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Topic: Bundling docs#submodule.restrict_scalars?

Anne Baanen (Aug 24 2021 at 11:20):

I would like to turn docs#submodule.restrict_scalars into an order embedding:

def restrict_scalars : submodule R M o submodule S M :=
{ to_fun := λ V, { carrier := V.carrier,
    zero_mem' := V.zero_mem,
    smul_mem' := λ c m h, V.smul_of_tower_mem c h,
    add_mem' := λ x y hx hy, V.add_mem hx hy },
  inj' := λ p q h, set_like.ext (by simpa using set_like.ext_iff.mp h),
  map_rel_iff' := λ p q, by simpa [set_like.le_def] }

However, this breaks dot notation: if you write (p : submodule R M).restrict_scalars S, you get an error invalid field notation, function 'submodule.restrict_scalars' does not have explicit argument with type (submodule ...) because the elaborator doesn't turn ↪o into when elaborating dot notation. So I think I'll just add a new bundled version and simp it to restrict_scalars when it gets applied, or does someone want to help replacing all the dots?

Anne Baanen (Aug 24 2021 at 11:25):

Another argument against bundling: restrict_scalars is also a monoid_with_zero_hom (or at least it preserves some subset of those operations).

Anne Baanen (Aug 24 2021 at 11:26):

I'll just go with the separate definition. Thanks for the rubber duck debugging.

Eric Wieser (Aug 24 2021 at 14:52):

Dot notation would work if you made S implicit, but that's also annoying

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC