Matrices of dual numbers are isomorphic to dual numbers over matrices #
Showing this for the more general case of TrivSqZeroExt R M
would require an action between
Matrix n n R
and Matrix n n M
, which would risk causing diamonds.
Matrices over dual numbers and dual numbers over matrices are isomorphic.
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
{R n : Type}
[CommSemiring R]
[Fintype n]
[DecidableEq n]
(d : DualNumber (Matrix n n R))
{R n : Type}
[CommSemiring R]
[Fintype n]
[DecidableEq n]
(A : Matrix n n (DualNumber R))
dualNumberEquiv A = (of fun (i j : n) => TrivSqZeroExt.fst (A i j), of fun (i j : n) => TrivSqZeroExt.snd (A i j))