

The bicategory of oplax functors between two bicategories #

Given bicategories B and C, we give a bicategory structure on OplaxFunctor B C whose

Left whiskering of an oplax natural transformation and a modification.

Instances For

    Right whiskering of an oplax natural transformation and a modification.

    Instances For
      theorem CategoryTheory.OplaxFunctor.bicategory_comp_naturality (B : Type u₁) [CategoryTheory.Bicategory B] (C : Type u₂) [CategoryTheory.Bicategory C] :
      ∀ {X Y Z : CategoryTheory.OplaxFunctor B C} (η : CategoryTheory.OplaxNatTrans X Y) (θ : CategoryTheory.OplaxNatTrans Y Z) {a b : B} (f : a b), (CategoryTheory.CategoryStruct.comp η θ).naturality f = CategoryTheory.CategoryStruct.comp (CategoryTheory.Bicategory.associator ((X.toPrelaxFunctor).map f) (η.app b) (θ.app b)).inv (CategoryTheory.CategoryStruct.comp (CategoryTheory.Bicategory.whiskerRight (η.naturality f) (θ.app b)) (CategoryTheory.CategoryStruct.comp (CategoryTheory.Bicategory.associator (η.app a) ((Y.toPrelaxFunctor).map f) (θ.app b)).hom (CategoryTheory.CategoryStruct.comp (CategoryTheory.Bicategory.whiskerLeft (η.app a) (θ.naturality f)) (CategoryTheory.Bicategory.associator (η.app a) (θ.app a) ((Z.toPrelaxFunctor).map f)).inv)))

      A bicategory structure on the oplax functors between bicategories.

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