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Topic: Dependent hell

Sebastien Gouezel (Feb 18 2019 at 21:27):

I realize I don't know what to do with dependent types, even the most basic things. Some context: I am building inductively a sequence of more and more complicated metric spaces. In this construction, the metric at each step is constructed from the metric at the previous step, but I am not able to convince Lean of this. I have minimized my problem in the following example:

structure aux : Type 1 :=
(space  : Type)
(metric : metric_space space)

noncomputable def my_def (X :   Type) [m : n, metric_space (X n)] : n:, aux
| 0 :=
  { space := X 0,
    metric := by apply_instance }
| (succ n) := by letI : metric_space (my_def n).space := (my_def n).metric; exact
  { space := prod (my_def n).space (X n.succ),
    metric := by apply_instance }

lemma foo (X :   Type) [m : n, metric_space (X n)] (n : ) : true :=
  letI : k, metric_space (my_def X k).space := λk, (my_def X k).metric,
  have E : prod (my_def X n).space (X n.succ) = (my_def X n.succ).space,
    by simp [my_def],
  have : x y:(my_def X n).space, z:X n.succ,
    dist (prod.mk x z) (prod.mk y z) = dist (cast E (prod.mk x z)) (cast E (prod.mk y z)) :=
    assume x y z,

Here, aux is a structure containing a Type and a metric structure on it, and my_def constructs inductively new metric spaces, by taking the product of the previous one with X n, so that my_def X (n.succ) = prod (my_def X n) (X n.succ), with the same metric. Of course, I only have equality of types, so if I want to express that the distances are the same I need to use a cast. But then I don't know how to prove that the distances are the same, while this is precisely what the definition of my_def does. Probably I miss the good keywords, or a pointer to the relevant chapter in TPIL (or to some part of the library where this game is played). Any idea?

Chris Hughes (Feb 18 2019 at 21:39):

If you can make my_def X (n.succ) = prod (my_def X n) (X n.succ) definitional, then you won't need cast.

Reid Barton (Feb 18 2019 at 21:40):

I don't understand how it's not definitional already

Rob Lewis (Feb 18 2019 at 21:40):

It is actually definitional.

Reid Barton (Feb 18 2019 at 21:40):

you can prove E by begin dsimp [my_def], refl end but not by rfl

Rob Lewis (Feb 18 2019 at 21:40):

You can replace the simp [my_def] with unfold my_def.

Rob Lewis (Feb 18 2019 at 21:41):

And you don't need the cast Es.

Chris Hughes (Feb 18 2019 at 21:42):

But isn't this space just Π i : fin n, X n?

Kevin Buzzard (Feb 18 2019 at 21:43):

fin (n+1) but yes

Sebastien Gouezel (Feb 18 2019 at 21:43):

Yes, of course, it is just Π i : fin n, X n in this simple example, but in my real use-case, it is something much more complicated.

Kenny Lau (Feb 18 2019 at 21:44):

oh man, inductive-recursive types

Kenny Lau (Feb 18 2019 at 21:44):

probably just recurse on a sigma type

Chris Hughes (Feb 18 2019 at 21:45):

I had this problem with splitting fields. The other thing you can do is define the Type and all the definitions you need to prove everything else in one definition

Chris Hughes (Feb 18 2019 at 21:45):

This is the type of my definition of splitting fields.

Π {n : } {α : Type u} [discrete_field α] (f : by exactI polynomial α)
  (hf : by exactI nat_degree f = n), by exactI Σ' (β : Type u) [discrete_field β] (i : α  β)
  [by exactI is_field_hom i], (by exactI splits i f)

Chris Hughes (Feb 18 2019 at 21:47):

Unfortunately this did give me universe issues defining the map from a splitting field, so I still had to make sure the equation lemmas were definitional, and define the map by unfolding the definition.

Sebastien Gouezel (Feb 18 2019 at 21:49):

Isn't my definition one single definition? I mean, I only define one function my_def. Or does the fact that it is structure-valued mean that I have two intertwined definitions?

Sebastien Gouezel (Feb 18 2019 at 21:50):

probably just recurse on a sigma type

Could you elaborate a little bit, please?

Chris Hughes (Feb 18 2019 at 21:50):

I'm saying define the space and every property you need about the space together.

Chris Hughes (Feb 18 2019 at 21:50):

Or at least enough properties to deduce everything else.

Chris Hughes (Feb 18 2019 at 21:55):

With a load of nested Sigmas.

Reid Barton (Feb 18 2019 at 21:56):

It works better if you don't use the equation compiler

noncomputable def my_def (X :   Type) [m : n, metric_space (X n)] (n:) : aux :=
nat.rec_on n
  { space := X 0,
    metric := by apply_instance }
(λ n a,
  { space := prod a.space (X n.succ),
    metric := by letI : metric_space a.space := a.metric; apply_instance })

lemma foo (X :   Type) [m : n, metric_space (X n)] (n : ) : true :=
  letI : k, metric_space (my_def X k).space := λk, (my_def X k).metric,
  have E : prod (my_def X n).space (X n.succ) = (my_def X n.succ).space := rfl,
  have : x y:(my_def X n).space, z:X n.succ,
    dist (prod.mk x z) (prod.mk y z) = dist (cast E (prod.mk x z)) (cast E (prod.mk y z)) :=
    assume x y z,

Reid Barton (Feb 18 2019 at 21:56):

I think I also ran into this here: https://github.com/rwbarton/lean-homotopy-theory/blob/lean-3.4.2/src/homotopy_theory/topological_spaces/disk_sphere.lean#L11

Reid Barton (Feb 18 2019 at 21:56):

I don't understand why it matters

Reid Barton (Feb 18 2019 at 22:03):

Apparently the equation compiler uses something called nat.brec_on

Chris Hughes (Feb 18 2019 at 22:03):

nat.brec_on usually produces definition stuff.

Sebastien Gouezel (Feb 18 2019 at 22:03):

Amazing. And it also works in my real use case!

Kevin Buzzard (Feb 18 2019 at 22:36):

def f :   
| 0 := 3
| (n+1) := f n + n

example : f 0 = 3 := rfl
example : f 1 = 3 := rfl
example : f 2 = 4 := rfl

#print f._main -- nat.brec_on stuff

Simple use case with equation compiler still giving me rfl proofs.

Kevin Buzzard (Feb 18 2019 at 22:37):

So what's the difference in Sebastien's case?

Kevin Buzzard (Feb 18 2019 at 22:42):

But indeed, replacing my_def in Reid's code with

noncomputable def my_def (X :   Type) [m : n, metric_space (X n)] :   aux
| 0 :=
  { space := X 0,
    metric := by apply_instance }
| (n + 1) :=
  { space := prod (my_def n).space (X n.succ),
    metric := by letI : metric_space (my_def n).space := (my_def n).metric; apply_instance }

breaks the rfl proof of E

Kevin Buzzard (Feb 18 2019 at 22:45):

Complete code in case anyone wants to fiddle

import topology.metric_space.basic

structure aux : Type 1 :=
(space  : Type)
(metric : metric_space space)

-- use nat.rec instead and things are better
noncomputable def my_def (X :   Type) [m : n, metric_space (X n)] :   aux
| 0 :=
  { space := X 0,
    metric := by apply_instance }
| (n + 1) :=
  { space := prod (my_def n).space (X n.succ),
    metric := by letI : metric_space (my_def n).space := (my_def n).metric; apply_instance }

lemma foo (X :   Type) [m : n, metric_space (X n)] (n : ) : true :=
  letI : k, metric_space (my_def X k).space := λk, (my_def X k).metric,
  have E : prod (my_def X n).space (X n.succ) = (my_def X n.succ).space := rfl, -- fails
  have : x y:(my_def X n).space, z:X n.succ,
    dist (prod.mk x z) (prod.mk y z) = dist (cast E (prod.mk x z)) (cast E (prod.mk y z)) :=
    assume x y z,

Kevin Buzzard (Feb 18 2019 at 22:46):

import topology.metric_space.basic

structure aux : Type 1 :=
(space  : Type)
(metric : metric_space space)

noncomputable def my_def (X :   Type) [m : n, metric_space (X n)] (n:) : aux :=
nat.rec_on n
  { space := X 0,
    metric := by apply_instance }
(λ n a,
  { space := prod a.space (X n.succ),
    metric := by letI : metric_space a.space := a.metric; apply_instance })

lemma foo (X :   Type) [m : n, metric_space (X n)] (n : ) : true :=
  letI : k, metric_space (my_def X k).space := λk, (my_def X k).metric,
  have E : prod (my_def X n).space (X n.succ) = (my_def X n.succ).space := rfl, -- works
  have : x y:(my_def X n).space, z:X n.succ,
    dist (prod.mk x z) (prod.mk y z) = dist (cast E (prod.mk x z)) (cast E (prod.mk y z)) :=
    assume x y z,

Mario Carneiro (Feb 19 2019 at 00:51):

why is my_def noncomputable?

Reid Barton (Feb 19 2019 at 00:53):

because the product metric involves doing something with reals

Mario Carneiro (Feb 19 2019 at 01:02):

I think the noncomputable marker has something to do with why it doesn't compute. Minimized:

noncomputable def my_def (X :   Type) :   Type
| 0 := X 0
| (nat.succ n) := prod (my_def n) (X n.succ)

example (X :   Type) (n : ) :
  my_def X (nat.succ n) = (my_def X n × X (nat.succ n)) := rfl -- fails

Mario Carneiro (Feb 19 2019 at 01:03):

If you use my_def._main in place of my_def, it works

Mario Carneiro (Feb 19 2019 at 01:04):

even though these are defined to be the same

Mario Carneiro (Feb 19 2019 at 01:05):

@Sebastien Gouezel Is it possible to define the type before putting the metric space structure on it?

Mario Carneiro (Feb 19 2019 at 01:06):

In the case of my_def at least, the space component does not depend on the metric component so they can be defined in that order rather than as a sigma

Mario Carneiro (Feb 19 2019 at 01:08):

hm, even my_def X n = my_def._main X n := rfl fails

Mario Carneiro (Feb 19 2019 at 01:12):

Aha, whnf `(my_def X n) returns my_def X n without unfolding anything

Mario Carneiro (Feb 19 2019 at 01:12):

I think lean thinks my_def is some kind of irreducible

Sebastien Gouezel (Feb 19 2019 at 08:24):

In my real use case, the definition is noncomputable because it doesn't work without it :) With the equation compiler, I get the complain

equation compiler failed to generate bytecode for 'auxi._main'
nested exception message:
code generation failed, VM does not have code for 'classical.indefinite_description'

So I need to add noncomputable (even though I am already in a noncomputable theory). With the nat.rec_on version, however, I do not need to add it.

Sebastien Gouezel (Feb 19 2019 at 08:25):

@Sebastien Gouezel Is it possible to define the type before putting the metric space structure on it?

This would solve all my problems, sure, but this is not possible in my real use case: the definition of the type at step n+1 depends on the metric at step n.

Kenny Lau (Feb 19 2019 at 08:26):

@Sebastien Gouezel what is this mysterious use case?

Sebastien Gouezel (Feb 19 2019 at 08:32):

There is an optimal way to glue two metric spaces together, to minimize their Hausdorff distance in the coupling. I have a sequence of metric spaces X n, and I want to build a metric space in which each X n is glued to X (n+1) in the optimal way. Start from Y 0 = X 0. Then glue optimally X 1 to X 0, to get Y 1 (with an isometrically embedded copy of X 1). Then glue the optimal coupling of X 1 and X 2 to Y 1 along the space X 1 that they both contain. This gives you a space Y 2 (with an isometrically embedded copy of X 2). Go on like this to get Y 3, Y 4 and so on. Note that each Y n is isometrically embedded in each Y (n+1). Then take the inductive limit of the Y n, and you get the desired space.

All this is useful to show that the space of all nonempty compact metric spaces (a well behaved metric space, called the Gromov Hausdorff space), is complete: the X n will be a Cauchy sequence in the Gromov Hausdorff space, and I am constructing its limit.

Mario Carneiro (Feb 19 2019 at 08:38):

Is the gluing a disjoint union or a nondisjoint union or something in between?

Sebastien Gouezel (Feb 19 2019 at 08:41):

Something in between, and non-explicit: an optimal predistance is constructed on the disjoint union to minimize the Hausdorff distance functional, by applying Arzela-Ascoli to show that a minimizer exists. It satisfies all properties of a distance, except that different points can be at zero distance. Then quotient by the natural equivalence relation "being at zero distance" to get the desired metric space. This is highly noncomputable...

Mario Carneiro (Feb 19 2019 at 08:42):

So the short story is it's a quotient of a disjoint union of X 0 and X 1

Kenny Lau (Feb 19 2019 at 08:43):

actually I bet you can make it "computable"

Mario Carneiro (Feb 19 2019 at 08:43):

I'm not sure if this is better, but you could start with the disjoint union, and construct the equivalence relation and the metric space together in your recursion

Mario Carneiro (Feb 19 2019 at 08:44):

that way the type itself is set up beforehand

Mario Carneiro (Feb 19 2019 at 08:44):

Alternatively, maybe we should get into pseudometrics?

Mario Carneiro (Feb 19 2019 at 08:45):

it occurs to me that we have a lot of natural pseudometric spaces

Sebastien Gouezel (Feb 19 2019 at 08:49):

I could definitely do everything with premetric spaces. By the way, they are already in mathlib, see topology/metric_space/premetric/. But Reid's trick to avoid the equation compiler and use nat.rec_on works perfectly for me, so I am back on track!

Patrick Massot (Feb 19 2019 at 12:59):

@Sebastien Gouezel I have two pieces of advice for you: first you could go to https://lean-forward.github.io/lean-together/2019/#videos and watch Reid's talk in Amsterdam. But my main advice is you should walk for 30 meters and talk to @Assia Mahboubi about your problem, and then report back here.

Sebastien Gouezel (Feb 19 2019 at 14:44):

Are you sure Assia is spending her holidays in the same ski resort? :) But I don't have any problem left, thanks to Reid!

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC