Standard constructions on fiber bundles #
This file contains several standard constructions on fiber bundles:
Bundle.Trivial.fiberBundle π B F
: the trivial fiber bundle with model fiberF
over the baseB
: for fiber bundlesEβ
over a common base, a fiber bundle structure on their fiberwise productEβ Γα΅ Eβ
(the notation stands forfun x β¦ Eβ x Γ Eβ x
: for a fiber bundleE
, a fiber bundle structure on its pullbackf *α΅ E
by a mapf : B' β B
(the notation is a type synonym forE β f
Tags #
fiber bundle, fibre bundle, fiberwise product, pullback
The trivial bundle #
Alias of Bundle.Trivial.isInducing_toProd
Homeomorphism between the total space of the trivial bundle and the Cartesian product.
Instances For
Local trivialization for trivial bundle.
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Instances For
Fiber bundle instance on the trivial bundle.
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Fibrewise product of two bundles #
Equip the total space of the fiberwise product of two fiber bundles Eβ
, Eβ
the induced topology from the diagonal embedding into TotalSpace Fβ Eβ Γ TotalSpace Fβ Eβ
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The diagonal map from the total space of the fiberwise product of two fiber bundles
, Eβ
into TotalSpace Fβ Eβ Γ TotalSpace Fβ Eβ
is an inducing map.
Alias of FiberBundle.Prod.isInducing_diag
The diagonal map from the total space of the fiberwise product of two fiber bundles
, Eβ
into TotalSpace Fβ Eβ Γ TotalSpace Fβ Eβ
is an inducing map.
Given trivializations eβ
, eβ
for fiber bundles Eβ
, Eβ
over a base B
, the forward
function for the construction
, the induced
trivialization for the fiberwise product of Eβ
and Eβ
Instances For
Given trivializations eβ
, eβ
for fiber bundles Eβ
, Eβ
over a base B
, the inverse
function for the construction
, the induced
trivialization for the fiberwise product of Eβ
and Eβ
Instances For
Given trivializations eβ
, eβ
for bundle types Eβ
, Eβ
over a base B
, the induced
trivialization for the fiberwise product of Eβ
and Eβ
, whose base set is
eβ.baseSet β© eβ.baseSet
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Instances For
The product of two fiber bundles is a fiber bundle.
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Pullbacks of fiber bundles #
- instTopologicalSpacePullback E f = inferInstanceAs ((x : B') β TopologicalSpace (E (f x)))
Definition of Pullback.TotalSpace.topologicalSpace
, which we make irreducible.
- pullbackTopology F E f = TopologicalSpace.induced Bundle.TotalSpace.proj instβΒΉ β TopologicalSpace.induced (Bundle.Pullback.lift f) instβ
Instances For
The topology on the total space of a pullback bundle is the coarsest topology for which both the projections to the base and the map to the original bundle are continuous.
- Pullback.TotalSpace.topologicalSpace F E f = pullbackTopology F E f
A fiber bundle trivialization can be pulled back to a trivialization on the pullback bundle.
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Instances For
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