and WithTerminal
Given a category C
, this file constructs two objects:
WithTerminal C
, the category built fromC
by formally adjoining a terminal object.WithInitial C
, the category built fromC
by formally adjoining an initial object.
The terminal resp. initial object is WithTerminal.star
resp. WithInitial.star
, and
the proofs that these are terminal resp. initial are in WithTerminal.star_terminal
and WithInitial.star_initial
The inclusion from C
into WithTerminal C
resp. WithInitial C
is denoted
resp. WithInitial.incl
The relevant constructions needed for the universal properties of these constructions are:
, which liftsF : C ⥤ D
to a functor fromWithTerminal C
resp.WithInitial C
in the case where an objectZ : D
is provided satisfying some additional conditions.inclLift
shows that the composition oflift
is isomorphic to the functor which was lifted.liftUnique
provides the uniqueness property oflift
In addition to this, we provide WithTerminal.map
and WithInitial.map
providing the
functoriality of these constructions with respect to functors on the base categories.
We define corresponding pseudofunctors WithTerminal.pseudofunctor
and WithInitial.pseudofunctor
from Cat
to Cat
Formally adjoin a terminal object to a category.
- of {C : Type u} : C → WithTerminal C
- star {C : Type u} : WithTerminal C
Instances For
Formally adjoin an initial object to a category.
- of {C : Type u} : C → WithInitial C
- star {C : Type u} : WithInitial C
Instances For
Morphisms for WithTerminal C
Instances For
Composition of morphisms for WithTerminal C
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- CategoryTheory.WithTerminal.comp = fun (_f : (CategoryTheory.WithTerminal.of _X).Hom x✝) (_g : x✝.Hom CategoryTheory.WithTerminal.star) => PUnit.unit
- CategoryTheory.WithTerminal.comp = fun (f : CategoryTheory.WithTerminal.star.Hom (CategoryTheory.WithTerminal.of _X)) (_g : (CategoryTheory.WithTerminal.of _X).Hom x✝) => PEmpty.elim f
- CategoryTheory.WithTerminal.comp = fun (_f : x✝.Hom CategoryTheory.WithTerminal.star) (g : CategoryTheory.WithTerminal.star.Hom (CategoryTheory.WithTerminal.of _Y)) => PEmpty.elim g
- CategoryTheory.WithTerminal.comp = fun (x x : CategoryTheory.WithTerminal.star.Hom CategoryTheory.WithTerminal.star) => PUnit.unit
Instances For
Helper function for typechecking.
Instances For
The inclusion from C
into WithTerminal C
- CategoryTheory.WithTerminal.incl = { obj := CategoryTheory.WithTerminal.of, map := fun {X Y : C} (f : X ⟶ Y) => f, map_id := ⋯, map_comp := ⋯ }
Instances For
Map WithTerminal
with respect to a functor F : C ⥤ D
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Instances For
A natural isomorphism between the functor map (𝟭 C)
and 𝟭 (WithTerminal C)
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Instances For
A natural isomorphism between the functor map (F ⋙ G)
and map F ⋙ map G
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Instances For
From a natural transformation of functors C ⥤ D
, the induced natural transformation
of functors WithTerminal C ⥤ WithTerminal D
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Instances For
The prelax functor from Cat
to Cat
defined with WithTerminal
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Instances For
The pseudofunctor from Cat
to Cat
defined with WithTerminal
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Instances For
- CategoryTheory.WithTerminal.instUniqueHomStar = { default := PUnit.unit, uniq := ⋯ }
- CategoryTheory.WithTerminal.instUniqueHomStar = { default := PUnit.unit, uniq := ⋯ }
is terminal.
Instances For
The isomorphism between star and an abstract terminal object of WithTerminal C
Instances For
Lift a functor F : C ⥤ D
to WithTerminal C ⥤ D
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Instances For
The isomorphism between incl ⋙ lift F _ _
with F
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Instances For
The isomorphism between (lift F _ _).obj WithTerminal.star
with Z
Instances For
The uniqueness of lift
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Instances For
A variant of lift
with Z
a terminal object.
- CategoryTheory.WithTerminal.liftToTerminal F hZ = CategoryTheory.WithTerminal.lift F (fun (_x : C) => hZ.from (F.obj _x)) ⋯
Instances For
A variant of incl_lift
with Z
a terminal object.
- CategoryTheory.WithTerminal.inclLiftToTerminal F hZ = CategoryTheory.WithTerminal.inclLift F (fun (_x : C) => hZ.from (F.obj _x)) ⋯
Instances For
A variant of lift_unique
with Z
a terminal object.
- CategoryTheory.WithTerminal.liftToTerminalUnique F hZ G h hG = CategoryTheory.WithTerminal.liftUnique F (fun (_z : C) => hZ.from (F.obj _z)) ⋯ G h hG ⋯
Instances For
A functor WithTerminal C ⥤ D
can be seen as an element of the comma category
Comma (𝟭 (C ⥤ D)) (const C)
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Instances For
A morphism of functors WithTerminal C ⥤ D
gives a morphism between the associated comma
- CategoryTheory.WithTerminal.mkCommaMorphism η = { left := CategoryTheory.whiskerLeft CategoryTheory.WithTerminal.incl η, right := η.app CategoryTheory.WithTerminal.star, w := ⋯ }
Instances For
An element of the comma category Comma (𝟭 (C ⥤ D)) (Functor.const C)
can be seen as a
functor WithTerminal C ⥤ D
- CategoryTheory.WithTerminal.ofCommaObject c = CategoryTheory.WithTerminal.lift c.left (fun (x : C) => c.hom.app x) ⋯
Instances For
A morphism in Comma (𝟭 (C ⥤ D)) (Functor.const C)
gives a morphism between the associated
functors WithTerminal C ⥤ D
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Instances For
The category of functors WithTerminal C ⥤ D
is equivalent to the category
Comma (𝟭 (C ⥤ D)) (const C)
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Instances For
Morphisms for WithInitial C
Instances For
Composition of morphisms for WithInitial C
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- CategoryTheory.WithInitial.comp = fun (_f : CategoryTheory.WithInitial.star.Hom x✝) (_g : x✝.Hom (CategoryTheory.WithInitial.of _X)) => PUnit.unit
- CategoryTheory.WithInitial.comp = fun (_f : x✝.Hom (CategoryTheory.WithInitial.of _X)) (g : (CategoryTheory.WithInitial.of _X).Hom CategoryTheory.WithInitial.star) => PEmpty.elim g
- CategoryTheory.WithInitial.comp = fun (f : (CategoryTheory.WithInitial.of _Y).Hom CategoryTheory.WithInitial.star) (_g : CategoryTheory.WithInitial.star.Hom x✝) => PEmpty.elim f
- CategoryTheory.WithInitial.comp = fun (x x : CategoryTheory.WithInitial.star.Hom CategoryTheory.WithInitial.star) => PUnit.unit
Instances For
Helper function for typechecking.
Instances For
The inclusion of C
into WithInitial C
- CategoryTheory.WithInitial.incl = { obj := CategoryTheory.WithInitial.of, map := fun {X Y : C} (f : X ⟶ Y) => f, map_id := ⋯, map_comp := ⋯ }
Instances For
Map WithInitial
with respect to a functor F : C ⥤ D
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Instances For
A natural isomorphism between the functor map (𝟭 C)
and 𝟭 (WithInitial C)
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Instances For
A natural isomorphism between the functor map (F ⋙ G)
and map F ⋙ map G
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Instances For
From a natural transformation of functors C ⥤ D
, the induced natural transformation
of functors WithInitial C ⥤ WithInitial D
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Instances For
The prelax functor from Cat
to Cat
defined with WithInitial
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Instances For
The pseudofunctor from Cat
to Cat
defined with WithInitial
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Instances For
- CategoryTheory.WithInitial.instUniqueHomStar = { default := PUnit.unit, uniq := ⋯ }
- CategoryTheory.WithInitial.instUniqueHomStar = { default := PUnit.unit, uniq := ⋯ }
The isomorphism between star and an abstract initial object of WithInitial C
Instances For
Lift a functor F : C ⥤ D
to WithInitial C ⥤ D
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Instances For
The isomorphism between incl ⋙ lift F _ _
with F
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Instances For
The isomorphism between (lift F _ _).obj WithInitial.star
with Z
Instances For
The uniqueness of lift
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Instances For
A variant of lift
with Z
an initial object.
- CategoryTheory.WithInitial.liftToInitial F hZ = CategoryTheory.WithInitial.lift F (fun (_x : C) => hZ.to (F.obj _x)) ⋯
Instances For
A variant of incl_lift
with Z
an initial object.
- CategoryTheory.WithInitial.inclLiftToInitial F hZ = CategoryTheory.WithInitial.inclLift F (fun (_x : C) => hZ.to (F.obj _x)) ⋯
Instances For
A variant of lift_unique
with Z
an initial object.
- CategoryTheory.WithInitial.liftToInitialUnique F hZ G h hG = CategoryTheory.WithInitial.liftUnique F (fun (_z : C) => hZ.to (F.obj _z)) ⋯ G h hG ⋯
Instances For
A functor WithInitial C ⥤ D
can be seen as an element of the comma category
Comma (const C) (𝟭 (C ⥤ D))
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Instances For
A morphism of functors WithInitial C ⥤ D
gives a morphism between the associated comma
- CategoryTheory.WithInitial.mkCommaMorphism η = { left := η.app CategoryTheory.WithInitial.star, right := CategoryTheory.whiskerLeft CategoryTheory.WithInitial.incl η, w := ⋯ }
Instances For
An element of the comma category Comma (Functor.const C) (𝟭 (C ⥤ D))
can be seen as a
functor WithInitial C ⥤ D
- CategoryTheory.WithInitial.ofCommaObject c = CategoryTheory.WithInitial.lift c.right (fun (x : C) => c.hom.app x) ⋯
Instances For
A morphism in Comma (Functor.const C) (𝟭 (C ⥤ D))
gives a morphism between the associated
functors WithInitial C ⥤ D
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Instances For
The category of functors WithInitial C ⥤ D
is equivalent to the category
Comma (const C) (𝟭 (C ⥤ D))
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Instances For
The opposite category of WithTerminal C
is equivalent to WithInitial Cᵒᵖ
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Instances For
The opposite category of WithInitial C
is equivalent to WithTerminal Cᵒᵖ
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