Zulip Chat Archive
Stream: general
Topic: Beware hearbeats
Kevin Buzzard (Aug 10 2023 at 17:11):
This pauses for a long time...
import Mathlib.RepresentationTheory.Rep
count_hearbeats in
theorem Rep.ihom_coev_app_hom' : ∀ {k G : Type} [CommRing k] [Group G] (A B : Rep k G),
(CategoryTheory.NatTrans.app (CategoryTheory.ihom.coev A) B).hom =
LinearMap.flip (TensorProduct.mk k (CoeSort.coe A) ↑((CategoryTheory.Functor.id (Rep k G)).obj B).V) :=
fun {k G} [CommRing k] [Group G] A B ↦ LinearMap.ext fun x ↦ LinearMap.ext fun x_1 ↦ rfl
and then says expected command
because you missed out a letter of hearTbeats
OK so now I learnt my lesson, I should use auto-complete. So I change the first line to count_
, press ctrl-tab, and off we go again with the heavy rfl
while it just says loading...
Eric Wieser (Aug 10 2023 at 17:43):
I had this typo just now too!
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC