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Topic: Can `unification_hint` help with casting?
Eric Wieser (Jan 05 2021 at 18:19):
If I have a (a : alternating_map R M N ι)
and want to cast it to a multilinear_map, I seem to have no choice but to spell out (a : multilinear_map R (λ i : ι, M) N)
which is a mouthful. Is there any way I can train the unifier to let me put underscores in there? Ideally I could write(a : multilinear_map _ _ _)
and lean would work it out.
Kevin Buzzard (Jan 05 2021 at 18:22):
The problem I guess is that in theory there could be a coercion to some other multilinear map too
Kevin Buzzard (Jan 05 2021 at 18:22):
so is this what unification hints do?
Eric Wieser (Jan 05 2021 at 18:26):
In part this is me trying to answer the question "what do unification hints do"
Kevin Buzzard (Jan 05 2021 at 18:28):
I heard very early on in Lean 4 development that they weren't planning on having them so I never took them seriously. Now it turns out that they are there in Lean 4 too so perhaps it's time I figured out what they are.
Eric Wieser (Jan 05 2021 at 18:30):
I went back through the zulip history and found:
- The tests in
3, which are completely contrived and seem mostly to be "these are a backdoor forirreducible
", which probably is a useful trick to know - The lean-omin notes on them
- That Lean Together 2019 workshop
that I dropped the link to
Bryan Gin-ge Chen (Jan 05 2021 at 19:01):
If you figure them out (and they seem useful), please write something up for the community webpage!
Johan Commelin (Jan 06 2021 at 09:11):
@Kenny Lau see Eric's post for some pointers about unification hints. :up:
Cyril Cohen (Jan 07 2021 at 22:59):
There is actually a research paper about them: https://www.cs.unibo.it/~sacerdot/PAPERS/tphol09.pdf
Eric Wieser (Feb 17 2021 at 08:49):
Some more motivation for the original question - can unification hints make this legal?
import data.equiv.ring
-- fails without filling the underscores. Can we teach lean to guess?
example {M N : Type*} [semiring M] [semiring N] (f : M ≃+* N) := (↑f : _ →+* _)
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC