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Topic: Defining graphs in Lean

Hoang Le Truong (Jul 10 2018 at 09:04):

I definite a function on the certain domain as follow

def V: set ℕ := {1,2,3,4}

def g [has_one V][has_add V](e:V× V ): ℕ :=
match  e  with
|(1,2) :=2
|(2,1) :=2
|_     :=0

I received the following message

equation compiler failed (use 'set_option trace.eqn_compiler.elim_match true' for additional details)


invalid function application in pattern, it cannot be reduced to a constructor (possible solution, mark term as inaccessible using '.( )') 1

What is error?

Kenny Lau (Jul 10 2018 at 09:04):

V is not an inductive type.

Kenny Lau (Jul 10 2018 at 09:05):

you can't match it

Kenny Lau (Jul 10 2018 at 09:06):

you can't just "make it work" by using [has_one V] [has_add V]

Hoang Le Truong (Jul 10 2018 at 09:07):

I need make V as an inductive type, not is subset of \N

Kenny Lau (Jul 10 2018 at 09:07):

depends on your purpose

Kenny Lau (Jul 10 2018 at 09:07):

I would just use if-then-else

Hoang Le Truong (Jul 10 2018 at 09:08):

I need V is subset of \N

Hoang Le Truong (Jul 10 2018 at 09:09):

how are we use V is an inductive type and subset of \N

Johan Commelin (Jul 10 2018 at 09:10):

def g : V \times V \to nat := \lam x, if x.1 * x.2 = 2 then 2 else 0

Johan Commelin (Jul 10 2018 at 09:10):

Something like that?

Kenny Lau (Jul 10 2018 at 09:11):

inductive def V : \N \to Prop
| one : 1 \to V
| two : 2 \to V
| three : 3 \to V
| four : 4 \to V

Hoang Le Truong (Jul 10 2018 at 09:14):

@Johan Commelin It is ok but if I have function has domain is random and large. It is not good to make function when use if - then-else

Kenny Lau (Jul 10 2018 at 09:14):

maybe you should tell us what you want to do

Hoang Le Truong (Jul 10 2018 at 09:16):

I want to make function with card V=100 and valued is random

Kenny Lau (Jul 10 2018 at 09:16):

randomness doesn't exist

Kevin Buzzard (Jul 10 2018 at 09:17):

(in Lean)

Kenny Lau (Jul 10 2018 at 09:17):

randomness doesn't exist, period

Johan Commelin (Jul 10 2018 at 09:17):

What do you mean with "valued is random", do you mean that V is an arbitrary subset of \N?

Kenny Lau (Jul 10 2018 at 09:17):

a random variable is neither random nor a variable

Kevin Buzzard (Jul 10 2018 at 09:17):

(I guess the quantum mechanics course is next year Kenny, right?)

Hoang Le Truong (Jul 10 2018 at 09:18):


Kenny Lau (Jul 10 2018 at 09:18):


Johan Commelin (Jul 10 2018 at 09:18):

Kenny will choose not to follow QM...

Kenny Lau (Jul 10 2018 at 09:18):


Johan Commelin (Jul 10 2018 at 09:18):

Hoang, ok, and what should your function do with V?

Johan Commelin (Jul 10 2018 at 09:19):

You want a function V \to \N, is that right?

Hoang Le Truong (Jul 10 2018 at 09:19):

yes is randomness doesn't exist
I want find example function g

Hoang Le Truong (Jul 10 2018 at 09:20):

def G (e:ℕ× ℕ ): ℕ :=
match  e  with
|(1,2) :=2
|(2,1) :=2
|(1,3) :=2
|(3,1) :=2
|(2,4) :=1
|(4,2) :=1
|(3,4) :=1
|(4,3) :=1
|_     :=0

Hoang Le Truong (Jul 10 2018 at 09:20):

it is ok but I want to certain domains V

Kevin Buzzard (Jul 10 2018 at 09:21):

Maybe you should define your function on all of nat x nat

Kevin Buzzard (Jul 10 2018 at 09:21):

and then just ignore its values on the elements you don't like

Johan Commelin (Jul 10 2018 at 09:21):

Ok, so define the function on \N \times \N, and then restrict to V

Kenny Lau (Jul 10 2018 at 09:21):

i'll say it isn't even a function

Johan Commelin (Jul 10 2018 at 09:22):

Kenny, did you read that translation of the article by Aristotle?

Kevin Buzzard (Jul 10 2018 at 09:22):

This is a standard trick in this game: for example the square root function in Lean is defined on all the reals, and returns the square root of x if x>=0 but just returns something random if x < 0

Kenny Lau (Jul 10 2018 at 09:22):

what about it

Johan Commelin (Jul 10 2018 at 09:22):

something random <-- Kevin

Kevin Buzzard (Jul 10 2018 at 09:22):

you are just making noise Kenny, not contributing, that's what about it

Hoang Le Truong (Jul 10 2018 at 09:22):

yes I want it

Kevin Buzzard (Jul 10 2018 at 09:23):

When I thought more like a mathematician, I really thought I wanted the square root function to be only defined on the non-negative reals

Hoang Le Truong (Jul 10 2018 at 09:23):

I want same as @Kevin Buzzard

Kenny Lau (Jul 10 2018 at 09:23):

I don't even know what function he wants to build. My understanding is that he wants some kind of a function defined on N x N, and then he just randomly gives some values in the two examples he gave us

Kevin Buzzard (Jul 10 2018 at 09:23):

but after building such a function myself, and then discovering how hard it was to use it, I started coming round to the methods which Mario and others were preaching.

Kenny Lau (Jul 10 2018 at 09:24):

he wants an arbitrary function N x N -> N, that's all I can make of it

Kevin Buzzard (Jul 10 2018 at 09:24):

right, so let's listen to him and find out more.

Hoang Le Truong (Jul 10 2018 at 09:26):

In fact, I have function with certain properties. I want example from such function

Kenny Lau (Jul 10 2018 at 09:26):

what properties?

Kevin Buzzard (Jul 10 2018 at 09:28):

What do you mean by "example"? You mean an example of the function, or example of a value, or example of a definition, or... ? When you say "I have function" -- you mean you have the definition of the function already? In Lean or on paper? Or you just have some properties which you want the function to satisfy?

Kevin Buzzard (Jul 10 2018 at 09:28):

We are still trying to understand your question.

Sean Leather (Jul 10 2018 at 09:31):

I think one property of the function Hoang wants is the type: ℕ × ℕ → ℕ.

Sean Leather (Jul 10 2018 at 09:34):

Or perhaps the type should have subsets of ?

Sean Leather (Jul 10 2018 at 09:36):

{ns : ℕ × ℕ // p ns} → ℕ for some p : ℕ × ℕ → Prop?

Hoang Le Truong (Jul 10 2018 at 10:01):

graph is connected

Hoang Le Truong (Jul 10 2018 at 10:01):

I want check the definition of graph is correct

Hoang Le Truong (Jul 10 2018 at 10:01):

I think g is graph

Kevin Buzzard (Jul 10 2018 at 10:02):

What does this have to do with nat?

Hoang Le Truong (Jul 10 2018 at 10:02):

variables {α : Type }
variable graph: α × α → ℕ

Hoang Le Truong (Jul 10 2018 at 10:02):

I think functiongraph is graph

Kevin Buzzard (Jul 10 2018 at 10:02):

Is alpha the vertices of the graph? What is nat doing there?

Hoang Le Truong (Jul 10 2018 at 10:03):


Kevin Buzzard (Jul 10 2018 at 10:03):

What is a graph? For me it is vertices and edges, and there is no

Hoang Le Truong (Jul 10 2018 at 10:03):

def G (e:ℕ× ℕ ): ℕ :=
match  e  with
|(1,2) :=2
|(2,1) :=2
|(1,3) :=2
|(3,1) :=2
|(2,4) :=1
|(4,2) :=1
|(3,4) :=1
|(4,3) :=1
|_     :=0

Hoang Le Truong (Jul 10 2018 at 10:03):

is example of graph

Kevin Buzzard (Jul 10 2018 at 10:03):

What is a graph for you?

Hoang Le Truong (Jul 10 2018 at 10:04):

vertices def V: set ℕ := {1,2,3,4}

Kenny Lau (Jul 10 2018 at 10:05):

so every graph is countable

Hoang Le Truong (Jul 10 2018 at 10:05):

I do not know

Hoang Le Truong (Jul 10 2018 at 10:07):

I have that definition of connected graph. I want check such definition in lean which I make is true or fail. I make an example of such definition

Hoang Le Truong (Jul 10 2018 at 10:10):

I make example of graph

def G (e:ℕ× ℕ ): ℕ :=
match  e  with
|(1,2) :=2
|(2,1) :=2
|(1,3) :=2
|(3,1) :=2
|(2,4) :=1
|(4,2) :=1
|(3,4) :=1
|(4,3) :=1
|_     :=0
it is ok. but

def V: set ℕ := {1,2,3,4}

def G (e:V× V ): ℕ :=
match e with
|(1,2) :=2
|(2,1) :=2
|(1,3) :=2
|(3,1) :=2
|(2,4) :=1
|(4,2) :=1
|(3,4) :=1
|(4,3) :=1
|_ :=0

is it not run

Kevin Buzzard (Jul 10 2018 at 10:10):


Mario Carneiro (Jul 10 2018 at 10:10):

this is the konigsberg graph?

Kevin Buzzard (Jul 10 2018 at 10:11):


Hoang Le Truong (Jul 10 2018 at 10:11):


Kevin Buzzard (Jul 10 2018 at 10:11):

even more rofl

Mario Carneiro (Jul 10 2018 at 10:11):

I would use custom inductive types for all of it

Hoang Le Truong (Jul 10 2018 at 10:11):


Mario Carneiro (Jul 10 2018 at 10:11):

inductive vertices | north_shore | west_island | ...

Kevin Buzzard (Jul 10 2018 at 10:12):

@Hoang Le Truong -- he is saying that you should make your own type called graph

Kevin Buzzard (Jul 10 2018 at 10:12):

and I would definitely agree with him

Mario Carneiro (Jul 10 2018 at 10:12):

inductive edges : vertices -> vertices -> Type
| bridge1 : edges north_shore west_island

Hoang Le Truong (Jul 10 2018 at 10:13):

yes I agree

Mario Carneiro (Jul 10 2018 at 10:13):

It's self documenting and clear and unambiguous

Kevin Buzzard (Jul 10 2018 at 10:13):

and then you could formalise what it means for a graph to be connected

Kevin Buzzard (Jul 10 2018 at 10:13):

(for all vertices v1 and v2 there's a path from v1 to v2)

Kevin Buzzard (Jul 10 2018 at 10:13):

and then you could prove it in this case just by a case by case check

Kevin Buzzard (Jul 10 2018 at 10:14):

But for a big graph, it is not so clear that Lean is the tool for this.

Mario Carneiro (Jul 10 2018 at 10:14):

This gets complicated for large graphs, but you will want to switch to a different encoding anyway in that case

Kevin Buzzard (Jul 10 2018 at 10:15):

You might want to read about what algorithms are used to prove a graph is connected, and implement one of those, but probably you would not get good performance in comparison with a tool like python

Mario Carneiro (Jul 10 2018 at 10:15):

For fabs this is not a big problem

Mario Carneiro (Jul 10 2018 at 10:16):

If you were, say, trying to work with the graphs in the four color theorem this kind of encoding is far too dense

Hoang Le Truong (Jul 10 2018 at 10:16):

Yes I begin graph in general. after I restrict example

Kevin Buzzard (Jul 10 2018 at 10:16):

Mario I'm surprised you haven't implemented graphs in mathlib. It's just the sort of thing a computer scientist would like to do, I would have thought.

Mario Carneiro (Jul 10 2018 at 10:16):

The problem (which I have had also in metamath) is that "graph" means something different every time it is used

Mario Carneiro (Jul 10 2018 at 10:17):

and the different theories are hard to fit in the same framework

Mario Carneiro (Jul 10 2018 at 10:17):

even though everyone pretends it is easy

Kevin Buzzard (Jul 10 2018 at 10:21):

I wondered if this was why. You need directed and undirected graphs, graphs where you're allowed/not allowed to have an edge from v to v, graphs where you are/are not allowed to have more than one edge from v to w, and that's before we've even started worrying about whether all graphs are finite etc

Hoang Le Truong (Jul 10 2018 at 10:23):

Of course, I go this way.

Hoang Le Truong (Jul 10 2018 at 10:24):

Now I work only the above graph G

Kevin Buzzard (Jul 10 2018 at 10:24):

So maybe one way of proceeding is that you decide exactly what is a graph for you, and then make your own type, and then make a term of that type corresponding to Koenigsberg, and make a general definition for connected, and then prove that Koenigsberg is connected.

Mario Carneiro (Jul 10 2018 at 10:25):

And those "not allowed" things are not just constraints, they change the encoding completely, i.e. if there are no multiple edges you can have a relation instead of a set of edges with dom/cod; if it is undirected then maybe you want a function on unordered pairs, if you have hyperedges then maybe each edge maps to a set of vertices which may or may not have size 2, ...

Mario Carneiro (Jul 10 2018 at 10:26):

I agree that this is what Hoang should do, and it's what I did for Koenigsberg in Metamath

Kevin Buzzard (Jul 10 2018 at 10:26):

I can now envisage a 2500-line graph.lean which carefully does every single possibility ;-)

Mario Carneiro (Jul 10 2018 at 10:26):

just define things that make sense for undirected multigraphs

Mario Carneiro (Jul 10 2018 at 10:27):

and forget about all the other crazy stuff until the next project

Hoang Le Truong (Jul 10 2018 at 10:27):

I begin graph directed multiple degree have loop graph

Hoang Le Truong (Jul 10 2018 at 10:30):

After I restrict to undirected multiphaps
Now I only work on a above G. I have two way to define G. I want to known what is good.

Johan Commelin (Jul 10 2018 at 11:00):

Hoang, that was a bit of an XY problem: https://mywiki.wooledge.org/XyProblem

Johan Commelin (Jul 10 2018 at 11:01):

I suggest you start a new topic titled "Defining graphs in Lean"

Johan Commelin (Jul 10 2018 at 11:02):

It would have helped a lot if you had mentioned the word "graph" in the first few posts. Instead of just "function with properties"

Hoang Le Truong (Jul 10 2018 at 11:04):

How to change "function on certain domain " to Defining graphs in Lean

Hoang Le Truong (Jul 10 2018 at 11:05):

Ok I changed it

Kevin Buzzard (Jul 10 2018 at 11:11):

I have two way to define G. I want to known what is good.

I am a mathematician, and I find myself asking this question often in Lean. I think it is a very difficult and delicate question, and sometimes the computer scientist experts here answer things like "it depends on why you want this structure". My advice to you is to go ahead and formalise it in one way, and then post your actual working code and ask for comments.

Hoang Le Truong (Jul 10 2018 at 11:20):

I have two ways to define G. one is

inductive vertices
| a | b | c | d

def g (e:vertices× vertices ): ℕ :=
match  e  with
|(vertices.a,vertices.b) :=2
|(vertices.b,vertices.a) :=2
|(vertices.a,vertices.c) :=2
|(vertices.c,vertices.a) :=2
|(vertices.b,vertices.d) :=1
|(vertices.d,vertices.b) :=1
|(vertices.c,vertices.d) :=1
|(vertices.d,vertices.c) :=1
|_ :=0

and another is

def G (e:ℕ × ℕ  ): ℕ :=
match  e  with
|(1,2) :=2
|(2,1) :=2
|(1,3) :=2
|(3,1) :=2
|(2,4) :=1
|(4,2) :=1
|(3,4) :=1
|(4,3) :=1
|_     :=0

what is way in Lean good

Johan Commelin (Jul 10 2018 at 11:20):

No, that is not the definition of a graph

Johan Commelin (Jul 10 2018 at 11:20):

It is only 1 very specific example.

Johan Commelin (Jul 10 2018 at 11:21):

First you should decide if you want a general definition, or only the Koenigsberg example.

Hoang Le Truong (Jul 10 2018 at 11:23):

I want a general definition and after apply to example

Johan Commelin (Jul 10 2018 at 12:06):

So then, give a general definition, and not an example.

Johan Commelin (Jul 10 2018 at 12:06):

Can you first give a definition without using Lean? Just write down an informal definition here.

Hoang Le Truong (Jul 10 2018 at 12:23):

An Euler walk in an undirected graph is a walk that uses each edge exactly once.

Hoang Le Truong (Jul 10 2018 at 12:28):

this is a general definition. I formed it in Lean. Now I want to apply it to exactly example to check the definition Euler walk is correct or wrong in lean.

Johan Commelin (Jul 10 2018 at 12:28):

How did you put that statement into Lean?

Hoang Le Truong (Jul 10 2018 at 12:29):


Johan Commelin (Jul 10 2018 at 12:29):

Please show it to us.

Johan Commelin (Jul 10 2018 at 12:30):

We can not help you with defining your Koenigsberg example if we don't know how you put "undirected graph" in Lean.

Hoang Le Truong (Jul 10 2018 at 12:32):

```definition undirected_graph ( graph:α × α → ℕ ): Prop :=
∀ u v:α, graph(u,v)=graph(v,u)

Hoang Le Truong (Jul 10 2018 at 12:33):

definition undirected_graph ( graph:α × α → ℕ  ): Prop :=
       ∀ u v:α, graph(u,v)=graph(v,u)

Johan Commelin (Jul 10 2018 at 12:34):

Right, so for your example, you need the following ingredients: a type alpha, a function alpha \times alpha \to nat and a proof that your graph is undirected.

Johan Commelin (Jul 10 2018 at 12:35):

There is no reason at all to take a subset of nat for alpha.

Johan Commelin (Jul 10 2018 at 12:35):

You could define an inductive type for the four vertices.

Johan Commelin (Jul 10 2018 at 12:36):

And it will allow you to define your function encoding the graph with matching.

Johan Commelin (Jul 10 2018 at 12:37):

Like Mario wrote above: inductive vertices | north_shore | west_island | ...

Hoang Le Truong (Jul 10 2018 at 12:38):

Thank you for that. I understood

Johan Commelin (Jul 10 2018 at 12:38):

So, that is the same thing as your first method, except Mario's suggestion is more readable

Johan Commelin (Jul 10 2018 at 12:38):

(For people who have walked through Koenigsberg...; or those who looked at the map on Wikipedia...)

Johan Commelin (Jul 10 2018 at 12:41):

Ok, so, afterwards you have to prove that the thing is undirected, and then you have to show us the formalisation of "Euler walk"

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC