Lie algebras of skew-adjoint endomorphisms of a bilinear form #
When a module carries a bilinear form, the Lie algebra of endomorphisms of the module contains a distinguished Lie subalgebra: the skew-adjoint endomorphisms. Such subalgebras are important because they provide a simple, explicit construction of the so-called classical Lie algebras.
This file defines the Lie subalgebra of skew-adjoint endomorphisms cut out by a bilinear form on a module and proves some basic related results. It also provides the corresponding definitions and results for the Lie algebra of square matrices.
Main definitions #
Tags #
lie algebra, skew-adjoint, bilinear form
Given an R
-module M
, equipped with a bilinear form, the skew-adjoint endomorphisms form a
Lie subalgebra of the Lie algebra of endomorphisms.
- skewAdjointLieSubalgebra B = { toSubmodule := LinearMap.skewAdjointSubmodule B, lie_mem' := ⋯ }
Instances For
An equivalence of modules with bilinear forms gives equivalence of Lie algebras of skew-adjoint endomorphisms.
Instances For
The Lie subalgebra of skew-adjoint square matrices corresponding to a square matrix J
- skewAdjointMatricesLieSubalgebra J = { toSubmodule := skewAdjointMatricesSubmodule J, lie_mem' := ⋯ }
Instances For
An invertible matrix P
gives a Lie algebra equivalence between those endomorphisms that are
skew-adjoint with respect to a square matrix J
and those with respect to PᵀJP
- skewAdjointMatricesLieSubalgebraEquiv J P h = LieEquiv.ofSubalgebras (skewAdjointMatricesLieSubalgebra J) (skewAdjointMatricesLieSubalgebra (P.transpose * J * P)) (P.lieConj h).symm ⋯
Instances For
An equivalence of matrix algebras commuting with the transpose endomorphisms restricts to an equivalence of Lie algebras of skew-adjoint matrices.