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Topic: (M1F/P65) syntactic entailment exercise
Kevin Buzzard (Oct 22 2018 at 10:04):
At Imperial in the 3rd year logic course M3P65 they're doing first order propositional logic, soundness and completeness etc. In a guest M1F lecture (my course) John Britnell went through some of this stuff with the first years, and the last question on his problem sheet was a real stinker. @Abhimanyu Pallavi Sudhir asked about it on math SE and got what looks like a couple of nice answers. I'd like the stufents to check those answers in Lean but I'd like to make it as easy as possible for them, by setting up the underlying infrastructure, so they have easy access to the axioms, and only the axioms.
I can think of several ways that one could try to do this (make a new inductive type for propositions-in-the-sense-of-this-question and then input the axioms as axioms, or make a structure somehow with the axioms inbuilt as part of the structure). It would be nice to get some views on the best way to set up this sort of puzzle. The idea would be for the students to formalise the answers posted on MO within the framework (a skeleton lean file or an import) which I provide them, with them not having to worry about setting up notation or whatever (I am assuming that we can't using inbuilt not and arrow for our two inbuilt constructors).
Kevin Buzzard (Oct 22 2018 at 10:10):
And here's a question which exposes my own ignorance on the subject: if we can check that P → (¬ (¬ P))
using the "it's true if P is true and true if P is false so it's true" method (semantic entailment?) then does the completeness theorem actually construct a proof of this proposition from the three axioms in the question, or does the compactness argument render the entire thing necessarily nonconstructive (i.e. it only shows "there exists a term of this type" rather than "here is a term of this type")?
Gabriel Ebner (Oct 22 2018 at 10:30):
The typical completeness proof is a proof by contradiction. You can complete any set of (syntactically) consistent formulas into a maximally consistent set (for every formula φ
, you iteratively add either φ
or ¬ φ
so that the set stays consistent), which then gives you a model. Your statement is then the contrapositive: there are no counterexamples, so the (singleton) set {¬ (p → ¬ ¬ p)}
must be inconsistent. I don't think that this proof gives you a proof.
Gabriel Ebner (Oct 22 2018 at 10:34):
However it's not "necessarily" nonconstructive for a single propositional formula. You can of course just produce a proof by case analysis (just do the "if p is true, then ..., if p is false, ...." in the proof).
Kevin Buzzard (Oct 22 2018 at 10:36):
Thanks Gabriel! Now I realise that one can make it constructive by proving the proof exists and then just searching through all proofs to find it, knowing your search will terminate.
Kevin Buzzard (Oct 22 2018 at 10:37):
So perhaps the interesting question is the best running time one can hope for, if I've understood all this correctly.
Gabriel Ebner (Oct 22 2018 at 10:37):
Propositional validity is coNP-complete.
Kevin Buzzard (Oct 22 2018 at 10:45):
Math is hard
Gabriel Ebner (Oct 22 2018 at 10:53):
Regarding the original question, I think inductive type for formulas and proofs is the way to go. For inspiration, there are at least 2 logical formalizations in lean that I know of: https://github.com/skbaek/fol/blob/master/frm.lean and https://github.com/avigad/formal_logic
Personally I'm not a big fan of writing concrete Hilbert-style proofs as exercises. I've found it to be much more instructive to show how to derive rules that allow you to simulate saner proof systems; e.g. the deduction theorem or even simple rules such as p → q → r ⇒ q → p → r
Kevin Buzzard (Oct 22 2018 at 10:57):
Gabriel I am a complete novice coming to this stuff. I guess I have no idea what is instructive -- because these questions are in the air in the maths department at Imperial I just decided it was time to get to the bottom of how it all worked.
Kevin Buzzard (Oct 22 2018 at 10:57):
Here's an approach based on axioms, which I thought might be promising but got scary at the end:
constant prop : Type constant impl : prop → prop → prop -- I am assuming overwriting → is not recommended local infix `~>`:50 := impl constant pnot : prop → prop local notation ¬ := pnot constant entails : set (prop) → prop → Prop local infix ⊢ := entails axiom A1 : ∀ P Q : prop, entails {P,Q} (P ~> (Q ~> P)) -- plus two other axioms -- and now I need modus ponens or something? -- am I missing a trick?
Gabriel Ebner (Oct 22 2018 at 11:02):
You probably want ∅ ⊢ (P ~> (Q ~> P))
Kevin Buzzard (Oct 22 2018 at 11:03):
@Kenny Lau @Chris Hughes is it possible to make a simple framework in Lean where first years could work on the M1F question in the MSE post? I find the files in Gabriel's links a bit daunting.
Kevin Buzzard (Oct 22 2018 at 11:05):
Or could I use those files without understanding them somehow?
Gabriel Ebner (Oct 22 2018 at 11:11):
If you just want a Hilbert calculus for propositional logic, then it's only two inductive types:
inductive fml | atom (i : ℕ) | imp (a b : fml) open fml infixr ` →' `:50 := imp inductive prf : fml → Type | axk (p q) : prf (p →' q →' p) | axs (p q r) : prf $ (p →' q →' r) →' (p →' q) →' (p →' r) | mp (p q) : prf p → prf (p →' q) → prf q
You can add negation if you want, but there should be enough examples in the implication-only fragment.
Kevin Buzzard (Oct 22 2018 at 11:36):
@Abhimanyu Pallavi Sudhir I've got it up and running.
I've proved P implies P :-)
Kevin Buzzard (Oct 22 2018 at 11:37):
Thanks so much @Gabriel Ebner , I think I can take it from here.
Abhimanyu Pallavi Sudhir (Oct 22 2018 at 11:38):
@Abhimanyu Pallavi Sudhir I've got it up and running.
I've proved P implies P :-)
Darn, I was trying to beat you to it.
Abhimanyu Pallavi Sudhir (Oct 22 2018 at 11:38):
I'm almost done myself.
Kevin Buzzard (Oct 22 2018 at 11:39):
Kevin Buzzard (Oct 22 2018 at 11:39):
Well there's still a race on for P implies not not P :-)
Kevin Buzzard (Oct 22 2018 at 11:40):
github being a bit unreliable at the minute -- I think they had a bit of a minor disaster earlier today. Here's the proof.
inductive fml | atom (i : ℕ) | imp (a b : fml) | not (a : fml) open fml infixr ` →' `:50 := imp -- right associative local notation ¬ := fml.not inductive prf : fml → Type | axk (p q) : prf (p →' q →' p) | axs (p q r) : prf $ (p →' q →' r) →' (p →' q) →' (p →' r) | axX (p q) : prf $ (¬q →' ¬p) →' p →' q | mp (p q) : prf p → prf (p →' q) → prf q open prf lemma pqpp (p q : fml) : prf $ (p →' q) →' (p →' p) := begin apply mp (p →' q →' p) ((p →' q) →' p →' p) (axk p q), exact axs p q p end theorem p_implies_p (p : fml) : prf $ p →' p := begin exact mp (p →' p →' p) (p →' p) (axk p p) (pqpp p (p →' p)), end
Kevin Buzzard (Oct 22 2018 at 11:41):
Gabriel called the axioms axk
and axs
but he left the negation one out (and indeed I never used it). I called it axX
but I'm wondering where there is standard CS code for these axioms. mp
I know is modus ponens.
Abhimanyu Pallavi Sudhir (Oct 22 2018 at 11:48):
Mine is essentially the same too but with have
s instead of lemmas.
theorem reflex (P : fml) : prf (P →' P) := begin have R : fml, exact P, let Q : fml := R →' P, have HPQ : prf (P →' Q), change prf (P →' (R →' P)), apply prf.axk, have HPQP : prf (P →' (Q →' P)), apply prf.axk, have HPQPP : prf ((P →' Q) →' (P →' P)), apply prf.mp (P →' Q →' P), exact HPQP, apply prf.axs, apply prf.mp (P →' Q), exact HPQ, exact HPQPP, end
Abhimanyu Pallavi Sudhir (Oct 22 2018 at 11:50):
Btw is it a good idea to reuse ¬
? Shouldn't we use a variant like ¬'
as Gabriel Ebner did?
Kevin Buzzard (Oct 22 2018 at 11:52):
So this is a weird thing about computer scientists -- they like to do proofs backwards. Almost all tactics operate on the goal. If you have proofs of A
, A -> B
, B -> C
and C -> D
and your goal is D
, a mathematician in a lecture might say "well first we can prove B, then we can deduce C, and then finally we can deduce D so done". If you write all of this in one theorem in Lean, in that order, you end up with a bunch of intermediate extra terms in your context which you only ever use once and then would really rather throw away because for big proofs all these extra junk terms just start getting in the way and making your goal scroll off the bottom of the screen.
Kevin Buzzard (Oct 22 2018 at 11:52):
So there are two other ways of doing things. Either prove B and C as lemmas before you embark on a proof of D, or just write the entire proof backwards and change the goal from D to C to B to A with apply
and then use assumption
at the end.
Johan Commelin (Oct 22 2018 at 11:53):
Well, there is suffices
Kevin Buzzard (Oct 22 2018 at 11:53):
Because going backwards is not always intuitive, the "lots of lemmas" approach becomes more appealing. And for other reasons too it's preferable to break your proofs up into as small chunks as you can.
Kevin Buzzard (Oct 22 2018 at 11:54):
is still going backwards, right?
Johan Commelin (Oct 22 2018 at 11:54):
Hmmm, yes, I guess it is.
Kevin Buzzard (Oct 22 2018 at 11:56):
Btw is it a good idea to reuse
? Shouldn't we use a variant like¬'
as Gabriel Ebner did?
I have no idea if it's a good idea to reuse ¬
. I was 100% convinced that it was a bad idea to reuse →
and I like Gabriel's idea of the apostrophe -- I think this is a CS meme or something.
Kevin Buzzard (Oct 22 2018 at 11:58):
grr I wish github was working, I have everything locally in a git repo and am having trouble pushing.
Kevin Buzzard (Oct 22 2018 at 12:03):
@Abhimanyu Pallavi Sudhir https://github.com/ImperialCollegeLondon/M1F_Problems_class_question/tree/master/src you could just edit that file (as could anyone else who wants to work on this)
Kevin Buzzard (Oct 22 2018 at 12:03):
@Alexandru-Andrei Bosinta There's my proof that P implies P
Kevin Buzzard (Oct 22 2018 at 12:10):
Meh still GH problems (also having trouble with gists). Current version of framework, with example proof, is here (I took Abhi's advice and changed not to not'):
inductive fml | atom (i : ℕ) | imp (a b : fml) | not (a : fml) open fml infixr ` →' `:50 := imp -- right associative notation `¬' ` := fml.not inductive prf : fml → Type | axk (p q) : prf (p →' q →' p) | axs (p q r) : prf $ (p →' q →' r) →' (p →' q) →' (p →' r) | axX (p q) : prf $ ((¬' q) →' (¬' p)) →' p →' q | mp (p q) : prf p → prf (p →' q) → prf q open prf lemma p_of_p_of_p_of_q (p q : fml) : prf $ (p →' q) →' (p →' p) := begin apply mp (p →' q →' p) ((p →' q) →' p →' p) (axk p q), exact axs p q p end lemma p_of_p_of_p_of_q' (p q : fml) : prf $ (p →' q) →' (p →' p) := mp (p →' q →' p) ((p →' q) →' p →' p) (axk p q) (axs p q p) theorem p_of_p (p : fml) : prf $ p →' p := begin exact mp (p →' p →' p) (p →' p) (axk p p) (p_of_p_of_p_of_q p (p →' p)), end
Kevin Buzzard (Oct 22 2018 at 12:10):
I also added a term proof for the first lemma
Kevin Buzzard (Oct 22 2018 at 12:11):
Note : $
is a clever CS trick which can be used in place of brackets sometimes (it's a clever trick to do with BIDMAS / operator precedence)
Gabriel Ebner (Oct 22 2018 at 12:47):
I copied the apostrophe directly from Seul's formalization, but yeah indeed, apostrophe, tilde, hat, etc. are all common modifiers.
Andrew Ashworth (Oct 22 2018 at 12:52):
So this is a weird thing about computer scientists -- they like to do proofs backwards. Almost all tactics operate on the goal. If you have proofs of
,A -> B
,B -> C
andC -> D
and your goal isD
, a mathematician in a lecture might say "well first we can prove B, then we can deduce C, and then finally we can deduce D so done". If you write all of this in one theorem in Lean, in that order, you end up with a bunch of intermediate extra terms in your context which you only ever use once and then would really rather throw away because for big proofs all these extra junk terms just start getting in the way and making your goal scroll off the bottom of the screen.
I know this isn't a good workaround, but you might try anonymous have
Gabriel Ebner (Oct 22 2018 at 12:56):
Gabriel called the axioms axk and axs but he left the negation one out (and indeed I never used it). I called it axX but I'm wondering where there is standard CS code for these axioms. mp I know is modus ponens.
This naming scheme is indeed rooted in a very fundamental observation in computer science, namely the Curry-Howard isomorphism. This isomorphism maps formulas to types, and proofs to programs. The Hilbert calculus for propositional logic that we consider here is mapped to the simply-typed combinator calculus; and just as I hope that nobody is writing programs in combinator calculus, hopefully only hardcore freaks are writing proofs in Hilbert calculus. To come back to the naming: as you might have noticed the propositions derived by these two axioms are exactly the types of the K and S combinators:
#check combinator.K -- combinator.K : ?M_1 → ?M_2 → ?M_1 #check combinator.S -- combinator.S : (?M_1 → ?M_2 → ?M_3) → (?M_1 → ?M_2) → ?M_1 → ?M_3
Kevin Buzzard (Oct 22 2018 at 12:56):
They still pile up. I guess what a mathematician would like is a tactic which actually deletes hypotheses HA : A
and HAB : A -> B
from the context and adds a new hypothesis HB : B
. That's very much how I'm thinking about these things. Of course there's the risk you'll need the hypotheses later but in my experience there are times you know for sure you won't.
Kevin Buzzard (Oct 22 2018 at 12:59):
This combinator business is so cool. Thanks Gabriel. They don't teach any of this stuff in maths departments usually -- just a couple of lectures on the completeness theorem and then let's get on to proper stuff like ZFC.
Rob Lewis (Oct 22 2018 at 13:52):
Kevin, are you aware of the replace
tactic? It has some of the behavior you want.
import tactic.interactive example (A B : Prop) (ha : A) (hab : A → B) : true := begin replace ha := hab ha, -- now we have hab : B end example (A B C : Prop) (ha : A) (hab : A → B) (hbc : B → C) : C := begin have : A, from ha, -- this : A replace := hab this, -- this : B replace := hbc this, -- this : C exact this end
But in general, I think of forward reasoning as a term mode thing. Unless you're using tactics that search for things in the local context, there's nothing wrong with having lots of hypotheses around, other than that they clutter the goal view. If you're working in term mode, you don't need the goal view, and your hypotheses are all visible all the time because they're part of your proof script.
Rob Lewis (Oct 22 2018 at 13:53):
e.g. the proof that @Abhimanyu Pallavi Sudhir posted above is really a term mode proof until the very end.
Kevin Buzzard (Oct 22 2018 at 14:11):
That's an interesting point. I teach mathematicians tactic mode from the very start because I think it's much easier for them to grasp than term mode. I always forget about the replace
tactic -- I always remember it starts re
something and then it always autocompletes in my brain to rewrite
Johan Commelin (Oct 22 2018 at 14:17):
Otoh in our minds we definitely don't think of it as replace
ing an assumption.
Johan Commelin (Oct 22 2018 at 14:17):
In our minds what is really going on is have b : B := hab a, clear a hab,
Chris Hughes (Oct 22 2018 at 14:31):
Is this a proof?
import data.fintype variables (imp : bool → bool → bool) (n : bool → bool) (a1 : ∀ p q, imp p (imp p q) = tt) (a2 : ∀ p q, imp (imp (n p) (n q)) (imp p q) = tt) (a3 : ∀ p q r, imp (imp p (imp q r)) (imp (imp p q) (imp q r)) = tt) include a1 a2 a3 set_option class.instance_max_depth 50 example : ∀ p, imp p (n (n p)) = tt := by revert imp n; exact dec_trivial
Kevin Buzzard (Oct 22 2018 at 14:39):
No, that doesn't count.
Kevin Buzzard (Oct 22 2018 at 14:47):
IMG_20181019_134013644.jpg IMG_20181019_134020093.jpg Chris -- you are assuming the completeness theorem, namely that the stuff which the axioms prove is exactly the stuff which is true. In 3rd year logic they're proving this sort of thing right now.
Chris Hughes (Oct 22 2018 at 14:52):
What's the definition of true?
Kevin Buzzard (Oct 22 2018 at 15:02):
Whilst there are many here who can explain all of this better than me, my memory of what I was taught in undergraduate logic was this. You can _prove_ statements by deducing them from the axioms using modus ponens. Note that the axioms aren't constructive logic because we have that extra one about not Q implies not P which is I believe is equivalent to LEM in the presence of the other two axioms. A statement is _true_ if whenever you evaluate all your variables as booleans and interpret -> and not as following the truth tables, it evaluates to true. You have seen enough constructive mathematics to know that "always evaluates to true" a.k.a. "true in every model" is not the same as "being provable from a random set of axioms", especially if the axioms are those of constructive logic. The key thing here is that if we add that third axiom, then the true things and the provable things coincide. This is the completeness theorem.
Chris Hughes (Oct 22 2018 at 15:02):
I know what provable means. What does true mean?
Kevin Buzzard (Oct 22 2018 at 15:03):
it means "always evaluates to true whenever we map the propositions to bools"
Kevin Buzzard (Oct 22 2018 at 15:04):
A _model_ of a bunch of statements involving propositions p q r etc is just an assignment of a boolean value to each of the variables p q retc so that all the statements become true.
Kevin Buzzard (Oct 22 2018 at 15:06):
A bunch of propositions involving a set of variables _semantically entails_ another proposition X if, for every model where the bunch of propositions all evaluate to true, the proposition X also evaluates to true.
A bunch of propositions _syntactially entails_ another proposition X if you can use the axioms and modus ponens to deduce X from the bunch of propositions. This depends on your axioms of course.
The theorem is that for the axioms on the poor photos I sent you, the two notions are the same. If I've remembered everything correctly...
Chris Hughes (Oct 22 2018 at 15:07):
By this definition, true + em -> provable, though right?
Kevin Buzzard (Oct 22 2018 at 15:07):
When you say "provable" you have to say which axioms we're using
Kevin Buzzard (Oct 22 2018 at 15:08):
"true" is an absolute thing, stuff like p -> p is true because T -> T and F -> F
Kevin Buzzard (Oct 22 2018 at 15:08):
This is the same as "provable using the axioms of classical logic" (the completeness theorem) but not the same as "provable using the axioms of constructive logic" (the law of the excluded middle being a counterexample)
Kevin Buzzard (Oct 22 2018 at 15:10):
I only have the most tenuous understanding of this stuff now, so please someone butt in if I'm talking nonsense.
Rob Lewis (Oct 22 2018 at 15:10):
"true" is an absolute thing, stuff like p -> p is true because T -> T and F -> F
To nitpick: to say "true" you have to say what semantics we're using. Excluded middle isn't true in Kripke semantics for propositional logic.
Simon Cruanes (Oct 22 2018 at 15:10):
When you move to higher-order logic and interpret function types as function spaces, then provability is always weaker than semantic truth, sadly.
Rob Lewis (Oct 22 2018 at 15:10):
But Chris, feel free to ignore me complicating the story for now. :)
Kevin Buzzard (Oct 22 2018 at 15:11):
To nitpick: to say "true" you have to say what semantics we're using.
What semantics am I using?
Kevin Buzzard (Oct 22 2018 at 15:12):
Are my semantics something like "bool is the set of values, and here's the truth table for ->, and here's the truth table for not"?
Rob Lewis (Oct 22 2018 at 15:12):
Boolean semantics? Truth table semantics? I'm blanking on a standard name.
Rob Lewis (Oct 22 2018 at 15:12):
Kevin Buzzard (Oct 22 2018 at 15:13):
I would have understood the logic course much better when I was an UG if I could have done the course in Lean.
Rob Lewis (Oct 22 2018 at 15:14):
Intuitionistic logic is sound but not complete for those semantics. So you end up with Kripke semantics, a different way of interpreting true/false under which the true formulas coincide with the intuitionistically provable ones.
Kevin Buzzard (Oct 22 2018 at 15:14):
I see. So you're saying there is a completeness theorem for constructive logic.
Rob Lewis (Oct 22 2018 at 15:17):
Yeah, but it's not as intuitive (ha ha) as for classical logic. https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/logic-intuitionistic/#BasSem
Simon Cruanes (Oct 22 2018 at 15:18):
I don't know much about constructive semantics, but there are things like "reducibility candidates" in this area I believe?
edit: ah neat, if there's an entry in the encyclopedia already, nevermind…
Gabriel Ebner (Oct 22 2018 at 15:36):
To nitpick: to say "true" you have to say what semantics we're using. Excluded middle isn't true in Kripke semantics for propositional logic.
To nitpick even harder: usually truth refers to a single model, the concept we need here is validity---truth in all models. For example p ∨ ¬ p
is true in some Kripke models (e.g. any model with only one world); but is not valid, it is not true at all worlds in all Kripke models.
Gabriel Ebner (Oct 22 2018 at 15:41):
"true" is an absolute thing, stuff like p -> p is true because T -> T and F -> F
This should be "valid". p → p
is valid because p → p
is true (alt. satisfied) in all models.
Gabriel Ebner (Oct 22 2018 at 15:44):
[...] then the true things and the provable things coincide. This is the completeness theorem.
Since we're already nitpicking, the completeness theorem only states one inclusion: namely that valid ⊆ provable
. The other direction, provable ⊆ valid
is typically called soundness.
Kevin Buzzard (Oct 22 2018 at 16:28):
Thanks a lot for fixing up my inaccuracies. Some kids here at Imperial are asking me about these things so I'm very pleased to be able to get it all straight for the first time in my life.
Kenny Lau (Oct 22 2018 at 18:16):
there are quite some (equivalent) semantics for constructive logic
Kevin Buzzard (Oct 22 2018 at 18:58):
@Kenny Lau are you going to rise to my challenge?
Kevin Buzzard (Oct 22 2018 at 18:59):
or rather, Dr Britnell's challenge. https://github.com/ImperialCollegeLondon/M1F_Problems_class_question/blob/c55d507918a8de1ec4c81953fe4dfcd696c46e82/src/gabriel_framework.lean#L33
Kevin Buzzard (Oct 22 2018 at 19:02):
@Rohan Mitta asked me why prf
was taking values in Type and not Prop. Is there a reason for this? It gave Rohan some trouble (he couldn't use or.elim
), so he made a new Prop
-valued type to get around it. Does this mean that or.elim
somehow should not be used? What's happening here?
Kevin Buzzard (Oct 22 2018 at 19:06):
@Abhimanyu Pallavi Sudhir is making progress: https://github.com/ImperialCollegeLondon/M1F_Problems_class_question/blob/c55d507918a8de1ec4c81953fe4dfcd696c46e82/src/abhimanyu.lean#L39
Kevin Buzzard (Oct 22 2018 at 19:10):
https://github.com/ImperialCollegeLondon/M1F_Problems_class_question/blob/master/src/rohan_enrico_success.lean @Rohan Mitta says he's done it! But he changed the question a bit...
Kevin Buzzard (Oct 22 2018 at 19:21):
@Kenny Lau I tidied up the question. Here it is:
The proofs are really nice to write in term mode
Kevin Buzzard (Oct 22 2018 at 19:22):
That's what Britnell asked the first years.
Kenny Lau (Oct 22 2018 at 19:22):
I'm revising for my test tomorrow
Kevin Buzzard (Oct 22 2018 at 19:22):
Probably a better use of your time, if you have a test tomorrow.
Kevin Buzzard (Oct 22 2018 at 19:29):
https://github.com/ImperialCollegeLondon/M1F_Problems_class_question/blob/master/src/question6.lean There's the final version of the challenge. I tinkered with mp
a bit. If anyone can suggest any other improvements I'd be all ears. Rohan, I stubbornly left it as Type
but only because I don't understand if changing it to Prop
is cheating or not.
Kevin Buzzard (Oct 22 2018 at 19:41):
@Rohan Mitta what do you think of my changes to mp
Kevin Buzzard (Oct 22 2018 at 19:41):
I put p and q in {}
and I changed the order of the next two inputs (first the function, then the input).
Kevin Buzzard (Oct 22 2018 at 19:42):
Would that have made your code easier or harder to write?
Rohan Mitta (Oct 22 2018 at 19:44):
Yeah your changes are great! In all my proofs I let lean infer what p and q were, and also often accidentally wrote the next two inputs in the order that you changed it to.
Kevin Buzzard (Oct 22 2018 at 19:46):
Oh, here's something I just realised I didn't know: Modus Ponens says prf (q →' r) → (prf q → prf r)
but is the converse true? Is there a map (prf q → prf r) → prf (q →' r)
Kevin Buzzard (Oct 22 2018 at 19:49):
Regarding order of inputs for modus ponens, check out the analogy here:
axs (p q r) : prf $ (p →' q →' r) →' (p →' q) →' (p →' r) mp {q r} : prf (q →' r) → prf q → prf r
Kevin Buzzard (Oct 22 2018 at 19:54):
Oh, here's something I just realised I didn't know: Modus Ponens says
prf (q →' r) → (prf q → prf r)
but is the converse true? Is there a map(prf q → prf r) → prf (q →' r)
I see -- this is the deduction theorem.
Abhimanyu Pallavi Sudhir (Oct 22 2018 at 20:16):
Oh, here's something I just realised I didn't know: Modus Ponens says
prf (q →' r) → (prf q → prf r)
but is the converse true? Is there a map(prf q → prf r) → prf (q →' r)
Is it okay to assume "internal modus ponens", i.e. P →' (P →' Q) →' Q
? I can prove the other form, that (P →' Q) →' P →' Q)
easily from P →' P
, but not this form.
Kevin Buzzard (Oct 22 2018 at 20:18):
Did you see what Rohan did? He set up a whole theory of what it means to be able to syntactically deduce a formula from a set of formulae
Abhimanyu Pallavi Sudhir (Oct 22 2018 at 20:19):
Did you see what Rohan did?
I tried to.
Kevin Buzzard (Oct 22 2018 at 20:19):
I don't understand this stuff too well; I had never realised the subtleties of the internal / external stuff.
Abhimanyu Pallavi Sudhir (Oct 22 2018 at 20:20):
It's just that the standard Hilbertian formulation contains modus ponens as an axiom, so it seems like it should be ok to assume it.
Kevin Buzzard (Oct 22 2018 at 20:21):
If you want to tinker with the framework then you'll need to talk to someone who knows what's going on better than me. I thought that it should be possible to prove what you want, because the term is valid.
Kevin Buzzard (Oct 22 2018 at 20:42):
@Rohan Mitta maybe the whole Prop / Type thing is the Curry-Howard thing. If you were writing computer programs, e.g. if you thought that P ->' P
was the identity function, then you should be using Type
. But if you're regarding it as a theorem I guess you should be using Prop
. I don't know how well Type
plays with the contrapositive axiom because that's precisely the axiom that the computer programmers don't have.
Scott Morrison (Oct 22 2018 at 23:31):
In our minds what is really going on is
have b : B := hab a, clear a hab,
There's no reason one couldn't write a tactic that does this; just parse the expression, looking for appearances and named hypotheses, and clear any that aren't used anymore. (e.g. just by attempting to clear them).
Scott Morrison (Oct 22 2018 at 23:32):
You could call this then
, rather than have
, perhaps.
Abhimanyu Pallavi Sudhir (Oct 23 2018 at 08:14):
I formalised the proof on MSE, but had to assume two additional axioms:
Abhimanyu Pallavi Sudhir (Oct 23 2018 at 08:15):
It's not as comprehensive as Rohan & Enrico's, of course.
Gabriel Ebner (Oct 23 2018 at 08:20):
maybe the whole Prop / Type thing is the Curry-Howard thing. If you were writing computer programs, e.g. if you thought that P ->' P was the identity function, then you should be using Type
The choice of whether to use Type or Prop is not between programs and proofs, or between intuitionistic and classical logic, but between proofs and provability---each choice models different objects in mathematical logic. A proof is traditionally a finite tree of inferences, and it should live in Type. However if you use the exact same constructors and just change the universe to Prop then you get a completely different structure: namely the set of theorems, which is the same as the set of tautologies (= valid propositional formulas) and does not have any relationship to proofs. There are lots of things you can do with proofs, but not with provability alone. For example you can define the size of a proof as a function size {p} : prf p → ℕ
(for Hilbert-style calculi you'd typically want to measure the size as a DAG though, i.e., not counting duplicate subproofs more than once), and ask the question whether there are formulas whose proofs are necessarily exponential in size (easy exercise: every tautology has a proof of exponential size). (We don't know.) Such questions about the sizes of proofs in various proof systems for propositional logic are considered in the field of proof complexity.
Many proof systems also admit interpolation: from a proof of p → q
you can compute an interpolant (= formula r
such that p → r
and r → q
such that r
only contains the symbols occurring in both p
and q
). This interpolant depends on the proof; i.e., different proofs give different interpolants. Since the computation of the interpolant is typically polynomial-time, we get a relationship to proof size as well.
These are just two prominent examples from propositional logic, where you actually want to talk about proofs and not just provability. Sure, I've seen workarounds: instead of defining a size function for proofs, you could define a predicate "provable in at most n steps". But from my point of view this is an awkward workaround. Fundamentally, proofs are data and should be modelled as such.
Gabriel Ebner (Oct 23 2018 at 08:37):
Is there a map (prf q → prf r) → prf (q →' r) ?
It almost looks like the deduction theorem, but no, there cannot be such a map. This is because the function prf q → prf r
can do a case analysis on the prf q
. Concretely, there is a function prf (atom 0) → prf r
for any r
(by contradiction, because atom 0
is not a tautology). Hence you'd be able to obtain e.g. prf (atom 0 →' atom 1)
, which is clearly not a tautology. (This problem is related to the so-called "exotic terms" in HOAS, if you're interested.)
Gabriel Ebner (Oct 23 2018 at 08:43):
If you want to prove the deduction theorem, my suggestion would be to add a parameter Γ : set fml
so that prf Γ p
are the proofs of p
from assumptions Γ
inductive prf (Γ : set fml) : fml → Type | ass (p) : p ∈ Γ → prf p | axk (p q) : prf (p →' q →' p) | axs (p q r) : prf $ (p →' q →' r) →' (p →' q) →' (p →' r) | axX (p q) : prf $ ((¬' q) →' (¬' p)) →' p →' q | mp {p q} : prf (p →' q) → prf p → prf q -- bracket change infix ` ⊢ `:30 := prf def deduction_thm {Γ p} : ∀ {q}, Γ ∪ {p} ⊢ q → Γ ⊢ p →' q := sorry
Kevin Buzzard (Oct 23 2018 at 17:39):
@Rohan Mitta (working with someone called Enrico) introduced a new consequence
type https://github.com/ImperialCollegeLondon/M1F_Problems_class_question/blob/8df51accce766b8e33cae026203f85a8f87eed7e/src/rohan_enrico_success.lean#L34 which probably has the same effect. Rohan -- you see the trick Gabriel is suggesting? Instead of introducing the new type, modify the definition of the old one.
Kevin Buzzard (Oct 23 2018 at 18:52):
@Chris Hughes examined Rohan's proof term and then came up with a really minimised answer https://github.com/ImperialCollegeLondon/M1F_Problems_class_question/blob/master/src/Chris_Hughes.lean
Kevin Buzzard (Oct 23 2018 at 18:56):
@Abhimanyu Pallavi Sudhir was asking how Chris' term can work with so much information missing. I told him that Lean sees the missing { }
variables as a big logic puzzle and it must have proved that there was a unique solution.
Kevin Buzzard (Oct 23 2018 at 19:08):
Abhi you could change the definition of prf
back so that the variables are explicit, and then you could fill in everything in Chris' proof with _
's as required and then start adding and deleting hints for the elaborator.
Kevin Buzzard (Oct 23 2018 at 19:22):
Here's something I don't understand.
inductive prf : fml → Type | axk {p q} : prf (p →' q →' p) | axs {p q r} : prf $ (p →' q →' r) →' (p →' q) →' (p →' r) | axX {p q} : prf $ ((¬' q) →' (¬' p)) →' p →' q | mp {p q} : prf p → prf (p →' q) → prf q open prf theorem not_not_p_of_p (p : fml) : prf (p →' (¬' (¬' p))) := mp (mp (mp (@axk (¬' p) (¬' p)) axk) (mp (mp (mp (mp (mp (@axk (¬' ¬' ¬' p) (¬' ¬' ¬' p)) (mp axk axs)) (mp (mp axk axk) axs)) (mp (mp axX axk) axs)) (mp (mp axX axk) axs)) axs)) axX
I liked the analogy between @mp q r
and @axs p q r
when mp
was written the other way around, however:
| mp' {p q} : prf (p →' q) → prf p → prf q
and I was in my mind using this to justify mp'
over mp
. I wondered what would happen to Chris' proof if I replaced mp
with mp'
though? He has all these rows of mp (mp (mp (mp (...
. Is this an indication that he's doing it right, doing it wrong, or are these big strings just irrelevant? Is this even an important question, which way round these inputs go?
Abhimanyu Pallavi Sudhir (Oct 23 2018 at 19:29):
Here's something I don't understand.
inductive prf : fml → Type | axk {p q} : prf (p →' q →' p) | axs {p q r} : prf $ (p →' q →' r) →' (p →' q) →' (p →' r) | axX {p q} : prf $ ((¬' q) →' (¬' p)) →' p →' q | mp {p q} : prf p → prf (p →' q) → prf q open prf theorem not_not_p_of_p (p : fml) : prf (p →' (¬' (¬' p))) := mp (mp (mp (@axk (¬' p) (¬' p)) axk) (mp (mp (mp (mp (mp (@axk (¬' ¬' ¬' p) (¬' ¬' ¬' p)) (mp axk axs)) (mp (mp axk axk) axs)) (mp (mp axX axk) axs)) (mp (mp axX axk) axs)) axs)) axXI liked the analogy between
@mp q r
and@axs p q r
was written the other way around, however:| mp' {p q} : prf (p →' q) → prf p → prf qand I was in my mind using this to justify
. I wondered what would happen to Chris' proof if I replacedmp
though? He has all these rows ofmp (mp (mp (mp (...
. Is this an indication that he's doing it right, doing it wrong, or are these big strings just irrelevant? Is this even an important question, which way round these inputs go?
Something interesting to note is that the internal counterpart of mp'
(i.e. prf ((p →' q) →' p →' q)
) is much easier to prove in our system (follows from P →' P
) than mp
(i.e. prf (p →' (p →' q) →' q)
) -- at least, I wasn't able to prove the latter. Which gives an indication that in this system, where stuff like intro
are not formalised, it does make a difference how you define mp
Alexandru-Andrei Bosinta (Oct 23 2018 at 19:32):
Here's something I don't understand.
inductive prf : fml → Type | axk {p q} : prf (p →' q →' p) | axs {p q r} : prf $ (p →' q →' r) →' (p →' q) →' (p →' r) | axX {p q} : prf $ ((¬' q) →' (¬' p)) →' p →' q | mp {p q} : prf p → prf (p →' q) → prf q open prf theorem not_not_p_of_p (p : fml) : prf (p →' (¬' (¬' p))) := mp (mp (mp (@axk (¬' p) (¬' p)) axk) (mp (mp (mp (mp (mp (@axk (¬' ¬' ¬' p) (¬' ¬' ¬' p)) (mp axk axs)) (mp (mp axk axk) axs)) (mp (mp axX axk) axs)) (mp (mp axX axk) axs)) axs)) axXI liked the analogy between
@mp q r
and@axs p q r
was written the other way around, however:| mp' {p q} : prf (p →' q) → prf p → prf qand I was in my mind using this to justify
. I wondered what would happen to Chris' proof if I replacedmp
though? He has all these rows ofmp (mp (mp (mp (...
. Is this an indication that he's doing it right, doing it wrong, or are these big strings just irrelevant? Is this even an important question, which way round these inputs go?
If you replace mp with mp' you would probably only have to switch all the arguments, but I don't think anything else has to be changed.
Kevin Buzzard (Oct 23 2018 at 19:34):
Right -- but it would be really boring doing that by hand. I did all the other substitutions using emacs.
Kevin Buzzard (Oct 23 2018 at 19:34):
this one is a more serious tree operation
Kevin Buzzard (Oct 23 2018 at 19:34):
actually I think I can do it using emacs
Kenny Lau (Oct 23 2018 at 20:00):
def fml.eval (f : ℕ → Prop) : fml → Prop | (atom i) := f i | (a →' b) := fml.eval a → fml.eval b | (¬' a) := ¬fml.eval a def prf.eval (f : ℕ → Prop) : Π p:fml, prf p → p.eval f | _ (@axk p q) := λ hpq _, hpq | _ (@axs p q r) := λ hpqr hpq hp, hpqr hp (hpq hp) | _ (@axX p q) := λ hmt hp, classical.by_contradiction (λ hnq, hmt hnq hp) | _ (@mp p q hp hpq) := prf.eval _ hpq (prf.eval _ hp)
Kevin Buzzard (Oct 23 2018 at 20:02):
I think Chris did something clever with decidability?
Rob Lewis (Oct 23 2018 at 20:23):
Kenny, that's a soundness proof. Now do completeness!
Kenny Lau (Oct 23 2018 at 20:23):
Rob Lewis (Oct 23 2018 at 20:23):
Kevin, I think the strings of mp (mp (mp...
are really just a sign of how awkward Hilbert systems are to use.
Rob Lewis (Oct 23 2018 at 20:24):
Like, that's just what a proof in this calculus looks like.
Rob Lewis (Oct 23 2018 at 20:24):
If for some reason you wanted to keep making these proofs, you'd design tools to assemble them from something more readable.
Rob Lewis (Oct 23 2018 at 20:25):
i.e. natural deduction, or a tactic language.
Kenny Lau (Oct 23 2018 at 20:25):
i.e. prove the deduction theorem
Rob Lewis (Oct 23 2018 at 20:25):
Jeremy has a related example for the sequent calculus here: https://github.com/avigad/embed/blob/master/src/examples.lean
Kevin Buzzard (Oct 23 2018 at 20:31):
theorem not_not_p_of_p (p : fml) : prf (p →' (¬' (¬' p))) := mp (mp (mp (@axk (¬' p) (¬' p)) (axk _ _) ) (mp (mp (mp (mp (mp (@axk (¬' ¬' ¬' p) (¬' ¬' ¬' p)) (mp (axk _ _) (axs _ _ _) ) ) (mp (mp (axk _ _) (axk _ _) ) (axs _ _ _) ) ) (mp (mp (axX _ _) (axk _ _) ) (axs _ _ _) ) ) (mp (mp (axX _ _) (axk _ _) ) (axs _ _ _) ) ) (axs _ _ _) ) ) (axX _ _)
It's not very often I think about proof trees. I know it's all awful to you computer scientists, but I'm still on the basics :-)
Mario Carneiro (Oct 24 2018 at 02:17):
by the way, I think this is actually a really good application of metamath. The whole logic is set up from these exact axioms of propositional calculus, by lucasiewicz. (Unfortunately I don't have any better naming suggestions - in metamath they are literally called ax-1, ax-2, ax-3 since that's what lucasiewicz called them)
Mario Carneiro (Oct 24 2018 at 02:18):
You should look at the derivations of some basic theorems - this is where metamath is most readable. Your theorem is notnot1
Mario Carneiro (Oct 24 2018 at 03:12):
Here is a moderately inlined version of the metamath proof. The key to making this readable is to break it into bite sized pieces of no more than five steps. Almost all of the intermediate steps are independently useful, even more than I'm showing here. Hilbert style axiomatizations are not meant to be used directly; you should prove as lemmas all the basic facts and use them as scaffolding to manage the complexity.
inductive fml | atom (i : ℕ) | imp (a b : fml) | not (a : fml) open fml infixr ` →' `:50 := imp -- right associative prefix `¬' `:max := fml.not inductive prf : fml → Type | axk {p q} : prf (p →' q →' p) | axs {p q r} : prf $ (p →' q →' r) →' (p →' q) →' (p →' r) | axX {p q} : prf $ (¬' q →' ¬' p) →' p →' q | mp {p q} : prf p → prf (p →' q) → prf q namespace prf prefix `⊢ `:30 := prf def mp' {p q} (h1 : ⊢ p →' q) (h2 : ⊢ p) : ⊢ q := mp h2 h1 def a1i {p q} : ⊢ p → ⊢ q →' p := mp' axk def a2i {p q r} : ⊢ p →' q →' r → ⊢ (p →' q) →' p →' r := mp' axs def con4i {p q} : ⊢ ¬' p →' ¬' q → ⊢ q →' p := mp' axX def mpd {p q r} (h : ⊢ p →' q →' r) : ⊢ p →' q → ⊢ p →' r := mp' (a2i h) def syl {p q r} (h1 : ⊢ p →' q) (h2 : ⊢ q →' r) : ⊢ p →' r := mpd (a1i h2) h1 def id {p} : ⊢ p →' p := mpd axk (@axk p p) def a1d {p q r} (h : ⊢ p →' q) : ⊢ p →' r →' q := syl h axk def com12 {p q r} (h : ⊢ p →' q →' r) : ⊢ q →' p →' r := syl (a1d id) (a2i h) def con4d {p q r} (h : ⊢ p →' ¬' q →' ¬' r) : ⊢ p →' r →' q := syl h axX def absurd {p q} : ⊢ ¬' p →' p →' q := con4d axk def imidm {p q} (h : ⊢ p →' p →' q) : ⊢ p →' q := mpd h id def contra {p} : ⊢ (¬' p →' p) →' p := imidm (con4d (a2i absurd)) def notnot2 {p} : ⊢ ¬' ¬' p →' p := syl absurd contra def mpdd {p q r s} (h : ⊢ p →' q →' r →' s) : ⊢ p →' q →' r → ⊢ p →' q →' s := mpd (syl h axs) def syld {p q r s} (h1 : ⊢ p →' q →' r) (h2 : ⊢ p →' r →' s) : ⊢ p →' q →' s := mpdd (a1d h2) h1 def con2d {p q r} (h1 : ⊢ p →' q →' ¬' r) : ⊢ p →' r →' ¬' q := con4d (syld (a1i notnot2) h1) def con2i {p q} (h1 : ⊢ p →' ¬' q) : ⊢ q →' ¬' p := con4i (syl notnot2 h1) def notnot1 {p} : ⊢ p →' ¬' ¬' p := con2i id end prf
Mario Carneiro (Oct 24 2018 at 03:13):
If you are going for a direct from axioms proof, there is probably a faster way, but all you get from that is a big hideous proof term and no useful subparts
Mario Carneiro (Oct 24 2018 at 03:31):
One of my first papers was a proof that Hilbert style axiomatizations result in an O(1) additive overhead over natural deduction proof rules (i.e. the bulk of the proof is 1-1 matched to lemmas), so I respectfully disagree that hilbert systems are innately harder to use - there is just a bit more "honest toil" in showing that and, or, implies all exist and have the appropriate theorems as in natural deduction
Kevin Buzzard (Oct 24 2018 at 07:24):
Well I am very unimpressed that metamath starts so high up. What's wrong with just having Chris Barker's iota combinator and building everything from that? Guess you guys were just lazy
Kevin Buzzard (Oct 24 2018 at 07:26):
I like the way everyone is calling that third axiom axX
. That was supposed to be a placeholder until a computer scientist told us the proper name...
Kevin Buzzard (Oct 24 2018 at 07:26):
Xcluded middle
Kevin Buzzard (Oct 24 2018 at 07:51):
@Abhimanyu Pallavi Sudhir note proof of syl
. Mario thanks a lot for this -- when I had time I was going to take Chris' proof apart and turn it into a bunch of lemmas like this, that's why I was unravelling all the brackets. I see you also have mp
the "wrong way round"
Mario Carneiro (Oct 24 2018 at 19:02):
@Kevin Buzzard It also wasn't meant to be intentionally obtuse, it is following a mishmash of logic and set theory textbooks where possible (everything is referenced too, so you can read along)
Mario Carneiro (Oct 24 2018 at 19:03):
The Lucasiewicz axioms seem to be pretty popular for hilbert style axiomatizations
Mario Carneiro (Oct 24 2018 at 19:04):
Metamath has mp
the way you stated it, but it also has no notion of partial application. You will notice I make use of partially applied mp'
a few times
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC