Possibly out of sync

The following 2 files at 65a1391a have been modified in mathlib3 since the commit at which they were verified.

It is possible that these changes have already been forward-ported, and all that remains is to update the SHA in the header comment in mathlib4.

Of these, 0 still have open porting PRs, in which case they have already fallen out of sync before being merged to master! In these cases, it is usually best to update the existing porting PRs before they merged. The scripts/start_port.sh script in mathlib4 can be used to help with this (it also knows how to restart a port).

See this Zulip thread for some discussion about keeping this list small, and this Wiki page for more information about how to make and review forward-port PRs.

File Verified at Mathlib3 changes (newest first) ± Import depth PR
analysis.normed.order.upper_lower 992efbda
  • b1abe23a: feat(measure_theory/order/upper_lower): Order-connected sets in ℝⁿ are measurable (#16976) (@Yaël Dillies)
+157 -4 1 #10565
@@ -20,10 +23,11 @@ are measurable.
 open function metric set
+open_locale pointwise
 variables {α ι : Type*}
-section metric_space
+section normed_ordered_group
 variables [normed_ordered_group α] {s : set α}
 @[to_additive is_upper_set.thickening]
@@ -46,12 +50,22 @@ protected lemma is_lower_set.cthickening' (hs : is_lower_set s) (ε : ℝ) :
   is_lower_set (cthickening ε s) :=
 by { rw cthickening_eq_Inter_thickening'', exact is_lower_set_Inter₂ (λ δ hδ, hs.thickening' _) }
-end metric_space
+@[to_additive upper_closure_interior_subset]
+lemma upper_closure_interior_subset' (s : set α) :
+  (upper_closure (interior s) : set α) ⊆ interior (upper_closure s) :=
+upper_closure_min (interior_mono subset_upper_closure) (upper_closure s).upper.interior
+@[to_additive lower_closure_interior_subset]
+lemma lower_closure_interior_subset' (s : set α) :
+  (upper_closure (interior s) : set α) ⊆ interior (upper_closure s) :=
+upper_closure_min (interior_mono subset_upper_closure) (upper_closure s).upper.interior
+end normed_ordered_group
 /-! ### `ℝⁿ` -/
 section finite
-variables [finite ι] {s : set (ι → ℝ)} {x y : ι → ℝ} {δ : ℝ}
+variables [finite ι] {s : set (ι → ℝ)} {x y : ι → ℝ}
 lemma is_upper_set.mem_interior_of_forall_lt (hs : is_upper_set s) (hx : x ∈ closure s)
   (h : ∀ i, x i < y i) :
@@ -96,7 +110,78 @@ end
 end finite
 section fintype
-variables [fintype ι] {s : set (ι → ℝ)} {x y : ι → ℝ} {δ : ℝ}
+variables [fintype ι] {s t : set (ι → ℝ)} {a₁ a₂ b₁ b₂ x y : ι → ℝ} {δ : ℝ}
+-- TODO: Generalise those lemmas so that they also apply to `ℝ` and `euclidean_space ι ℝ`
+lemma dist_inf_sup (x y : ι → ℝ) : dist (x ⊓ y) (x ⊔ y) = dist x y :=
+  refine congr_arg coe (finset.sup_congr rfl $ λ i _, _),
+  simp only [real.nndist_eq', sup_eq_max, inf_eq_min, max_sub_min_eq_abs, pi.inf_apply,
+    pi.sup_apply, real.nnabs_of_nonneg, abs_nonneg, real.to_nnreal_abs],
+lemma dist_mono_left : monotone_on (λ x, dist x y) (Ici y) :=
+  refine λ y₁ hy₁ y₂ hy₂ hy, nnreal.coe_le_coe.2 (finset.sup_mono_fun $ λ i _, _),
+  rw [real.nndist_eq, real.nnabs_of_nonneg (sub_nonneg_of_le (‹y ≤ _› i : y i ≤ y₁ i)),
+    real.nndist_eq, real.nnabs_of_nonneg (sub_nonneg_of_le (‹y ≤ _› i : y i ≤ y₂ i))],
+  exact real.to_nnreal_mono (sub_le_sub_right (hy _) _),
+lemma dist_mono_right : monotone_on (dist x) (Ici x) :=
+by simpa only [dist_comm] using dist_mono_left
+lemma dist_anti_left : antitone_on (λ x, dist x y) (Iic y) :=
+  refine λ y₁ hy₁ y₂ hy₂ hy, nnreal.coe_le_coe.2 (finset.sup_mono_fun $ λ i _, _),
+  rw [real.nndist_eq', real.nnabs_of_nonneg (sub_nonneg_of_le (‹_ ≤ y› i : y₂ i ≤ y i)),
+    real.nndist_eq', real.nnabs_of_nonneg (sub_nonneg_of_le (‹_ ≤ y› i : y₁ i ≤ y i))],
+  exact real.to_nnreal_mono (sub_le_sub_left (hy _) _),
+lemma dist_anti_right : antitone_on (dist x) (Iic x) :=
+by simpa only [dist_comm] using dist_anti_left
+lemma dist_le_dist_of_le (ha : a₂ ≤ a₁) (h₁ : a₁ ≤ b₁) (hb : b₁ ≤ b₂) : dist a₁ b₁ ≤ dist a₂ b₂ :=
+(dist_mono_right h₁ (h₁.trans hb) hb).trans $
+  dist_anti_left (ha.trans $ h₁.trans hb) (h₁.trans hb) ha
+protected lemma metric.bounded.bdd_below : bounded s → bdd_below s :=
+  rintro ⟨r, hr⟩,
+  obtain rfl | ⟨x, hx⟩ := s.eq_empty_or_nonempty,
+  { exact bdd_below_empty },
+  { exact ⟨x - const _ r, λ y hy i, sub_le_comm.1
+      (abs_sub_le_iff.1 $ (dist_le_pi_dist _ _ _).trans $ hr _ hx _ hy).1⟩ }
+protected lemma metric.bounded.bdd_above : bounded s → bdd_above s :=
+  rintro ⟨r, hr⟩,
+  obtain rfl | ⟨x, hx⟩ := s.eq_empty_or_nonempty,
+  { exact bdd_above_empty },
+  { exact ⟨x + const _ r, λ y hy i, sub_le_iff_le_add'.1 $
+      (abs_sub_le_iff.1 $ (dist_le_pi_dist _ _ _).trans $ hr _ hx _ hy).2⟩ }
+protected lemma bdd_below.bounded : bdd_below s → bdd_above s → bounded s :=
+  rintro ⟨a, ha⟩ ⟨b, hb⟩,
+  refine ⟨dist a b, λ x hx y hy, _⟩,
+  rw ←dist_inf_sup,
+  exact dist_le_dist_of_le (le_inf (ha hx) $ ha hy) inf_le_sup (sup_le (hb hx) $ hb hy),
+protected lemma bdd_above.bounded : bdd_above s → bdd_below s → bounded s := flip bdd_below.bounded
+lemma bounded_iff_bdd_below_bdd_above : bounded s ↔ bdd_below s ∧ bdd_above s :=
+⟨λ h, ⟨h.bdd_below, h.bdd_above⟩, λ h, h.1.bounded h.2⟩
+lemma bdd_below.bounded_inter (hs : bdd_below s) (ht : bdd_above t) : bounded (s ∩ t) :=
+(hs.mono $ inter_subset_left _ _).bounded $ ht.mono $ inter_subset_right _ _
+lemma bdd_above.bounded_inter (hs : bdd_above s) (ht : bdd_below t) : bounded (s ∩ t) :=
+(hs.mono $ inter_subset_left _ _).bounded $ ht.mono $ inter_subset_right _ _
 lemma is_upper_set.exists_subset_ball (hs : is_upper_set s) (hx : x ∈ closure s) (hδ : 0 < δ) :
   ∃ y, closed_ball y (δ/4) ⊆ closed_ball x δ ∧ closed_ball y (δ/4) ⊆ interior s :=
@@ -137,3 +222,74 @@ begin
 end fintype
+section finite
+variables [finite ι] {s t : set (ι → ℝ)} {a₁ a₂ b₁ b₂ x y : ι → ℝ} {δ : ℝ}
+lemma is_antichain.interior_eq_empty [nonempty ι] (hs : is_antichain (≤) s) : interior s = ∅ :=
+  casesI nonempty_fintype ι,
+  refine eq_empty_of_forall_not_mem (λ x hx, _),
+  have hx' := interior_subset hx,
+  rw [mem_interior_iff_mem_nhds, metric.mem_nhds_iff] at hx,
+  obtain ⟨ε, hε, hx⟩ := hx,
+  refine hs.not_lt hx' (hx _) (lt_add_of_pos_right _ (by positivity : 0 < const ι (ε / 2))),
+  simpa [const, @pi_norm_const ι ℝ _ _ _ (ε / 2), abs_of_nonneg hε.lt.le],
+#### Note
+The closure and frontier of an antichain might not be antichains. Take for example the union
+of the open segments from `(0, 2)` to `(1, 1)` and from `(2, 1)` to `(3, 0)`. `(1, 1)` and `(2, 1)`
+are comparable and both in the closure/frontier.
+protected lemma is_closed.upper_closure (hs : is_closed s) (hs' : bdd_below s) :
+  is_closed (upper_closure s : set (ι → ℝ)) :=
+  casesI nonempty_fintype ι,
+  refine is_seq_closed.is_closed (λ f x hf hx, _),
+  choose g hg hgf using hf,
+  obtain ⟨a, ha⟩ := hx.bdd_above_range,
+  obtain ⟨b, hb, φ, hφ, hbf⟩ := tendsto_subseq_of_bounded (hs'.bounded_inter
+    bdd_above_Iic) (λ n, ⟨hg n, (hgf _).trans $  ha $ mem_range_self _⟩),
+  exact ⟨b, closure_minimal (inter_subset_left _ _) hs hb,
+    le_of_tendsto_of_tendsto' hbf (hx.comp hφ.tendsto_at_top) $ λ _, hgf _⟩,
+protected lemma is_closed.lower_closure (hs : is_closed s) (hs' : bdd_above s) :
+  is_closed (lower_closure s : set (ι → ℝ)) :=
+  casesI nonempty_fintype ι,
+  refine is_seq_closed.is_closed (λ f x hf hx, _),
+  choose g hg hfg using hf,
+  haveI : bounded_ge_nhds_class ℝ := by apply_instance,
+  obtain ⟨a, ha⟩ := hx.bdd_below_range,
+  obtain ⟨b, hb, φ, hφ, hbf⟩ := tendsto_subseq_of_bounded (hs'.bounded_inter
+    bdd_below_Ici) (λ n, ⟨hg n, (ha $ mem_range_self _).trans $ hfg _⟩),
+  exact ⟨b, closure_minimal (inter_subset_left _ _) hs hb,
+    le_of_tendsto_of_tendsto' (hx.comp hφ.tendsto_at_top) hbf $ λ _, hfg _⟩,
+protected lemma is_clopen.upper_closure (hs : is_clopen s) (hs' : bdd_below s) :
+  is_clopen (upper_closure s : set (ι → ℝ)) :=
+⟨hs.1.upper_closure, hs.2.upper_closure hs'⟩
+protected lemma is_clopen.lower_closure (hs : is_clopen s) (hs' : bdd_above s) :
+  is_clopen (lower_closure s : set (ι → ℝ)) :=
+⟨hs.1.lower_closure, hs.2.lower_closure hs'⟩
+lemma closure_upper_closure_comm (hs : bdd_below s) :
+  closure (upper_closure s : set (ι → ℝ)) = upper_closure (closure s) :=
+(closure_minimal (upper_closure_anti subset_closure) $
+  is_closed_closure.upper_closure hs.closure).antisymm $
+    upper_closure_min (closure_mono subset_upper_closure) (upper_closure s).upper.closure
+lemma closure_lower_closure_comm (hs : bdd_above s) :
+  closure (lower_closure s : set (ι → ℝ)) = lower_closure (closure s) :=
+(closure_minimal (lower_closure_mono subset_closure) $
+  is_closed_closure.lower_closure hs.closure).antisymm $
+    lower_closure_min (closure_mono subset_lower_closure) (lower_closure s).lower.closure
+end finite
data.real.nnreal de29c328
  • b1abe23a: feat(measure_theory/order/upper_lower): Order-connected sets in ℝⁿ are measurable (#16976) (@Yaël Dillies)
+2 -0 48 #10565
@@ -822,6 +822,8 @@ lemma nnabs_coe (x : ℝ≥0) : nnabs x = x := by simp
 lemma coe_to_nnreal_le (x : ℝ) : (to_nnreal x : ℝ) ≤ |x| :=
 max_le (le_abs_self _) (abs_nonneg _)
+@[simp] lemma to_nnreal_abs (x : ℝ) : |x|.to_nnreal = x.nnabs := nnreal.coe_injective $ by simp
 lemma cast_nat_abs_eq_nnabs_cast (n : ℤ) :
   (n.nat_abs : ℝ≥0) = nnabs n :=
 by { ext, rw [nnreal.coe_nat_cast, int.cast_nat_abs, real.coe_nnabs] }