Invariant Extensions of Rings and Frobenius Elements #
In algebraic number theory, if L/K
is a finite Galois extension of number fields, with rings of
integers 𝓞L/𝓞K
, and if q
is prime ideal of 𝓞L
lying over a prime ideal p
of 𝓞K
, then
there exists a Frobenius element Frob p
in Gal(L/K)
with the property that
Frob p x ≡ x ^ #(𝓞K/p) (mod q)
for all x ∈ 𝓞L
This file proves the existence of Frobenius elements in a more general setting.
Given an extension of rings B/A
and an action of G
on B
, we introduce a predicate
Algebra.IsInvariant A B G
which states that every fixed point of B
lies in the image of A
Main statements #
Let G
be a finite group acting on a commutative ring B
satisfying Algebra.IsInvariant A B G
is an integral extension.Algebra.IsInvariant.exists_smul_of_under_eq
acts transitivity on the prime ideals ofB
lying above a given prime ideal ofA
: ifQ
is a prime ideal ofB
lying over a prime idealP
, then the stabilizer subgroup ofQ
surjects ontoAut(Frac(B/Q)/Frac(A/P))
An action of a group G
on an extension of rings B/A
is invariant if every fixed point of
lies in the image of A
. The converse statement that every point in the image of A
is fixed
by G
is smul_algebraMap
(assuming SMulCommClass A B G
- isInvariant (b : B) : (∀ (g : G), g • b = b) → ∃ (a : A), (algebraMap A B) a = b
In the AKLB setup, the Galois group of L/K
acts on B
- IsIntegralClosure.MulSemiringAction A K L B = MulSemiringAction.compHom B (galRestrict A K L B).toMonoidHom
Instances For
In the AKLB setup, every fixed point of B
lies in the image of A
Characteristic polynomial of a finite group action on a ring.
- MulSemiringAction.charpoly G b = ∏ g : G, (Polynomial.X - Polynomial.C (g • b))
Instances For
acts transitively on the prime ideals of B
above a given prime ideal of A
If Q
lies over P
, then the stabilizer of Q
acts on Frac(B/Q)/Frac(A/P)
- IsFractionRing.stabilizerHom G P Q K L = (IsFractionRing.fieldEquivOfAlgEquivHom K L).comp (Ideal.Quotient.stabilizerHom Q P G)
Instances For
The stabilizer subgroup of Q
surjects onto Aut(Frac(B/Q)/Frac(A/P))
The stabilizer subgroup of Q
surjects onto Aut((B/Q)/(A/P))