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Topic: Custom equation compiler
Praneeth Kolichala (Sep 10 2022 at 23:43):
While working on my computability refactor using trees, I am trying to automate as many primrec
lemmas as possible. Ultimately, the dream is to be able to write something like derive primrec [list.foldr, list.sum, list.map]
and have a tactic automatically prove that they are primitive recursive based on their structure.
To this end, I've written a generic recursion template tentatively called stack_rec
-- because it explicitly keeps track of the arguments that would traditionally go on a stack. The idea is that pre
does explicit preprocessing before passing arguments to the inductive hypothesis, and post
does the post-processing given the result from the inductive step. For example the definition of stack_rec
for a list is:
variables {α β : Type} {γ : Type*} (base : α → β) (pre : γ → list γ → α → α)
(post : β → γ → list γ → α → β)
@[simp] def stack_rec : list γ → α → β
| [] a := base a
| (x :: xs) a := post (stack_rec xs (pre x xs a)) x xs a
And an example implementation is:
def nth_stack_rec {γ} (x : list γ) (n : ℕ) : option γ :=
x.stack_rec (λ _, none) (λ hd tl (n : ℕ), n.pred) (λ ih hd tl n, if n = 0 then some hd else ih) n
In other words, we preprocess by the argument n
to the inductive hypothesis by subtracting 1. This corresponds directly to the definition:
def nth' : list γ → ℕ → option γ
| [] _ := none
| (hd :: tl) n := if n = 0 then some hd else let ih := nth' tl n.pred in ih
My question is, is there a way to take a recursively defined function and automatically put it in the stack_rec
form? Obviously, not all Lean-defined functions can be written with stack_rec
, but can we write a tactic that works on "usual" cases? The issue is that rewriting every function using stack_rec
and proving their equivalence is cumbersome, but also requires no creativity and seems very routine. However, inspecting what the equation compiler outputs, it seems to use brec
and below
, rather than the usual rec
. And there isn't much documentation on brec
and what it does.
What would be the best way of finding the equivalent rec
definition of a function, if one is available? (Going from rec
to stack_rec
seems quite doable).
Junyan Xu (Sep 11 2022 at 01:50):
and below
(and I think all those auto-generated stuff) use rec
under the hood; you can see by using #print
(but I admit I can't immediately make sense of the output; I wasn't aware of their existence before):
#print list.brec_on
#print list.below
#print nat.brec_on
#print nat.below
protected def list.brec_on : Π {T : Type u} {motive : list T → Sort l} (n : list T), (Π (n : list T), list.below T n → motive n) → motive n :=
λ {T : Type u} {motive : list T → Sort l} (n : list T) (F : Π (n : list T), list.below T n → motive n),
(list.rec ⟨F list.nil punit.star, punit.star⟩
(λ (hd : T) (tl : list T) (ih : pprod (motive tl) (list.below T tl)),
⟨F (hd :: tl) ⟨ih, punit.star⟩, ⟨ih, punit.star⟩⟩)
protected def list.below : Π (T : Type u) {motive : list T → Sort l}, list T → Sort (max 1 l) :=
λ (T : Type u) {motive : list T → Sort l} (n : list T),
list.rec punit (λ (hd : T) (tl : list T) (ih : Sort (max 1 l)), pprod (pprod (motive tl) ih) punit) n
protected def nat.brec_on : Π {motive : ℕ → Sort l} (n : ℕ), (Π (n : ℕ), nat.below motive n → motive n) → motive n :=
λ {motive : ℕ → Sort l} (n : ℕ) (F : Π (n : ℕ), nat.below motive n → motive n),
(nat.rec ⟨F 0 punit.star, punit.star⟩
(λ (n : ℕ) (ih : pprod (motive n) (nat.below motive n)),
⟨F n.succ ⟨ih, punit.star⟩, ⟨ih, punit.star⟩⟩)
protected def nat.below : (ℕ → Sort l) → ℕ → Sort (max 1 l) :=
λ (motive : ℕ → Sort l) (n : ℕ),
nat.rec punit (λ (n : ℕ) (ih : Sort (max 1 l)), pprod (pprod (motive n) ih) punit) n
Praneeth Kolichala (Sep 11 2022 at 15:37):
It seems like these are trying to simulate a kind of strong induction, but I can't quite figure it out. Is there any documentation on what they actually do? Why are they multiplying by punit
in nat.below
and list.below
(maybe for universe reasons?)
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC