Central binomial coefficients #
This file proves properties of the central binomial coefficients (that is, Nat.choose (2 * n) n
Main definition and results #
: the central binomial coefficient,(2 * n).choose n
: the inductive relationship between successive central binomial coefficients.Nat.four_pow_lt_mul_centralBinom
: an exponential lower bound on the central binomial coefficient.succ_dvd_centralBinom
: The result thatn+1 ∣ n.centralBinom
, ensuring that the explicit definition of the Catalan numbers is integer-valued.
The central binomial coefficient, Nat.choose (2 * n) n
- n.centralBinom = (2 * n).choose n
Instances For
The central binomial coefficient is the largest binomial coefficient.
An inductive property of the central binomial coefficient.
An exponential lower bound on the central binomial coefficient. This bound is of interest because it appears in Tochiori's refinement of Erdős's proof of Bertrand's postulate.
An exponential lower bound on the central binomial coefficient.
This bound is weaker than Nat.four_pow_lt_mul_centralBinom
, but it is of historical interest
because it appears in Erdős's proof of Bertrand's postulate.
A crucial lemma to ensure that Catalan numbers can be defined via their explicit formula
catalan n = n.centralBinom / (n + 1)