Pointwise star operation on sets #
This file defines the star operation pointwise on sets and provides the basic API.
Besides basic facts about how the star operation acts on sets (e.g., (s ∩ t)⋆ = s⋆ ∩ t⋆
if s t : Set α
, then under suitable assumption on α
, it is shown
(s + t)⋆ = s⋆ + t⋆
(s * t)⋆ = t⋆ + s⋆
(s⁻¹)⋆ = (s⋆)⁻¹
{S : Type u_1}
{α : Type u_2}
[InvolutiveStar α]
[SetLike S α]
[StarMemClass S α]
(s : S)