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Topic: Another diamond
Riccardo Brasca (Nov 17 2021 at 10:26):
Working on FLT-regular, I found another diamond that I am not sure how to correct. Here is a #mwe
import field_theory.fixed
import field_theory.primitive_element
variables (K F E : Type*) [field K] [field F] [field E] [algebra K F] [algebra K E]
variables [finite_dimensional K F] [finite_dimensional K E] [is_separable K F]
noncomputable example : fintype (F →ₐ[K] E) := field.alg_hom.fintype K F
noncomputable example : fintype (F →ₐ[K] E) := alg_hom.fintype K F E
example : (field.alg_hom.fintype K F) = (alg_hom.fintype K F E) := rfl --fails
Note that both field.alg_hom.fintype
and alg_hom.fintype
are instances, so this can causes problems (and indeed it did for me, I had to manually disable one instance).
What should we do?
Anne Baanen (Nov 17 2021 at 10:30):
docs#field.alg_hom.fintype docs#alg_hom.fintype for the lazy (like me)
Eric Wieser (Nov 17 2021 at 10:36):
Does one instance imply the other?
Anne Baanen (Nov 17 2021 at 10:37):
Hmm, both seem reasonable enough, one is not a specialization of the other, and I don't really have the idea that one would be more useful than the other. So my suggestion would be to just add a note to the docstring saying "use local attribute [-instance]
if you get conflicts with the other"
Anne Baanen (Nov 17 2021 at 10:37):
Eric Wieser said:
Does one instance imply the other?
No, one uses assumptions on the extension F/E
and the other assumptions on K/E
Eric Wieser (Nov 17 2021 at 10:37):
Where does the diamond actually cause you trouble @Riccardo Brasca?
Eric Wieser (Nov 17 2021 at 10:38):
One way to solve this type of thing is to change lemmas to take dumber [fintype _]
Anne Baanen (Nov 17 2021 at 10:38):
Evil answer: make fintype
a Prop
so there can be no defeq diamonds
Riccardo Brasca (Nov 17 2021 at 10:39):
This line doesn't work without
local attribute [-instance] alg_hom.fintype
Riccardo Brasca (Nov 17 2021 at 10:41):
The problem is rw [this]
, so maybe stating this
differently it's enough.
Anne Baanen (Nov 17 2021 at 10:45):
Let me check the code...
Eric Wieser (Nov 17 2021 at 10:51):
Another solution is to add letI : fintype (K →ₐ[ℚ] E) := ...
before you create this
, and replace ...
with the instance you actually want
Eric Wieser (Nov 17 2021 at 10:52):
Lean will use that one before doing a full search
Anne Baanen (Nov 17 2021 at 11:06):
Wait hang on, why does Lean think finite_dimensional ℚ (algebraic_closure ℚ)
is true anyway?
Anne Baanen (Nov 17 2021 at 11:07):
Pretty sure algebraic_closure ℚ
is not generated by a single element, right?
Anne Baanen (Nov 17 2021 at 11:07):
#check is_cyclotomic_extension.finite_dimensional
-- is_cyclotomic_extension.finite_dimensional : ∀ (K L : Type*) [field K] [field L] [algebra K L], finite_dimensional K L
Eric Wieser (Nov 17 2021 at 11:13):
Anne Baanen (Nov 17 2021 at 11:15):
Indeed, pp.implicit
shows the term with alg_hom.fintype
uses is_cyclotomic_extension.finite_dimensional
, a lemma which is in fact, not true.
Eric Wieser (Nov 17 2021 at 11:16):
Oh, I assumed that is_cyclotomic_extension.finite_dimensional
was true but was stated about some weird algebra/ring instance. Clearly there's a danger to sorrying lemmas!
Anne Baanen (Nov 17 2021 at 11:17):
Fixing that instance to be actually true should fix this specific issue, but the generic one remains.
Anne Baanen (Nov 17 2021 at 11:27):
Another approach in this specific case is to replace the have
line with calc
lemma norm_zeta'_sub_one [hp : fact (p : ℕ).prime] (hodd : p ≠ 2) :
norm ℚ ((zeta' p ℚ K) - 1) = p :=
let E := algebraic_closure ℚ,
letI := char_zero_of_injective_algebra_map (algebra_map ℚ E).injective,
have hpE : ((p : ℕ) : E) ≠ 0 := λ h, p.pos.ne (cast_eq_zero.1 h).symm,
obtain ⟨z, hz⟩ := is_alg_closed.exists_root _ (degree_cyclotomic_pos p E p.pos).ne.symm,
apply (algebra_map ℚ E).injective,
rw norm_eq_prod_embeddings,
conv_lhs { congr, skip, funext,
rw [← neg_sub, alg_hom.map_neg, alg_hom.map_sub, alg_hom.map_one, neg_eq_neg_one_mul] },
replace hodd : (p : ℕ) ≠ 2 := λ hn, by exact hodd.symm (pnat.coe_inj.1 hn.symm),
rw [prod_mul_distrib, prod_const, card_univ, alg_hom.card, finrank p,
totient_prime hp.out, neg_one_pow_of_even (even_of_prime_neq_two_sub_one hp.out hodd), one_mul],
calc _ = eval 1 (cyclotomic' p E) : _
... = _ : _,
{ rw [cyclotomic', eval_prod, ← @finset.prod_attach E E, ← univ_eq_attach],
-- The following line would still fail if we write `_` instead of the `(id _)` (or with no `@` at all).
-- `(id _)` is a trick to disable instance search.
refine @fintype.prod_equiv _ _ _ (id _) (id _) _ _ _ _ _,
{ exact zeta'.embeddings_equiv_primitive_roots p ℚ K E },
intro σ, simp only [eval_sub, eval_X, eval_C, zeta'.embeddings_equiv_primitive_roots_apply] },
rw [cyclotomic', ← cyclotomic_eq_prod_X_sub_primitive_roots
((is_root_cyclotomic_iff hpE).2 hz), eval_one_cyclotomic_prime],
Riccardo Brasca (Nov 17 2021 at 11:30):
Ops, I thought is_cyclotomic_extension.finite_dimensional
automatically included [fintype S]
, thank's!
Riccardo Brasca (Nov 17 2021 at 11:31):
But I don't understand why Lean thinks thatℚ (algebraic_closure ℚ)
is a cyclotomic extension.
Anne Baanen (Nov 17 2021 at 11:34):
Look carefully, is_cyclotomic_extension.finite_dimensional
doesn't include any is_cyclotomic_extension
Riccardo Brasca (Nov 17 2021 at 11:35):
Anne Baanen (Nov 17 2021 at 11:36):
So in cyclotomic/basic.lean
you probably want to replace the start of section fintype
variables [h₁ : fintype S] [h₂ : is_cyclotomic_extension S K L]
include h₁ h₂
Kevin Buzzard (Nov 17 2021 at 12:51):
I really like the idea of making fintype
a Prop BTW, or, more precisely, making a Proppy fintype
like we have set.finite
(a Proppy finset
Riccardo Brasca (Nov 17 2021 at 13:17):
I think this is a very good idea!
Eric Wieser (Nov 17 2021 at 13:19):
I suspect if we had such a finite
typeclass, then src#set.finite could probably be defined in terms of it
Eric Wieser (Nov 17 2021 at 13:20):
That is, replace:
inductive set.finite (s : set α) : Prop
| intro : fintype s → set.finite
inductive finite (α : Type*) : Prop
| intro : fintype α → finite
def set.finite (s : set α) : Prop := finite s
Scott Morrison (Nov 17 2021 at 21:18):
One thing to note: tactic#fin_cases works if it can find a fintype
instance, but would not be able to do anything with finite
Reid Barton (Nov 17 2021 at 21:23):
How does that work? It seems like the fintype
instance is at the wrong "level"
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC