Tactic fun_prop
for proving function properties like Continuous f
, Differentiable ℝ f
, ... #
Basic use:
Using the fun_prop
tactic should be as simple as:
example : Continuous (fun x : ℝ => x * sin x) := by fun_prop
Mathlib sets up fun_prop
for many different properties like Continuous
, Measurable
, ContDiff
, etc., so fun_prop
should work for such goals. The basic idea behind
is that it decomposes the function into a composition of elementary functions and then
checks if every single elementary function is, e.g., Continuous
For ContinuousAt/On/Within
variants, one has to specify a tactic to solve potential side goals
with disch:=<tactic>
. For example:
example (y : ℝ) (hy : y ≠ 0) : ContinuousAt (fun x : ℝ => 1/x) y := by fun_prop (disch:=assumption)
Basic debugging: The most common issue is that a function is missing the appropriate theorem. For example:
import Mathlib.Data.Complex.Trigonometric
example : Continuous (fun x : ℝ => x * Real.sin x) := by fun_prop
Fails with the error:
`fun_prop` was unable to prove `Continuous fun x => x * x.sin`
No theorems found for `Real.sin` in order to prove `Continuous fun x => x.sin`
This can be easily fixed by importing Mathlib.Analysis.SpecialFunctions.Trigonometric.Basic
where the theorem Real.continuous_sin
is marked with the fun_prop
When the issue is not simply a few missing theorems, you can turn on the option:
set_option trace.Meta.Tactic.fun_prop true
This will display the trace of how fun_prop
steps through the whole expression.
Basic setup for a new function property:
To set up fun_prop
for a new function property, you have to:
- Mark the function property with the
attribute when defining it:
def Continuous (f : X → Y) := ...
or later on with:
attribute [fun_prop] Continuous
- Mark basic lambda calculus theorems. The bare minimum is the identity, constant, and composition theorems:
theorem continuous_id : Continuous (fun x => x) := ...
theorem continuous_const (y : Y) : Continuous (fun x => y) := ...
theorem continuous_comp (f : Y → Z) (g : X → Y) (hf : Continuous f) (hg : Continuous g) :
Continuous (fun x => f (g x)) := ...
The constant theorem is not absolutely necessary as, for example, IsLinearMap ℝ (fun x => y)
not hold, but we almost certainly want to mark it if it is available.
You should also provide theorems for Prod.mk
, Prod.fst
, and Prod.snd
theorem continuous_fst (f : X → Y × Z) (hf : Continuous f) : Continuous (fun x => (f x).fst) := ...
theorem continuous_snd (f : X → Y × Z) (hf : Continuous f) : Continuous (fun x => (f x).snd) := ...
theorem continuous_prod_mk (f : X → Y) (g : X → Z) (hf : Continuous f) (hg : Continuous g) :
Continuous (fun x => Prod.mk (f x) (g x)) := ...
- Mark function theorems. They can be stated simply as:
theorem continuous_neg : Continuous (fun x => - x) := ...
theorem continuous_add : Continuous (fun x : X × X => x.1 + x.2) := ...
where functions of multiple arguments have to be appropriately uncurried. Alternatively, they can be stated in compositional form as:
theorem continuous_neg (f : X → Y) (hf : Continuous f) : Continuous (fun x => - f x) := ...
theorem continuous_add (f g : X → Y) (hf : Continuous f) (hg : Continuous g) :
Continuous (fun x => f x + g x) := ...
It is enough to provide function theorems in either form. It is mainly a matter of convenience.
With such a basic setup, you should be able to prove the continuity of basic algebraic expressions.
When marking theorems, it is a good idea to check that a theorem has been registered correctly.
You can do this by turning on the Meta.Tactic.fun_prop.attr
option. For example:
(note that the notation f x + g x
is just syntactic sugar for @HAdd.hAdd X Y Y _ (f x) (g x)
set_option trace.Meta.Tactic.fun_prop.attr true
theorem continuous_add (f g : X → Y) (hf : Continuous f) (hg : Continuous g) :
Continuous (fun x => @HAdd.hAdd X Y Y _ (f x) (g x)) := ...
[Meta.Tactic.fun_prop.attr] function theorem: continuous_add
function property: Continuous
function name: HAdd.hAdd
main arguments: [4, 5]
applied arguments: 6
form: compositional form
This indicates that the theorem continuous_add
states the continuity of HAdd.hAdd
in the 4th and
5th arguments and the theorem is in compositional form.
Advanced #
Type of Theorems #
There are four types of theorems that are used a bit differently.
Lambda Theorems: These theorems are about basic lambda calculus terms like identity, constant, composition, etc. They are used when a bigger expression is decomposed into a sequence of function compositions. They are also used when, for example, we know that a function is continuous in the
variables, but we want continuity only inx
.There are five of them, and they should be formulated in the following way:
- Identity Theorem
@[fun_prop] theorem continuous_id : Continuous (fun (x : X) => x) := ..
- Constant Theorem
@[fun_prop] theorem continuous_const (y : Y) : Continuous (fun (x : X) => y) := ..
- Composition Theorem
@[fun_prop] theorem continuous_comp (f : Y → Z) (g : X → Y) (hf : Continuous f) (hg : Continuous g) : Continuous (fun (x : X) => f (g x)) := ..
- Apply Theorem It can be either non-dependent version
@[fun_prop] theorem continuous_apply (a : α) : Continuous (fun f : (α → X) => f a) := ..
or dependent version
@[fun_prop] theorem continuous_apply (a : α) : Continuous (fun f : ((a' : α) → E a') => f a) := ..
- Pi Theorem
@[fun_prop] theorem continuous_pi (f : X → α → Y) (hf : ∀ a, Continuous (f x a)) : Continuous (fun x a => f x a) := ..
Not all of these theorems have to be provided, but at least the identity and composition theorems should be.
You should also add theorems for
, andProd.snd
. Technically speaking, they fall under the function theorems category, but without them,fun_prop
can't function properly. We are mentioning them as they are used together with lambda theorems to break complicated expressions into a composition of simpler functions.@[fun_prop] theorem continuous_fst (f : X → Y × Z) (hf : Continuous f) : Continuous (fun x => (f x).fst) := ... @[fun_prop] theorem continuous_snd (f : X → Y × Z) (hf : Continuous f) : Continuous (fun x => (f x).snd) := ... @[fun_prop] theorem continuous_prod_mk (f : X → Y) (g : X → Z) (hf : Continuous f) (hg : Continuous g) : Continuous (fun x => (f x, g x)) := ...
Function Theorems: When
breaks complicated expression apart using lambda theorems it then uses function theorems to prove that each piece is, for example, continuous.The function theorem for
can be stated as:@[fun_prop] theorem continuous_neg : Continuous (fun x => - x) := ...
or as:
@[fun_prop] theorem continuous_neg (f : X → Y) (hf : Continuous f) : Continuous (fun x => - f x) := ...
The first form is called uncurried form and the second form is called compositional form. You can provide either form; it is mainly a matter of convenience. You can check if the form of a theorem has been correctly detected by turning on the option:
set_option Meta.Tactic.fun_prop.attr true
If you really care that the resulting proof term is as short as possible, it is a good idea to provide both versions.
One exception to this rule is the theorem for
, which has to be stated in compositional form. This because this theorem together with lambda theorems is used to break expression to smaller pieces andfun_prop
assumes it is written in compositional form.The reason the first form is called uncurried is because if we have a function of multiple arguments, we have to uncurry the function:
@[fun_prop] theorem continuous_add : Continuous (fun (x : X × X) => x.1 + x.2) := ...
and the compositional form of this theorem is:
@[fun_prop] theorem continuous_add (f g : X → Y) (hf : Continuous f) (hg : Continuous g) : Continuous (fun x => f x + g x) := ...
When dealing with functions with multiple arguments, you need to state, e.g., continuity only in the maximal set of arguments. Once we state that addition is jointly continuous in both arguments, we do not need to add new theorems that addition is also continuous only in the first or only in the second argument. This is automatically inferred using lambda theorems.
Morphism Theorems: The
tactic can also deal with bundled morphisms. For example, we can state that every continuous linear function is indeed continuous:@[fun_prop] theorem continuous_clm_eval (f : X →L[𝕜] Y) : Continuous 𝕜 (fun x => f x) := ...
In this case, the head of the function body
f x
. This function is treated differently and its theorems are tracked separately.DFunLike.coe
has two arguments: the morphismf
and the argumentx
. One difference is that theorems talking about the argumentf
have to be stated in the compositional form:@[fun_prop] theorem continuous_clm_apply (f : X → Y →L[𝕜] Z) (hf : Continuous f) (y : Y) : Continuous 𝕜 (fun x => f x y) := ...
Note that without notation and coercion, the function looks like
fun x => DFunLike.coe (f x) y
.In fact, not only
but any function coercion is treated this way. Such function coercion has to be registered withLean.Meta.registerCoercion
with coercion type.coeFun
. Here is an example of custom structureMyFunLike
that that should be considered as bundled morphism byfun_prop
:structure MyFunLike (α β : Type) where toFun : α → β instance {α β} : CoeFun (MyFunLike α β) (fun _ => α → β) := ⟨MyFunLike.toFun⟩ #eval Lean.Elab.Command.liftTermElabM do Lean.Meta.registerCoercion ``MyFunLike.toFun (.some { numArgs := 3, coercee := 2, type := .coeFun })
Transition Theorems: Transition theorems allow
to infer one function property from another. For example, a theorem like:@[fun_prop] theorem differentiable_continuous (f : X → Y) (hf : Differentiable 𝕜 f) : Continuous f := ...
There are two features of these theorems: they mix different function properties and the conclusion is about a free variable
.Transition theorems are the most dangerous theorems as they considerably increase the search space since they do not simplify the function in question. For this reason,
only applies transition theorems to functions that can't be written as a non-trivial composition of two functions (f = f ∘ id
,f = id ∘ f
is considered to be a trivial composition).For this reason, it is recommended to state function theorems for every property. For example, if you have a theorem:
@[fun_prop] theorem differentiable_neg : Differentiable ℝ (fun x => -x) := ...
you should also state the continuous theorem:
@[fun_prop] theorem continuous_neg : Continuous ℝ (fun x => -x) := ...
even though
can already provecontinuous_neg
. Doing this will have a considerable impact onfun_prop
speed.By default,
will not apply more then one transitions theorems consecutivelly. For example, it won't proveAEMeasurable f
fromContinuous f
by using transition theoremsMeasurable.aemeasurable
. You can enable this by runningfun_prop (config:={maxTransitionDepth:=2})
. Ideallyfun_prop
theorems should be transitivelly closed i.e. ifMeasurable.aemeasurable
theorems thenContinuous.aemeasurable
should be too.Transition theorems do not have to be between two completely different properties. They can be between the same property differing by a parameter. Consider this example:
example (f : X → Y) (hf : ContDiff ℝ ∞ f) : ContDiff ℝ 2 (fun x => f x + f x) := by fun_prop (disch := aesop)
which is first reduced to
ContDiff ℝ 2 f
using lambda theorems and then the transition theorem:@[fun_prop] theorem contdiff_le (f : ContDiff 𝕜 n f) (h : m ≤ n) : ContDiff 𝕜 m f := ...
is used together with
to discharge the2 ≤ ∞