Trail, Path, and Cycle #
In a simple graph,
A trail is a walk whose edges each appear no more than once.
A path is a trail whose vertices appear no more than once.
A cycle is a nonempty trail whose first and last vertices are the same and whose vertices except for the first appear no more than once.
Warning: graph theorists mean something different by "path" than do homotopy theorists. A "walk" in graph theory is a "path" in homotopy theory. Another warning: some graph theorists use "path" and "simple path" for "walk" and "path."
Some definitions and theorems have inspiration from multigraph counterparts in [Cho94].
Main definitions #
, andSimpleGraph.Walk.IsCycle
for the induced map on paths, given an (injective) graph homomorphism.SimpleGraph.Reachable
for the relation of whether there exists a walk between a given pair of verticesSimpleGraph.Preconnected
are predicates on simple graphs for whether every vertex can be reached from every other, and in the latter case, whether the vertex type is nonempty.SimpleGraph.ConnectedComponent
is the type of connected components of a given graph.SimpleGraph.IsBridge
for whether an edge is a bridge edge
Main statements #
characterizes bridge edges in terms of there being no cycle containing them.
Tags #
trails, paths, circuits, cycles, bridge edges
Trails, paths, circuits, cycles #
A trail is a walk with no repeating edges.
Instances For
A path is a walk with no repeating vertices.
for a simpler constructor.
- edges_nodup : p.edges.Nodup
Instances For
A circuit at u : V
is a nonempty trail beginning and ending at u
- edges_nodup : p.edges.Nodup
Instances For
A cycle at u : V
is a circuit at u
whose only repeating vertex
is u
(which appears exactly twice).
- edges_nodup : p.edges.Nodup
Instances For
About paths #
About cycles #
Walk decompositions #
Type of paths #
The length-0 path at a vertex.
Instances For
The length-1 path between a pair of adjacent vertices.
Instances For
The reverse of a path is another path. See also SimpleGraph.Walk.reverse
Instances For
Walks to paths #
Given a walk, produces a walk from it by bypassing subwalks between repeated vertices.
The result is a path, as shown in SimpleGraph.Walk.bypass_isPath
This is packaged up in SimpleGraph.Walk.toPath
- SimpleGraph.Walk.nil.bypass = SimpleGraph.Walk.nil
- (SimpleGraph.Walk.cons ha p).bypass = if hs : u ∈ then p.bypass.dropUntil u hs else SimpleGraph.Walk.cons ha p.bypass
Instances For
Given a walk, produces a path with the same endpoints using SimpleGraph.Walk.bypass
Instances For
Mapping paths #
Alias of the reverse direction of SimpleGraph.Walk.map_isTrail_iff_of_injective
Alias of the reverse direction of SimpleGraph.Walk.map_isCycle_iff_of_injective
Alias of the reverse direction of SimpleGraph.Walk.mapLe_isTrail
Alias of the forward direction of SimpleGraph.Walk.mapLe_isTrail
Alias of the reverse direction of SimpleGraph.Walk.mapLe_isPath
Alias of the forward direction of SimpleGraph.Walk.mapLe_isPath
Alias of the forward direction of SimpleGraph.Walk.mapLe_isCycle
Alias of the reverse direction of SimpleGraph.Walk.mapLe_isCycle
Given an injective graph homomorphism, map paths to paths.
- f hinj p = ⟨ f ↑p, ⋯⟩
Instances For
Given a graph embedding, map paths to paths.
Instances For
Transferring between graphs #
Deleting edges #
Two vertices are reachable if there is a walk between them.
This is equivalent to Relation.ReflTransGen
of G.Adj
See SimpleGraph.reachable_iff_reflTransGen
Instances For
The equivalence relation on vertices given by SimpleGraph.Reachable
- G.reachableSetoid = { r := G.Reachable, iseqv := ⋯ }
Instances For
A graph is preconnected if every pair of vertices is reachable from one another.
- G.Preconnected = ∀ (u v : V), G.Reachable u v
Instances For
A graph is connected if it's preconnected and contains at least one vertex. This follows the convention observed by mathlib that something is connected iff it has exactly one connected component.
There is a CoeFun
instance so that h u v
can be used instead of h.Preconnected u v
- preconnected : G.Preconnected
- nonempty : Nonempty V
Instances For
- G.instCoeFunConnectedForallForallReachable = { coe := ⋯ }
The quotient of V
by the SimpleGraph.Reachable
relation gives the connected
components of a graph.
Instances For
Gives the connected component containing a particular vertex.
- G.connectedComponentMk v = G.Reachable v
Instances For
- SimpleGraph.ConnectedComponent.inhabited = { default := G.connectedComponentMk default }
The ConnectedComponent
specialization of Quot.lift
. Provides the stronger
assumption that the vertices are connected by a path.
Instances For
This is Quot.recOn
specialized to connected components.
For convenience, it strengthens the assumptions in the hypothesis
to provide a path between the vertices.
- SimpleGraph.ConnectedComponent.recOn c f h = Quot.recOn c f ⋯
Instances For
The map on connected components induced by a graph homomorphism.
- φ C = SimpleGraph.ConnectedComponent.lift (fun (v : V) => G'.connectedComponentMk (φ v)) ⋯ C
Instances For
An isomorphism of graphs induces a bijection of connected components.
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
The set of vertices in a connected component of a graph.
Instances For
- SimpleGraph.ConnectedComponent.instSetLike = { coe := SimpleGraph.ConnectedComponent.supp, coe_injective' := ⋯ }
The equivalence between connected components, induced by an isomorphism of graphs, itself defines an equivalence on the supports of each connected component.
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
Bridge edges #
An edge of a graph is a bridge if, after removing it, its incident vertices are no longer reachable from one another.