Embeddings of number fields #
This file defines the embeddings of a number field into an algebraic closed field.
Main Definitions and Results #
: letx ∈ K
number field and letA
be an algebraic closed field of char. 0, then the images ofx
by the embeddings ofK
are exactly the roots inA
of the minimal polynomial ofx
: an algebraic integer whose conjugates are all of norm one is a root of unity.NumberField.InfinitePlace
: the type of infinite places of a number fieldK
: two complex embeddings define the same infinite place iff they are equal or complex conjugates.NumberField.InfinitePlace.prod_eq_abs_norm
: the infinite part of the product formula, that is forx ∈ K
, we haveΠ_w ‖x‖_w = |norm(x)|
where the product is over the infinite placew
is the normalized absolute value forw
Tags #
number field, embeddings, places, infinite places
There are finitely many embeddings of a number field.
- NumberField.Embeddings.instFintypeRingHom K A = Fintype.ofEquiv (K →ₐ[ℚ] A) RingHom.equivRatAlgHom.symm
The number of embeddings of a number field is equal to its finrank.
Let A
be an algebraically closed field and let x ∈ K
, with K
a number field.
The images of x
by the embeddings of K
in A
are exactly the roots in A
the minimal polynomial of x
over ℚ
Let B
be a real number. The set of algebraic integers in K
whose conjugates are all
smaller in norm than B
is finite.
An algebraic integer whose conjugates are all of norm one is a root of unity.
An embedding into a normed division ring defines a place of K
- NumberField.place φ = (IsAbsoluteValue.toAbsoluteValue norm).comp ⋯
Instances For
An embedding into ℂ
is real if it is fixed by complex conjugation.
Instances For
A real embedding as a ring homomorphism from K
to ℝ
- hφ.embedding = { toFun := fun (x : K) => (φ x).re, map_one' := ⋯, map_mul' := ⋯, map_zero' := ⋯, map_add' := ⋯ }
Instances For
IsConj φ σ
states that σ : K ≃ₐ[k] K
is the conjugation under the embedding φ : K →+* ℂ
- NumberField.ComplexEmbedding.IsConj φ σ = (NumberField.ComplexEmbedding.conjugate φ = φ.comp ↑σ)
Instances For
Alias of the reverse direction of NumberField.ComplexEmbedding.isConj_one_iff
An infinite place of a number field K
is a place associated to a complex embedding.
- NumberField.InfinitePlace K = { w : AbsoluteValue K ℝ // ∃ (φ : K →+* ℂ), NumberField.place φ = w }
Instances For
Return the infinite place defined by a complex embedding φ
Instances For
- NumberField.InfinitePlace.instFunLikeReal = { coe := fun (w : NumberField.InfinitePlace K) (x : K) => ↑w x, coe_injective' := ⋯ }
For an infinite place w
, return an embedding φ
such that w = infinite_place φ
- w.embedding = ⋯.choose
Instances For
An infinite place is real if it is defined by a real embedding.
- w.IsReal = ∃ (φ : K →+* ℂ), NumberField.ComplexEmbedding.IsReal φ ∧ NumberField.InfinitePlace.mk φ = w
Instances For
An infinite place is complex if it is defined by a complex (ie. not real) embedding.
- w.IsComplex = ∃ (φ : K →+* ℂ), ¬NumberField.ComplexEmbedding.IsReal φ ∧ NumberField.InfinitePlace.mk φ = w
Instances For
The real embedding associated to a real infinite place.
- NumberField.InfinitePlace.embedding_of_isReal hw = ⋯.embedding
Instances For
The multiplicity of an infinite place, that is the number of distinct complex embeddings that
define it, see card_filter_mk_eq
- w.mult = if w.IsReal then 1 else 2
Instances For
- NumberField.InfinitePlace.NumberField.InfinitePlace.fintype = Set.fintypeRange NumberField.place
The map from real embeddings to real infinite places as an equiv
- NumberField.InfinitePlace.mkReal = Equiv.ofBijective (fun (φ : { φ : K →+* ℂ // NumberField.ComplexEmbedding.IsReal φ }) => ⟨NumberField.InfinitePlace.mk ↑φ, ⋯⟩) ⋯
Instances For
The map from nonreal embeddings to complex infinite places
- NumberField.InfinitePlace.mkComplex = Subtype.map NumberField.InfinitePlace.mk ⋯
Instances For
The infinite part of the product formula : for x ∈ K
, we have Π_w ‖x‖_w = |norm(x)|
is the normalized absolute value for w
The number of infinite real places of the number field K
- NumberField.InfinitePlace.nrRealPlaces K = Fintype.card { w : NumberField.InfinitePlace K // w.IsReal }
Instances For
Alias of NumberField.InfinitePlace.nrRealPlaces
The number of infinite real places of the number field K
Instances For
The number of infinite complex places of the number field K
- NumberField.InfinitePlace.nrComplexPlaces K = Fintype.card { w : NumberField.InfinitePlace K // w.IsComplex }
Instances For
Alias of NumberField.InfinitePlace.nrComplexPlaces
The number of infinite complex places of the number field K
Instances For
The restriction of an infinite place along an embedding.
- w.comap f = ⟨(↑w).comp ⋯, ⋯⟩
Instances For
The action of the galois group on infinite places.
- NumberField.InfinitePlace.instMulActionAlgEquiv = MulAction.mk ⋯ ⋯
The orbits of infinite places under the action of the galois group are indexed by the infinite places of the base field.
- NumberField.InfinitePlace.orbitRelEquiv = Equiv.ofBijective (Quotient.lift (fun (x : NumberField.InfinitePlace K) => x.comap (algebraMap k K)) ⋯) ⋯
Instances For
An infinite place is unramified in a field extension if the restriction has the same multiplicity.
- NumberField.InfinitePlace.IsUnramified k w = ((w.comap (algebraMap k K)).mult = w.mult)
Instances For
A infinite place of the base field is unramified in a field extension if every infinite place over it is unramified.
- NumberField.InfinitePlace.IsUnramifiedIn K w = ∀ (v : NumberField.InfinitePlace K), v.comap (algebraMap k K) = w → NumberField.InfinitePlace.IsUnramified k v
Instances For
A field extension is unramified at infinite places if every infinite place is unramified.
- isUnramified (w : NumberField.InfinitePlace K) : NumberField.InfinitePlace.IsUnramified k w
The infinite place of the rationals. #
The infinite place of ℚ
, coming from the canonical map ℚ → ℂ