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Topic: Avoiding explicit setoid instances

Chris Hughes (Jun 04 2018 at 18:11):

Below is my proof that quotient by a normal subgroup is a group. I can't do it without giving explicit setoid instances everywhere. Using haveI at the beginning of the proof just gives me the error that inferred and synthesized instances are not definitionally equal. Also, in my begin end tactics blocks, I have to use assume within tactics blocks, otherwise my goal is just a metavariable. Is there a way of doing this nicely?

import group_theory.coset
variables {G : Type*} [group G]

instance (H : set G) [normal_subgroup H] : group (left_cosets H) :=
{ one := @quotient.mk _ (left_rel H) (1 : G),
  mul := λ a b, @quotient.lift_on₂ _ _ _ (left_rel H) (left_rel H) a b
  (λ a b : G, @quotient.mk _ (left_rel H) (a * b))
  (λ a₁ a₂ b₁ b₂ (hab₁ : a₁⁻¹ * b₁  H) (hab₂ : a₂⁻¹ * b₂  H),
    @quotient.sound _ (left_rel H) _ _
    ((is_subgroup.mul_mem_cancel_left H (is_subgroup.inv_mem hab₂)).1
        (by rw [mul_inv_rev, mul_inv_rev,  mul_assoc (a₂⁻¹ * a₁⁻¹),
          mul_assoc _ b₂,  mul_assoc b₂, mul_inv_self, one_mul, mul_assoc (a₂⁻¹)];
          exact normal_subgroup.normal _ hab₁ _))),
  mul_assoc := λ a b c, @quotient.induction_on₃ _ _ _ (left_rel H) (left_rel H) (left_rel H)
    _ a b c
      assume a b c,
      show @quotient.mk _ (left_rel H) (a * b * c) = @quotient.mk _ (left_rel H) (a * (b * c)),
      rw mul_assoc
  one_mul := λ a, @quotient.induction_on _ (left_rel H) _ a
      assume a,
      show @quotient.mk _ (left_rel H) (1 * a) = _,
      rw one_mul
  mul_one := λ a, @quotient.induction_on _ (left_rel H) _ a
      assume a,
      show @quotient.mk _ (left_rel H) (a * 1) = _,
      rw mul_one
  inv := λ a, @quotient.lift_on _ _ (left_rel H) a (λ a, @quotient.mk _ (left_rel H) (a⁻¹))
      assume a b hab,
      refine @quotient.sound _ (left_rel H) _ _ _,
      show a⁻¹⁻¹ * b⁻¹  H,
      rw  mul_inv_rev,
      exact is_subgroup.inv_mem (is_subgroup.mem_norm_comm hab)
  mul_left_inv := λ a, @quotient.induction_on _ (left_rel H) _ a
      assume a,
      show @quotient.mk _ (left_rel H) (a⁻¹ * a) = @quotient.mk _ (left_rel H) 1,
      rw inv_mul_self
    end }

Kenny Lau (Jun 04 2018 at 18:13):

local attribute [instance] left_rel

Johan Commelin (Jun 04 2018 at 18:14):

Chris, did you check how they did quotient modules? It is probably hard to make it nicer than that...

Chris Hughes (Jun 04 2018 at 18:18):

local attribute [instance] left_rel

I did try that

Chris Hughes (Jun 04 2018 at 18:25):

All fixed. adding this line solved everything instance normal_to_subgroup (H : set G) [normal_subgroup H] : is_subgroup H := by apply_instance

Chris Hughes (Jun 04 2018 at 18:35):

Much nicer proof below. Weirdly, marking normal_subgroup.to_is_subgroup as an instance solved the problem, even though it already is an instance. Not sure why this would happen.

import group_theory.coset
variables {G : Type*} [group G] (H : set G) [normal_subgroup H]

local attribute [instance] left_rel normal_subgroup.to_is_subgroup

instance: group (left_cosets H) :=
{ one := 1,
  mul := λ a b, quotient.lift_on₂ a b
  (λ a b : G, a * b)
  (λ a₁ a₂ b₁ b₂ (hab₁ : a₁⁻¹ * b₁  H) (hab₂ : a₂⁻¹ * b₂  H),
    ((is_subgroup.mul_mem_cancel_left H (is_subgroup.inv_mem hab₂)).1
        (by rw [mul_inv_rev, mul_inv_rev,  mul_assoc (a₂⁻¹ * a₁⁻¹),
          mul_assoc _ b₂,  mul_assoc b₂, mul_inv_self, one_mul, mul_assoc (a₂⁻¹)];
          exact normal_subgroup.normal _ hab₁ _))),
  mul_assoc := λ a b c, quotient.induction_on₃
    a b c (λ a b c, show _ = _, by rw mul_assoc),
  one_mul := λ a, quotient.induction_on a
    (λ a, show _ = _, by rw one_mul),
  mul_one := λ a, quotient.induction_on a
    (λ a, show _ = _, by rw mul_one),
  inv := λ a, quotient.lift_on a (λ a, a⁻¹)
    (λ a b hab, quotient.sound begin
      show a⁻¹⁻¹ * b⁻¹  H,
      rw  mul_inv_rev,
      exact is_subgroup.inv_mem (is_subgroup.mem_norm_comm hab)
  mul_left_inv := λ a, quotient.induction_on a
    (λ a, show _ = _, by rw inv_mul_self) }

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC