Dropping or taking from lists on the right #
Taking or removing element from the tail end of a list
Main definitions #
rdrop n
: dropn : ℕ
elements from the tailrtake n
: taken : ℕ
elements from the tailrdropWhile p
: remove all the elements from the tail of a list until it finds the first element for whichp : α → Bool
returns false. This element and everything before is returned.rtakeWhile p
: Returns the longest terminal segment of a list for whichp : α → Bool
returns true.
Implementation detail #
The two predicate-based methods operate by performing the regular "from-left" operation on
, followed by another List.reverse
, so they are not the most performant.
The other two rely on List.length l
so they still traverse the list twice. One could construct
another function that takes a L : ℕ
and use L - n
. Under a proof condition that
L = l.length
, the function would do the right thing.
Drop elements from the tail end of a list that satisfy p : α → Bool
Implemented naively via List.reverse
- List.rdropWhile p l = (List.dropWhile p l.reverse).reverse
Instances For
{α : Type u_1}
(p : α → Bool)
(l : List α)
(hl : rdropWhile p l ≠ [])
Take elements from the tail end of a list that satisfy p : α → Bool
Implemented naively via List.reverse
- List.rtakeWhile p l = (List.takeWhile p l.reverse).reverse
Instances For
{α : Type u_1}
{p : α → Bool}
{l : List α}
{x : α}
(hx : x ∈ rtakeWhile p l)