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Topic: A bunch of fin equiv results

Kenny Lau (Apr 22 2018 at 07:51):

import data.equiv data.fin

variables (m n : )

def fin_zero_elim {C : Sort*} : fin 0  C :=
λ x, false.elim $ nat.not_lt_zero x.1 x.2

def fin_sum  : (fin m  fin n)  fin (m + n) :=
{ to_fun := λ x, sum.rec_on x
    (λ y, y.1, nat.lt_of_lt_of_le y.2 $ nat.le_add_right m n)
    (λ y, m + y.1, nat.add_lt_add_left y.2 m),
  inv_fun := λ x, if H : x.1 < m
    then sum.inl x.1, H
    else sum.inr x.1 - m, nat.lt_of_add_lt_add_left $
      show m + (x.1 - m) < m + n,
      from (nat.add_sub_of_le $ le_of_not_gt H).symm  x.2,
  left_inv := λ x, sum.cases_on x
    (λ y, by simp [y.2]; from fin.eq_of_veq rfl)
    (λ y, have H : ¬m + y.val < m, by simp [nat.zero_le],
       by simp [H, nat.add_sub_cancel_left];
       from fin.eq_of_veq rfl),
  right_inv := λ x, begin
    by_cases H : x.1 < m,
    { dsimp; rw [dif_pos H]; simp,
      exact fin.eq_of_veq rfl },
    { dsimp; rw [dif_neg H]; simp,
      apply fin.eq_of_veq; simp,
      rw [nat.add_sub_of_le (le_of_not_gt H)] }
  end }

def fin_prod : (fin m × fin n)  fin (m * n) :=
{ to_fun := λ x, x.2.1 + n * x.1.1, calc
          x.2.1 + n * x.1.1 + 1
        = x.1.1 * n + x.2.1 + 1 : by ac_refl
    ...  x.1.1 * n + n : nat.add_le_add_left x.2.2 _
    ... = (x.1.1 + 1) * n : eq.symm $ nat.succ_mul _ _
    ...  m * n : nat.mul_le_mul_right _ x.1.2,
  inv_fun := λ x, have H : n > 0,
      from nat.pos_of_ne_zero $ λ H,
        nat.not_lt_zero x.1 $ by subst H; from x.2,
    (x.1 / n, (nat.div_lt_iff_lt_mul _ _ H).2 x.2,
     x.1 % n, nat.mod_lt _ H),
  left_inv := λ x, y, have H : n > 0,
      from nat.pos_of_ne_zero $ λ H,
        nat.not_lt_zero y.1 $ H  y.2,
    fin.eq_of_veq $ calc
            (y.1 + n * x.1) / n
          = y.1 / n + x.1 : nat.add_mul_div_left _ _ H
      ... = 0 + x.1 : by rw nat.div_eq_of_lt y.2
      ... = x.1 : nat.zero_add x.1,
     fin.eq_of_veq $ calc
            (y.1 + n * x.1) % n
          = y.1 % n : nat.add_mul_mod_self_left _ _ _
      ... = y.1 : nat.mod_eq_of_lt y.2,
    right_inv := λ x, fin.eq_of_veq $ nat.mod_add_div _ _ }

def fin_zero_pi : (fin 0  fin m)  fin (m ^ 0) :=
{ to_fun := λ _, 0, dec_trivial,
  inv_fun := λ _ x, false.elim $ nat.not_lt_zero x.1 x.2,
  left_inv := λ _, funext $ λ x, fin_zero_elim x,
  right_inv := λ x, hx, fin.eq_of_veq $ eq.symm $
    nat.eq_zero_of_le_zero $ nat.le_of_lt_succ hx }

def fin_succ_pi : (fin (n + 1)  fin m)  ((fin n  fin m) × fin m) :=
{ to_fun := λ f, (f  raise_fin, f n, nat.lt_succ_self n),
  inv_fun := λ f x, if H : x.1 < n then f.1 x.1, H else f.2,
  left_inv := λ f, funext $ λ x, if H : x.1 < n
    then by dsimp [raise_fin]; rw [dif_pos H];
      from congr_arg f (fin.eq_of_veq rfl)
    else by dsimp; rw [dif_neg H];
      from congr_arg f (fin.eq_of_veq $ nat.le_antisymm
        (le_of_not_gt H) (nat.le_of_lt_succ x.2)),
  right_inv := λ f, x, prod.ext.2
    funext $ λ y, by dsimp [raise_fin]; rw [dif_pos y.2];
       from congr_arg f (fin.eq_of_veq rfl),
     by simp }

def fin_pi : (fin n  fin m)  fin (m ^ n) :=
nat.rec_on n (fin_zero_pi m) $ λ n ih, calc
      (fin (n + 1)  fin m)
     ((fin n  fin m) × fin m) : fin_succ_pi _ _
...  ((fin (m ^ n)) × fin m) : equiv.prod_congr ih $ equiv.refl _
...  fin (m ^ (n + 1)) : fin_prod _ _

Are these already in mathlib?

Kenny Lau (Apr 22 2018 at 07:54):

I just built myself a digit converter accidentally

#eval (fin_pi 5 6).symm 300, dec_trivial 0 --0
#eval (fin_pi 5 6).symm 300, dec_trivial 1 --0
#eval (fin_pi 5 6).symm 300, dec_trivial 2 --2
#eval (fin_pi 5 6).symm 300, dec_trivial 3 --2
#eval (fin_pi 5 6).symm 300, dec_trivial 4 --0
#eval (fin_pi 5 6).symm 300, dec_trivial 5 --0
#eval nat.to_digits 5 300 --[0,0,2,2]

Mario Carneiro (Apr 22 2018 at 07:54):

Not exactly, but fintype.card_sum seems really similar, and not nearly as complicated of a proof

Kenny Lau (Apr 22 2018 at 08:08):

Not exactly, but fintype.card_sum seems really similar, and not nearly as complicated of a proof

well, that depends on a lot of lemmas (and I still can't trace where the main proof is), whereas this one builds everything from "scratch"

Kenny Lau (Apr 22 2018 at 08:08):

(ignoring lemmas about natural numbers)

Mario Carneiro (Apr 22 2018 at 08:11):

that's what I mean by not nearly as complicated

Mario Carneiro (Apr 22 2018 at 08:11):

them giants have shoulders, use them

Kenny Lau (Apr 22 2018 at 08:12):


Mario Carneiro (Apr 22 2018 at 08:14):

It's possible that a refactoring is necessary, but this is clearly repeating work that already exists and I would want there to be only one proof from which both facts follow

Mario Carneiro (Apr 22 2018 at 08:14):

Also there are some similar statements in cardinal

Kenny Lau (Apr 22 2018 at 08:15):

right but that's cardinals

Mario Carneiro (Apr 22 2018 at 08:15):

I'm pretty sure nat_cast_pow unfolds to exactly fin_pi

Mario Carneiro (Apr 22 2018 at 08:16):

it's talking about cardinality of finite sets in terms of fin

Kenny Lau (Apr 22 2018 at 08:16):


Mario Carneiro (Apr 22 2018 at 08:16):

and relating it to the cardinal power which is the function space

Kenny Lau (Apr 22 2018 at 08:16):

I wonder how my digit extraction will work

Kenny Lau (Apr 22 2018 at 08:16):

#eval (fin_pi 5 6).symm 300, dec_trivial 0 --0
#eval (fin_pi 5 6).symm 300, dec_trivial 1 --0
#eval (fin_pi 5 6).symm 300, dec_trivial 2 --2
#eval (fin_pi 5 6).symm 300, dec_trivial 3 --2
#eval (fin_pi 5 6).symm 300, dec_trivial 4 --0
#eval (fin_pi 5 6).symm 300, dec_trivial 5 --0
#eval nat.to_digits 5 300 --[0,0,2,2]

Kenny Lau (Apr 22 2018 at 08:16):

will this code run?

Mario Carneiro (Apr 22 2018 at 08:19):

Neither the cardinal version nor the finset version gives you this explicitly, since the finset is unordered and the cardinal is nonconstructive (the proof is probably constructive but it's buried in a nonconstructive statement)

Kenny Lau (Apr 22 2018 at 08:19):


Mario Carneiro (Apr 22 2018 at 08:19):

but multiset.pi should be generalized to list.pi and that is your digit calculator

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC