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Topic: Advent of Code 2023
Gareth Ma (Dec 01 2023 at 11:14):
I wrote a program that should solve AoC2023 Day 1, but it is way too slow. Any suggestions on how to optimise part 2? I don't even know what's slow about this. It took 16 seconds to run on twovgtprdzcjjzkq3ffsbcblnpq
and there are 1000 lines in the input file, and I would like to get it to under a minute :) Is it because I am using recursive definitions?
import Mathlib.Tactic
open String Tactic
def parseDigit (c : Char) : ℕ := if '0' ≤ c ∧ c ≤ '9' then c.val.toNat - 0x30 else 0
def parseNatAux : List Char → ℕ
| [] => 0
| x :: xs => (parseNatAux xs) * 10 + parseDigit x
def parseNat : String → ℕ := fun s ↦ parseNatAux (s.toList.reverse)
def getInput : IO (Array String) := do
let dir := "<cwd>"
return ←IO.FS.lines (dir ++ "/in")
def words : List String := [
"zero", "one", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six", "seven", "eight", "nine",
"0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9"
def List.getSuffix : List α → List (List α)
| [] => [[]]
| x :: xs => (x :: xs) :: getSuffix xs
def String.getSuffix (s : String) : List String := (List.getSuffix s.toList).map List.asString
def List.enumerate (l : List α) : List (ℕ × α) := (List.range l.length).zip l
def List.IsPrefix' : List α → List α → Prop
| [], _ => True
| _, [] => False
| (x::xs), (y::ys) => (x = y) ∧ List.IsPrefix' xs ys
def String.IsPrefix' : String → String → Prop
| ⟨d1⟩, ⟨d2⟩ => List.IsPrefix' d1 d2
instance [DecidableEq α] {s t : List α} : Decidable (List.IsPrefix' s t) := by
induction' s with s s' hs generalizing t
<;> induction' t with t t' _
<;> try simp only [IsPrefix', List.IsPrefix']
· exact decidableTrue
· exact decidableTrue
· exact decidableFalse
· apply And.decidable (dq := ?_)
exact hs
instance {s t : String} : Decidable (IsPrefix' s t) := by unfold IsPrefix' ; infer_instance
def part1 : IO ℤ := do
let mut res := 0
for line in ←getInput do
let chars := line.toList.filter Char.isDigit
let val := [chars.head!, chars.getLast!].asString
res := res + parseNat val
return res
def part2 : IO ℤ := do
let mut res := 0
let input ← getInput
let words' := List.enumerate words
for line in input.toList.take 1 do
let lineSuffix' := List.enumerate (getSuffix line)
let mut tmp : List (ℕ × ℕ) := []
for (i, suf) in lineSuffix' do
for (j, num) in words' do
if num.IsPrefix' suf then
tmp := (i, j % 10) :: tmp
res := res + tmp.getLast!.snd * 10 + tmp.head!.snd
return res
set_option profiler true
set_option trace.profiler true
/- #eval part1 -/
#eval part2
/- #print part2 -/
Gareth Ma (Dec 01 2023 at 11:15):
Also if any of these are in Lean / Mathlib already that will be nice. In particular, String.IsSuffix
exists but they write it with an which isn't decidable.
Mauricio Collares (Dec 01 2023 at 11:17):
I wonder if we should have a separate stream for AoC, if only to avoid spoilers.
Eric Wieser (Dec 01 2023 at 11:17):
Compiling it to C will likely make it faster
Gareth Ma (Dec 01 2023 at 11:17):
I have waited 6 hours before posting, but if creating a new thread is possible that'll be great too :)
Gareth Ma (Dec 01 2023 at 11:19):
Eric Wieser said:
Compiling it to C will likely make it faster
How can I do that?
Eric Wieser (Dec 01 2023 at 12:06):
You should be able to add it as an exe
in the lakefile
Damiano Testa (Dec 01 2023 at 13:03):
Gareth, I did not look carefully at your code, but
- docs#String.isPrefixOf exists and is likely more optimised than yours;
- I reversed the strings and used the same function twice (and reversed the English words, of course!) -- not sure about the net effect of reversal vs scanning from the back.
And this is the running time of my solution:
$ time lake env lean Advents/day01.lean
[Part 1 answer]
[Part 2 answer]
real 0m0,725s
user 0m0,635s
sys 0m0,090s
Damiano Testa (Dec 01 2023 at 13:04):
(My project only depend on Std
, in case it matters.)
Damiano Testa (Dec 01 2023 at 13:05):
Mauricio Collares said:
I wonder if we should have a separate stream for AoC, if only to avoid spoilers.
I like the idea of a new thread: waiting some time may not be enough, due to timezones/other commitments that someone might have! :smile:
Damiano Testa (Dec 01 2023 at 13:13):
Gareth Ma (Dec 01 2023 at 14:03):
Thanks for the comments, I rewrote it based on your code and Arthur's (from another server) and got it down to 225ms :)
Jujian Zhang (Dec 02 2023 at 14:20):
there is also a simpler solution just by pattern matching
Shubham Kumar 🦀 (he/him) (Dec 05 2023 at 05:49):
I had a question, while I was trying to run day1 I ran into a type inference problem
So my day1.lean file looks like this
def isDigit (ch : Char) : Bool := Char.isDigit ch
def CharToNat (ch : Char) : Nat :=
Char.toNat ch - Char.toNat ' ' - 16
def filterNumbers (s : String) : List Nat :=
String.toList s
|> List.filter isDigit
|> List.map CharToNat
but when I try to print the list (my Main.lean)
import Aoc2023
def numbers :=
List.map filterNumbers ["1abc2", "pqr3stu8vwx", "a1b2c3d4e5f", "treb7uchet"]
def main : IO Unit :=
let n := List.map List.head numbers
IO.println s!"{n}"
The type infered for filterNumbers
is String -> String
instead of String -> List Nat
What am I doing wrong?
Kyle Miller (Dec 05 2023 at 05:53):
Where are you seeing String -> String
I'm seeing that filterNumbers
is String -> List Nat
and numbers
is List (List Nat)
Kyle Miller (Dec 05 2023 at 05:55):
Maybe you're looking for List.head!
instead of List.head
This fixes the type error: let n := List.map List.head! numbers
Shubham Kumar 🦀 (he/him) (Dec 05 2023 at 05:57):
so lake build
gives the following error
❯ lake build
Building Main
error: > LEAN_PATH=./build/lib LD_LIBRARY_PATH=./build/lib /home/sk/.elan/toolchains/leanprover--lean4---nightly-2022-10-18/bin/lean ./././Main.lean -R ././. -o ./build/lib/Main.olean -i ./build/lib/Main.ilean -c ./build/ir/Main.c
error: stdout:
./././Main.lean:8:13: error: typeclass instance problem is stuck, it is often due to metavariables
ToString (List ?m.64)
error: external command `/home/sk/.elan/toolchains/leanprover--lean4---nightly-2022-10-18/bin/lean` exited with code 1
but the lsp is showing the type signature in numbers
as String -> String
I cannot screenshot it because as soon as I try to screenshot it vanishes
Shubham Kumar 🦀 (he/him) (Dec 05 2023 at 05:57):
I'll try List.head!
Shubham Kumar 🦀 (he/him) (Dec 05 2023 at 05:59):
The lsp shows a problem even though the lake build
commands compiles it without any issues
Kyle Miller (Dec 05 2023 at 05:59):
I'm not sure how that can be -- have you pasted exactly the code you have?
Shubham Kumar 🦀 (he/him) (Dec 05 2023 at 05:59):
❯ lake build
Building Main
Compiling Main
Linking aoc_2023
aoc_2023_lean on main [?] on ☁ (ap-southeast-2)
❯ ./build/bin/aoc_2023
[1, 3, 1, 7]
Gareth Ma (Dec 05 2023 at 06:00):
Have you tried restarting the lsp or just reopening the file
Shubham Kumar 🦀 (he/him) (Dec 05 2023 at 06:00):
I'm trying to keep it all in a structure
Shubham Kumar 🦀 (he/him) (Dec 05 2023 at 06:01):
I'll try restarting the lsp
Gareth Ma said:
Have you tried restarting the lsp or just reopening the file
Shubham Kumar 🦀 (he/him) (Dec 05 2023 at 06:02):
Yeah restarting the lsp fixed it, sorry
Kyle Miller (Dec 05 2023 at 06:03):
A useful command is "restart file" too. It reloads all the dependencies of a file. Maybe you had an older version of filterNumbers
still loaded in Main.lean
Kyle Miller (Dec 05 2023 at 06:03):
(on Mac, the keybinding is Cmd-shift-x)
Shubham Kumar 🦀 (he/him) (Dec 05 2023 at 10:02):
Shubham Kumar 🦀 (he/him) (Dec 05 2023 at 11:09):
is there a way to convert List (IO Nat) -> IO Unit
right now I have the following code
import Aoc2023
def getNumbers lst :=
List.map filterNumbers lst
|> List.filter (fun lst => not (List.isEmpty lst))
|> List.map (fun lst => List.head! lst * 10 + List.getLast! lst)
|> List.foldr (fun n acc => acc + n) 0
def fileToNumbers (path : String) : IO Nat := do
let input <- IO.FS.readFile path
pure (String.splitOn input "\n" |> getNumbers)
def paths := [
def main : IO Unit := do
let result := List.map fileToNumbers paths
and I want to print result
Mario Carneiro (Dec 05 2023 at 11:11):
maybe use List.mapM
instead to get a List Nat
and then print that instead?
Shubham Kumar 🦀 (he/him) (Dec 05 2023 at 11:12):
oh is there a List.mapM
I didn't know, thanks @Mario Carneiro !
Shubham Kumar 🦀 (he/him) (Dec 06 2023 at 14:21):
Hi I was having some issues with pattern matching Substring
but the my question is tangential to that error.
The following error message states
❯ lake build
Building Aoc2023.Day1
error: > LEAN_PATH=./build/lib LD_LIBRARY_PATH=./build/lib /home/sk/.elan/toolchains/leanprover--lean4---nightly-2022-10-18/bin/lean ./././Aoc2023/Day1.lean -R ././. -o ./build/lib/Aoc2023/Day1.olean -i ./build/lib/Aoc2023/Day1.ilean -c ./build/ir/Aoc2023/Day1.c
error: stdout:
./././Aoc2023/Day1.lean:42:2: error: failed to compile pattern matching, stuck at
remaining variables: [x✝:(String)]
[] |- ["one"] => h_1 ()
[] |- ["two"] => h_2 ()
[] |- ["six"] => h_3 ()
I want to know what [] |- ["one"] => h_1()
Shubham Kumar 🦀 (he/him) (Dec 06 2023 at 14:21):
and the other pattern matches that are also mentioned
Notification Bot (Dec 07 2023 at 08:06):
2 messages were moved here from #general > Advent of Code? by Shubham Kumar 🦀 (he/him).
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC