B : Type.{u1}} {E : B -> Type.{u2}} {B' : Type.{u3}} (f : B' -> B) (x : B') (y : E (f x)), Eq.{max (succ u1) (succ u2)} (Bundle.TotalSpace.{u1, u2} B E) (Bundle.Pullback.lift.{u1, u2, u3} B E B' f (Bundle.totalSpaceMk.{u3, u2} B' (Bundle.Pullback.{u1, u3, u2} B B' f E) x y)) (Bundle.totalSpaceMk.{u1, u2} B E (f x) y)
-but is expected to have type
-  forall {B : Type.{u3}} {E : B -> Type.{u2}} {B' : Type.{u1}} (f : B' -> B) (x : B') (y : E (f x)), Eq.{max (succ u3) (succ u2)} (Bundle.TotalSpace.{u3, u2} B E) (Bundle.Pullback.lift.{u3, u2, u1} B E B' f (Bundle.totalSpaceMk.{u1, u2} B' (Bundle.Pullback.{u3, u1, u2} B B' f E) x y)) (Bundle.totalSpaceMk.{u3, u2} B E (f x) y)
-Case conversion may be inaccurate. Consider using '#align bundle.pullback.lift_mk Bundle.Pullback.lift_mkₓ'. -/
 theorem Pullback.lift_mk (f : B' → B) (x : B') (y : E (f x)) :
     Pullback.lift f (totalSpaceMk x y) = totalSpaceMk (f x) y :=
@@ -230,12 +189,6 @@ section FiberStructures
 variable [∀ x, AddCommMonoid (E x)]
-/- warning: bundle.coe_snd_map_apply -> Bundle.coe_snd_map_apply is a dubious translation:
-lean 3 declaration is
-  forall {B : Type.{u1}} {E : B -> Type.{u2}} [_inst_1 : forall (x : B), AddCommMonoid.{u2} (E x)] (x : B) (v : E x) (w : E x), Eq.{succ u2} (E (Sigma.fst.{u1, u2} B (fun (x : B) => E x) ((fun (a : Type.{u2}) (b : Sort.{max (succ u1) (succ u2)}) [self : HasLiftT.{succ u2, max (succ u1) (succ u2)} a b] => self.0) (E x) (Bundle.TotalSpace.{u1, u2} B E) ({succ u2, max (succ u1) (succ u2)} (E x) (Bundle.TotalSpace.{u1, u2} B E) (CoeTCₓ.coe.{succ u2, max (succ u1) (succ u2)} (E x) (Bundle.TotalSpace.{u1, u2} B E) (Bundle.TotalSpace.hasCoeT.{u1, u2} B E x))) (HAdd.hAdd.{u2, u2, u2} (E x) (E x) (E x) (instHAdd.{u2} (E x) (AddZeroClass.toHasAdd.{u2} (E x) (AddMonoid.toAddZeroClass.{u2} (E x) (AddCommMonoid.toAddMonoid.{u2} (E x) (_inst_1 x))))) v w)))) (Sigma.snd.{u1, u2} B (fun (x : B) => E x) ((fun (a : Type.{u2}) (b : Sort.{max (succ u1) (succ u2)}) [self : HasLiftT.{succ u2, max (succ u1) (succ u2)} a b] => self.0) (E x) (Bundle.TotalSpace.{u1, u2} B E) ({succ u2, max (succ u1) (succ u2)} (E x) (Bundle.TotalSpace.{u1, u2} B E) (CoeTCₓ.coe.{succ u2, max (succ u1) (succ u2)} (E x) (Bundle.TotalSpace.{u1, u2} B E) (Bundle.TotalSpace.hasCoeT.{u1, u2} B E x))) (HAdd.hAdd.{u2, u2, u2} (E x) (E x) (E x) (instHAdd.{u2} (E x) (AddZeroClass.toHasAdd.{u2} (E x) (AddMonoid.toAddZeroClass.{u2} (E x) (AddCommMonoid.toAddMonoid.{u2} (E x) (_inst_1 x))))) v w))) (HAdd.hAdd.{u2, u2, u2} (E (Sigma.fst.{u1, u2} B (fun (x : B) => E x) ((fun (a : Type.{u2}) (b : Sort.{max (succ u1) (succ u2)}) [self : HasLiftT.{succ u2, max (succ u1) (succ u2)} a b] => self.0) (E x) (Bundle.TotalSpace.{u1, u2} B E) ({succ u2, max (succ u1) (succ u2)} (E x) (Bundle.TotalSpace.{u1, u2} B E) (CoeTCₓ.coe.{succ u2, max (succ u1) (succ u2)} (E x) (Bundle.TotalSpace.{u1, u2} B E) (Bundle.TotalSpace.hasCoeT.{u1, u2} B E x))) (HAdd.hAdd.{u2, u2, u2} (E x) (E x) (E x) (instHAdd.{u2} (E x) (AddZeroClass.toHasAdd.{u2} (E x) (AddMonoid.toAddZeroClass.{u2} (E x) (AddCommMonoid.toAddMonoid.{u2} (E x) (_inst_1 x))))) v w)))) (E (Sigma.fst.{u1, u2} B (fun (x : B) => E x) ((fun (a : Type.{u2}) (b : Sort.{max (succ u1) (succ u2)}) [self : HasLiftT.{succ u2, max (succ u1) (succ u2)} a b] => self.0) (E x) (Bundle.TotalSpace.{u1, u2} B E) ({succ u2, max (succ u1) (succ u2)} (E x) (Bundle.TotalSpace.{u1, u2} B E) (CoeTCₓ.coe.{succ u2, max (succ u1) (succ u2)} (E x) (Bundle.TotalSpace.{u1, u2} B E) (Bundle.TotalSpace.hasCoeT.{u1, u2} B E x))) (HAdd.hAdd.{u2, u2, u2} (E x) (E x) (E x) (instHAdd.{u2} (E x) (AddZeroClass.toHasAdd.{u2} (E x) (AddMonoid.toAddZeroClass.{u2} (E x) (AddCommMonoid.toAddMonoid.{u2} (E x) (_inst_1 x))))) v w)))) (E (Sigma.fst.{u1, u2} B (fun (x : B) => E x) ((fun (a : Type.{u2}) (b : Sort.{max (succ u1) (succ u2)}) [self : HasLiftT.{succ u2, max (succ u1) (succ u2)} a b] => self.0) (E x) (Bundle.TotalSpace.{u1, u2} B E) ({succ u2, max (succ u1) (succ u2)} (E x) (Bundle.TotalSpace.{u1, u2} B E) (CoeTCₓ.coe.{succ u2, max (succ u1) (succ u2)} (E x) (Bundle.TotalSpace.{u1, u2} B E) (Bundle.TotalSpace.hasCoeT.{u1, u2} B E x))) (HAdd.hAdd.{u2, u2, u2} (E x) (E x) (E x) (instHAdd.{u2} (E x) (AddZeroClass.toHasAdd.{u2} (E x) (AddMonoid.toAddZeroClass.{u2} (E x) (AddCommMonoid.toAddMonoid.{u2} (E x) (_inst_1 x))))) v w)))) (instHAdd.{u2} (E (Sigma.fst.{u1, u2} B (fun (x : B) => E x) ((fun (a : Type.{u2}) (b : Sort.{max (succ u1) (succ u2)}) [self : HasLiftT.{succ u2, max (succ u1) (succ u2)} a b] => self.0) (E x) (Bundle.TotalSpace.{u1, u2} B E) ({succ u2, max (succ u1) (succ u2)} (E x) (Bundle.TotalSpace.{u1, u2} B E) (CoeTCₓ.coe.{succ u2, max (succ u1) (succ u2)} (E x) (Bundle.TotalSpace.{u1, u2} B E) (Bundle.TotalSpace.hasCoeT.{u1, u2} B E x))) (HAdd.hAdd.{u2, u2, u2} (E x) (E x) (E x) (instHAdd.{u2} (E x) (AddZeroClass.toHasAdd.{u2} (E x) (AddMonoid.toAddZeroClass.{u2} (E x) (AddCommMonoid.toAddMonoid.{u2} (E x) (_inst_1 x))))) v w)))) (AddZeroClass.toHasAdd.{u2} (E (Sigma.fst.{u1, u2} B (fun (x : B) => E x) ((fun (a : Type.{u2}) (b : Sort.{max (succ u1) (succ u2)}) [self : HasLiftT.{succ u2, max (succ u1) (succ u2)} a b] => self.0) (E x) (Bundle.TotalSpace.{u1, u2} B E) ({succ u2, max (succ u1) (succ u2)} (E x) (Bundle.TotalSpace.{u1, u2} B E) (CoeTCₓ.coe.{succ u2, max (succ u1) (succ u2)} (E x) (Bundle.TotalSpace.{u1, u2} B E) (Bundle.TotalSpace.hasCoeT.{u1, u2} B E x))) (HAdd.hAdd.{u2, u2, u2} (E x) (E x) (E x) (instHAdd.{u2} (E x) (AddZeroClass.toHasAdd.{u2} (E x) (AddMonoid.toAddZeroClass.{u2} (E x) (AddCommMonoid.toAddMonoid.{u2} (E x) (_inst_1 x))))) v w)))) (AddMonoid.toAddZeroClass.{u2} (E (Sigma.fst.{u1, u2} B (fun (x : B) => E x) ((fun (a : Type.{u2}) (b : Sort.{max (succ u1) (succ u2)}) [self : HasLiftT.{succ u2, max (succ u1) (succ u2)} a b] => self.0) (E x) (Bundle.TotalSpace.{u1, u2} B E) ({succ u2, max (succ u1) (succ u2)} (E x) (Bundle.TotalSpace.{u1, u2} B E) (CoeTCₓ.coe.{succ u2, max (succ u1) (succ u2)} (E x) (Bundle.TotalSpace.{u1, u2} B E) (Bundle.TotalSpace.hasCoeT.{u1, u2} B E x))) (HAdd.hAdd.{u2, u2, u2} (E x) (E x) (E x) (instHAdd.{u2} (E x) (AddZeroClass.toHasAdd.{u2} (E x) (AddMonoid.toAddZeroClass.{u2} (E x) (AddCommMonoid.toAddMonoid.{u2} (E x) (_inst_1 x))))) v w)))) (AddCommMonoid.toAddMonoid.{u2} (E (Sigma.fst.{u1, u2} B (fun (x : B) => E x) ((fun (a : Type.{u2}) (b : Sort.{max (succ u1) (succ u2)}) [self : HasLiftT.{succ u2, max (succ u1) (succ u2)} a b] => self.0) (E x) (Bundle.TotalSpace.{u1, u2} B E) ({succ u2, max (succ u1) (succ u2)} (E x) (Bundle.TotalSpace.{u1, u2} B E) (CoeTCₓ.coe.{succ u2, max (succ u1) (succ u2)} (E x) (Bundle.TotalSpace.{u1, u2} B E) (Bundle.TotalSpace.hasCoeT.{u1, u2} B E x))) (HAdd.hAdd.{u2, u2, u2} (E x) (E x) (E x) (instHAdd.{u2} (E x) (AddZeroClass.toHasAdd.{u2} (E x) (AddMonoid.toAddZeroClass.{u2} (E x) (AddCommMonoid.toAddMonoid.{u2} (E x) (_inst_1 x))))) v w)))) (_inst_1 (Sigma.fst.{u1, u2} B (fun (x : B) => E x) ((fun (a : Type.{u2}) (b : Sort.{max (succ u1) (succ u2)}) [self : HasLiftT.{succ u2, max (succ u1) (succ u2)} a b] => self.0) (E x) (Bundle.TotalSpace.{u1, u2} B E) ({succ u2, max (succ u1) (succ u2)} (E x) (Bundle.TotalSpace.{u1, u2} B E) (CoeTCₓ.coe.{succ u2, max (succ u1) (succ u2)} (E x) (Bundle.TotalSpace.{u1, u2} B E) (Bundle.TotalSpace.hasCoeT.{u1, u2} B E x))) (HAdd.hAdd.{u2, u2, u2} (E x) (E x) (E x) (instHAdd.{u2} (E x) (AddZeroClass.toHasAdd.{u2} (E x) (AddMonoid.toAddZeroClass.{u2} (E x) (AddCommMonoid.toAddMonoid.{u2} (E x) (_inst_1 x))))) v w)))))))) (Sigma.snd.{u1, u2} B (fun (x : B) => E x) ((fun (a : Type.{u2}) (b : Sort.{max (succ u1) (succ u2)}) [self : HasLiftT.{succ u2, max (succ u1) (succ u2)} a b] => self.0) (E x) (Bundle.TotalSpace.{u1, u2} B E) ({succ u2, max (succ u1) (succ u2)} (E x) (Bundle.TotalSpace.{u1, u2} B E) (CoeTCₓ.coe.{succ u2, max (succ u1) (succ u2)} (E x) (Bundle.TotalSpace.{u1, u2} B E) (Bundle.TotalSpace.hasCoeT.{u1, u2} B E x))) v)) (Sigma.snd.{u1, u2} B (fun (x : B) => E x) ((fun (a : Type.{u2}) (b : Sort.{max (succ u1) (succ u2)}) [self : HasLiftT.{succ u2, max (succ u1) (succ u2)} a b] => self.0) (E x) (Bundle.TotalSpace.{u1, u2} B E) ({succ u2, max (succ u1) (succ u2)} (E x) (Bundle.TotalSpace.{u1, u2} B E) (CoeTCₓ.coe.{succ u2, max (succ u1) (succ u2)} (E x) (Bundle.TotalSpace.{u1, u2} B E) (Bundle.TotalSpace.hasCoeT.{u1, u2} B E x))) w)))
-but is expected to have type
-  forall {B : Type.{u1}} {E : B -> Type.{u2}} [_inst_1 : forall (x : B), AddCommMonoid.{u2} (E x)] (x : B) (v : E x) (w : E x), Eq.{succ u2} (E (Sigma.fst.{u1, u2} B (fun (x : B) => E x) (Bundle.totalSpaceMk.{u1, u2} B E x (HAdd.hAdd.{u2, u2, u2} (E x) (E x) (E x) (instHAdd.{u2} (E x) (AddZeroClass.toAdd.{u2} (E x) (AddMonoid.toAddZeroClass.{u2} (E x) (AddCommMonoid.toAddMonoid.{u2} (E x) (_inst_1 x))))) v w)))) (Sigma.snd.{u1, u2} B (fun (x : B) => E x) (Bundle.totalSpaceMk.{u1, u2} B E x (HAdd.hAdd.{u2, u2, u2} (E x) (E x) (E x) (instHAdd.{u2} (E x) (AddZeroClass.toAdd.{u2} (E x) (AddMonoid.toAddZeroClass.{u2} (E x) (AddCommMonoid.toAddMonoid.{u2} (E x) (_inst_1 x))))) v w))) (HAdd.hAdd.{u2, u2, u2} (E (Sigma.fst.{u1, u2} B (fun (x : B) => E x) (Bundle.totalSpaceMk.{u1, u2} B E x v))) (E (Sigma.fst.{u1, u2} B (fun (x : B) => E x) (Bundle.totalSpaceMk.{u1, u2} B E x w))) (E (Sigma.fst.{u1, u2} B (fun (x : B) => E x) (Bundle.totalSpaceMk.{u1, u2} B E x v))) (instHAdd.{u2} (E (Sigma.fst.{u1, u2} B (fun (x : B) => E x) (Bundle.totalSpaceMk.{u1, u2} B E x v))) (AddZeroClass.toAdd.{u2} (E (Sigma.fst.{u1, u2} B (fun (x : B) => E x) (Bundle.totalSpaceMk.{u1, u2} B E x v))) (AddMonoid.toAddZeroClass.{u2} (E (Sigma.fst.{u1, u2} B (fun (x : B) => E x) (Bundle.totalSpaceMk.{u1, u2} B E x v))) (AddCommMonoid.toAddMonoid.{u2} (E (Sigma.fst.{u1, u2} B (fun (x : B) => E x) (Bundle.totalSpaceMk.{u1, u2} B E x v))) (_inst_1 (Sigma.fst.{u1, u2} B (fun (x : B) => E x) (Bundle.totalSpaceMk.{u1, u2} B E x v))))))) (Sigma.snd.{u1, u2} B (fun (x : B) => E x) (Bundle.totalSpaceMk.{u1, u2} B E x v)) (Sigma.snd.{u1, u2} B (fun (x : B) => E x) (Bundle.totalSpaceMk.{u1, u2} B E x w)))
-Case conversion may be inaccurate. Consider using '#align bundle.coe_snd_map_apply Bundle.coe_snd_map_applyₓ'. -/
 theorem coe_snd_map_apply (x : B) (v w : E x) :
     (↑(v + w) : TotalSpace E).snd = (v : TotalSpace E).snd + (w : TotalSpace E).snd :=
@@ -244,9 +197,6 @@ theorem coe_snd_map_apply (x : B) (v w : E x) :
 variable (R : Type _) [Semiring R] [∀ x, Module R (E x)]
-/- warning: bundle.coe_snd_map_smul -> Bundle.coe_snd_map_smul is a dubious translation:
-<too large>
-Case conversion may be inaccurate. Consider using '#align bundle.coe_snd_map_smul Bundle.coe_snd_map_smulₓ'. -/
 theorem coe_snd_map_smul (x : B) (r : R) (v : E x) :
     (↑(r • v) : TotalSpace E).snd = r • (v : TotalSpace E).snd :=
@@ -101,10 +101,7 @@ but is expected to have type
   forall {B : Type.{u2}} {E : B -> Type.{u1}} {x : B} {x' : B} (h : Eq.{succ u2} B x x') (b : E x), Eq.{max (succ u2) (succ u1)} (Bundle.TotalSpace.{u2, u1} B E) (Bundle.totalSpaceMk.{u2, u1} B E x' (cast.{succ u1} (E x) (E x') (congr_arg.{succ u2, succ (succ u1)} B Type.{u1} x x' E h) b)) (Bundle.totalSpaceMk.{u2, u1} B E x b)
 Case conversion may be inaccurate. Consider using '#align bundle.total_space.mk_cast Bundle.TotalSpace.mk_castₓ'. -/
 theorem TotalSpace.mk_cast {x x' : B} (h : x = x') (b : E x) :
-    totalSpaceMk x' (cast (congr_arg E h) b) = totalSpaceMk x b :=
-  by
-  subst h
-  rfl
+    totalSpaceMk x' (cast (congr_arg E h) b) = totalSpaceMk x b := by subst h; rfl
 #align bundle.total_space.mk_cast Bundle.TotalSpace.mk_cast
 /- warning: bundle.total_space.eta -> Bundle.TotalSpace.eta is a dubious translation:
@@ -248,10 +248,7 @@ theorem coe_snd_map_apply (x : B) (v w : E x) :
 variable (R : Type _) [Semiring R] [∀ x, Module R (E x)]
 /- warning: bundle.coe_snd_map_smul -> Bundle.coe_snd_map_smul is a dubious translation:
-lean 3 declaration is
-  forall {B : Type.{u1}} {E : B -> Type.{u2}} [_inst_1 : forall (x : B), AddCommMonoid.{u2} (E x)] (R : Type.{u3}) [_inst_2 : Semiring.{u3} R] [_inst_3 : forall (x : B), Module.{u3, u2} R (E x) _inst_2 (_inst_1 x)] (x : B) (r : R) (v : E x), Eq.{succ u2} (E (Sigma.fst.{u1, u2} B (fun (x : B) => E x) ((fun (a : Type.{u2}) (b : Sort.{max (succ u1) (succ u2)}) [self : HasLiftT.{succ u2, max (succ u1) (succ u2)} a b] => self.0) (E x) (Bundle.TotalSpace.{u1, u2} B E) ({succ u2, max (succ u1) (succ u2)} (E x) (Bundle.TotalSpace.{u1, u2} B E) (CoeTCₓ.coe.{succ u2, max (succ u1) (succ u2)} (E x) (Bundle.TotalSpace.{u1, u2} B E) (Bundle.TotalSpace.hasCoeT.{u1, u2} B E x))) (SMul.smul.{u3, u2} R (E x) (SMulZeroClass.toHasSmul.{u3, u2} R (E x) (AddZeroClass.toHasZero.{u2} (E x) (AddMonoid.toAddZeroClass.{u2} (E x) (AddCommMonoid.toAddMonoid.{u2} (E x) (_inst_1 x)))) (SMulWithZero.toSmulZeroClass.{u3, u2} R (E x) (MulZeroClass.toHasZero.{u3} R (MulZeroOneClass.toMulZeroClass.{u3} R (MonoidWithZero.toMulZeroOneClass.{u3} R (Semiring.toMonoidWithZero.{u3} R _inst_2)))) (AddZeroClass.toHasZero.{u2} (E x) (AddMonoid.toAddZeroClass.{u2} (E x) (AddCommMonoid.toAddMonoid.{u2} (E x) (_inst_1 x)))) (MulActionWithZero.toSMulWithZero.{u3, u2} R (E x) (Semiring.toMonoidWithZero.{u3} R _inst_2) (AddZeroClass.toHasZero.{u2} (E x) (AddMonoid.toAddZeroClass.{u2} (E x) (AddCommMonoid.toAddMonoid.{u2} (E x) (_inst_1 x)))) (Module.toMulActionWithZero.{u3, u2} R (E x) _inst_2 (_inst_1 x) (_inst_3 x))))) r v)))) (Sigma.snd.{u1, u2} B (fun (x : B) => E x) ((fun (a : Type.{u2}) (b : Sort.{max (succ u1) (succ u2)}) [self : HasLiftT.{succ u2, max (succ u1) (succ u2)} a b] => self.0) (E x) (Bundle.TotalSpace.{u1, u2} B E) ({succ u2, max (succ u1) (succ u2)} (E x) (Bundle.TotalSpace.{u1, u2} B E) (CoeTCₓ.coe.{succ u2, max (succ u1) (succ u2)} (E x) (Bundle.TotalSpace.{u1, u2} B E) (Bundle.TotalSpace.hasCoeT.{u1, u2} B E x))) (SMul.smul.{u3, u2} R (E x) (SMulZeroClass.toHasSmul.{u3, u2} R (E x) (AddZeroClass.toHasZero.{u2} (E x) (AddMonoid.toAddZeroClass.{u2} (E x) (AddCommMonoid.toAddMonoid.{u2} (E x) (_inst_1 x)))) (SMulWithZero.toSmulZeroClass.{u3, u2} R (E x) (MulZeroClass.toHasZero.{u3} R (MulZeroOneClass.toMulZeroClass.{u3} R (MonoidWithZero.toMulZeroOneClass.{u3} R (Semiring.toMonoidWithZero.{u3} R _inst_2)))) (AddZeroClass.toHasZero.{u2} (E x) (AddMonoid.toAddZeroClass.{u2} (E x) (AddCommMonoid.toAddMonoid.{u2} (E x) (_inst_1 x)))) (MulActionWithZero.toSMulWithZero.{u3, u2} R (E x) (Semiring.toMonoidWithZero.{u3} R _inst_2) (AddZeroClass.toHasZero.{u2} (E x) (AddMonoid.toAddZeroClass.{u2} (E x) (AddCommMonoid.toAddMonoid.{u2} (E x) (_inst_1 x)))) (Module.toMulActionWithZero.{u3, u2} R (E x) _inst_2 (_inst_1 x) (_inst_3 x))))) r v))) (SMul.smul.{u3, u2} R (E (Sigma.fst.{u1, u2} B (fun (x : B) => E x) ((fun (a : Type.{u2}) (b : Sort.{max (succ u1) (succ u2)}) [self : HasLiftT.{succ u2, max (succ u1) (succ u2)} a b] => self.0) (E x) (Bundle.TotalSpace.{u1, u2} B E) ({succ u2, max (succ u1) (succ u2)} (E x) (Bundle.TotalSpace.{u1, u2} B E) (CoeTCₓ.coe.{succ u2, max (succ u1) (succ u2)} (E x) (Bundle.TotalSpace.{u1, u2} B E) (Bundle.TotalSpace.hasCoeT.{u1, u2} B E x))) (SMul.smul.{u3, u2} R (E x) (SMulZeroClass.toHasSmul.{u3, u2} R (E x) (AddZeroClass.toHasZero.{u2} (E x) (AddMonoid.toAddZeroClass.{u2} (E x) (AddCommMonoid.toAddMonoid.{u2} (E x) (_inst_1 x)))) (SMulWithZero.toSmulZeroClass.{u3, u2} R (E x) (MulZeroClass.toHasZero.{u3} R (MulZeroOneClass.toMulZeroClass.{u3} R (MonoidWithZero.toMulZeroOneClass.{u3} R (Semiring.toMonoidWithZero.{u3} R _inst_2)))) (AddZeroClass.toHasZero.{u2} (E x) (AddMonoid.toAddZeroClass.{u2} (E x) (AddCommMonoid.toAddMonoid.{u2} (E x) (_inst_1 x)))) (MulActionWithZero.toSMulWithZero.{u3, u2} R (E x) (Semiring.toMonoidWithZero.{u3} R _inst_2) (AddZeroClass.toHasZero.{u2} (E x) (AddMonoid.toAddZeroClass.{u2} (E x) (AddCommMonoid.toAddMonoid.{u2} (E x) (_inst_1 x)))) (Module.toMulActionWithZero.{u3, u2} R (E x) _inst_2 (_inst_1 x) (_inst_3 x))))) r v)))) (SMulZeroClass.toHasSmul.{u3, u2} R (E (Sigma.fst.{u1, u2} B (fun (x : B) => E x) ((fun (a : Type.{u2}) (b : Sort.{max (succ u1) (succ u2)}) [self : HasLiftT.{succ u2, max (succ u1) (succ u2)} a b] => self.0) (E x) (Bundle.TotalSpace.{u1, u2} B E) ({succ u2, max (succ u1) (succ u2)} (E x) (Bundle.TotalSpace.{u1, u2} B E) (CoeTCₓ.coe.{succ u2, max (succ u1) (succ u2)} (E x) (Bundle.TotalSpace.{u1, u2} B E) (Bundle.TotalSpace.hasCoeT.{u1, u2} B E x))) (SMul.smul.{u3, u2} R (E x) (SMulZeroClass.toHasSmul.{u3, u2} R (E x) (AddZeroClass.toHasZero.{u2} (E x) (AddMonoid.toAddZeroClass.{u2} (E x) (AddCommMonoid.toAddMonoid.{u2} (E x) (_inst_1 x)))) (SMulWithZero.toSmulZeroClass.{u3, u2} R (E x) (MulZeroClass.toHasZero.{u3} R (MulZeroOneClass.toMulZeroClass.{u3} R (MonoidWithZero.toMulZeroOneClass.{u3} R (Semiring.toMonoidWithZero.{u3} R _inst_2)))) (AddZeroClass.toHasZero.{u2} (E x) (AddMonoid.toAddZeroClass.{u2} (E x) (AddCommMonoid.toAddMonoid.{u2} (E x) (_inst_1 x)))) (MulActionWithZero.toSMulWithZero.{u3, u2} R (E x) (Semiring.toMonoidWithZero.{u3} R _inst_2) (AddZeroClass.toHasZero.{u2} (E x) (AddMonoid.toAddZeroClass.{u2} (E x) (AddCommMonoid.toAddMonoid.{u2} (E x) (_inst_1 x)))) (Module.toMulActionWithZero.{u3, u2} R (E x) _inst_2 (_inst_1 x) (_inst_3 x))))) r v)))) (AddZeroClass.toHasZero.{u2} (E (Sigma.fst.{u1, u2} B (fun (x : B) => E x) ((fun (a : Type.{u2}) (b : Sort.{max (succ u1) (succ u2)}) [self : HasLiftT.{succ u2, max (succ u1) (succ u2)} a b] => self.0) (E x) (Bundle.TotalSpace.{u1, u2} B E) ({succ u2, max (succ u1) (succ u2)} (E x) (Bundle.TotalSpace.{u1, u2} B E) (CoeTCₓ.coe.{succ u2, max (succ u1) (succ u2)} (E x) (Bundle.TotalSpace.{u1, u2} B E) (Bundle.TotalSpace.hasCoeT.{u1, u2} B E x))) (SMul.smul.{u3, u2} R (E x) (SMulZeroClass.toHasSmul.{u3, u2} R (E x) (AddZeroClass.toHasZero.{u2} (E x) (AddMonoid.toAddZeroClass.{u2} (E x) (AddCommMonoid.toAddMonoid.{u2} (E x) (_inst_1 x)))) (SMulWithZero.toSmulZeroClass.{u3, u2} R (E x) (MulZeroClass.toHasZero.{u3} R (MulZeroOneClass.toMulZeroClass.{u3} R (MonoidWithZero.toMulZeroOneClass.{u3} R (Semiring.toMonoidWithZero.{u3} R _inst_2)))) (AddZeroClass.toHasZero.{u2} (E x) (AddMonoid.toAddZeroClass.{u2} (E x) (AddCommMonoid.toAddMonoid.{u2} (E x) (_inst_1 x)))) (MulActionWithZero.toSMulWithZero.{u3, u2} R (E x) (Semiring.toMonoidWithZero.{u3} R _inst_2) (AddZeroClass.toHasZero.{u2} (E x) (AddMonoid.toAddZeroClass.{u2} (E x) (AddCommMonoid.toAddMonoid.{u2} (E x) (_inst_1 x)))) (Module.toMulActionWithZero.{u3, u2} R (E x) _inst_2 (_inst_1 x) (_inst_3 x))))) r v)))) (AddMonoid.toAddZeroClass.{u2} (E (Sigma.fst.{u1, u2} B (fun (x : B) => E x) ((fun (a : Type.{u2}) (b : Sort.{max (succ u1) (succ u2)}) [self : HasLiftT.{succ u2, max (succ u1) (succ u2)} a b] => self.0) (E x) (Bundle.TotalSpace.{u1, u2} B E) ({succ u2, max (succ u1) (succ u2)} (E x) (Bundle.TotalSpace.{u1, u2} B E) (CoeTCₓ.coe.{succ u2, max (succ u1) (succ u2)} (E x) (Bundle.TotalSpace.{u1, u2} B E) (Bundle.TotalSpace.hasCoeT.{u1, u2} B E x))) (SMul.smul.{u3, u2} R (E x) (SMulZeroClass.toHasSmul.{u3, u2} R (E x) (AddZeroClass.toHasZero.{u2} (E x) (AddMonoid.toAddZeroClass.{u2} (E x) (AddCommMonoid.toAddMonoid.{u2} (E x) (_inst_1 x)))) (SMulWithZero.toSmulZeroClass.{u3, u2} R (E x) (MulZeroClass.toHasZero.{u3} R (MulZeroOneClass.toMulZeroClass.{u3} R (MonoidWithZero.toMulZeroOneClass.{u3} R (Semiring.toMonoidWithZero.{u3} R _inst_2)))) (AddZeroClass.toHasZero.{u2} (E x) (AddMonoid.toAddZeroClass.{u2} (E x) (AddCommMonoid.toAddMonoid.{u2} (E x) (_inst_1 x)))) (MulActionWithZero.toSMulWithZero.{u3, u2} R (E x) (Semiring.toMonoidWithZero.{u3} R _inst_2) (AddZeroClass.toHasZero.{u2} (E x) (AddMonoid.toAddZeroClass.{u2} (E x) (AddCommMonoid.toAddMonoid.{u2} (E x) (_inst_1 x)))) (Module.toMulActionWithZero.{u3, u2} R (E x) _inst_2 (_inst_1 x) (_inst_3 x))))) r v)))) (AddCommMonoid.toAddMonoid.{u2} (E (Sigma.fst.{u1, u2} B (fun (x : B) => E x) ((fun (a : Type.{u2}) (b : Sort.{max (succ u1) (succ u2)}) [self : HasLiftT.{succ u2, max (succ u1) (succ u2)} a b] => self.0) (E x) (Bundle.TotalSpace.{u1, u2} B E) ({succ u2, max (succ u1) (succ u2)} (E x) (Bundle.TotalSpace.{u1, u2} B E) (CoeTCₓ.coe.{succ u2, max (succ u1) (succ u2)} (E x) (Bundle.TotalSpace.{u1, u2} B E) (Bundle.TotalSpace.hasCoeT.{u1, u2} B E x))) (SMul.smul.{u3, u2} R (E x) (SMulZeroClass.toHasSmul.{u3, u2} R (E x) (AddZeroClass.toHasZero.{u2} (E x) (AddMonoid.toAddZeroClass.{u2} (E x) (AddCommMonoid.toAddMonoid.{u2} (E x) (_inst_1 x)))) (SMulWithZero.toSmulZeroClass.{u3, u2} R (E x) (MulZeroClass.toHasZero.{u3} R (MulZeroOneClass.toMulZeroClass.{u3} R (MonoidWithZero.toMulZeroOneClass.{u3} R (Semiring.toMonoidWithZero.{u3} R _inst_2)))) (AddZeroClass.toHasZero.{u2} (E x) (AddMonoid.toAddZeroClass.{u2} (E x) (AddCommMonoid.toAddMonoid.{u2} (E x) (_inst_1 x)))) (MulActionWithZero.toSMulWithZero.{u3, u2} R (E x) (Semiring.toMonoidWithZero.{u3} R _inst_2) (AddZeroClass.toHasZero.{u2} (E x) (AddMonoid.toAddZeroClass.{u2} (E x) (AddCommMonoid.toAddMonoid.{u2} (E x) (_inst_1 x)))) (Module.toMulActionWithZero.{u3, u2} R (E x) _inst_2 (_inst_1 x) (_inst_3 x))))) r v)))) (_inst_1 (Sigma.fst.{u1, u2} B (fun (x : B) => E x) ((fun (a : Type.{u2}) (b : Sort.{max (succ u1) (succ u2)}) [self : HasLiftT.{succ u2, max (succ u1) (succ u2)} a b] => self.0) (E x) (Bundle.TotalSpace.{u1, u2} B E) ({succ u2, max (succ u1) (succ u2)} (E x) (Bundle.TotalSpace.{u1, u2} B E) (CoeTCₓ.coe.{succ u2, max (succ u1) (succ u2)} (E x) (Bundle.TotalSpace.{u1, u2} B E) (Bundle.TotalSpace.hasCoeT.{u1, u2} B E x))) (SMul.smul.{u3, u2} R (E x) (SMulZeroClass.toHasSmul.{u3, u2} R (E x) (AddZeroClass.toHasZero.{u2} (E x) (AddMonoid.toAddZeroClass.{u2} (E x) (AddCommMonoid.toAddMonoid.{u2} (E x) (_inst_1 x)))) (SMulWithZero.toSmulZeroClass.{u3, u2} R (E x) (MulZeroClass.toHasZero.{u3} R (MulZeroOneClass.toMulZeroClass.{u3} R (MonoidWithZero.toMulZeroOneClass.{u3} R (Semiring.toMonoidWithZero.{u3} R _inst_2)))) (AddZeroClass.toHasZero.{u2} (E x) (AddMonoid.toAddZeroClass.{u2} (E x) (AddCommMonoid.toAddMonoid.{u2} (E x) (_inst_1 x)))) (MulActionWithZero.toSMulWithZero.{u3, u2} R (E x) (Semiring.toMonoidWithZero.{u3} R _inst_2) (AddZeroClass.toHasZero.{u2} (E x) (AddMonoid.toAddZeroClass.{u2} (E x) (AddCommMonoid.toAddMonoid.{u2} (E x) (_inst_1 x)))) (Module.toMulActionWithZero.{u3, u2} R (E x) _inst_2 (_inst_1 x) (_inst_3 x))))) r v))))))) (SMulWithZero.toSmulZeroClass.{u3, u2} R (E (Sigma.fst.{u1, u2} B (fun (x : B) => E x) ((fun (a : Type.{u2}) (b : Sort.{max (succ u1) (succ u2)}) [self : HasLiftT.{succ u2, max (succ u1) (succ u2)} a b] => self.0) (E x) (Bundle.TotalSpace.{u1, u2} B E) ({succ u2, max (succ u1) (succ u2)} (E x) (Bundle.TotalSpace.{u1, u2} B E) (CoeTCₓ.coe.{succ u2, max (succ u1) (succ u2)} (E x) (Bundle.TotalSpace.{u1, u2} B E) (Bundle.TotalSpace.hasCoeT.{u1, u2} B E x))) (SMul.smul.{u3, u2} R (E x) (SMulZeroClass.toHasSmul.{u3, u2} R (E x) (AddZeroClass.toHasZero.{u2} (E x) (AddMonoid.toAddZeroClass.{u2} (E x) (AddCommMonoid.toAddMonoid.{u2} (E x) (_inst_1 x)))) (SMulWithZero.toSmulZeroClass.{u3, u2} R (E x) (MulZeroClass.toHasZero.{u3} R (MulZeroOneClass.toMulZeroClass.{u3} R (MonoidWithZero.toMulZeroOneClass.{u3} R (Semiring.toMonoidWithZero.{u3} R _inst_2)))) (AddZeroClass.toHasZero.{u2} (E x) (AddMonoid.toAddZeroClass.{u2} (E x) (AddCommMonoid.toAddMonoid.{u2} (E x) (_inst_1 x)))) (MulActionWithZero.toSMulWithZero.{u3, u2} R (E x) (Semiring.toMonoidWithZero.{u3} R _inst_2) (AddZeroClass.toHasZero.{u2} (E x) (AddMonoid.toAddZeroClass.{u2} (E x) (AddCommMonoid.toAddMonoid.{u2} (E x) (_inst_1 x)))) (Module.toMulActionWithZero.{u3, u2} R (E x) _inst_2 (_inst_1 x) (_inst_3 x))))) r v)))) (MulZeroClass.toHasZero.{u3} R (MulZeroOneClass.toMulZeroClass.{u3} R (MonoidWithZero.toMulZeroOneClass.{u3} R (Semiring.toMonoidWithZero.{u3} R _inst_2)))) (AddZeroClass.toHasZero.{u2} (E (Sigma.fst.{u1, u2} B (fun (x : B) => E x) ((fun (a : Type.{u2}) (b : Sort.{max (succ u1) (succ u2)}) [self : HasLiftT.{succ u2, max (succ u1) (succ u2)} a b] => self.0) (E x) (Bundle.TotalSpace.{u1, u2} B E) ({succ u2, max (succ u1) (succ u2)} (E x) (Bundle.TotalSpace.{u1, u2} B E) (CoeTCₓ.coe.{succ u2, max (succ u1) (succ u2)} (E x) (Bundle.TotalSpace.{u1, u2} B E) (Bundle.TotalSpace.hasCoeT.{u1, u2} B E x))) (SMul.smul.{u3, u2} R (E x) (SMulZeroClass.toHasSmul.{u3, u2} R (E x) (AddZeroClass.toHasZero.{u2} (E x) (AddMonoid.toAddZeroClass.{u2} (E x) (AddCommMonoid.toAddMonoid.{u2} (E x) (_inst_1 x)))) (SMulWithZero.toSmulZeroClass.{u3, u2} R (E x) (MulZeroClass.toHasZero.{u3} R (MulZeroOneClass.toMulZeroClass.{u3} R (MonoidWithZero.toMulZeroOneClass.{u3} R (Semiring.toMonoidWithZero.{u3} R _inst_2)))) (AddZeroClass.toHasZero.{u2} (E x) (AddMonoid.toAddZeroClass.{u2} (E x) (AddCommMonoid.toAddMonoid.{u2} (E x) (_inst_1 x)))) (MulActionWithZero.toSMulWithZero.{u3, u2} R (E x) (Semiring.toMonoidWithZero.{u3} R _inst_2) (AddZeroClass.toHasZero.{u2} (E x) (AddMonoid.toAddZeroClass.{u2} (E x) (AddCommMonoid.toAddMonoid.{u2} (E x) (_inst_1 x)))) (Module.toMulActionWithZero.{u3, u2} R (E x) _inst_2 (_inst_1 x) (_inst_3 x))))) r v)))) (AddMonoid.toAddZeroClass.{u2} (E (Sigma.fst.{u1, u2} B (fun (x : B) => E x) ((fun (a : Type.{u2}) (b : Sort.{max (succ u1) (succ u2)}) [self : HasLiftT.{succ u2, max (succ u1) (succ u2)} a b] => self.0) (E x) (Bundle.TotalSpace.{u1, u2} B E) ({succ u2, max (succ u1) (succ u2)} (E x) (Bundle.TotalSpace.{u1, u2} B E) (CoeTCₓ.coe.{succ u2, max (succ u1) (succ u2)} (E x) (Bundle.TotalSpace.{u1, u2} B E) (Bundle.TotalSpace.hasCoeT.{u1, u2} B E x))) (SMul.smul.{u3, u2} R (E x) (SMulZeroClass.toHasSmul.{u3, u2} R (E x) (AddZeroClass.toHasZero.{u2} (E x) (AddMonoid.toAddZeroClass.{u2} (E x) (AddCommMonoid.toAddMonoid.{u2} (E x) (_inst_1 x)))) (SMulWithZero.toSmulZeroClass.{u3, u2} R (E x) (MulZeroClass.toHasZero.{u3} R (MulZeroOneClass.toMulZeroClass.{u3} R (MonoidWithZero.toMulZeroOneClass.{u3} R (Semiring.toMonoidWithZero.{u3} R _inst_2)))) (AddZeroClass.toHasZero.{u2} (E x) (AddMonoid.toAddZeroClass.{u2} (E x) (AddCommMonoid.toAddMonoid.{u2} (E x) (_inst_1 x)))) (MulActionWithZero.toSMulWithZero.{u3, u2} R (E x) (Semiring.toMonoidWithZero.{u3} R _inst_2) (AddZeroClass.toHasZero.{u2} (E x) (AddMonoid.toAddZeroClass.{u2} (E x) (AddCommMonoid.toAddMonoid.{u2} (E x) (_inst_1 x)))) (Module.toMulActionWithZero.{u3, u2} R (E x) _inst_2 (_inst_1 x) (_inst_3 x))))) r v)))) (AddCommMonoid.toAddMonoid.{u2} (E (Sigma.fst.{u1, u2} B (fun (x : B) => E x) ((fun (a : Type.{u2}) (b : Sort.{max (succ u1) (succ u2)}) [self : HasLiftT.{succ u2, max (succ u1) (succ u2)} a b] => self.0) (E x) (Bundle.TotalSpace.{u1, u2} B E) ({succ u2, max (succ u1) (succ u2)} (E x) (Bundle.TotalSpace.{u1, u2} B E) (CoeTCₓ.coe.{succ u2, max (succ u1) (succ u2)} (E x) (Bundle.TotalSpace.{u1, u2} B E) (Bundle.TotalSpace.hasCoeT.{u1, u2} B E x))) (SMul.smul.{u3, u2} R (E x) (SMulZeroClass.toHasSmul.{u3, u2} R (E x) (AddZeroClass.toHasZero.{u2} (E x) (AddMonoid.toAddZeroClass.{u2} (E x) (AddCommMonoid.toAddMonoid.{u2} (E x) (_inst_1 x)))) (SMulWithZero.toSmulZeroClass.{u3, u2} R (E x) (MulZeroClass.toHasZero.{u3} R (MulZeroOneClass.toMulZeroClass.{u3} R (MonoidWithZero.toMulZeroOneClass.{u3} R (Semiring.toMonoidWithZero.{u3} R _inst_2)))) (AddZeroClass.toHasZero.{u2} (E x) (AddMonoid.toAddZeroClass.{u2} (E x) (AddCommMonoid.toAddMonoid.{u2} (E x) (_inst_1 x)))) (MulActionWithZero.toSMulWithZero.{u3, u2} R (E x) (Semiring.toMonoidWithZero.{u3} R _inst_2) (AddZeroClass.toHasZero.{u2} (E x) (AddMonoid.toAddZeroClass.{u2} (E x) (AddCommMonoid.toAddMonoid.{u2} (E x) (_inst_1 x)))) (Module.toMulActionWithZero.{u3, u2} R (E x) _inst_2 (_inst_1 x) (_inst_3 x))))) r v)))) (_inst_1 (Sigma.fst.{u1, u2} B (fun (x : B) => E x) ((fun (a : Type.{u2}) (b : Sort.{max (succ u1) (succ u2)}) [self : HasLiftT.{succ u2, max (succ u1) (succ u2)} a b] => self.0) (E x) (Bundle.TotalSpace.{u1, u2} B E) ({succ u2, max (succ u1) (succ u2)} (E x) (Bundle.TotalSpace.{u1, u2} B E) (CoeTCₓ.coe.{succ u2, max (succ u1) (succ u2)} (E x) (Bundle.TotalSpace.{u1, u2} B E) (Bundle.TotalSpace.hasCoeT.{u1, u2} B E x))) (SMul.smul.{u3, u2} R (E x) (SMulZeroClass.toHasSmul.{u3, u2} R (E x) (AddZeroClass.toHasZero.{u2} (E x) (AddMonoid.toAddZeroClass.{u2} (E x) (AddCommMonoid.toAddMonoid.{u2} (E x) (_inst_1 x)))) (SMulWithZero.toSmulZeroClass.{u3, u2} R (E x) (MulZeroClass.toHasZero.{u3} R (MulZeroOneClass.toMulZeroClass.{u3} R (MonoidWithZero.toMulZeroOneClass.{u3} R (Semiring.toMonoidWithZero.{u3} R _inst_2)))) (AddZeroClass.toHasZero.{u2} (E x) (AddMonoid.toAddZeroClass.{u2} (E x) (AddCommMonoid.toAddMonoid.{u2} (E x) (_inst_1 x)))) (MulActionWithZero.toSMulWithZero.{u3, u2} R (E x) (Semiring.toMonoidWithZero.{u3} R _inst_2) (AddZeroClass.toHasZero.{u2} (E x) (AddMonoid.toAddZeroClass.{u2} (E x) (AddCommMonoid.toAddMonoid.{u2} (E x) (_inst_1 x)))) (Module.toMulActionWithZero.{u3, u2} R (E x) _inst_2 (_inst_1 x) (_inst_3 x))))) r v))))))) (MulActionWithZero.toSMulWithZero.{u3, u2} R (E (Sigma.fst.{u1, u2} B (fun (x : B) => E x) ((fun (a : Type.{u2}) (b : Sort.{max (succ u1) (succ u2)}) [self : HasLiftT.{succ u2, max (succ u1) (succ u2)} a b] => self.0) (E x) (Bundle.TotalSpace.{u1, u2} B E) ({succ u2, max (succ u1) (succ u2)} (E x) (Bundle.TotalSpace.{u1, u2} B E) (CoeTCₓ.coe.{succ u2, max (succ u1) (succ u2)} (E x) (Bundle.TotalSpace.{u1, u2} B E) (Bundle.TotalSpace.hasCoeT.{u1, u2} B E x))) (SMul.smul.{u3, u2} R (E x) (SMulZeroClass.toHasSmul.{u3, u2} R (E x) (AddZeroClass.toHasZero.{u2} (E x) (AddMonoid.toAddZeroClass.{u2} (E x) (AddCommMonoid.toAddMonoid.{u2} (E x) (_inst_1 x)))) (SMulWithZero.toSmulZeroClass.{u3, u2} R (E x) (MulZeroClass.toHasZero.{u3} R (MulZeroOneClass.toMulZeroClass.{u3} R (MonoidWithZero.toMulZeroOneClass.{u3} R (Semiring.toMonoidWithZero.{u3} R _inst_2)))) (AddZeroClass.toHasZero.{u2} (E x) (AddMonoid.toAddZeroClass.{u2} (E x) (AddCommMonoid.toAddMonoid.{u2} (E x) (_inst_1 x)))) (MulActionWithZero.toSMulWithZero.{u3, u2} R (E x) (Semiring.toMonoidWithZero.{u3} R _inst_2) (AddZeroClass.toHasZero.{u2} (E x) (AddMonoid.toAddZeroClass.{u2} (E x) (AddCommMonoid.toAddMonoid.{u2} (E x) (_inst_1 x)))) (Module.toMulActionWithZero.{u3, u2} R (E x) _inst_2 (_inst_1 x) (_inst_3 x))))) r v)))) (Semiring.toMonoidWithZero.{u3} R _inst_2) (AddZeroClass.toHasZero.{u2} (E (Sigma.fst.{u1, u2} B (fun (x : B) => E x) ((fun (a : Type.{u2}) (b : Sort.{max (succ u1) (succ u2)}) [self : HasLiftT.{succ u2, max (succ u1) (succ u2)} a b] => self.0) (E x) (Bundle.TotalSpace.{u1, u2} B E) ({succ u2, max (succ u1) (succ u2)} (E x) (Bundle.TotalSpace.{u1, u2} B E) (CoeTCₓ.coe.{succ u2, max (succ u1) (succ u2)} (E x) (Bundle.TotalSpace.{u1, u2} B E) (Bundle.TotalSpace.hasCoeT.{u1, u2} B E x))) (SMul.smul.{u3, u2} R (E x) (SMulZeroClass.toHasSmul.{u3, u2} R (E x) (AddZeroClass.toHasZero.{u2} (E x) (AddMonoid.toAddZeroClass.{u2} (E x) (AddCommMonoid.toAddMonoid.{u2} (E x) (_inst_1 x)))) (SMulWithZero.toSmulZeroClass.{u3, u2} R (E x) (MulZeroClass.toHasZero.{u3} R (MulZeroOneClass.toMulZeroClass.{u3} R (MonoidWithZero.toMulZeroOneClass.{u3} R (Semiring.toMonoidWithZero.{u3} R _inst_2)))) (AddZeroClass.toHasZero.{u2} (E x) (AddMonoid.toAddZeroClass.{u2} (E x) (AddCommMonoid.toAddMonoid.{u2} (E x) (_inst_1 x)))) (MulActionWithZero.toSMulWithZero.{u3, u2} R (E x) (Semiring.toMonoidWithZero.{u3} R _inst_2) (AddZeroClass.toHasZero.{u2} (E x) (AddMonoid.toAddZeroClass.{u2} (E x) (AddCommMonoid.toAddMonoid.{u2} (E x) (_inst_1 x)))) (Module.toMulActionWithZero.{u3, u2} R (E x) _inst_2 (_inst_1 x) (_inst_3 x))))) r v)))) (AddMonoid.toAddZeroClass.{u2} (E (Sigma.fst.{u1, u2} B (fun (x : B) => E x) ((fun (a : Type.{u2}) (b : Sort.{max (succ u1) (succ u2)}) [self : HasLiftT.{succ u2, max (succ u1) (succ u2)} a b] => self.0) (E x) (Bundle.TotalSpace.{u1, u2} B E) ({succ u2, max (succ u1) (succ u2)} (E x) (Bundle.TotalSpace.{u1, u2} B E) (CoeTCₓ.coe.{succ u2, max (succ u1) (succ u2)} (E x) (Bundle.TotalSpace.{u1, u2} B E) (Bundle.TotalSpace.hasCoeT.{u1, u2} B E x))) (SMul.smul.{u3, u2} R (E x) (SMulZeroClass.toHasSmul.{u3, u2} R (E x) (AddZeroClass.toHasZero.{u2} (E x) (AddMonoid.toAddZeroClass.{u2} (E x) (AddCommMonoid.toAddMonoid.{u2} (E x) (_inst_1 x)))) (SMulWithZero.toSmulZeroClass.{u3, u2} R (E x) (MulZeroClass.toHasZero.{u3} R (MulZeroOneClass.toMulZeroClass.{u3} R (MonoidWithZero.toMulZeroOneClass.{u3} R (Semiring.toMonoidWithZero.{u3} R _inst_2)))) (AddZeroClass.toHasZero.{u2} (E x) (AddMonoid.toAddZeroClass.{u2} (E x) (AddCommMonoid.toAddMonoid.{u2} (E x) (_inst_1 x)))) (MulActionWithZero.toSMulWithZero.{u3, u2} R (E x) (Semiring.toMonoidWithZero.{u3} R _inst_2) (AddZeroClass.toHasZero.{u2} (E x) (AddMonoid.toAddZeroClass.{u2} (E x) (AddCommMonoid.toAddMonoid.{u2} (E x) (_inst_1 x)))) (Module.toMulActionWithZero.{u3, u2} R (E x) _inst_2 (_inst_1 x) (_inst_3 x))))) r v)))) (AddCommMonoid.toAddMonoid.{u2} (E (Sigma.fst.{u1, u2} B (fun (x : B) => E x) ((fun (a : Type.{u2}) (b : Sort.{max (succ u1) (succ u2)}) [self : HasLiftT.{succ u2, max (succ u1) (succ u2)} a b] => self.0) (E x) (Bundle.TotalSpace.{u1, u2} B E) ({succ u2, max (succ u1) (succ u2)} (E x) (Bundle.TotalSpace.{u1, u2} B E) (CoeTCₓ.coe.{succ u2, max (succ u1) (succ u2)} (E x) (Bundle.TotalSpace.{u1, u2} B E) (Bundle.TotalSpace.hasCoeT.{u1, u2} B E x))) (SMul.smul.{u3, u2} R (E x) (SMulZeroClass.toHasSmul.{u3, u2} R (E x) (AddZeroClass.toHasZero.{u2} (E x) (AddMonoid.toAddZeroClass.{u2} (E x) (AddCommMonoid.toAddMonoid.{u2} (E x) (_inst_1 x)))) (SMulWithZero.toSmulZeroClass.{u3, u2} R (E x) (MulZeroClass.toHasZero.{u3} R (MulZeroOneClass.toMulZeroClass.{u3} R (MonoidWithZero.toMulZeroOneClass.{u3} R (Semiring.toMonoidWithZero.{u3} R _inst_2)))) (AddZeroClass.toHasZero.{u2} (E x) (AddMonoid.toAddZeroClass.{u2} (E x) (AddCommMonoid.toAddMonoid.{u2} (E x) (_inst_1 x)))) (MulActionWithZero.toSMulWithZero.{u3, u2} R (E x) (Semiring.toMonoidWithZero.{u3} R _inst_2) (AddZeroClass.toHasZero.{u2} (E x) (AddMonoid.toAddZeroClass.{u2} (E x) (AddCommMonoid.toAddMonoid.{u2} (E x) (_inst_1 x)))) (Module.toMulActionWithZero.{u3, u2} R (E x) _inst_2 (_inst_1 x) (_inst_3 x))))) r v)))) (_inst_1 (Sigma.fst.{u1, u2} B (fun (x : B) => E x) ((fun (a : Type.{u2}) (b : Sort.{max (succ u1) (succ u2)}) [self : HasLiftT.{succ u2, max (succ u1) (succ u2)} a b] => self.0) (E x) (Bundle.TotalSpace.{u1, u2} B E) ({succ u2, max (succ u1) (succ u2)} (E x) (Bundle.TotalSpace.{u1, u2} B E) (CoeTCₓ.coe.{succ u2, max (succ u1) (succ u2)} (E x) (Bundle.TotalSpace.{u1, u2} B E) (Bundle.TotalSpace.hasCoeT.{u1, u2} B E x))) (SMul.smul.{u3, u2} R (E x) (SMulZeroClass.toHasSmul.{u3, u2} R (E x) (AddZeroClass.toHasZero.{u2} (E x) (AddMonoid.toAddZeroClass.{u2} (E x) (AddCommMonoid.toAddMonoid.{u2} (E x) (_inst_1 x)))) (SMulWithZero.toSmulZeroClass.{u3, u2} R (E x) (MulZeroClass.toHasZero.{u3} R (MulZeroOneClass.toMulZeroClass.{u3} R (MonoidWithZero.toMulZeroOneClass.{u3} R (Semiring.toMonoidWithZero.{u3} R _inst_2)))) (AddZeroClass.toHasZero.{u2} (E x) (AddMonoid.toAddZeroClass.{u2} (E x) (AddCommMonoid.toAddMonoid.{u2} (E x) (_inst_1 x)))) (MulActionWithZero.toSMulWithZero.{u3, u2} R (E x) (Semiring.toMonoidWithZero.{u3} R _inst_2) (AddZeroClass.toHasZero.{u2} (E x) (AddMonoid.toAddZeroClass.{u2} (E x) (AddCommMonoid.toAddMonoid.{u2} (E x) (_inst_1 x)))) (Module.toMulActionWithZero.{u3, u2} R (E x) _inst_2 (_inst_1 x) (_inst_3 x))))) r v))))))) (Module.toMulActionWithZero.{u3, u2} R (E (Sigma.fst.{u1, u2} B (fun (x : B) => E x) ((fun (a : Type.{u2}) (b : Sort.{max (succ u1) (succ u2)}) [self : HasLiftT.{succ u2, max (succ u1) (succ u2)} a b] => self.0) (E x) (Bundle.TotalSpace.{u1, u2} B E) ({succ u2, max (succ u1) (succ u2)} (E x) (Bundle.TotalSpace.{u1, u2} B E) (CoeTCₓ.coe.{succ u2, max (succ u1) (succ u2)} (E x) (Bundle.TotalSpace.{u1, u2} B E) (Bundle.TotalSpace.hasCoeT.{u1, u2} B E x))) (SMul.smul.{u3, u2} R (E x) (SMulZeroClass.toHasSmul.{u3, u2} R (E x) (AddZeroClass.toHasZero.{u2} (E x) (AddMonoid.toAddZeroClass.{u2} (E x) (AddCommMonoid.toAddMonoid.{u2} (E x) (_inst_1 x)))) (SMulWithZero.toSmulZeroClass.{u3, u2} R (E x) (MulZeroClass.toHasZero.{u3} R (MulZeroOneClass.toMulZeroClass.{u3} R (MonoidWithZero.toMulZeroOneClass.{u3} R (Semiring.toMonoidWithZero.{u3} R _inst_2)))) (AddZeroClass.toHasZero.{u2} (E x) (AddMonoid.toAddZeroClass.{u2} (E x) (AddCommMonoid.toAddMonoid.{u2} (E x) (_inst_1 x)))) (MulActionWithZero.toSMulWithZero.{u3, u2} R (E x) (Semiring.toMonoidWithZero.{u3} R _inst_2) (AddZeroClass.toHasZero.{u2} (E x) (AddMonoid.toAddZeroClass.{u2} (E x) (AddCommMonoid.toAddMonoid.{u2} (E x) (_inst_1 x)))) (Module.toMulActionWithZero.{u3, u2} R (E x) _inst_2 (_inst_1 x) (_inst_3 x))))) r v)))) _inst_2 (_inst_1 (Sigma.fst.{u1, u2} B (fun (x : B) => E x) ((fun (a : Type.{u2}) (b : Sort.{max (succ u1) (succ u2)}) [self : HasLiftT.{succ u2, max (succ u1) (succ u2)} a b] => self.0) (E x) (Bundle.TotalSpace.{u1, u2} B E) ({succ u2, max (succ u1) (succ u2)} (E x) (Bundle.TotalSpace.{u1, u2} B E) (CoeTCₓ.coe.{succ u2, max (succ u1) (succ u2)} (E x) (Bundle.TotalSpace.{u1, u2} B E) (Bundle.TotalSpace.hasCoeT.{u1, u2} B E x))) (SMul.smul.{u3, u2} R (E x) (SMulZeroClass.toHasSmul.{u3, u2} R (E x) (AddZeroClass.toHasZero.{u2} (E x) (AddMonoid.toAddZeroClass.{u2} (E x) (AddCommMonoid.toAddMonoid.{u2} (E x) (_inst_1 x)))) (SMulWithZero.toSmulZeroClass.{u3, u2} R (E x) (MulZeroClass.toHasZero.{u3} R (MulZeroOneClass.toMulZeroClass.{u3} R (MonoidWithZero.toMulZeroOneClass.{u3} R (Semiring.toMonoidWithZero.{u3} R _inst_2)))) (AddZeroClass.toHasZero.{u2} (E x) (AddMonoid.toAddZeroClass.{u2} (E x) (AddCommMonoid.toAddMonoid.{u2} (E x) (_inst_1 x)))) (MulActionWithZero.toSMulWithZero.{u3, u2} R (E x) (Semiring.toMonoidWithZero.{u3} R _inst_2) (AddZeroClass.toHasZero.{u2} (E x) (AddMonoid.toAddZeroClass.{u2} (E x) (AddCommMonoid.toAddMonoid.{u2} (E x) (_inst_1 x)))) (Module.toMulActionWithZero.{u3, u2} R (E x) _inst_2 (_inst_1 x) (_inst_3 x))))) r v)))) (_inst_3 (Sigma.fst.{u1, u2} B (fun (x : B) => E x) ((fun (a : Type.{u2}) (b : Sort.{max (succ u1) (succ u2)}) [self : HasLiftT.{succ u2, max (succ u1) (succ u2)} a b] => self.0) (E x) (Bundle.TotalSpace.{u1, u2} B E) ({succ u2, max (succ u1) (succ u2)} (E x) (Bundle.TotalSpace.{u1, u2} B E) (CoeTCₓ.coe.{succ u2, max (succ u1) (succ u2)} (E x) (Bundle.TotalSpace.{u1, u2} B E) (Bundle.TotalSpace.hasCoeT.{u1, u2} B E x))) (SMul.smul.{u3, u2} R (E x) (SMulZeroClass.toHasSmul.{u3, u2} R (E x) (AddZeroClass.toHasZero.{u2} (E x) (AddMonoid.toAddZeroClass.{u2} (E x) (AddCommMonoid.toAddMonoid.{u2} (E x) (_inst_1 x)))) (SMulWithZero.toSmulZeroClass.{u3, u2} R (E x) (MulZeroClass.toHasZero.{u3} R (MulZeroOneClass.toMulZeroClass.{u3} R (MonoidWithZero.toMulZeroOneClass.{u3} R (Semiring.toMonoidWithZero.{u3} R _inst_2)))) (AddZeroClass.toHasZero.{u2} (E x) (AddMonoid.toAddZeroClass.{u2} (E x) (AddCommMonoid.toAddMonoid.{u2} (E x) (_inst_1 x)))) (MulActionWithZero.toSMulWithZero.{u3, u2} R (E x) (Semiring.toMonoidWithZero.{u3} R _inst_2) (AddZeroClass.toHasZero.{u2} (E x) (AddMonoid.toAddZeroClass.{u2} (E x) (AddCommMonoid.toAddMonoid.{u2} (E x) (_inst_1 x)))) (Module.toMulActionWithZero.{u3, u2} R (E x) _inst_2 (_inst_1 x) (_inst_3 x))))) r v)))))))) r (Sigma.snd.{u1, u2} B (fun (x : B) => E x) ((fun (a : Type.{u2}) (b : Sort.{max (succ u1) (succ u2)}) [self : HasLiftT.{succ u2, max (succ u1) (succ u2)} a b] => self.0) (E x) (Bundle.TotalSpace.{u1, u2} B E) ({succ u2, max (succ u1) (succ u2)} (E x) (Bundle.TotalSpace.{u1, u2} B E) (CoeTCₓ.coe.{succ u2, max (succ u1) (succ u2)} (E x) (Bundle.TotalSpace.{u1, u2} B E) (Bundle.TotalSpace.hasCoeT.{u1, u2} B E x))) v)))
-but is expected to have type
-  forall {B : Type.{u2}} {E : B -> Type.{u3}} [_inst_1 : forall (x : B), AddCommMonoid.{u3} (E x)] (R : Type.{u1}) [_inst_2 : Semiring.{u1} R] [_inst_3 : forall (x : B), Module.{u1, u3} R (E x) _inst_2 (_inst_1 x)] (x : B) (r : R) (v : E x), Eq.{succ u3} (E (Sigma.fst.{u2, u3} B (fun (x : B) => E x) (Bundle.totalSpaceMk.{u2, u3} B E x (HSMul.hSMul.{u1, u3, u3} R (E x) (E x) (instHSMul.{u1, u3} R (E x) (SMulZeroClass.toSMul.{u1, u3} R (E x) (AddMonoid.toZero.{u3} (E x) (AddCommMonoid.toAddMonoid.{u3} (E x) (_inst_1 x))) (SMulWithZero.toSMulZeroClass.{u1, u3} R (E x) (MonoidWithZero.toZero.{u1} R (Semiring.toMonoidWithZero.{u1} R _inst_2)) (AddMonoid.toZero.{u3} (E x) (AddCommMonoid.toAddMonoid.{u3} (E x) (_inst_1 x))) (MulActionWithZero.toSMulWithZero.{u1, u3} R (E x) (Semiring.toMonoidWithZero.{u1} R _inst_2) (AddMonoid.toZero.{u3} (E x) (AddCommMonoid.toAddMonoid.{u3} (E x) (_inst_1 x))) (Module.toMulActionWithZero.{u1, u3} R (E x) _inst_2 (_inst_1 x) (_inst_3 x)))))) r v)))) (Sigma.snd.{u2, u3} B (fun (x : B) => E x) (Bundle.totalSpaceMk.{u2, u3} B E x (HSMul.hSMul.{u1, u3, u3} R (E x) (E x) (instHSMul.{u1, u3} R (E x) (SMulZeroClass.toSMul.{u1, u3} R (E x) (AddMonoid.toZero.{u3} (E x) (AddCommMonoid.toAddMonoid.{u3} (E x) (_inst_1 x))) (SMulWithZero.toSMulZeroClass.{u1, u3} R (E x) (MonoidWithZero.toZero.{u1} R (Semiring.toMonoidWithZero.{u1} R _inst_2)) (AddMonoid.toZero.{u3} (E x) (AddCommMonoid.toAddMonoid.{u3} (E x) (_inst_1 x))) (MulActionWithZero.toSMulWithZero.{u1, u3} R (E x) (Semiring.toMonoidWithZero.{u1} R _inst_2) (AddMonoid.toZero.{u3} (E x) (AddCommMonoid.toAddMonoid.{u3} (E x) (_inst_1 x))) (Module.toMulActionWithZero.{u1, u3} R (E x) _inst_2 (_inst_1 x) (_inst_3 x)))))) r v))) (HSMul.hSMul.{u1, u3, u3} R (E (Sigma.fst.{u2, u3} B (fun (x : B) => E x) (Bundle.totalSpaceMk.{u2, u3} B E x v))) (E (Sigma.fst.{u2, u3} B (fun (x : B) => E x) (Bundle.totalSpaceMk.{u2, u3} B E x v))) (instHSMul.{u1, u3} R (E (Sigma.fst.{u2, u3} B (fun (x : B) => E x) (Bundle.totalSpaceMk.{u2, u3} B E x v))) (SMulZeroClass.toSMul.{u1, u3} R (E (Sigma.fst.{u2, u3} B (fun (x : B) => E x) (Bundle.totalSpaceMk.{u2, u3} B E x v))) (AddMonoid.toZero.{u3} (E (Sigma.fst.{u2, u3} B (fun (x : B) => E x) (Bundle.totalSpaceMk.{u2, u3} B E x v))) (AddCommMonoid.toAddMonoid.{u3} (E (Sigma.fst.{u2, u3} B (fun (x : B) => E x) (Bundle.totalSpaceMk.{u2, u3} B E x v))) (_inst_1 (Sigma.fst.{u2, u3} B (fun (x : B) => E x) (Bundle.totalSpaceMk.{u2, u3} B E x v))))) (SMulWithZero.toSMulZeroClass.{u1, u3} R (E (Sigma.fst.{u2, u3} B (fun (x : B) => E x) (Bundle.totalSpaceMk.{u2, u3} B E x v))) (MonoidWithZero.toZero.{u1} R (Semiring.toMonoidWithZero.{u1} R _inst_2)) (AddMonoid.toZero.{u3} (E (Sigma.fst.{u2, u3} B (fun (x : B) => E x) (Bundle.totalSpaceMk.{u2, u3} B E x v))) (AddCommMonoid.toAddMonoid.{u3} (E (Sigma.fst.{u2, u3} B (fun (x : B) => E x) (Bundle.totalSpaceMk.{u2, u3} B E x v))) (_inst_1 (Sigma.fst.{u2, u3} B (fun (x : B) => E x) (Bundle.totalSpaceMk.{u2, u3} B E x v))))) (MulActionWithZero.toSMulWithZero.{u1, u3} R (E (Sigma.fst.{u2, u3} B (fun (x : B) => E x) (Bundle.totalSpaceMk.{u2, u3} B E x v))) (Semiring.toMonoidWithZero.{u1} R _inst_2) (AddMonoid.toZero.{u3} (E (Sigma.fst.{u2, u3} B (fun (x : B) => E x) (Bundle.totalSpaceMk.{u2, u3} B E x v))) (AddCommMonoid.toAddMonoid.{u3} (E (Sigma.fst.{u2, u3} B (fun (x : B) => E x) (Bundle.totalSpaceMk.{u2, u3} B E x v))) (_inst_1 (Sigma.fst.{u2, u3} B (fun (x : B) => E x) (Bundle.totalSpaceMk.{u2, u3} B E x v))))) (Module.toMulActionWithZero.{u1, u3} R (E (Sigma.fst.{u2, u3} B (fun (x : B) => E x) (Bundle.totalSpaceMk.{u2, u3} B E x v))) _inst_2 (_inst_1 (Sigma.fst.{u2, u3} B (fun (x : B) => E x) (Bundle.totalSpaceMk.{u2, u3} B E x v))) (_inst_3 (Sigma.fst.{u2, u3} B (fun (x : B) => E x) (Bundle.totalSpaceMk.{u2, u3} B E x v)))))))) r (Sigma.snd.{u2, u3} B (fun (x : B) => E x) (Bundle.totalSpaceMk.{u2, u3} B E x v)))
+<too large>
 Case conversion may be inaccurate. Consider using '#align bundle.coe_snd_map_smul Bundle.coe_snd_map_smulₓ'. -/
 theorem coe_snd_map_smul (x : B) (r : R) (v : E x) :

Changes in mathlib4

chore: reduce imports (#9830)

This uses the improved shake script from #9772 to reduce imports across mathlib. The corresponding noshake.json file has been added to #9772.

Co-authored-by: Mario Carneiro <>

@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ Copyright © 2021 Nicolò Cavalleri. All rights reserved.
 Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
 Authors: Nicolò Cavalleri
-import Mathlib.Algebra.Module.Basic
+import Mathlib.Data.Set.Basic
 #align_import data.bundle from "leanprover-community/mathlib"@"e473c3198bb41f68560cab68a0529c854b618833"
style: shorten simps configurations (#8296)

Use .asFn and .lemmasOnly as simps configuration options.

For reference, these are defined here:

@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ def TotalSpace.trivialSnd (B : Type*) (F : Type*) : TotalSpace F (Bundle.Trivial
 #align bundle.total_space.trivial_snd Bundle.TotalSpace.trivialSnd
 /-- A trivial bundle is equivalent to the product `B × F`. -/
-@[simps (config := { attrs := [`simp, `mfld_simps] })]
+@[simps (config := { attrs := [`mfld_simps] })]
 def TotalSpace.toProd (B F : Type*) : (TotalSpace F fun _ : B => F) ≃ B × F where
   toFun x := (x.1, x.2)
   invFun x := ⟨x.1, x.2⟩
@@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ def pullbackTotalSpaceEmbedding (f : B' → B) : TotalSpace F (f *ᵖ E) → B'
 #align bundle.pullback_total_space_embedding Bundle.pullbackTotalSpaceEmbedding
 /-- The base map `f : B' → B` lifts to a canonical map on the total spaces. -/
-@[simps (config := { isSimp := true, attrs := [`mfld_simps] })]
+@[simps (config := { attrs := [`mfld_simps] })]
 def Pullback.lift (f : B' → B) : TotalSpace F (f *ᵖ E) → TotalSpace F E := fun z => ⟨f z.proj, z.2⟩
 #align bundle.pullback.lift Bundle.Pullback.lift
chore: tidy various files (#7137)
@@ -21,8 +21,8 @@ general, the constructions of fiber bundles we will make will be of this form.
 ## Main Definitions
 * `Bundle.TotalSpace` the total space of a bundle.
-* `bundle.total_space.proj` the projection from the total space to the base space.
-* `` the constructor for the total space.
+* `Bundle.TotalSpace.proj` the projection from the total space to the base space.
+* `` the constructor for the total space.
 ## Implementation Notes
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ general, the constructions of fiber bundles we will make will be of this form.
   Lean 4 `simp` fails to apply lemmas about `Σ x, E x` to elements of the total space.
 - The definition of `Bundle.TotalSpace` has an unused argument `F`. The reason is that in some
-  constructions (e.g., `bundle.continuous_linear_map.vector_bundle`) we need access to the atlas of
+  constructions (e.g., `Bundle.ContinuousLinearMap.vectorBundle`) we need access to the atlas of
   trivializations of original fiber bundles to construct the topology on the total space of the new
   fiber bundle.
chore: banish Type _ and Sort _ (#6499)

We remove all possible occurences of Type _ and Sort _ in favor of Type* and Sort*.

This has nice performance benefits.

@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ import Mathlib.Algebra.Module.Basic
 Basic data structure to implement fiber bundles, vector bundles (maybe fibrations?), etc. This file
 should contain all possible results that do not involve any topology.
-We represent a bundle `E` over a base space `B` as a dependent type `E : B → Type _`.
+We represent a bundle `E` over a base space `B` as a dependent type `E : B → Type*`.
 We define `Bundle.TotalSpace F E` to be the type of pairs `⟨b, x⟩`, where `b : B` and `x : E b`.
 This type is isomorphic to `Σ x, E x` and uses an extra argument `F` for reasons explained below. In
@@ -43,13 +43,13 @@ open Function Set
 namespace Bundle
-variable {B F : Type _} (E : B → Type _)
+variable {B F : Type*} (E : B → Type*)
 /-- `Bundle.TotalSpace F E` is the total space of the bundle. It consists of pairs
 `(proj : B, snd : E proj)`.
-structure TotalSpace (F : Type _) (E : B → Type _) where
+structure TotalSpace (F : Type*) (E : B → Type*) where
   /-- `Bundle.TotalSpace.proj` is the canonical projection `Bundle.TotalSpace F E → B` from the
   total space to the base space. -/
   proj : B
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ variable {E}
 scoped notation:max "π" F':max E':max => Bundle.TotalSpace.proj (F := F') (E := E')
-abbrev' (F : Type _) (x : B) (y : E x) : TotalSpace F E := ⟨x, y⟩
+abbrev' (F : Type*) (x : B) (y : E x) : TotalSpace F E := ⟨x, y⟩
 theorem TotalSpace.mk_cast {x x' : B} (h : x = x') (b : E x) :
     .mk' F x' (cast (congr_arg E h) b) = x b := by subst h; rfl
@@ -104,17 +104,17 @@ notation:100 E₁ " ×ᵇ " E₂ => fun x => E₁ x × E₂ x
 /-- `Bundle.Trivial B F` is the trivial bundle over `B` of fiber `F`. -/
 @[reducible, nolint unusedArguments]
-def Trivial (B : Type _) (F : Type _) : B → Type _ := fun _ => F
+def Trivial (B : Type*) (F : Type*) : B → Type _ := fun _ => F
 #align bundle.trivial Bundle.Trivial
 /-- The trivial bundle, unlike other bundles, has a canonical projection on the fiber. -/
-def TotalSpace.trivialSnd (B : Type _) (F : Type _) : TotalSpace F (Bundle.Trivial B F) → F :=
+def TotalSpace.trivialSnd (B : Type*) (F : Type*) : TotalSpace F (Bundle.Trivial B F) → F :=
 #align bundle.total_space.trivial_snd Bundle.TotalSpace.trivialSnd
 /-- A trivial bundle is equivalent to the product `B × F`. -/
 @[simps (config := { attrs := [`simp, `mfld_simps] })]
-def TotalSpace.toProd (B F : Type _) : (TotalSpace F fun _ : B => F) ≃ B × F where
+def TotalSpace.toProd (B F : Type*) : (TotalSpace F fun _ : B => F) ≃ B × F where
   toFun x := (x.1, x.2)
   invFun x := ⟨x.1, x.2⟩
   left_inv := fun ⟨_, _⟩ => rfl
@@ -123,11 +123,11 @@ def TotalSpace.toProd (B F : Type _) : (TotalSpace F fun _ : B => F) ≃ B × F
 section Pullback
-variable {B' : Type _}
+variable {B' : Type*}
 /-- The pullback of a bundle `E` over a base `B` under a map `f : B' → B`, denoted by
 `Bundle.Pullback f E` or `f *ᵖ E`, is the bundle over `B'` whose fiber over `b'` is `E (f b')`. -/
-def Pullback (f : B' → B) (E : B → Type _) : B' → Type _ := fun x => E (f x)
+def Pullback (f : B' → B) (E : B → Type*) : B' → Type _ := fun x => E (f x)
 #align bundle.pullback Bundle.Pullback
chore: script to replace headers with #align_import statements (#5979)

Open in Gitpod

Co-authored-by: Eric Wieser <> Co-authored-by: Scott Morrison <>

@@ -2,14 +2,11 @@
 Copyright © 2021 Nicolò Cavalleri. All rights reserved.
 Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
 Authors: Nicolò Cavalleri
-! This file was ported from Lean 3 source module data.bundle
-! leanprover-community/mathlib commit e473c3198bb41f68560cab68a0529c854b618833
-! Please do not edit these lines, except to modify the commit id
-! if you have ported upstream changes.
 import Mathlib.Algebra.Module.Basic
+#align_import data.bundle from "leanprover-community/mathlib"@"e473c3198bb41f68560cab68a0529c854b618833"
 # Bundle
 Basic data structure to implement fiber bundles, vector bundles (maybe fibrations?), etc. This file
refactor: redefine Bundle.TotalSpace (#5720)

Forward-port leanprover-community/mathlib#19221

@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
 Authors: Nicolò Cavalleri
 ! This file was ported from Lean 3 source module data.bundle
-! leanprover-community/mathlib commit 9aba7801eeecebb61f58a5763c2b6dd1b47dc6ef
+! leanprover-community/mathlib commit e473c3198bb41f68560cab68a0529c854b618833
 ! Please do not edit these lines, except to modify the commit id
 ! if you have ported upstream changes.
@@ -17,179 +17,149 @@ should contain all possible results that do not involve any topology.
 We represent a bundle `E` over a base space `B` as a dependent type `E : B → Type _`.
-We provide a type synonym of `Σ x, E x` as `Bundle.TotalSpace E`, to be able to endow it with
-a topology which is not the disjoint union topology `Sigma.TopologicalSpace`. In general, the
-constructions of fiber bundles we will make will be of this form.
+We define `Bundle.TotalSpace F E` to be the type of pairs `⟨b, x⟩`, where `b : B` and `x : E b`.
+This type is isomorphic to `Σ x, E x` and uses an extra argument `F` for reasons explained below. In
+general, the constructions of fiber bundles we will make will be of this form.
 ## Main Definitions
 * `Bundle.TotalSpace` the total space of a bundle.
-* `Bundle.TotalSpace.proj` the projection from the total space to the base space.
-* `Bundle.totalSpaceMk` the constructor for the total space.
+* `bundle.total_space.proj` the projection from the total space to the base space.
+* `` the constructor for the total space.
+## Implementation Notes
+- We use a custom structure for the total space of a bundle instead of using a type synonym for the
+  canonical disjoint union `Σ x, E x` because the total space usually has a different topology and
+  Lean 4 `simp` fails to apply lemmas about `Σ x, E x` to elements of the total space.
+- The definition of `Bundle.TotalSpace` has an unused argument `F`. The reason is that in some
+  constructions (e.g., `bundle.continuous_linear_map.vector_bundle`) we need access to the atlas of
+  trivializations of original fiber bundles to construct the topology on the total space of the new
+  fiber bundle.
 ## References
+open Function Set
 namespace Bundle
-variable {B : Type _} (E : B → Type _)
+variable {B F : Type _} (E : B → Type _)
-/-- `Bundle.TotalSpace E` is the total space of the bundle `Σ x, E x`.
-This type synonym is used to avoid conflicts with general sigma types.
+/-- `Bundle.TotalSpace F E` is the total space of the bundle. It consists of pairs
+`(proj : B, snd : E proj)`.
-def TotalSpace :=
-  Σx, E x
+structure TotalSpace (F : Type _) (E : B → Type _) where
+  /-- `Bundle.TotalSpace.proj` is the canonical projection `Bundle.TotalSpace F E → B` from the
+  total space to the base space. -/
+  proj : B
+  snd : E proj
 #align bundle.total_space Bundle.TotalSpace
-instance [Inhabited B] [Inhabited (E default)] : Inhabited (TotalSpace E) :=
+instance [Inhabited B] [Inhabited (E default)] : Inhabited (TotalSpace F E) :=
   ⟨⟨default, default⟩⟩
 variable {E}
-/-- `bundle.TotalSpace.proj` is the canonical projection `Bundle.TotalSpace E → B` from the
-total space to the base space. -/
-@[simp, reducible]
-def TotalSpace.proj : TotalSpace E → B :=
-  Sigma.fst
-#align bundle.total_space.proj Bundle.TotalSpace.proj
-/-- The canonical projection defining a bundle. -/
-scoped notation:max "π" E':max => Bundle.TotalSpace.proj (E := E')
-/-- Constructor for the total space of a bundle. -/
-@[simp, reducible]
-def totalSpaceMk (b : B) (a : E b) : Bundle.TotalSpace E :=
-  ⟨b, a⟩
-#align bundle.total_space_mk Bundle.totalSpaceMk
+scoped notation:max "π" F':max E':max => Bundle.TotalSpace.proj (F := F') (E := E')
-theorem TotalSpace.proj_mk {x : B} {y : E x} : (totalSpaceMk x y).proj = x :=
-  rfl
-#align bundle.total_space.proj_mk Bundle.TotalSpace.proj_mk
-theorem sigma_mk_eq_totalSpaceMk {x : B} {y : E x} : x y = totalSpaceMk x y :=
-  rfl
-#align bundle.sigma_mk_eq_total_space_mk Bundle.sigma_mk_eq_totalSpaceMk
+abbrev' (F : Type _) (x : B) (y : E x) : TotalSpace F E := ⟨x, y⟩
 theorem TotalSpace.mk_cast {x x' : B} (h : x = x') (b : E x) :
-    totalSpaceMk x' (cast (congr_arg E h) b) = totalSpaceMk x b := by
-  subst h
-  rfl
+    .mk' F x' (cast (congr_arg E h) b) = x b := by subst h; rfl
 #align bundle.total_space.mk_cast Bundle.TotalSpace.mk_cast
-theorem TotalSpace.eta (z : TotalSpace E) : totalSpaceMk z.proj z.2 = z :=
-  Sigma.eta z
-#align bundle.total_space.eta Bundle.TotalSpace.eta
+@[simp 1001, mfld_simps 1001]
+theorem TotalSpace.mk_inj {b : B} {y y' : E b} : mk' F b y = mk' F b y' ↔ y = y' := by
+  simp [TotalSpace.ext_iff]
-instance {x : B} : CoeTC (E x) (TotalSpace E) :=
-  ⟨totalSpaceMk x⟩
+theorem TotalSpace.mk_injective (b : B) : Injective (mk b : E b → TotalSpace F E) := fun _ _ ↦
+  mk_inj.1
--- porting note: removed simp attribute, variable as head symbol
-theorem coe_fst (x : B) (v : E x) : (v : TotalSpace E).fst = x :=
-  rfl
-#align bundle.coe_fst Bundle.coe_fst
+instance {x : B} : CoeTC (E x) (TotalSpace F E) :=
+  ⟨ x⟩
--- porting note: removed simp attribute, variable as head symbol
-theorem coe_snd {x : B} {y : E x} : (y : TotalSpace E).snd = y :=
-  rfl
-#align bundle.coe_snd Bundle.coe_snd
+#noalign bundle.total_space.coe_proj
+#noalign bundle.total_space.coe_snd
+#noalign bundle.total_space.coe_eq_mk
+theorem TotalSpace.eta (z : TotalSpace F E) : z.proj z.2 = z := rfl
+#align bundle.total_space.eta Bundle.TotalSpace.eta
--- porting note: removed `to_total_space_coe`, syntactic tautology
-#noalign bundle.to_total_space_coe
+theorem TotalSpace.exists {p : TotalSpace F E → Prop} : (∃ x, p x) ↔ ∃ b y, p ⟨b, y⟩ :=
+  ⟨fun ⟨x, hx⟩ ↦ ⟨x.1, x.2, hx⟩, fun ⟨b, y, h⟩ ↦ ⟨⟨b, y⟩, h⟩⟩
+theorem TotalSpace.range_mk (b : B) : range ((↑) : E b → TotalSpace F E) = π F E ⁻¹' {b} := by
+  apply Subset.antisymm
+  · rintro _ ⟨x, rfl⟩
+    rfl
+  · rintro ⟨_, x⟩ rfl
+    exact ⟨x, rfl⟩
--- mathport name: «expr ×ᵇ »
-/-- The direct sum of two bundles. -/
-notation:100 -- notation for the direct sum of two bundles over the same base
-E₁ " ×ᵇ " E₂ => fun x => E₁ x × E₂ x
+/-- Notation for the direct sum of two bundles over the same base. -/
+notation:100 E₁ " ×ᵇ " E₂ => fun x => E₁ x × E₂ x
 /-- `Bundle.Trivial B F` is the trivial bundle over `B` of fiber `F`. -/
-def Trivial (B : Type _) (F : Type _) : B → Type _ :=
-  Function.const B F
+@[reducible, nolint unusedArguments]
+def Trivial (B : Type _) (F : Type _) : B → Type _ := fun _ => F
 #align bundle.trivial Bundle.Trivial
-instance {F : Type _} [Inhabited F] {b : B} : Inhabited (Bundle.Trivial B F b) :=
-  ⟨(default : F)⟩
 /-- The trivial bundle, unlike other bundles, has a canonical projection on the fiber. -/
-def Trivial.projSnd (B : Type _) (F : Type _) : TotalSpace (Bundle.Trivial B F) → F :=
-  Sigma.snd
-#align bundle.trivial.proj_snd Bundle.Trivial.projSnd
+def TotalSpace.trivialSnd (B : Type _) (F : Type _) : TotalSpace F (Bundle.Trivial B F) → F :=
+  TotalSpace.snd
+#align bundle.total_space.trivial_snd Bundle.TotalSpace.trivialSnd
+/-- A trivial bundle is equivalent to the product `B × F`. -/
+@[simps (config := { attrs := [`simp, `mfld_simps] })]
+def TotalSpace.toProd (B F : Type _) : (TotalSpace F fun _ : B => F) ≃ B × F where
+  toFun x := (x.1, x.2)
+  invFun x := ⟨x.1, x.2⟩
+  left_inv := fun ⟨_, _⟩ => rfl
+  right_inv := fun ⟨_, _⟩ => rfl
+#align bundle.total_space.to_prod Bundle.TotalSpace.toProd
 section Pullback
 variable {B' : Type _}
-/-- The pullback of a bundle `E` over a base `B` under a map `f : B' → B`, denoted by `Pullback f E`
-or `f *ᵖ E`,  is the bundle over `B'` whose fiber over `b'` is `E (f b')`. -/
--- porting note: `has_nonempty_instance` linter not found
---  @[nolint has_nonempty_instance]
-def Pullback (f : B' → B) (E : B → Type _) := fun x => E (f x)
+/-- The pullback of a bundle `E` over a base `B` under a map `f : B' → B`, denoted by
+`Bundle.Pullback f E` or `f *ᵖ E`, is the bundle over `B'` whose fiber over `b'` is `E (f b')`. -/
+def Pullback (f : B' → B) (E : B → Type _) : B' → Type _ := fun x => E (f x)
 #align bundle.pullback Bundle.Pullback
--- mathport name: «expr *ᵖ »
-notation f " *ᵖ " E => Pullback f E
+notation f " *ᵖ " E:arg => Pullback f E
+instance {f : B' → B} {x : B'} [Nonempty (E (f x))] : Nonempty ((f *ᵖ E) x) :=
+  ‹Nonempty (E (f x))›
-/-- Natural embedding of the total space of `f *ᵖ E` into `B' × TotalSpace E`. -/
+/-- Natural embedding of the total space of `f *ᵖ E` into `B' × TotalSpace F E`. -/
-def pullbackTotalSpaceEmbedding (f : B' → B) : TotalSpace (f *ᵖ E) → B' × TotalSpace E := fun z =>
-  (z.proj, totalSpaceMk (f z.proj) z.2)
+def pullbackTotalSpaceEmbedding (f : B' → B) : TotalSpace F (f *ᵖ E) → B' × TotalSpace F E :=
+  fun z => (z.proj, (f z.proj) z.2)
 #align bundle.pullback_total_space_embedding Bundle.pullbackTotalSpaceEmbedding
 /-- The base map `f : B' → B` lifts to a canonical map on the total spaces. -/
-def Pullback.lift (f : B' → B) : TotalSpace (f *ᵖ E) → TotalSpace E := fun z =>
-  totalSpaceMk (f z.proj) z.2
+@[simps (config := { isSimp := true, attrs := [`mfld_simps] })]
+def Pullback.lift (f : B' → B) : TotalSpace F (f *ᵖ E) → TotalSpace F E := fun z => ⟨f z.proj, z.2⟩
 #align bundle.pullback.lift Bundle.Pullback.lift
-theorem Pullback.proj_lift (f : B' → B) (x : TotalSpace (f *ᵖ E)) :
-    (Pullback.lift f x).proj = f x.1 :=
-  rfl
-#align bundle.pullback.proj_lift Bundle.Pullback.proj_lift
+@[simp, mfld_simps]
 theorem Pullback.lift_mk (f : B' → B) (x : B') (y : E (f x)) :
-    Pullback.lift f (totalSpaceMk x y) = totalSpaceMk (f x) y :=
+    Pullback.lift f (.mk' F x y) = ⟨f x, y⟩ :=
 #align bundle.pullback.lift_mk Bundle.Pullback.lift_mk
-theorem pullbackTotalSpaceEmbedding_snd (f : B' → B) (x : TotalSpace (f *ᵖ E)) :
-    (pullbackTotalSpaceEmbedding f x).2 = Pullback.lift f x :=
-  rfl
-#align bundle.pullback_total_space_embedding_snd Bundle.pullbackTotalSpaceEmbedding_snd
 end Pullback
-section FiberStructures
-variable [∀ x, AddCommMonoid (E x)]
-theorem coe_snd_map_apply (x : B) (v w : E x) :
-    (↑(v + w) : TotalSpace E).snd = (v : TotalSpace E).snd + (w : TotalSpace E).snd :=
-  rfl
-#align bundle.coe_snd_map_apply Bundle.coe_snd_map_apply
-variable (R : Type _) [Semiring R] [∀ x, Module R (E x)]
-theorem coe_snd_map_smul (x : B) (r : R) (v : E x) :
-    (↑(r • v) : TotalSpace E).snd = r • (v : TotalSpace E).snd :=
-  rfl
-#align bundle.coe_snd_map_smul Bundle.coe_snd_map_smul
-end FiberStructures
-section TrivialInstances
-variable {F : Type _} {R : Type _} [Semiring R] (b : B)
-instance [AddCommMonoid F] : AddCommMonoid (Bundle.Trivial B F b) :=
-  ‹AddCommMonoid F›
-instance [AddCommGroup F] : AddCommGroup (Bundle.Trivial B F b) :=
-  ‹AddCommGroup F›
+-- Porting note: not needed since Lean unfolds coercion
+#noalign bundle.coe_snd_map_apply
+#noalign bundle.coe_snd_map_smul
-instance [AddCommMonoid F] [Module R F] : Module R (Bundle.Trivial B F b) :=
-  ‹Module R F›
+end Bundle
fix: precedence of Bundle.TotalSpace.proj (#5590)
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ def TotalSpace.proj : TotalSpace E → B :=
 #align bundle.total_space.proj Bundle.TotalSpace.proj
 /-- The canonical projection defining a bundle. -/
-scoped notation "π" E':max => Bundle.TotalSpace.proj (E := E')
+scoped notation:max "π" E':max => Bundle.TotalSpace.proj (E := E')
 /-- Constructor for the total space of a bundle. -/
 @[simp, reducible]
feat: port Geometry.Manifold.VectorBundle.Tangent (#5448)

Co-authored-by: Jeremy Tan Jie Rui <>

@@ -55,10 +55,8 @@ def TotalSpace.proj : TotalSpace E → B :=
 #align bundle.total_space.proj Bundle.TotalSpace.proj
--- this notation won't be used in the pretty-printer
-set_option quotPrecheck false in
 /-- The canonical projection defining a bundle. -/
-scoped notation "π" E => @Bundle.TotalSpace.proj _ E
+scoped notation "π" E':max => Bundle.TotalSpace.proj (E := E')
 /-- Constructor for the total space of a bundle. -/
 @[simp, reducible]
feat: port Topology.FiberBundle.Trivialization (#2707)
@@ -55,11 +55,10 @@ def TotalSpace.proj : TotalSpace E → B :=
 #align bundle.total_space.proj Bundle.TotalSpace.proj
--- mathport name: exprπ
 -- this notation won't be used in the pretty-printer
 set_option quotPrecheck false in
 /-- The canonical projection defining a bundle. -/
-scoped notation "π" => @Bundle.TotalSpace.proj _
+scoped notation "π" E => @Bundle.TotalSpace.proj _ E
 /-- Constructor for the total space of a bundle. -/
 @[simp, reducible]
chore: Rename Type* to Type _ (#1866)

A bunch of docstrings were still mentioning Type*. This changes them to Type _.

@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ import Mathlib.Algebra.Module.Basic
 Basic data structure to implement fiber bundles, vector bundles (maybe fibrations?), etc. This file
 should contain all possible results that do not involve any topology.
-We represent a bundle `E` over a base space `B` as a dependent type `E : B → Type*`.
+We represent a bundle `E` over a base space `B` as a dependent type `E : B → Type _`.
 We provide a type synonym of `Σ x, E x` as `Bundle.TotalSpace E`, to be able to endow it with
 a topology which is not the disjoint union topology `Sigma.TopologicalSpace`. In general, the
chore: format by line breaks (#1523)

During porting, I usually fix the desired format we seem to want for the line breaks around by with

awk '{do {{if (match($0, "^  by$") && length(p) < 98) {p=p " by";} else {if (NR!=1) {print p}; p=$0}}} while (getline == 1) if (getline==0) print p}' Mathlib/File/Im/Working/On.lean

I noticed there are some more files that slipped through.

This pull request is the result of running this command:

grep -lr "^  by\$" Mathlib | xargs -n 1 awk -i inplace '{do {{if (match($0, "^  by$") && length(p) < 98 && not (match(p, "^[ \t]*--"))) {p=p " by";} else {if (NR!=1) {print p}; p=$0}}} while (getline == 1) if (getline==0) print p}'

Co-authored-by: Moritz Firsching <>

@@ -76,8 +76,7 @@ theorem sigma_mk_eq_totalSpaceMk {x : B} {y : E x} : x y = totalSpaceMk
 #align bundle.sigma_mk_eq_total_space_mk Bundle.sigma_mk_eq_totalSpaceMk
 theorem TotalSpace.mk_cast {x x' : B} (h : x = x') (b : E x) :
-    totalSpaceMk x' (cast (congr_arg E h) b) = totalSpaceMk x b :=
-  by
+    totalSpaceMk x' (cast (congr_arg E h) b) = totalSpaceMk x b := by
   subst h
 #align bundle.total_space.mk_cast Bundle.TotalSpace.mk_cast
feat: port Data.Bundle (#1288)

Not sure what to do with:

set_option quotPrecheck false in
/-- The canonical projection defining a bundle. -/
scoped notation "π" => [@Bundle]( _

But otherwise what seems like a fairly straightforward port.

Co-authored-by: Reid Barton <>

Dependencies 3 + 141

142 files ported (97.9%)
57004 lines ported (98.2%)
Show graph

The unported dependencies are