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Topic: Dependent sum with Prop

Harrison Grodin (Dec 06 2019 at 00:21):

I'm trying to write a list merging function which, given two lists and an included proof that each is nondecreasing, produces a result list and a proof that it's also nondecreasing. While I think I have some idea of how to tackle it implementation-wise, I can't seem to get the types to line up (especially wrt pi/sigma vs. forall/exists). Here's a sketch of my current setup (with a bit of pseudocode in the merge type itself):

inductive nondecreasing : list ℕ → Prop
| nil    : nondecreasing []
| single : Π {x : ℕ}, nondecreasing [x]
| zip    : Π {x y : ℕ} {xs : list ℕ}, x ≤ y → nondecreasing (y :: xs) → nondecreasing (x :: y :: xs)

def merge : Π (x y : Σ l, nondecreasing l), Σ l' : list ℕ, nondecreasing (list.append x.l y.l) l' := sorry

Is there any way I can make this (or something like it) work?

Harrison Grodin (Dec 06 2019 at 00:23):

The main issue with this approach, afaict, is the distinction between Prop and Type ?:

has type
  list ℕ → Prop : Type
but is expected to have type
  list ℕ → Type ? : Type (?+1)

Harrison Grodin (Dec 06 2019 at 00:31):

If I use a Σ, it complains about Prop being invalid, but if I use a , I'm unable to unpack the actual list itself... I think this is due to the special casing on Prop?

Harrison Grodin (Dec 06 2019 at 00:32):

(Apologies if this is a silly question - seems like it could be...)

Mario Carneiro (Dec 06 2019 at 00:48):

Use Σ'

Mario Carneiro (Dec 06 2019 at 00:48):

or {l | nondecreasing l}

Harrison Grodin (Dec 06 2019 at 00:59):

Oh, that's perfect! Thanks.

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC