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Topic: Being stuck -> MWE
Kevin Buzzard (Aug 06 2020 at 10:29):
I am stuck on a proof. I'm in the middle of a begin-end block in a work in progress in a medium size project but I don't need all the crap around me because my problem is simply this:
a b c d x: ℝ
h: a ≤ b
h_1: ¬d ≤ c
h1: a ≤ d
h_2: c ≤ d
h_3: ¬b ≤ a
h2: c ≤ b
h_4: ¬a ≤ c
h3: c ≤ x
h_5: d ≤ b
h4: x < b
h5: x < b
⊢ x ∈ {x : ℝ | a ≤ x ∧ x < b} ∪ {x : ℝ | c ≤ x ∧ x < d}
I want to efficiently turn this into a MWE so I can e.g. talk to people about it on Zulip. The bad news is that I have managed to get myself to this goal by doing something called "programming", a subject which I know sod all about, and hence whenever I press a key I then have to wait for about 20 seconds before Lean says anything.
Is there a tactic which I can run which would turn the infoview output, or the current goal, into an explicit term of type Prop
PS (see edit history) why are my variables coaslecing above when I cut and paste from a Lean infoview?
Kenny Lau (Aug 06 2020 at 10:31):
if your proof takes 20 seconds then you're doing it wrong?
Kenny Lau (Aug 06 2020 at 10:31):
cf the interval arithmetic
Kevin Buzzard (Aug 06 2020 at 10:32):
yes i know I'm doing it wrong
Kevin Buzzard (Aug 06 2020 at 10:32):
import tactic
import data.real.basic
open set
lemma Ico_union_Ico {a b c d : ℝ}
(h1 : min a b ≤ max c d) (h2 : min c d ≤ max a b) :
Ico a b ∪ Ico c d = Ico (min a c) (max b d) :=
ext x,
all_goals {intro h},
all_goals {try {cases h with h3 h4}},
all_goals {unfold min max Ico at *},
-- split_ifs at * leads to a weird state with multiple copies of variables :-(
all_goals {try {split_ifs at h1}},
all_goals {try {split_ifs at h2}},
all_goals {try {split_ifs at h3}},
all_goals {try {split_ifs at h4}},
all_goals {try {split_ifs}},
all_goals {try {split}},
-- 144 goals at this point
all_goals {try {cases h3}},
all_goals {try {cases h4}},
all_goals {try {linarith}},
all_goals {try {left, split; linarith}},
all_goals {try {right, split; linarith}},
-- two left
all_goals {by_cases h5 : x < b},
all_goals {try {left, split; linarith}},
all_goals {try {right, split; linarith}},
abcdx: ℝ
h: a ≤ b
h_1: c ≤ d
h1: a ≤ d
h_2: c ≤ d
h2: c ≤ b
h_3: ¬a ≤ c
h3: c ≤ x
h_4: ¬b ≤ d
h4: x < b
h5: x < b
⊢ x ∈ {x : ℝ | a ≤ x ∧ x < b} ∪ {x : ℝ | c ≤ x ∧ x < d}
Utensil Song (Aug 06 2020 at 10:32):
Kevin Buzzard (Aug 06 2020 at 10:34):
I searched through tactics tagged debugging
and I did not find this! Can we add the debugging
tag to extract_goal?
Kevin Buzzard (Aug 06 2020 at 10:35):
@Kenny Lau I want to understand why I got lost in this maze
Kevin Buzzard (Aug 06 2020 at 10:35):
and whether I can find my way out.
Kenny Lau (Aug 06 2020 at 10:35):
did you look at my answer to the previous interval arithmetic question?
Kevin Buzzard (Aug 06 2020 at 10:36):
I think pretty much every move is reversible except when I went left or right
Kevin Buzzard (Aug 06 2020 at 10:36):
show me!
Kevin Buzzard (Aug 06 2020 at 10:37):
import tactic
import data.real.basic
open set
example {a b c d : ℝ} (x : ℝ)
(h : a ≤ b)
(h_1 : ¬d ≤ c)
(h1 : a ≤ d)
(h_2 : c ≤ d)
(h_3 : ¬b ≤ a)
(h2 : c ≤ b)
(h_4 : ¬a ≤ c)
(h3 : c ≤ x)
(h_5 : d ≤ b)
(h4 : x < b)
(h5 : x < b) :
x ∈ {x : ℝ | a ≤ x ∧ x < b} ∪ {x : ℝ | c ≤ x ∧ x < d} :=
Kenny Lau (Aug 06 2020 at 10:38):
Kenny Lau (Aug 06 2020 at 10:38):
I used set.subset.antisymm and interval arithmetic
Kenny Lau (Aug 06 2020 at 10:38):
specifically, Ico a b subset Ico a c U Ico c b
Kenny Lau (Aug 06 2020 at 10:47):
so in this case (Ico a b ∪ Ico c d = Ico (min a c) (max b d)
) the forward direction is trivial, and for the backward direction I suspect we decompose LHS into (Ico a (max a c) U Ico (max a c) (min b d) U Ico (min b d) b) U etc.
and RHS into Ico (min a c) (max a c) U Ico (max a c) (min b d) U Ico (min b d) (max b d)
Kenny Lau (Aug 06 2020 at 10:47):
basically partition at max a c
and min b d
Kenny Lau (Aug 06 2020 at 10:48):
the first term Ico (min a c) (max a c)
will be equal to Ico a (max a c)
or Ico c (max a c)
(I can't think of a solution that avoids equality and/or casing)
Kenny Lau (Aug 06 2020 at 10:50):
the second term Ico (max a c) (min b d)
is contained in Ico a b
Kenny Lau (Aug 06 2020 at 10:50):
the third term is similar to the first term
Kenny Lau (Aug 06 2020 at 10:52):
wait @Kevin Buzzard are your hypotheses correct?
Kevin Buzzard (Aug 06 2020 at 10:53):
I don't know.
Kevin Buzzard (Aug 06 2020 at 10:53):
I was just experimenting with this kind of stuff.
Utensil Song (Aug 06 2020 at 10:53):
Kevin Buzzard said:
I searched through tactics tagged
and I did not find this! Can we add thedebugging
tag to extract_goal?
I first PRed this: leanprover-community/leanprover-community.github.io#105 to improve #mwe, will also add debugging
tag to extract_goal
Kevin Buzzard (Aug 06 2020 at 10:54):
Hey would a counterexample-finder be able to find a counterexample for me?
Kenny Lau (Aug 06 2020 at 10:55):
oh I can't partition the LHS when I'm proving the backward direction
Kenny Lau (Aug 06 2020 at 10:55):
but I think my partition of the RHS into Ico (min a c) (max a c) U Ico (max a c) (min b d) U Ico (min b d) (max b d)
is fine
Kenny Lau (Aug 06 2020 at 10:55):
@Kevin Buzzard I think the hypothesis should be a <= d
and c <= b
Kenny Lau (Aug 06 2020 at 10:56):
to rule out the picture [a,b) U [c,d) we need c <= b; to rule out the picture [c,d) U [a,b) we need a <= d
Kevin Buzzard (Aug 06 2020 at 10:57):
but now I want you to prove \not
what I wrote.
Kevin Buzzard (Aug 06 2020 at 10:57):
is there a tactic which does that?
Kevin Buzzard (Aug 06 2020 at 10:57):
I'm not interested in pictures
Eric Wieser (Aug 06 2020 at 10:59):
So essentially you want a tactic which produces a hypothesis h : false
Eric Wieser (Aug 06 2020 at 11:00):
I assume something dumb like have h : false := by finish
doesn't work, but might be a general tactic for "I think my goal might be false after all"
Kevin Buzzard (Aug 06 2020 at 11:00):
right. It's clear that there are basically cases, so try all orders.
Kenny Lau (Aug 06 2020 at 11:02):
I remember seeing some PR about a tactic finding contradiction
Kenny Lau (Aug 06 2020 at 11:02):
but I forgot the name
Kenny Lau (Aug 06 2020 at 11:02):
because I remember that the name was somewhat convoluted
Kevin Buzzard (Aug 06 2020 at 11:05):
Hey I could negate my goal by reverting a b c d
and using extract_goal
import tactic
open set
universe u
example {α : Type u}
[decidable_linear_order α] :
¬ (∀ {a b c d : α},
min a b ≤ max c d →
min c d ≤ max a b → Ico a b ∪ Ico c d = Ico (min a c) (max b d)) :=
finish -- fails,
Kevin Buzzard (Aug 06 2020 at 11:06):
Kenny has tried to solve this using pen and paper, and I just want it resolved because I can see it's just "check 24 cases"
Kenny Lau (Aug 06 2020 at 11:07):
import tactic
import data.real.basic
open set
meta def unions' : tactic unit :=
`[try { refl' <|> { apply subset_union_of_subset_left, unions' } <|> { apply subset_union_of_subset_right, unions' }}]
meta def unions : tactic unit :=
`[{ apply union_subset; unions } <|> unions']
lemma Ico_subset_of {α : Type*} [linear_order α] {x z : α} (y : α) {s : set α}
(h1 : Ico x y ⊆ s) (h2 : Ico y z ⊆ s) : Ico x z ⊆ s :=
subset.trans Ico_subset_Ico_union_Ico $ union_subset h1 h2
lemma Ico_union_Ico {a b c d : ℝ} (had : a ≤ d) (hcb : c ≤ b) :
Ico a b ∪ Ico c d = Ico (min a c) (max b d) :=
refine subset.antisymm
(Ico_subset_Ico (min_le_left a c) (le_max_left b d))
(Ico_subset_Ico (min_le_right a c) (le_max_right b d)))
(Ico_subset_of (max a c) _ $ Ico_subset_of (min b d) _ _),
{ show Ico (min a c) (max a c) ⊆ Ico a b ∪ Ico c d,
cases le_total a c with hac hca,
{ rw [min_eq_left hac, max_eq_right hac, ← Ico_union_Ico_eq_Ico hac hcb], unions' },
{ rw [min_eq_right hca, max_eq_left hca, ← Ico_union_Ico_eq_Ico hca had], unions' } },
{ show Ico (max a c) (min b d) ⊆ Ico a b ∪ Ico c d,
exact subset_union_of_subset_left (Ico_subset_Ico (le_max_left a c) (min_le_left b d)) _, },
{ show Ico (min b d) (max b d) ⊆ Ico a b ∪ Ico c d,
cases le_total b d with hbd hdb,
{ rw [min_eq_left hbd, max_eq_right hbd, ← Ico_union_Ico_eq_Ico hcb hbd], unions' },
{ rw [min_eq_right hdb, max_eq_left hdb, ← Ico_union_Ico_eq_Ico had hdb], unions' } }
Kenny Lau (Aug 06 2020 at 11:08):
@Kevin Buzzard there you go
Kenny Lau (Aug 06 2020 at 11:08):
Kevin Buzzard said:
Kenny has tried to solve this using pen and paper, and I just want it resolved because I can see it's just "check 24 cases"
and my point, as is the same as in the previous question, is that there is a better proof than just checking 24 cases
Kevin Buzzard (Aug 06 2020 at 11:08):
Kenny Lau (Aug 06 2020 at 11:09):
Kevin Buzzard (Aug 06 2020 at 11:15):
@Gabriel Ebner I can prove these questions are decidable so can you decide them for me please?
Gabriel Ebner (Aug 06 2020 at 11:16):
I thought we decided that somebody should implement auto
Kenny Lau (Aug 06 2020 at 11:16):
@Gabriel Ebner do you remember what's the tactic being PR'ed that finds counter-examples?
Kenny Lau (Aug 06 2020 at 11:16):
or PR'ed
Gabriel Ebner (Aug 06 2020 at 11:16):
slimcheck slim_check
Gabriel Ebner (Aug 06 2020 at 11:17):
Kenny Lau (Aug 06 2020 at 11:18):
yes that's it
Kenny Lau (Aug 06 2020 at 11:18):
no way I can remember the name
Kenny Lau (Aug 06 2020 at 11:19):
@Kevin Buzzard even better, can we prove (using tactics) that this statement reduces to a statement over fin 4
Kenny Lau (Aug 06 2020 at 11:24):
is there a mathematical proof using model theory?
Kenny Lau (Aug 06 2020 at 11:24):
I claim that fin n
reflects every sentence in the theory of linear orders involving n quantifiers?
Kenny Lau (Aug 06 2020 at 11:26):
i.e. if is a sentence in the theory of linear orders with quantifiers then
Gabriel Ebner (Aug 06 2020 at 11:30):
How about ?
Kenny Lau (Aug 06 2020 at 11:32):
Kenny Lau (Aug 06 2020 at 11:33):
hmm I don't know how to fix my statement
Kenny Lau (Aug 06 2020 at 11:33):
maybe have it be universal quantifiers followed by a quantifier-less formula
Mario Carneiro (Aug 06 2020 at 11:43):
maybe n+1 quantifiers?
Mario Carneiro (Aug 06 2020 at 11:44):
or rather, the statement may be true with n quantifiers in fin (n+1)
Mario Carneiro (Aug 06 2020 at 11:49):
ah, that doesn't work either, is true only if the domain has at least 2n+1 elements
Mario Carneiro (Aug 06 2020 at 11:50):
and you can surely iterate it to get exponential size, although the quantifier complexity grows
Utensil Song (Aug 06 2020 at 13:12):
Utensil Song said:
Kevin Buzzard said:
I searched through tactics tagged
and I did not find this! Can we add thedebugging
tag to extract_goal?I first PRed this: leanprover-community/leanprover-community.github.io#105 to improve #mwe, will also add
tag toextract_goal
Peter Jipsen (Aug 06 2020 at 19:39):
import tactic
import data.real.basic
example {a b c d : ℝ} (x : ℝ)
(h : a ≤ b)
(h_1 : ¬d ≤ c)
(h1 : a ≤ d)
(h_2 : c ≤ d)
(h_3 : ¬b ≤ a)
(h2 : c ≤ b)
(h_4 : ¬a ≤ c)
(h3 : c ≤ x)
(h_5 : d ≤ b)
(h4 : x < b)
(h5 : x < b) :
(a ≤ x ∧ x < b) ∨ (c ≤ x ∧ x < d) :=
This works, so is the issue to find an explicit proof? I'm probably misunderstanding something...
Kevin Buzzard (Aug 06 2020 at 22:29):
Oh no, I didn't know finish
did this. I am not very good with finish
Kevin Buzzard (Aug 06 2020 at 22:29):
Alex J. Best (Aug 06 2020 at 23:04):
Sorry not up to date on this thread and not at my computer but. Does linarith work on or statements? Alternatively does linarith work if you apply (\not P \to Q) \to P\or Q first?
Jalex Stark (Aug 07 2020 at 00:06):
huh. This proof doesn't work,
import tactic
import data.real.basic
example {a b c d : ℝ} (x : ℝ)
(h : a ≤ b)(h_1 : ¬d ≤ c) (h1 : a ≤ d) (h_2 : c ≤ d) (h_3 : ¬b ≤ a) (h2 : c ≤ b) (h_4 : ¬a ≤ c) (h3 : c ≤ x) (h_5 : d ≤ b) (h4 : x < b) (h5 : x < b) :
(a ≤ x ∧ x < b) ∨ (c ≤ x ∧ x < d) :=
rw classical.or_iff_not_imp_left,
even though this one does
rw classical.or_iff_not_imp_left,
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC